Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Putridity - Ignominious Atonement CD 2015

Putridity - Ignominious Atonement
Willowtip Records CD 2015

01 Conceived Through Vermination 03:16    
02 Portrait of a Soiled Innocence 02:51    
03 Dead Festering Drainage 02:46    
04 The Bone Sculpture 03:24    
05 Obstinacy to Heal the Malformed 03:02    
06 Mortifying Carnality 04:00    
07 Repugnance Enshrined in Deformity 02:31    
08 Ignominious Atonement 04:13

Paolo Chiti - Vocals
Paolo "Panino" - Guitars
Andrea "Ciccio" Aimone - Guitars
Alessandro Cravero - Bass
Davide "BrutalDave" Billia - Drums

GODDAMN FUCKING HYPERBRUTALITY ASSAULT !!! .... Adalah kata-kata pertama yang keluar dari Mulut Gw ketika mendengar materi baru sekaligus album penuh ke-3 " Ignominious Atonement " sejak Mega Brutal Band Asli Piedmont, Italy, PUTRIDITY masih di rumah jagal mereka, Willowtip Records. Yess, This is STILL and MORE the most ruthless brutal death metal album Ever. Dentuman Bombastis Brutal Death Metal yang 666% asli menghajar siap menjadi Eksekutor atas Hancurnya rumah kalian saat mendengar materi ini dengan High Level Volume. Cause the most ruthless album that ever came out and the pure definition of brutal death metal. rasanya ga nyangka banget untuk Materi Gress kali ini Putridity memang tampil pol-polan sekali dengan Enerji membabi buta-nya, sehingga dapat gw sebut jika materi kali ini sangat terdengar Biadab sekali ! Especially banget untuk kalian yang demen dengan Part yang Rapat, sangat dan meledak !, One of the things that makes fully chaotic brutal death a difficult style to pull off well is getting the mix of instruments right so that the gurgles vocals and the bass don't get buried under the drums and guitars constant obsession with sweep patterns. Elo dapat membayangkan banget jika ini adalah Setingkat lebih cepat dan Menghantam karakter dari Disgorge, Cryptopsy hingga Suffocation cukup menjadi Deskripsi kecil bagaimana Putridity makin Konsis mengusung warna Krusial musik-nya. MORE faster, more brutal, more intense, more oppriment, more disgusting and more IN YOUR FACE! Meski sayang ini menjadi materi terakhir bagi Drummer Mengerikan Davide "BrutalDave" Billia yang juga mengerjakan semua Enjiner, Mixing serta Mastering " Ignominious Atonement " disusul oleh Vocalis dasyat-nya Paolo Chiti. seperti diketahui memang kesibukan utama Davide "BrutalDave" Billia adalah dengan band Brutal Death Metal Malta, Beheaded membuatnya harus meninggalkan Putridity. sekali lagi " Ignominious Atonement " adalah Materi BDM yang Hebat, teknis dan Intens sekali dalam 8 Track kejam berdurasi total hampir setengah jam tiada memberi ampun bagi Audience untuk digerinda secara Membabi buta. " Conceived Through Vermination " langsung meledak hebat gempurannya, Fast part dengan Intens Drumming diantara Chaotic Pummeling Chugging Riffing yang menari Liar hebat dari gitaris Paolo "Panino" dan Andrea "Ciccio" Aimone adalah Kombinasi yang membunuh sekali. seperti sedang Kesetanan saja layaknya, setiap Bar dan Lick selalu diisi dengan Speed serta Power yang bener-bener menyesakkan dada ketika menikmatinya. as an angry swarm of gnats constantly attacking the ears ! Deep Growling Gurgle Paolo Chiti harus membuat Frank Mullen harus berfikir panjang untuk melakukannya kembali hehehe, actually manages to pull off some pretty impressive guttural sounds on here on crack way too loud !!! Damn Amazing Character ! Hampir kesemua Materi disini sangat mengundang Decak Kagum Pendengarnya, bagaimana Putridity Mengenalkan cara memainkan BDM yang lebih membunuh. Gw sangat syalut sekali dengan Hasil Komposisi dan materi-nya yang dikerjakan sesuai dengan Brutality Rules-nya, terlalu sangat sayang banget untuk dilewatkan Masterpiece gress " Ignominious Atonement " sebagai Album Brutal paling Bombastis ditahun 2015. Combined with crushing production that feels as if it's about to shake your speakers down like an avalanche, an endless regression of blast beats and machine gun bass drum work will somehow strike musical ! Bersiap sekali akan Berantakannya Seisi Kamar serta rumah elo akan Mega Blastbeater Unmercyful Putridity now. BUY OR BLAST !!!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

FUCKING goddamn HYPERBRUTALITY ASSAULT !!! .... Was the first words that came out of the mouth Gw when hearing the new material at the same time the 3rd full album "Ignominious Atonement" since Mega Brutal Original Band Piedmont, Italy, PUTRIDITY still slaughterhouse them, Willowtip Records. Yess, This is STILL MORE the most ruthless and brutal death metal album Ever. Bang bombastic Brutal Death Metal are 666% original beat is ready to become executor on destruction of your house when I heard this matter with the High Level Volume. Cause the most ruthless album that ever Came out and the pure definition of brutal death metal. ga taste for material Gress really have thought this time Putridity indeed appear Ultimate Energy blindly once with it, so can i call if the material this time is very audible Savage once! Especially really for you who Amendment to Part that meeting, it and explode!, One of the things that makes fully chaotic brutal death a difficult, style to pull off well is getting the mix of instruments right so that the gurgles vocals and the bass don ' t get buried under the drums and guitars constant obsession with sweep patterns. Elo can imagine if this is really faster and Hit Level character of Disgorge, Cryptopsy until Suffocation quite a small description of how Putridity increasingly Konsis Crucial color brings his music. MORE faster, more brutal, more intense, more oppriment, more disgusting and more IN YOUR FACE! Although unfortunately this be the last material for drummer Davide Terrible "BrutalDave" Billia are also doing all Engineer, Mixing and Mastering "Ignominious Atonement" followed by his terrible vocalist Paolo Chiti. as is known was the main bustle Davide "BrutalDave" Billia is Brutal Death Metal band Malta, Beheaded made must leave Putridity. once again "Ignominious Atonement" is the Great BDM material, technical and Intense once in 8 Track cruel lasted nearly half an hour in total no mercy for the audience to be ground in Blindly. "Through conceived Vermination" exploded terrific gempurannya, Fast part with Intense Drumming between Chaotic pummeling dancing chugging riffing of guitarist Paolo great Liar "Panino" and Andrea "Ciccio" Aimone is a combination that kills all. like he was crazy just like every bar and Lick always filled with Speed ​​and Power which was really heartbreaking when enjoyed it. as an angry swarm of gnats constantly attacking the ears! Deep Growling Gurgle Paolo Chiti had to make Frank Mullen have to think long to do back hehehe, actually manages to pull off some pretty impressive Guttural sounds on here on way too loud crack !!! Damn Amazing Character! Almost all of material here is very wowed listeners, how Putridity Introduce BDM to play a more kills. I very syalut once the results of composition and content of his done in accordance with Brutality Rules her, too is very dear really to miss Masterpiece gress "Ignominious Atonement" as the album Brutal most bombastic year 2015. Combined with crushing production that feels as if it's about to shake your speakers down like an avalanche, an endless regression of blast beats and machine gun bass drum work will somehow strike musical! Preparing a will messy rooms and houses Seisi will elo Mega Blastbeater Unmercyful Putridity now. BUY OR BLAST !!!!

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