Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Propaganda - The Mask Of Sanity CD

Propaganda - The Mask Of Sanity
Brute! Production CD 2015

01 Intro 00:57    
02 Brain Damage Persecuted 03:10    
03 Deliver Human Suffering 03:34    
04 Blasphemous Insanity Syndrome 02:56    
05 Maniacal Torture 03:41    
06 Butchery Decomposition Massacre 03:18    
07 Rejection Living Tortured 04:20    
08 The Mask of Sanity 04:21    
09 When Your Body Die (Gelgamesh cover) 01:37    
10 Decomposition (Outro) 00:24

Ari Peratama - Vocals
Stevanus Yanz - Guitars
Fajar Dian Pratama - Bass
Risky Muharam - Drums

Bogor City comes with Full Hyperblasting Insanity !!! ... Seperti berada dibawah guyuran hebat deras Hujan disertai dengan Sambaran Halilintarnya, Debut full pertama PROPAGANDA ini adalah Invasi Krusial Blastbeat Tempo tanpa henti. tone music Explosion, Destroying Fast, Thick depth, Guttural vocal sounds and Noised Characteristics make a strong decline of the music the band its self. ya, ini adalah bagaimana Propaganda drama Kehancuran yang mereka Invasi-kan dalam Debut full pertama tidak mengenal Kata ampun siksaannya sejak dikenalkan pada promo 2014. Materi Destruktif yang siap menambah hingar bingarnya Agresi BDM tanah air dengan komposisi lebih menerjang dan menerjang ! Indera kita pun sudah sangat mengantisipasi sekali rentetan senjata AK-47 tertanam sangat dominan pada ketukan Blastsnaring dari awal hingga akhir, in Higher regard is that it really finds the Perfect Balanced between the Genre's penchant for Brutality and the more Musical ! Rekomendasi sekali untuk fans berat in the vein-nya Gorgasm, Brodequin, Cerebral Effusion serta Disgorge, kekejaman ganda akan jadi Blend Jahat mengerikan ketika mengkonsumsi setiap Aransemen yang didukung dengan Kualitas sound Highlight, Keeping the Beats Organic and Rampant, the bass lines Audible and Instinctual Against the Rapid Churning and Spitting of the Rhythm Guitar.

Well, sebelum itu ada baiknya persiapkan dulu stamina irama Detak jantung elo agar tetap terjaga menghadapi Hempasan Teatrikal Blasting tempos, karena segala resiko akan menjadi Tanggung jawab masing-masing terhadap Konten berbahaya Produk Propaganda ini. dan bila sudah siap, prepare First with Foreplay time " Intro ". Instrumental Track selama 59 Detik seperti biasa menjadi pengenalan sekaligus pelemasan dan peregangan Otot sebelum menyiapkan fisik penuh dalam merespon ledakan hebat adrenalin musikal destruktif ! coz " Brain Damage Persecuted " akan menjadi Pemecah hebat awal Keheningan dan terror intens Otak. all the Balance of Riffing and tempo Variation here is superior the fact that they Simply move from riff to riff Systematically throughout every song makes the Entire material seem Completely Forgettable. Intensitas Riffing sound yang kental karakter Most BDM, adalah poin utama bagaimana Komposisi serta Kualitas Materi ini Gw rekomendasikan, Goodjob lagi untuk Dadi Beer atas kerja keras tangan dinginnya menggarap rekaman dengan Materi Potensial ini. Deep Gurgling Guttural Vokill Ari Peratama yang hampir menguasai semua Tempo dan pattern-nya lebih diantara Blocking Aransemen Riff serta Drumming, yess Alhasil sekali, Kombinasi Biadab siap menjadi Mimpi Buruk paling mencekam sepanjang membuka Mata. Goodwork juga untuk Gitaris Stevanus Yanz menginjeksi DM Riff Bloody Brutality yang menjadi Partner Jahat bareng Powerfully Mastertempo Drummer Risky Muharam. Jangan mengharap banyak jika Propaganda akan sering melemahkan diri dengan Midtempo kekejamannya selain siksaan berat Crushing Intensity ! This is more about Armed with a Stabmixer, Blowtorch and Various Assortment of Sharp Stabbing, Cutting and Piercing Implements ! " Deliver Human Suffering ", menjejali terus Blastsnare tanpa menyisakan rongga untuk bernafas sejenak ketika Gempuran Hebat itu Menyerang dengan sangat membabi buta. sementara Slamming Groovy menjadi Selingan Menarik untuk beberapa Detik yang melegakan. " Blasphemous Insanity Syndrome ", Keep All Purpose blasting and Rabid kick speeds which are Basically Mandatory when playing music of this nature. Konsentrasi Kuping Gw dari awal masih begitu menyimak sekali smashed Riff Sound yang menendang banget, Inducing Chainsaw for Splatter ! terdengar lebih simple untuk dicerna, karena beberapa kali Progres Bar mampu Gw prediksi Lick-nya, karena Gitaris Stevanus Yanz terdengar ingin kontinyu menyengatkan sentuhan Fleksibel dengan segala Pattern Drumming. Siksaan hebat telah diprediksi juga tiada akan pernah berhenti, " Maniacal Torture " dan " Butchery Decomposition Massacre " sebelumnya sudah lebih dulu mewakili Karakteristik Musikal berdarah sejak dikenalkan pada Promo 2014. is Simply more Fascinating playing at a Higher Speed and Transform what otherwise might have been a Damn Solid Effort into one that just barely Scrapes ! Bagi Propaganda sama sekali tidak ada Kompromi untuk menyerah berikutnya pada tempo yang terus melaju cepat, meski beberapa kali membuat rilex sejenak dengan Midtempo Slam and Groovy Intense Part. kekuatan maksimal Aransemen menjadi Muara kental Aliran darah yang terpompa jantung semakin terasakan di " The Mask of Sanity ", Memaksimalkan Eneji Powerfull untuk track yang hampir mewakili semua kekejaman Propaganda di Materi ini. This is Brutal Death Metal at its finest and most Unretarded Combination of the Killer Material and the Flawless Production, This is real Definitely worth the wait Onslaught ! Sebagai bentuk dedikasi terbaik untuk Pioner Scene Bogor, " When Your Body Die " -nya Gelgamesh dipresentasikan kembali kebiadabannya di setlist Penghabisan menjelang Closing Album. in Most Cases it Serves the Purpose of Adding a Huge layer of Chunky, Coagulated Thickness to the Sonic Spectrum. And Over all is Razor-Sharp attack only with Bludgeoning Sledgehammers coupled with Lethal intent to use such Force.

Sempurna dalam pembantaian Musikal telah menjadi Evaluasi keseluruhan Materi Barbarik ini. penyajian dengan Perhitungan Tepat adalah Poin tertinggi menjadi Ending Bagaimana debut ini memang Gw Rekomendasikan sekali. Penyusunan Komposisi cepat dan rapat, Sound yang Bagus dan produksi Maksimal, hampir tidak meninggalkan Banyak kekurangan meski ini bukan sesuatu yang Baru, ini adalah Sajian terbaik bagi DM movement yang kembali goreskan dalam catatan Berdarah. finished Artwork karya Tony Koehl menambah Drama Sadis Pembantaian Musikal Propaganda dari Konsep yang telah digagas Bassis Fajar dan Gilang. Fans fanatik Dominasi tempo barbar ala Gorgasm, Brodequin, Cerebral Effusion serta Disgorge, Album " The Mask Of Sanity " adalah Legacy Brutality terbaik ditahun 2015. with Odd time Signatures from time to time, this is their most Ambitious Effort in that Rregard, and the Results are, as the Cliche says " THIS IS A FUCKING BRUTAL ! "

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, for use Google Translate here)

Bogor City comes with Full hyperblasting Insanity !!! ... As is under great splash accompanied by torrential rains Lightning strikes, the first full debut PROPAGANDA is Crucial Blastbeat Invasion Tempo endlessly. Explosion music tone, Destroying Fast, Thick depth, Guttural vocal sounds and noised Characteristics make a strong decline of the music the band its self. yes, this is how the propaganda drama that their destruction in the invasion-the first full debut did not know the word forgiveness torment since introduced in 2014. promo material which is ready to add Destructive Aggression noisy bingarnya BDM homeland with compositions more crashing and crashing! Our senses were already highly anticipating a barrage of AK-47 embedded very dominant on the beat Blastsnaring from beginning to end, in Higher regard is that it really finds the Perfect Balanced between the genre's penchant for Brutality and the more Musical! Recommendation once to die-hard fans in the vein of his Gorgasm, Brodequin, Cerebral effusion and Disgorge, cruelty double would be Blend Wicked terrible when consumed every Arrangement supported with sound quality Highlight, Keeping the Beats Organic and Rampant, the bass lines Audible and instinctual Against the Rapid Churning and Spitting of the Rhythm Guitar.

Well, before that it is better to prepare first heartbeat rhythm elo stamina to stay awake face Theatrical Blasting pounding tempos, since all risks would be the responsibility of each of the harmful content of this propaganda products. and when it is ready, prepare First time with foreplay "Intro". Instrumental Track for 59 seconds as well as the ordinary into the introduction of relaxation and stretching muscles before preparing a full physical in response to a huge explosion of adrenaline musical destructive! coz "Brain Damage Persecuted" will be the beginning of a great breaking silence and intense terror Brain. all the Balance of riffing and tempo Variation here is provided by the fact that they Simply move from riff to riff Systematically throughout every song makes the material seem Entire Completely Forgettable. Intensity of sound is thick riffing Most BDM character, are the main points how the composition and quality of this material is my recommended, Goodjob again for the hard work Dadi Beer cold hands working on recording the potential of this material. Deep gurgling Guttural Vokill Ari Pratama almost mastered all Tempo and its pattern over Blocking Arrangement between Riff and Drumming, yess result once, Combination Savage is ready to become the most terrifying nightmare along the open eyes. Guitarist Stephen GoodWork also to inject DM Yanz Riff Bloody Brutality which became a Partner with Powerfully Mastertempo Evil Drummer Risky Muharram. Do not expect much if Propaganda will often weaken themselves by midtempo cruelty besides torture Crushing Intensity! This is more about Armed with a Stabmixer, Blowtorch and Various Assortment of Sharp stabbing, Cutting and Piercing Implements! "Deliver Human Suffering", stuffing continue Blastsnare without leaving a cavity for breathing momentarily when it strikes Great Attack with very blindly. while slamming Groovy be interesting to some Seconds interlude relief. "Blasphemous Insanity Syndrome", Keep All Purpose blasting speeds and Rabid kick Basically the which are mandatory when playing music of this nature. Ear Gw of the initial concentration is still so listen once smashed Riff Sound kicking really, inducing Chainsaw for Splatter! sounds more simple to digest, because several times Progress Bar is able I Lick his predictions, as guitarist Stephen Yanz want continuous sound Flexible menyengatkan touch with all Pattern Drumming. Great ordeal has been predicted also will not ever stop, "Maniacal Torture" and "Butchery Decomposition Massacre" previously had already been represented since the bloody musical characteristics introduced in 2014. Promo is more Simply Fascinating playing at a Higher Speed ​​and transform what MIGHT otherwise have been a Damn Solid Effort into one that just barely scrapes! For Propaganda is absolutely no compromise to give up next to the tempo that kept going fast, although several times to make rilex moment with midtempo Slam and Groovy Intense Part. Maximum power of Arrangement becomes viscous Muara heart pumping blood flow increasingly felt in "The Mask of Sanity", Maximizing Eneji Powerful to track virtually represent all the atrocities Propaganda in this matter. This is Brutal Death Metal at its finest and most Unretarded Killer Combination of the material and the Flawless Production, This is real Definitely worth the wait Onslaught! As the best form of dedication to Pioner Scene Bogor, "When Your Body Die" was Gelgamesh presented back in the setlist Savage Ultimately ahead of Closing Album. in Most Cases it Serves the Purpose of Adding a Huge layer of Chunky, Coagulated Thickness to the Sonic Spectrum. And Over all is Razor-Sharp attack only with bludgeoning Sledgehammers coupled with intent to use such Lethal Force.

Perfect in Musical slaughter has become the overall evaluation of this barbaric material. Proper presentation of the calculation is the highest point become Ending How does I Recommend this debut once. Composition preparation fast and tight, Sound Fine and maximum production, hardly leaving Many shortcomings even though this is not something new, this is a dish that is best for DM movement back scratched in Bloody records. Artwork finished work of Tony Koehl add Sadistic Slaughter Musical Drama Propaganda of the concept has been initiated and Gilang Bassist Dawn. Fans fanatic barbarian Dominance tempo style Gorgasm, Brodequin, Cerebral effusion and Disgorge, Album "The Mask Of Sanity" Legacy Brutality is the best time in the year 2015 with Odd Signatures from time to time, this is their most Ambitious Effort in that Rregard, and the Results are, as the Cliche says "THIS IS A FUCKING BRUTAL!"


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