Rabu, 29 April 2015

Siksa Kubur - St. Kristo CD 2012

Siksa Kubur - St. Kristo
Rottrevore Records 2012

01 Burung Bangkai 10:18       
02 Merah Hitam Hijau 05:25       
03 Surga Temaram 08:09
04 420 05:09
05 Industri Monster Distorsi 07:23       
06 Bersama Bermuatan Bencana 06:22       
07 Kelelawar Hijau 06:18

Andre Tiranda - Guitars, Bass, Backing Vocals
Septian - Vocals
Adhitya Perkasa - Drums
Baken Nainggolan - Guitars

Perubahan Konsep Signifikan dibandingkan dengan beberapa Typical awal perjalanan Karir Band Death Metal brutal paling Ibukota di kenal di Scene Indonesia sejak terbentuk tahun 1999 yang sebelumnya sudah melahirkan 5 buah album populer “The Carnage” (2001), “Back To Vengeance” (2002), “Eye Cry” (2003), “Podium” (2007) dan “Tentara Merah Darah” (2010). perjalanan panjang band ini memang tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan permainan yang dinamis dan bertalenta sehingga kemudian banyak menjadi Inspirator beberapa band Indonesia scene. memang sangat panjang jika Gw ceritakan kembali perjalanan fenomenal bagi Karir Bermusik SK sendiri yang saat sekarang hanya menyisakan Andre ' Bacot ' Tiranda sebagai Frontman tersisa dari generasi Ke-2 sejak Member Orisinil Terakhir SK, Vocalis Japra Mengundurkan diri ga lama setelah album " Tentara Merah Darah " dilepas. sementara SK sendiri mulai kehilangan Konsepsional Utama gaya bermusik memang sejak Drummer Berbakat Andyan Gorust Memutuskan untuk cabut selepas menggarap materi album " Podium ", karena memang diketahui Struktur dan Konsep SK sendiri banyak di Gagas Oleh Andyan Gorust yang kini lebih membawa konsep SK " Khas " tersebut dalam band barunya, Deadsquad ! memang menjadi pekerjaan paling berat bagi Gitaris Andre harus bisa menyelamatkan karakteristik SK sejak kepergian Andyan. dan membawa Konsep dan Imej Baru, SK dibawah Komando Andre harus memulai karakter Ulang yang begitu terasakan memasuki penggarapan album " Tentara Merah Darah ", kendati membuat Surprise bagi para Fans SK, Andre lebih tertantang dan berani menawarkan Progresi Signifikan Pengaruh dari dirinya serta harus melangkah jauh dari karakteristik SK sendiri. dan Pro dan Kontra seperti biasa terjadi ditengah pergeseran ini, banyak yang mengatakan jika " Roh " utama SK telah berpindah ke Deadsquad, dan ga sedikit yang bilang SK menjadi Behemoth-nya Indonesia ! Yup memang Gw rasakan banget Struktur dan karakter bermusik SK kali ini lebih banyak memasukkan elemen Death Metal Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Deicide serta Morbid Angel yang begitu kuat ! yang bagi gw pribadi adalah sebuah terobosan yang tergolong " Berhasil " ketimbang kalo Gw bandingkan dengan beberapa band yang " Mengaku " lebih terinfluence oleh nama2 bule diatas tadi, Andre Tiranda memang Seorang Musisi yang cerdas untuk mengulik Lick Struktur Band2 seperti itu di SK kali ini. gw ngomong begini memang apa adanya coy hehehe ... mungkin gw masih terpesona dengan Konsep materi " Tentara Merah Darah " harus tertampar kembali dengan dasyatnya materi " St. Kristo " ini, sebuah Aransemen Brilian banyak tertanam dan menyerang secara musikal disini pokoknya ! sebuah debut album yang secara penuh didedikasikan untuk Almarhum Scenester Death Metal Indonesia atas jasa2 dan Pemikiran Briliannya untuk membangun Scene Death Metal Indonesia menjadi Awesome dimata Internasional dengan membangun label Rottrevore Records ! “St. Kristo” yang diambil dari nama Alm. Kristoforus Dwinanda Satrio memang menjadi bentuk nyata " Arti Perjuangan Besar " ! banyak memberi Movement yang penting, telah Membangun Attitude SK sendiri menjadi Besar hingga sekarang. “St. Kristo” sendiri direkam di Studio EC3 Jakarta yang merupakan studio rekaman milik drummer EDANE, Fajar Satritama dengan operator ditanggungjawabi Mas Bebi serta Rudi Dian (ex Disinfected, Injected) bertindak sebagai produser rekaman, seperti membawa bentuk karakter Sound baru bagi SK sejak " Tentara Merah Darah ", Raw dan Fastest menjadi salah satu kekuatan Ganas Brutal Death Metal cepat untuk album ini. " Burung Bangkai " mengawali pertemuan pertama dengan sebuah Intro Spoken yang menjadi sebuah Implementasi nyata sebuah Perjuangan dan tertanam pada artwork Front Kover-nya, selama 01:33 yang lalu disusul dengan hentakan tajam dan ganas Musikalitas SK yang banyak membawa Atmosfir Harmonisasi gelap dari beberapa elemen gaya Band2 Black Metal Norwegia telah menjadi Inspirator pendukung aransemen lagu2 SK saat ini. Struggling Dark Riffing mantap Perpaduan antara gaya Deicide, Morbid Angel dan Behemoth memang adalah downstroke Roll'in hitam yang lebih banyak menghipnotis gaya Riffing Andre ! belum lagi ditambah dengan beberapa solo Melodius Gitaris Baken Nainggolan-nya Betrayer yang kini juga menyuguhkan sayatan melodius in The Vein Morbid Angel menambah kekuatan Kelam hampir disetiap Progresi Kejamnya. sementara Pukulan tajam Drummer  Adhitya Perkasa juga melakukan pekerjaannya secara Total dan Powerfully ! Karakter Vokalis Gendut Septian lebih mengarah kepada karakter Glen Benton dan Adam-nya Behemoth banget. dan menambah mengagumkan lagi kalau Track ini memiliki Durasi permainan yang panjang dan matang ! sebuah Tamparan keras untuk band2 lain untuk lebih bisa menciptakan kualitas nyata bagaimana membuat lagu yang bagus hehehe. membaca progresi Struktur SK Dekade Andre memang lebih menitik beratkan pada Kecepatan Ritme dan Powerfully Beat yang sophisticated ! employs an extremely crunchy, buzzy and distorted guitar tone that envelopes all the riffs, chords and harmonies. The riffs are not all fast and technical though – for every face melting, finger-burning section there is one that demonstrates the harmonic brilliance of the band. Fills are fast and well placed but never overdone or overabundant. perfectly toes the line of technicality, mixing in just enough to impress and amaze without sacrificing the identity or functionality of any song. kemudian " Merah Hitam Hijau " yang sebelumnya lebih dulu dikenalkan dan menjadi track unggulan disini tetap menawarkan nuansa yang cepat yang pada awalnya dimulai dengan sebuah Intro Soraian penonton digelanggang arena Gladiator Romawi. Andre seakan tiada Capek dan lelah untuk menciptakan Dark Harmonization sadis yang diikuti dengan permainan Drumming yang cepat dan mantap. selain mengandalkan speed, SK tetap tidak melupakan segi Dinamis pada Transform Beat yang ciamik ! It encompasses the whole range of mortal existence, from the depth of evil to the domain of the gods and through it courses imminent, absolute power. digeber dengan durasi 5 menitan cukuplah untuk memecahkan dan mematahkan leher kita jika terbawa suasana untuk headbang ! " Surga Temaram " kembali membuat Gempuran Panjang seperti halnya " Burung Bangkai " yang harus menguras enerji extra mereka selama 8 menit ! komposisi musik yang semakin matang tetap menjadi Tantangan tersendiri bagi SK, sentuhan in the Vein Morbid Angel era " Covenat " nampak begitu terasa pada beberapa Breaking Beat konvesional selain Andre tetap konsentrasi penuh dengan Lick Riffing fantastis-nya. there are a handful of metallic tracks here with interesting components, and seemed to set himself some new records for manic, inhuman blasting !! bisa gw bayangkan sendiri bagaimana harus menguras otak untuk membuat aransemen lagu cepat dan dinamis dalam durasi yang panjang begini. berani menerima tantangan ?? lalu " 420 " pun semakin ngebut dan liar gempuran blastbeat-nya. Nice Over Riffing Chuggin Andre disini dan good Work banget untuk stamina drummer Adhitya Perkasa, yang sesuai dengan nama belakangnya selalu tampil fit hehehehe.... A time when their guitars oozed menace, their lyrics dripped with venom, and their overall effect was one of paradoxically elegant savagery. menambah kesan lain antara lagunya, pada track " Industri Monster Distorsi ", dimulai dengan solo bass dan kemudian tarian atraktif cepat semakin tetap menjadi Unggulan SK melahirkan karya2 yang fenomenal untuk Scene Indonesia terdengar semakin berbahaya !! masuknya Baken Nainggolan sebagai gitaris ke-2 semakin menambah Bobot tersendiri dari segi riffing SK tampak terdengar Harmonius dan Melodius. memang ada banyak elemen Morbid Angel yang tertanam kuat di Riffing SK kali ini dibanding dengan materi sebelumnya. Riffing tone is immediately recognizable, it is a muddier incarnation that adds only to the overall wall of noise. There are glimmers of past brilliance ! total waktu 49 menit adalah durasi total waktu yang fantastis untuk band2 Scene Indonesia untuk melaluinya, karena masih kebanyakan durasi dibawah 1/2 jam yang lebih familiar, apalagi " St.Kristo " ini malah menjadi album SK yang paling ngebut dengan durasi fantastis seperti itu. ada banyak pembelajaran baru yang mungkin ingin ditorehkan Andre Tiranda Cs untuk band2 Metal di Indonesia Scene untuk lebih menjaga kualitas Permainan ketimbang Imej saja, karena gw percaya all metalhead tanah air kita semakin lebih cerdas untuk menentukan dan menilai sebuah karya yang bagus. tetap menggunakan jasa seniman Riandy Karuniawan untuk kembali menghiasi Masterpiece fenomenal SK ini setelah " tentara Merah Darah ". tentunya SK fans ingin lebih merasakan lagi Perkembangan dasyat musikalitas band Death Metal brutal paling berbahaya ini dengan sentuhan hitam dan kelam In The Vein Morbid Angel, Deicide, behemoth dan sadisnya Cannibal Corpse? gw sarankan untuk mencoba sendiri debutan Fresh ini. features some of the most bizarre and unique riffs, solos, structures, and lyrics in all of metal. Pete Sandoval's drumming at times seems to defy human ability in terms of speed and complexity. Of course, it always did, but even more so on this CD. The overall impression is one of awe at how well the music and concepts meld to create an imposing monolith of an album. so damn generic, and if the songwriting were just a bit more focused. Worth getting, but you'll be listening to this much less than the earlier albums !!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

The concept of Significant changes compared with some earlier trips Typical Career brutal Death Metal Band at the Capital in the know on the Scene Indonesia since the establishment in 1999 of previously spawned 5 pieces popular album "The Carnage" (2001), "Back To Vengeance" (2002), "Cry Eye" (2003), "Podium" (2007) and "Blood Red Army" (2010). long journey this band can not be separated with the game's dynamic and talented so then many become Inspirator some Indonesian band scene. very long indeed if Gw retell the journey phenomenal music career for a while now SK itself leaving only Andre 'snout' Frontman Tiranda the left of second generation The Last Original Member since SK, Vocalis ga Japra Resigned shortly after the album "Blood Red Army "removable. while SK itself began to lose Main conceptual musical style is from Talented Drummer Andyan Gorust Decided to pull the material after working on the album "Podium", because it is known to its own structure and concept SK many Gagas By Andyan Gorust more now brought the concept of SK "Typical" is in his new band, Deadsquad! indeed be the hardest jobs for Guitarist Andre should be able to save the characteristics of the SK since the departure Andyan. The image and bring new concepts and, under the command of Andre SK must start character birthday so felt into the cultivation of the album "Blood Red Army", despite making Surprise for Fans SK, Andre more challenging and daring offer Significant Influence Progression of himself and should go far of the characteristics of SK alone. Pros and Cons and as always happens in the middle of this shift, many say if the "Spirit" has been moved to the main SK Deadsquad and ga little is said SK into his Behemoth Indonesia! Yup indeed Gw really feel and character of the musical structure SK this time putting more elements of Death Metal Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Deicide and Morbid Angel are so strong! are for personal gw is a breakthrough that is "Successful" than if Gw compared with some of the bands "Confessing" more terinfluence by Caucasians nama2 above was, indeed Andre Tiranda A smart musician mengulik Lick Band2 structure like that in SK this time. i say this is what they are coy hehehe ... maybe I'm still fascinated with the concept of matter "Blood Red Army" should be slapped back with dasyatnya material "St.. Kristo", a lot of embedded and Arrangement Brilliant musical attack here anyway! a debut album that is fully dedicated to the late Scenester Indonesia Death Metal on jasa2 and brilliant idea to build the Death Metal Scene Indonesia into the eyes of the International Awesome build Rottrevore Records label! "St. Kristo "taken from the name of Alm. Christopher Dwinanda Satrio is a form of real "meaning of the Great Struggle"! Movement is important to give a lot, has build himself a Great Attitude SK until now. "St. Kristo "itself was recorded at Studio EC3 Jakarta which is a recording studio owned by drummer Edane, Dawn Satritama ditanggungjawabi operator Mas Bebi and Rudi Dian (ex Disinfected, Injected) acts as a record producer, such as a new take on the character of Sound for SK since" Blood Red Army "Raw and Fastest be one of the strengths of Malignant Brutal Death Metal fast for this album. "Bird Carcass' first meeting started with an intro Spoken being a real implementation of a struggle and embedded in his artwork Front Coverage, for 01:33 which then followed with a sharp snap and savage musicality decree bring much darker atmosphere Harmonisation of several elements Band2 style Black Metal Norway has been a supporter Inspirator lagu2 SK current arrangements. Struggling Dark riffing steady mix of styles Deicide, Morbid Angel and Behemoth is indeed a black Roll'in downstroke more hypnotic riffing style of Andre! not to mention coupled with some melodic solo guitarist Baken Nainggolan his Betrayer is now also present in The Vein incision melodic Morbid Angel Dark adding strength almost every Progression Cruelly. while a sharp blow Drummer Adhitya Perkasa conducted its work in Total and powerfully! Character Vocalist Fat Septian more directed to the character of Glen Benton and his Adam Behemoth really. and adding another awesome track that has a long duration of the game and mature! a hard slap to the other band2 to better be able to create real quality how to make a great song hehehe. read progressions SK Decade Andre structure is more focused on the Speed ??Beat rhythms and powerfully sophisticated! employs an extremely crunchy, buzzy and distorted guitar tone that envelopes all the riffs, chords and harmonies. The riffs are not all fast and technical though - for every face melting, finger-burning section there is one that demonstrates the harmonic brilliance of the band. Fills are fast and well placed but never overdone or overabundant. perfectly toes the line of technicality, mixing in just enough to impress and amaze without sacrificing the identity or functionality of any song. then "Red Black Green" previously introduced first and a track featured here offers the feel of a fast fixed that initially started with an intro Soraian audience digelanggang Roman Gladiator arena. Andre seemed no Tired and weary to create Dark Harmonization sadistic Drumming game followed by a rapid and steady. than relying on speed, SK still have not forgotten the terms Dynamic Transform ciamik Beat! It encompasses the whole range of mortal existence, from the depth of evil to the domain of the gods and through it courses imminent, absolute power. lauched with a duration of 5 menitan suffice it to crack and break our necks if carried away to headbang! "Heaven Temaram" Long strikes again made like "Bird Carcass" to be their extra energy drain for 8 minutes! more mature musical composition remains a distinct challenge for SK, touch in the Vein era Morbid Angel "Covenat" appear so pronounced in some than Andre Breaking Beat conventional fixed concentration with fantastic riffing Lick it. there are a handful of tracks here with interesting metallic components, and seemed to set himself some new records for manic, Inhuman blasting! i can imagine for yourself how to drain the brain to make arrangements quickly and dynamically track the duration of a long way. dare to accept the challenge?? and "420" are increasingly speeding and wild blastbeat his onslaught. Over Chuggin Andre Nice riffing here and very good for stamina drummer Work Adhitya Perkasa, which according to the last name always appeared fit hehehehe .... A time when their guitars oozed menace, their lyrics dripped with venom, and their overall effect was one of paradoxically elegant savagery. Another adds the song, the track "Monster Industries Distortion", beginning with a solo bass and then dances remain an attractive fast growing seed SK spawned a phenomenal karya2 for Indonesia Scene sounded more dangerous! Baken entry Nainggolan as a 2nd guitarist to further increase its own weight in terms of riffing SK seemed sound Harmonius and melodic. indeed there are many elements of Morbid Angel are firmly planted in the riffing SK this time compared with the previous material. Riffing tone is immediately recognizable, it is a muddier incarnation that only adds to the overall wall of noise. There are glimmers of past brilliance! total time of 49 minutes is the total duration of a fantastic time for band2 Scene Indonesia through them, because most of the time still under 1/2 hour more familiar, let alone "St.Kristo" is in fact a most speeding SK album with such a fantastic time. there are a lot of new learning that may want inscribed Andre Tiranda Cs for band2 Metal Scene in Indonesia for more than a game preserve The image quality alone, because I believe all our land increasingly metalhead smarter to define and assess the good work. continue to use the services of artists to re-decorate Riandy Karuniawan Masterpiece phenomenal decree after "Blood Red Army". SK certainly feel the fans want more catastrophic developments musically brutal Death Metal band's most dangerous with a touch of black and dark In The Vein Morbid Angel, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse behemoth and sadistic? i suggest to try Fresh's own debutant. features some of the most bizarre and unique riffs, solos, structures, and lyrics in all of metal. Pete Sandoval's drumming at times seems to Defy the human ability in terms of speed and complexity. Of course, it always did, but even more so on this CD. The overall impression is one of awe at how well the music and concepts melded to create an imposing monolith of an album. so damn generic, and if the songwriting were just a bit more focused. Worth getting, but you'll be listening to this much less than the Earlier albums!

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