Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

Terror - The 25th Hour (Asia Pressing) Digipack 2015

Terror - The 25th Hour (Asia Pressing)
Samstrong Records Digipack 2015

01 The 25th Hour 01:23
02 No Time For Fools 01:35
03 Bad Signs 01:13
04 Feed The Rats 01:10
05 The Solution 01:53
06 Blinded By The Lights 02:29
07 Trust No Face 01:06
08 Why? 01:39
09 Mind At War 01:32
10 Snap 01:16
11 Sick And Tired 01:10
12 Life Goes On 02:24
13 Both Of You 02:09
14 Deep Rooted 02:05

Scott Vogel - Vocals
Jordan Posner - Guitar
Martin Stewart - Guitar
David Wood - Bass
Nick Jett - Drums

Los Angeles Hardcore Outfit TERROR bentukan sejak tahun 2002 kembali meng-injeksi Gairah baru-nya dengan Album ke-6 Via Victory Records dan didistrubusikan lebih luas oleh Rekanan label, Century Media Records yang sebelumnya juga telah 2 kali merilis album Terror. Ini akan menambah Gairah panas lagi buat Band yang ingin membawa sukses kembali Materi-materi awal seperti era " One with the Underdogs " serta " Always the Hard Way ", Yupz Terror semangat baru siap sekali menyuntikkan darah segar. Their sound is as Bruising as the genre offers and their Nihilistic attitude Oozes Hard Truths and Grim Reality and wanted to return to their Roots. Sebuah momen yang tepat banget ketika " The 25th Hour " menjadi Solusi paling dinanti Hardcore Kidz yang kepingin menikmati kembali Onfire Hardcore mereka dari era 90-an. The 25th Hour is one Generally expects from the genre, you aren’t getting anything here which they haven’t given you before. This is a Continuation of their Indubitably Uncompromising Melee of Juggernaut Riffs, Crushing Breakdowns and Furious barking vocals, and if you’ve already Decided they aren’t up your Street then nothing here will Change your mind. Yeahh, This is more the Manifesto they set for themselves The whole thing feels Urgent and Powerful !!! ... memang Menjadi Debut yang paling dinantikan, dan band sendiri mengerjakan materi yang telah 2 tahun dipersiapkan dengan matang sejak Bulan Januari 2015 di Buzzbomb Soundlabs dengan Menggandeng Enjiner Paul Miner, sementara proses mixingnya oleh Tom Soares di Reel 4 Reel dan Masteringnya oleh Drew Lavyne. Menikmati Rude Awakening Hardcore with Positive Crew Terror, Beruntung Banget Samstrong Records kemudian merilis Pressing Khusus untuk kawasan Asia dengan Eksklusif Lisensi Century Media Records. ... And the band leaves you with very little time to catch your breath, let's Check the New Pride !!!

The Twenty Filth Hour Strike With " The 25th Hour ", Little Anthemic Song yang bener-bener akan menjebak kuat Attitude Hardcore Kidz kedalam Moshpit Circle untuk tak sedikitpun beranjak dalam pesta liar enerjik ini. TERROR still Reticent to Compromise their Approach, but unlike so many others they manage to keep within their style Guide without ever sounding worn out or Irrelevant. 5 Bait Lirik untuk Ber-sing a long Foreplay cukuplah sekedar melemaskan otot, karena Track-track berikutnya siap menjerat hebat Audience pasti dalam lautan peluh dan keringat ! " No Time For Fools ", As infamously unpredictable vocalist Scott Vogel puts it on the second track in, “No time, no time for fools, ain’t got no time, no time for you”. Komposisi Dramatis yang masih perkasa Menghipnotis hampir pada setiap Lick serta Beat-nya tetap enjoy sekali, Seperti merasakan kembali bagaimana jerat perkasa gaya Madball. Vocalis Scott Vogel masih menjadi Icon penting paling provokatif, Karena idealisme yang masih menjaga Konsep Terror dengan Hardcore yang " Pure " serta " Fun " untuk cintanya kepada Stagedives dengan Style khas seperti Mengolok-ngolok, bertingkah aneh dan lucu, yang kemudian Moshpiter menyebutnya sebagai " Vogelisms ". Sehingga memang Gw lebih menikmati tidak hampir setiap Komposisi lagu, namun juga Instrumennya yang terus memprovokasi dalam Suasana " Just Enjoy " secara Kontinyu. This keeps the album moving right along, but there are also plenty of breakdowns to change things up. At times the transitions between the fast parts and breakdowns feel a little rushed ! Masih menjadi Konsep, jika durasi Track Terror tidak akan membuat Audience Kepayahan dalam merespon, setidak-nya menjaga terus Perasaan " Hangat " ketika menikmati aransemennya. " Bad Signs ", Hardcore Punk beat kental yang renyah dan Enerjik, where they shift on a sixpence from a Mid-paced Breakdown into an Absolute Freight train of a verse which simply Bowls you over. Memutar terus komposisi yang easy listening banget menjadi Komunikasi intens dengan Moshpit Stagedives dari tempo dinamis perlahan siap mencapai Klimaks seperti pada Lagu " Feed The Rats ". kemudian " The Solution " tak lelah mengantar Unity yang Indah ini masih dengan Peluh keringat bercucuran. karena menikmati semua ini tidak dengan telinga saja, namun dengan fisik yang bergerak kuat mengikuti terus Adrenalin yang bergejolak hebat ketika Aransemen berhasil memprovokasi. Siap terjebak dalam Anthemic " Blinded By The Lights ", bagaimana Tradisi Style seperti ini menambah pecah pesta liar antara band dengan Stagedives. Secara Berabab tempo Terror naik turun demi menjadi Power Kebersamaan ini tidak langsung mengantar pada titik Klimaks-nya saat " Trust No Face " agak sedikit mengendurkan Otot yang kaku, karena " Why? " sudah siap kembali menenggelamkan Kegembiraan selanjutnya. Bringing a hard as nails Attitude and Mentality to the table, while Sounding Cohesive, Progressive within their own right, and just as angry as ever. Sometimes, a second helping of the same thing isn’t the worst thing in the world, but maybe just the thing you need from a band like Terror. Terror Juga membuat Video clip untuk Promo Album ini dengan Track " Mind At War " seperti prediksi Gw sebelumnya, jika Suasana akan lebih pecah kembali dengan Tempo yang Terus membakar ! begitu juga dengan " Snap ". While recording, they said that if something was too long, it would be trimmed down, and if it was too slow, it would be speed up. dan lagu " Sick And Tired " menulis tentang seorang posers yang memakai kekerasan seperti style fashion dan mengharapkan pujian sekali untuk berada di sebuah band hardcore, baca liriknya " Your record sales and all that nonsense, you wanna be a rockstar go do it someplace else ", sebuah Pukulan Telak bagi sebuah Integritas dan Nilai Etika rasanya. " Life Goes On " di mana semua transisi ini dijalani dengan sempurna, dan kalian akan berhenti ketika mempertanyakan mereka. Komposisi breakdowns tempo sederhana cukuplah untuk terus memanggang kita dengan Belenggu dan tetap bersama-sama. ga terasa memang jika kita terlalu menikmati sekali setiap Komposisi emosionalnya Hampir selama 24 menit ini dengan 14 lagu yang tersusun sekali (lagi) lebih Provokatif. All is " The Most High " sets the pace of the record with a Mid-Tempo Groove and Head Bobbing Riffs instead of the Assaulting, Circle pit Influencing style of Hardcore that Terror has done quite well.

Meskipun Terror sendiri tidak benar-benar melakukan apa-apa secara drastis ataupun berbeda pada Album Ke-6 ini, Terror telah berhasil mengevaluasi kembali segala sesuatu yang mereka lakukan sejauh ini, tetap berbaur bersama-sama, dan mengeluarkan yang terbaik dari apa yang mereka punya. dipastikan sekali Jika Kalian adalah Fans Terror, you probably already picked this one up ! Tapi sebagai seseorang yang mungkin tidak terbiasa Menyukai Konsep Hardcore yang berat, Gw masih Optimis meninggalkan kesan dengan apa yang Gw dengar, Karena Terror masih layak mendapat kehormatan menjadi salah satu " The Top Hardcore Acts of the Day " !!! album ke-6 ini juga menjadi Dedikasi untuk Mendiang Raymond Barbieri Aka " Raybeez ", Frontman New York hardcore punk WARZONE, Scenester Hardcore yang banyak memberi Kontribusi terhadap Evolusinya. Samstrong Records tentu masih dikenal Package Bombastis rilisnya tetap begitu sangat menggoda jiwa Kolektor, apalagi untuk rilisan keren ini hadir dengan Digipack Exclusive lengkap dengan Bonus Poster jumbo-nya, tidak semata untuk memanjakan, namun ini adalah bentuk penghargaan terbaiknya. Terror fans would be disappointed by anything else, thus this is Terror true to form is a great continuation of the music that Terror makes a Philosophy that never lets up and one that will never fade away, very much what this record is, a Testament to their love of Hardcore. AND NEVER TIRED TO PLAY MOSH HARDCORE !!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, for use Google Translate here)

Los Angeles Hardcore TERROR Outfit formation since 2002 came back to his new passion injection with the Sixth Album Via Victory Records and wider dispensed by Partner label, Century Media Records has previously released the album Terror 2 times. This will add more hot passion for the band who wants to bring success back materials early as the era of "One with the Underdogs" and "Always the Hard Way", Yupz Terror ready once inject a new spirit of fresh blood. Their sound is as bruising as the genre offers and their Nihilistic attitude oozes Hard Truths and Grim Reality and wanted to return to Reviews their Roots. A very precise moment when "The 25th Hour" became the most anticipated Solutions Hardcore Kidz who want to enjoy their Hardcore OnFire back from the 90s. The 25th Hour is Generally one expects from the genre, you are not getting anything here the which they have not given you before. This is a Continuation of Reviews their Indubitably Uncompromising Melee of Juggernaut riffs, Crushing Breakdowns and Furious barking vocals, and if you've already Decided they are not up your Street then nothing will Change your mind here. Yeahh, This is more the Manifesto they set for Themselves The whole thing feels Urgent and Powerful !!! ... Indeed become the most anticipated debut, and the band's own work on material that has been 2 years prepared carefully since January 2015 in Buzzbomb Soundlabs with Holding Engineer Paul Miner, while the process mixing by Tom Soares in Reel 4 Reel and Mastering by Drew Lavyne , Rude Awakening enjoy with Positive Hardcore Terror Crew, Lucky Banget Samstrong Pressing Records then released Especially for the Asian region with Exclusive License Century Media Records. ... And the band leaves you with very little time to catch your breath, let's check the New Pride !!!

The Twenty Filth Hour Strike With "The 25th Hour", Little anthemic Song that was really going to trap powerful Hardcore Attitude Kidz into the moshpit Circle for not the slightest move in this energetic wild party. TERROR still Reticent to Compromise Reviews their approach, but unlike so many others they manage to keep within Guide Reviews their style without ever sounding worn out or Irrelevant. 5 Bait Lyrics for sing a long foreplay just enough muscle relaxes, as Track-next track ready to ensnare the great Audience definitely in a sea of ??sweat and sweat! "No Time For Fools", As infamously unpredictable vocalist Scott Vogel puts it on the second track in, "No time, no time for fools, is not got no time, no time for you". Dramatic composition is still mighty Hypnotize almost every Lick and his Beat still enjoy all, like to feel again how powerful style meshes Madball. Vocalist Scott Vogel still the Icon important most provocative, because idealism that still maintain the concept of Terror with Hardcore that "Pure" and "Fun" for his love for Stagedives with Style typical as mocked, acting weird and funny, which then Moshpiter called it " Vogelisms ". I more so does not enjoy nearly every song composition, but also The instrument which continues to provoke in a Atmosphere "Just Enjoy" is Continuous. This keeps the album moving right along, but there are Also plenty of breakdowns to change things up. At times the transitions between the fast parts and breakdowns feel a little rushed! Is still a concept, if the duration of the Track Terror will not make the Audience difficulty in responding, at his guard constantly feeling "warm" when enjoying the arrangements. "Bad Signs", Hardcore Punk beat creamy crisp and energetic, where they shift on a sixpence from a Mid-paced Breakdown into an Absolute Freight train of a verse roomates simply Bowls you over. Rotate continuously compositions easy listening really become intense communication with moshpit Stagedives of dynamic tempo slowly ready to reach climax as in the song "Feed The Rats". then "The Solution" relentlessly drove Beautiful Unity is still with sweat pouring sweat. for enjoying all of this not with the ear alone, but with a strong physical moves follow the continued turbulent Adrenalin great when Lineup successfully provoke. Ready to get caught up in the anthemic "Blinded By The Lights", how Tradition Style like this adds a wild party broke out between band with Stagedives. Terror in Berabab tempo up and down in order to become Power of Togetherness is not directly lead to the climax of his point when the "Trust No Face" slightly loosen stiff muscles, because the "Why?" Is ready to re-submerging the next excitement. Bringing a hard as nails Attitude and Mentality to the table, while Sounding cohesive, Progressive within Reviews their own right, and just as angry as ever. Sometimes, a second helping of the same thing is not the worst thing in the world, but maybe just the thing you need from a band like Terror. Terror also make video clip for this Track Promo Album "Mind At War" as predicted earlier Gw, if the atmosphere will be broken again with Tempo Continues to burn! as well as the "Snap". While recording, they said that if something was too long, it would be trimmed down, and if it was too slow, it would be speed up. and the song "Sick And Tired" wrote about the posers who use violence as style fashion and expect praise once to be in a hardcore band, read the lyrics "Your record sales and all that nonsense, you wanna be a rockstar go do it someplace else" , a blow for an Integrity and Ethical Values ??taste. "Life Goes On" in which all these transitions lived perfectly, and you will stop when questioning them. Komposis tempo breakdowns modest enough to keep on toasting us with shackles and stick together. No feels indeed if we too enjoy once every Composition emotional Nearly for 24 minutes with 14 songs composed once (again) more provocative. All is "The Most High" sets the pace of the record with a Mid-Tempo Groove and Head Bobbing riffs instead of the assaulting, Circle pit Influencing style of Hardcore Terror that has done quite well.

Although the Terror itself was not really doing anything drastic or different on the album All 6's, Terror has managed to re-evaluate everything they have done so far, still blend together, and bring out the best of what they've got , certainly all If You are a Fan Terror, you probably already picked this one up! But as someone who might not be familiar concept Liking heavy Hardcore, Gw still Optimistic leave an impression with what Gw heard, Because Terror still deserves the honor of being one of "The Top Hardcore Acts of the Day" !!! 6th album is also a dedication to late Raymond Barbieri aka "Raybeez", frontman New York hardcore punk Warzone, Hardcore Scenester lot to give contribution to evolution. Samstrong Records certainly still known Package bombastic release remains so very tempting soul collector, especially for this release comes with a cool digipack complete with Bonus Poster Exclusive jumbo her, not merely to indulge, but this is the best form of appreciation. Terror fans would be disappointed by anything else, Thus this is Terror true to form is a great continuation of the music that Terror makes a Philosophy that never lets up and one that will never fade away, very much what this record is, a Testament to Reviews their love of hardcore. AND NEVER TIRED TO PLAY MOSH HARDCORE !!!

CHECK TERROR Official Video Clip " Mind At War "

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