Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

Nature Depravity - Ripping, Mangling The Fresh Cadaver ' Demo 2015

Nature Depravity - Ripping, Mangling The Fresh Cadaver
Dismembered Records ' Demo 2015

01 Gerbang 01:30    
02 Mentari Belati 02:46    
03 Neraka Belantara 02:50

Dismembered Records tidak akan pernah berhenti melumuri singgasana-nya dengan Darah segar pembantaian Musikal. Roster yang masih dipenuhi dengan The Mega Blaster tempo, masih menjadi Acuan Referensi Produk tersendiri ketika Irama Detak jantung harus terpompa lebih cepat dengan sajian nada berat. Apalagi Package Produksi yang dikerjakan tidak asal asalan memang akan memberi kepuasan titik terbaik for the True BDM Kolektor tanah air. Nama NATURE DEPRAVITY telah menjadi Katalog fresh yang siap meluluh lantakkan Indera Dengar fans musik berisik dengan Gempuran Dominasi Blastbeat dari Kota Palangkaraya, Kalimantan tengah, Especially for fans Liturgy, Cinerary, Disgorge, Orchidectomy hingga Warna Bombardir Brodequin diblend menjadi Amunisi perdana Berdarah yang mereka goreskan secara Kejam lewat Debut Demo Profesional dengan 3 track didalamnya. Celestial Excruciations and a Prelate Attrition are a Slicing example. Also add the Raw Sound and the loud bell Cymbal sound and you have a Chaotic Atmosphere going on. Sebuah sajian yang akan mengiris perlahan denyut nadi dengan Sound tajam. Aransemen yang lebih Kompleks serta dinamis kayaknya sedikit banyak akan membikin Adem Kuping meski terjangan Puting beliung beat-nya seperti akan memecahkan gendang telinga. Konspirasi kental gaya riffing Disgorge dengan Dentum hyperblast snare ala Brodequin memancar cukup signifikan pada karakter Role-nya. Achieving massive amounts of brutality with heavy as fuck riffs and catchy melodies, adding some insane note bending once in a while and adding Hundreds of Characteristic guitar Screeches that keep you listening all the time, Intense High and Crunchy ! mencici hidangan pembuka adalah " Gerbang ", Intensitas Blastbeat yang kemudian meledak hebat secara langsung tanpa ba-bi-bu seperti kekuatan hebat sang eksekutor dari Neraka Jahanam. Pummeling and Chugging Riffing tertata apik berjalan kompak dengan Kombinasi drumming yang tepat, meski Level Heavy-nya sendiri kurang tertunjang pada Level Bass drum yang tenggelam dan kering, sehingga Gw lebih hanya mendengar Bunyi Snare Drum dan Cymbal saja, padahal Sound style Riffing andalan banget Komposisi-nya. Absolutely Definitely Brutal and Punishing to the Ears. pada Part akhirnya (Pada detik ke 53), Band memadukan Permainan alat petik musik Tradisional Etnis Suku Dayak yang kental. dan " Mentari Belati " adalah track selanjutnya yang pecah hebat membabi buta dan sangat menyiksa. masih dominasi Blastbeat tempo, Slicing Riffing Tajam dan Deep Guttural Gurgling Vokill-nya cukup berbahaya untuk terlewatkan. dengan Pattern Vokal yang rapat, seperti Mengikuti terus Skema Riffing serta Beat-nya, jelas Karakternya ini Powerfully dan ber-stamina banget. Kind of nearly Improvising some Crushing Brutal riffs in between other Catchier and more Rhytmically Structured Sections. memang secara detail gw mendengar Aransemen Band yang tersusun adalah Partisi BDM Guttural yang Berat, Matang dan Berbahaya ! terutama ketika gw mencermati banget Draft Riff Sophisticate dengan sound yang Crunchy sekali mencoba berpadu kompak dengan Drum Skill yang selalu memberikan tempo tepat dan cepat. dan Track " Neraka Belantara " kemudian mau tak mau harus menyudahi Demo BDM Bagus ini. Progres mengerikan memang yang ditawarkan band asal Palangkara ini jika kita menengok perkembangan BDM 10 Tahun yang lalu, ternyata ga salah jika perkembangan Indonesian BDM menjadi Incaran Aktifitas Produksi hingga mancanegara. Meski sayang, Gw cuman bisa mencicipi 3 track yang tidak sampai menelan Durasi 8 menit, Sample produk berbahaya untuk Fans BDM dengan Guttural Vokill untuk tidak melewatkannya. it's Definitely a Good Starting place for the Genre, along with Heaps of Awesome Riffs. Artwork Gory Karya Aghy R. Purakusuma masih menambah Poin Keren rilisan demo yang dengan Package Profesional with CD Pro-nya. Well, rasakan sendiri Instrumen Penyiksa Intens Trio Pembantai Harmonisasi akan sekejab Melumat hancur lewat Distorsi sangat Memekakkan. This Constant Barrage of Fast and Aggressive playing makes listening to Ripping, Mangling The Fresh Cadaver a very Intense and Brutal Experience and I'd Describe it as a Deeply Primal, Testosterone Drenched Adrenaline thrill Ride. Urrrrghhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, for use Google Translate here)

Dismembered Records will never stop smearing his throne with fresh blood Musical slaughter. Roster is still filled with the Mega Blaster tempo, still the Reference Product Reference heartbeat rhythm of its own when it should be pumped more quickly with a dish heavy tone. Moreover Package Production is done not random origin will indeed give satisfaction for the best point BDM Collector True homeland. Name NATURE Depravity has been a catalog of fresh ready devastated Sense Hearing music fans noisy with strikes Dominance Blastbeat from Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, Especially for fans Liturgy, cinerary, Disgorge, Orchidectomy until hives bombardment Brodequin blend be Ammunition prime Dengue they scratched in Cruel passing Debut Demo Professionals with 3 tracks therein. Celestial Excruciations and a Prelate Attrition are a Slicing example. Also add the Raw Sound and the loud bell cymbal sound and you have a Chaotic Atmosphere going on. A dish that will slice slowly pulse with a sharp sound. Arrangements are more complex and dynamic seems a bit much will make cooling Ear although lunge Putting pickaxe beat her like will break the eardrum. Disgorge conspiracy thick riffing style with boom-style snare hyperblast Brodequin radiate significantly in character Role her. Achieving massive amounts of brutality with heavy as fuck riffs and catchy melodies, adding some insane note bending once in a while and adding Hundreds of Characteristic guitar screeches that keep you listening all the time, Intense High and Crunchy! mencici appetizer is the " Gerbang ", which later exploded Intensity great Blastbeat directly without ba-bi-bu as the executor of the great powers of Hell Hell. Pummeling and chugging riffing arranged beautifully run compact with the combination of drumming right, although Level Heavy its own less indigrement at Level Bass drum sunken and dry, so that I only heard sounds Snare Drum and Cymbal alone, whereas Sound style riffing mainstay really Composition -his. Definitely Absolutely brutal and punishing to the Ears. in Part eventually (In seconds to 53), Band combines traditional musical string instrument Dayak Ethnic thick. and "Mentari Belati " is the next track great who broke blindly and excruciating. domination still Blastbeat tempo, Slicing sharp riffing and Deep Guttural its gurgling Vokill dangerous enough to be missed. with Vocal Pattern dense, such as continued Scheme Following riffing and Beat her, this character is obviously Powerfully and air-stamina buildup. Kind of nearly improvising some Brutal Crushing riffs in between other catchier and more Rhytmically Structured Sections. indeed in detail gw hear Arrangement Band is composed Partition Guttural the weight BDM, Mature and Dangerous! especially when i look really Draft Riff Sophisticate with sound Crunchy once tried to chime compact with Drum Skill always provide precise and fast tempo. and Track " Neraka Belantara " then inevitably have to finish this Good BDM Demo. Progress terrible indeed offered Palangkara band from this if we look at the development BDM 10 Years ago, it was not wrong if the Indonesian development BDM be Coveted production activity to foreign countries. Although unfortunately, I can only taste the 3 tracks that were not up to swallow Duration 8 minutes, Sample harmful products for Fans BDM with Guttural Vokill to not miss it. it's Definitely a Good Starting place for the genre, along with Heaps of Awesome riffs. Artwork Gory work Aghy R. Purakusuma still add so cool points to release a demo CD Pro Package Professional with her. Well, feel yourself Intense Torture Instruments Trio Butchers Harmonization will instantly crushed destroyed through distortion is deafening. This Constant Barrage of Fast and Aggressive playing makes listening to Ripping, mangling The Fresh cadaver a very Intense and Brutal Experience and I'd Describe it as a Deeply Primal, Testosterone Drenched Ride Adrenaline thrill. Urrrrghhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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