Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Slamentation - Crawling Through the Morgue CD 2014

Slamentation - Crawling Through the Morgue
Morbid Generation Records CD 2014

01 Necrotic Visions 03:54    
02 It Came from Above 03:13    
03 Hilltop Funeral 03:17    
04 Meatcleaver Dismemberment 03:25    
05 Compulsive Sadistic Affinity 03:08    
06 Crawling Through the Morgue 04:09    
07 10'000 Victims 04:07    
08 ...and Then They Were Dead 02:46    
09 Disembowelment of the Deceased 03:16    
10 Slithered Through the Autopsy Room 03:02    
11 Passionated Necropsy 02:16    
12 I Need More Dead Bodies 02:55

Rene - Vocals
Morten - Guitars, Bass
Livio - Vocals, Drums programming

Pertemuan 3 Musisi Death Metal Idealis 3 Negara menjadi Obsesi Pembunuh Kejam dalam Musik memang masih menjadi ancaman Serius dari SLAMENTATION apalagi untuk tekanan Mega dasyat difull album pertamanya " Crawling Through the Morgue ", siap memberikan genangan darah membusuk Bagaimana Komposisi Brutal Death Metal Mengerikan yang kental dengan Slamming Style-nya mampu memberi Daya Hipnotis kuat tersendiri bagi Penikmatnya. Slamentation adalah Serpihan Daging segar hasil mutilasi 3 manusia Biadab dari 3 Negara (Switzerland, Jerman dan Austria) memang telah merencanakan Konspirasi Pembunuhan Musikal-nya bersama Obsesi Slamentation had exactly the same idea to create brutal, aggressive and slamming tunes. Mungkin sebagian anggapan jika Genre yang Mereka Usung (Slamming Brutal Death Metal) adalah Sesuatu yang Membosankan apalagi adanya penggunaan Drum Machine/Programming, Namun Asumsi ini sama sekali tidak berlaku untuk Slamentation ! Karena mereka dapat mengkomposisi Struktur lagi yang lebih mengerikan dari kita bayangkan. Pengaruh Kuat masih begitu melekat adalah Racikan Kejam Devourment Era Demo " Impaled " hingga " Molesting ... " adalah Fakta Konkrit bagi Pengusung saat ini dan beberapa Slam Groove Ciamik Soils Of Fate. consisting of an obscure, distorted, and down tuned tremolo passage accompanied by savage gravity blasting and gurgling guttural utterances. The song quickly slows to a Devastatingly Brutal Slam, Characterized by slow and Heavily Rhythmic Riffing Utilizing Palm Muted power Chords and Chromatic Intervals ! Bayangan Membusuk Pertama menginjeksi Kemarahan di Track Awal " Necrotic Visions " tanpa Basa basi Menghajar ! Raungan Deep Guttural Gurgling-nya begitu mengingatkan dengan Alm. Wayne Knubb sekali, equally as groundbreaking as the use of slams throughout. These unique vocals do not sound akin to anything remotely human, and perfectly reflect the sick and twisted ghouls whose perspectives are adopted in the lyrics. Kemudian Partisi Downtune Riffing-nya memberikan Aliran Segar dengan Hentakan Breakdown Slam Groovy yang lebih " Hidup ", offering a greater set of rhythmic layering throughout the track, considering the heavily rhythmic guitars that back up the vocals, though with a slightly different rhythmic pattern. The way the vocal patterns are organized and integrated into the song take it to a whole new level and add much more to the ghastly energy. Nah disinilah Kenapa gw bilang Slamentation Memiliki Konsep yang Menarik dan Membuang Kesan Boring seperti dugaan sebelumnya. Konsepsi Musikal yang matang inilah yang bagi gw seketika melahirkan Kesan " Berbahaya ". meski " It Came from Above " digeber dengan beat yang Luar biasa Kejam, Alunan cantik Slam Breakdown-nya tetap menawarkan Nuansa yang lebih Mempesona sekali dari Gitaris Morten yang pengalamannya di band Orphalis, Disgorgement, dan Inbrunst menumbuhkan Talent Death Metal Art-nya. Dengan Konsep Album yang melibatkan banyak Teman Seperjuangan Meski Jarak tidak menjadi Alasan, Vocalis Didi Spindler (dari band Auricular Insemination & Nephrectomy) menyumbangkan Deep Guttural Grunt-nya di Track " Hilltop Funeral, Crawling Through the Morgue dan 10'000 Victims " semakin menambah Buas Parade Guttural Lebih Liar terdengar ! inhuman guttural vocals, gravity blasted tin-can snares, and bone-shattering guitars composed of slow slams and ruthless grinds giving the listener the final bludgeoning deathblows, and then a little extra just to make it a little more of a mess. begitu Juga dengan Vocalis Konstantin Lühring -nya Defeated Sanity, Precognitive Holocaust Annotations dan Resection turut Membuat Berdarah lagi Track " Compulsive Sadistic Affinity " dengan Sentuhannya, sementara Vocalis Muda Berbakat Andreas Tseung-nya Vomitous, Immersed in Blood dan Extirpated memoles Busuk Track " Passionated Necropsy " dengan karakter Beratnya, dapat dipastikan Slamming Masterpiece Album ini tidak asal-asalan pengerjaannya oleh Enjiner Andalan Ivan Anthropocide di studio-nya yang menjadi Langganan Band2 Slamming/Brutal Death Metal Populer seperti Abominable Putridity, Meat Cutting Floor, Aborted Fetus, Etc lebih memberikan Polesan Final yang Memuaskan ! Even fills are midly entertaining while dynamics are above average at best and I’m sick of the squeals again by the midpoint of the album ! Slamming Brutality Fans,  I can barely stand to look at it for more than a few seconds before wincing and turning away. THIS IS FUCKING FOR YOU !!!!

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)
Meeting 3 Musicians Death Metal Idealists 3 State becomes obsession Ruthless Killers in Music is still a serious threat to the pressure of SLAMENTATION especially devastating Mega difull first album "Crawling Through the Morgue", ready to provide a pool of blood rot How Composition Brutal Death Metal with a strong Terrible Slamming his style can give a strong Hypnotic Power pleasure for the audience. Slamentation Flakes Fresh meat is the result of human mutilation Barbarous 3 of 3 State (Switzerland, Germany and Austria) is already planning his Musical Murder Conspiracy shared obsession Slamentation had exactly the same idea to create a brutal, aggressive and slamming tunes. Maybe some contention if the genre that they stretcher (Slamming Brutal Death Metal) is Something Boring especially the use Drum Machine / Programming, but this assumption is not at all applicable to Slamentation! Because they can be composed structure could be more terrible than we can imagine. Strong influence still so attached is Devourment Era Cruel Mixing Demo "Impaled" to "molesting ..." is the fact Concrete for Bearers today and some Groove Slam Cool Soils Of Fate. consisting of an obscure, distorted, and down tuned tremolo passage accompanied by savage gravity blasting and gurgling Guttural utterances. The song quickly intervening slows to a Devastatingly Brutal Slam, Characterized by a slow and Heavily Rhythmic riffing Utilizing Palm Muted power chords and Chromatic Intervals! Rotting First shadow inject Anger in Early Track "Necrotic Visions" without Bases stale Beat! Deep Guttural gurgling roar of his so reminiscent of the Alm. Wayne Knubb once, equally as groundbreaking as the use of slams throughout. Reviews These unique vocals do not sound akin to anything remotely human, and perfectly reflect the sick and twisted ghouls Whose perspectives are-adopted in the lyrics. Then Partition Downtune his riffing provide fresh flow with the beat Breakdown Slam Groovy more "Life", offering a greater set of rhythmic layering throughout the track, considering the heavily rhythmic guitars that back up the vocals, though with a slightly different rhythmic pattern. The way the vocal patterns are organized and integrated into the song take it to a whole new level and add much more to the ghastly energy. Well this is why i say Slamentation Has Interesting concept and Disposing impression Boring as previously thought. Mature musical conception is what for I instantly gave birth impression "Dangerous". although "It Came from Above" lauched with Incredible beat Cruel, beautiful melody Slam Breakdown its still offer more shades of guitarist Morten Enchanting all that experience in the band Orphalis, disgorgement, and Inbrunst grow Talent Death Metal Arts. With a concept album that involves many comrades Although distance not be a reason, vocalist Didi Spindler (of the band Auricular Insemination & nephrectomy) donated his Deep Guttural Grunt on Track "Hilltop Funeral, Crawling Through the Morgue and 10'000 Victims" increased the Blooded More Wild Parade Guttural sounds! Inhuman Guttural vocals, tin-can gravity blasted snares, and bone-shattering guitars composed of slow-slams and grinds ruthless giving the listener the final bludgeoning deathblows, and then a little extra just to make it a little more of a mess. so also the vocalist of his Lühring Konstantin Defeated Sanity, precognitive Holocaust Annotations and Resection helped build another Bloody Track "Sadistic Compulsive Affinity" with His touch, while the Young Talented vocalist Andreas Tseung its Vomitous, Immersed in Blood and extirpated polish Rot Track "passionated Necropsy "Weighing character, certainly Slamming Masterpiece This album is not random process by Leading Engineer Ivan Anthropocide in his studio became Subscribe band2 Slamming / Brutal Death Metal Popular like Abominable Putridity, Meat Cutting Floor, Aborted Fetus, Etc. more give Gloss Final Satisfactory! Even fills are midly entertaining while dynamics are above average at best and I'm sick of the squeals again by the midpoint of the album! Slamming Brutality Fans, I can barely stand to look at it for more than a few seconds before wincing and turning away. THIS IS FUCKING FOR YOU !!!!

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