Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Gruesome Stuff Relish - Sempiternal Death Grind CD 2013

Gruesome Stuff Relish - Sempiternal Death Grind
F.D.A. Rekotz CD 2013

01 A Date with Fulci 03:54    
02 Desecrated 01:54    
03 Deadilicious Feast 02:41    
04 S.O.S. 03:13    
05 They Are the Plague 03:23    
06 End is Near 03:32    
07 They Follow Your Scent 03:33    
08 Became a Zombie 02:24    
09 Gruesome Stuff Relish 03:27    
10 Sex, Drugs & Grind 02:40    
11 In Death We Breath 02:48    
12 Scratching the Violet Velvet 03:41

Paolo Deodato - Drums, Vocals
Santiago Argento - Guitars, Bass, Vocals
Noel Kemper - Guitars, Bass, Vocals

Udah lama Banget gw ga menulis Review tentang Album dengan Genre Death Metal/Grindcore sentuhan kental Horror dan Gore, Gruesome Stuff Relish tentunya mengundang Keinginan gw kali ini untuk Menulisnya disini setelah mendapatkan Advanced Copy via label. Band Asal Mieres, Asturias, Spanyol yang tetap konsis memainkan 90's old-school Swedish death metal sejak mereka terbentuk tahun 2000 lalu, dan " Sempiternal Death Grind " ini menjadi Full album mereka yang ke-3. mengusung 90's old-school Swedish death metal in the Vein Carnage, Dismember dan Carcass lama dibalut tentunya dengan konsep tema splatter/gore sound and feel gaya Impetigo serta Necrony, sepertinya memang bukan hal yang baru ketika band berikutnya seperti General Surgery mengikuti jejak pendahulunya, dan kini Gruesome Stuff Relish yang udah lama gw kenal sejak karya pertama Ep " Last Men Alive " tahun 2001 cukup begitu dikenal namanya kala Booming " Gore Metal " merajalela di era itu. Trio Cannibals, Italian/Giallo Horror, Zombies ini kembali menyumbangkan sayatan baru mereka di tahun 2013 dengan merilis album ke-3 ini. " 100 % Massive Gorephonic Sound Guaranteed " memang bukan hanya menjadi Slogan saja di Artwork Kover depannya, coz ini memang benar2 yang ingin mereka pertahankan sebagai bentuk Idealisme mereka yang begitu mendarah daging ! It basically comes down to this: just because you're obsessed with horror movies, punkish fuck-all attitude and your gory precursors, doesn't really mean that you can write albums full of riffless, recycled rhythmic tropes and abrasive production values and expect to slide on by. Structure and songwriting still apply, and it's only the rare band that recognizes this which seem to put albums of note in this particular field of extremity. I feel like these Spaniards have taken a step towards providing a more wholesome, entertaining experience, if not an entire leap or bound in that direction. dan memang jika mendengar sekilas saja dari Track pertama " A Date with Fulci ", kita akan langsung terseret dengan dimana kita akan pertama kali dikenalkan gaya " Distortif Sounding Sweden Sound " yang pertama kali kita rasakan pada gaya sounding Gitar Entombed, Dismember ataupun Carnage banget !! apalagi gaya bernyanyinya mengingatkan sekali dengan " Symphonies of sickness " nya Carcass. This is a mass of ripping, flesh-shearing guitars and blood-dripping, splatter-gore vocals which once again falls under the categorization of Carcass banner-men. Thanks to a very bright and brash production and a varied enough palette of riffing dynamics, though, it manages to remain concise, concussive, and even enjoyable ! Meskipun terasa tidak ada yang begitu Istimewa selain kita dibawa kembali ke era kejayaan Genre Swedish Sound, kita juga kerap akan disuguhi dengan beberapa Solo Melodius dan Multiple Vokal bersahutan mendominasi setiap Permainan standard mereka mempertahakan gaya Old School Death/Grind-nya. a lot of novelty to the genre, but the constant flux between driving D-beat rhythms and vile twists of archaic death metal notation does keep the ear affixed as the blades descend. Add to this the thick, monstrous bass, which isn't itself very standout but definitely gives the riffing some added breadth and texture; and the nice, clean snap of that snare drum, very audible alongside the denser guitar tone, and you've got a fairly pleasant knife in the eyes. Total ada 13 Lagu Film Gore Horror Klasik Era 60 hingga 80an berdurasi sekitar 37:10 cukup membawa kita ke alam sadar Death Metal Garang Klasik dari era 90-an. Sempiternal Death Grind is not overall a massive evolution of Gruesome's style, and in truth there are very few memorable riffs you'll feel summoned back to after about 15 minutes, but I will say without hesitation that its appreciable subtleties make it the best record I've heard from them to date. Fans Karya lama Carcass, Entombed, Carnage, Impetigo, Necrony, Dismber dan Entombed, kayaknya ga berdosa banget untuk mencicipi gaya Gorehorror Klasik mereka ini. I also did dig the use of organs and synthesizers to consistently affirm the band's giallo/horror influence, it definitely is another example of how the band are atmospherically evolving. In truth, I wouldn't mind some more of this to help differentiate the Spaniards from other like-minded outfits !!!

It's been a long time Banget gw ga write reviews about Albums by Genre Death Metal / Grindcore touch lumpy Horror and Gore, Gruesome Stuff Relish wish i certainly inviting this time to write here after getting a copy via the Advanced label. Band Origin Mieres, Asturias, Spain remained consistent play 90's old-school Swedish death metal since they formed in 2000, and "Sempiternal Death Grind" album became their full-3. carrying the 90's old-school Swedish death metal in the vein of Carnage, Dismember and Carcass length wrapped of course, with the concept of theme splatter / gore sound and feel stylish Impetigo and Necrony, it looks like it is nothing new when the next band like General Surgery followed the footsteps of his predecessors, and Gruesome Stuff Relish now that i know already long since the first work Ep "Last Men Alive" in 2001 is quite well known name when Booming "Gore Metal" rampant in that era. Trio Cannibals, Italian / Giallo Horror, Zombies is again donating their new incision in the year 2013 with the release of this third album. "100% Guaranteed Massive Sound Gorephonic" is not just a slogan Coverage Artwork alone in front of her, coz this is benar2 they want to keep them as a form of idealism that so ingrained! It basically comes down to this: Just because you're obsessed with horror movies, punkish fuck-all attitude and your gory precursors, does not really mean that you can write albums full of riffless, recycled rhythmic tropes and abrasive production values ??and expect to slide on by. Structure and songwriting still apply, and it's only the rare band that recognizes this roomates seem to put albums of note in this particular field of extremity. I feel like these Spaniards have taken a step towards providing a more wholesome, entertaining experience, if not an entire leap or bound in that direction. and indeed to hear a glimpse of the first track "A Date with Fulci", we will immediately be drawn to where we first introduced the style of "distorting Sounding Sweden Sound" the first time we felt the style of guitar sounding Entombed, Dismember or Carnage really! ! especially singing style reminds one of "Symphonies of sickness" his Carcass. This is a mass of ripping, shearing flesh-and blood-dripping guitars, splatter-gore vocals roomates once again falls under the categorization of Carcass banner-men. Thanks to a very bright and brash enough production and a varied palette of riffing dynamics, though, it manages to REMAIN Concise, concussive, and even enjoyable! Although there was no such notch than we were taken back to the era of glory Genre Swedish Sound, we also often be treated with some melodic and Multiple Vocal Solo shouted to dominate every game they retain the standard style of Old School Death / Grind it. a lot of novelty to the genre, but the constant flux between driving D-beat rhythms and vile death metal twists of archaic notation does keep the ear affixed as the blades descend. Add to this the thick, Monstrous bass, roomates is not itself very Standout but definitely some riffing gives the added breadth and texture; and the nice, clean snap of that snare drum, very audible alongside the denser guitar tone, and you've got a fairly pleasant knife in the eyes. In total there are 13 songs Gore Horror Movies Classic Era 60 to 80s lasted about 37:10 just bring us to consciousness Garang Death Metal Classics from the 90's era. Sempiternal Death Grind is not overall a massive evolution of Gruesome's style, and in truth there are very few memorable riffs you'll feel summoned back to after about 15 minutes, but I will say without hesitation that its appreciable subtleties make it the best record I 've heard from them to date. Fans work long Carcass, Entombed, Carnage, Impetigo, Necrony, Dismber and Entombed, ga sin seems really to taste their classic style Gorehorror this. I also did dig the use of organs and synthesizers to consistently Affirm the band's giallo / horror influence, it definitely is another example of how the band are atmospherically evolving. In truth, I would not mind some more of this to help differentiate the Spaniards from other like-minded outfits!!!

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