Death Theresia - Immortal
Breeding Records CD 2015
01 Introduce The Pain
02 Ambisi Jiwa Arogansi
03 Intimidation Of Evolution
04 The Door At Hell Gate Soon Open
05 The Purge System
06 Surga Jahanam
07 Jakarta Began to Blacken
08 You Die With The Neck Cut Off
09 Demi Sebuah Tahta
10 Incarnation Of The Devil
11 Immortal
Landy - Vocals
Risqiyano - Guitars
Shandy - Guitas
Deny - Bass
Taufik - Drums
Semakin Optimis sekali dengan Fase perkembangan Musik Cadas tanah air yang sangat menggembirakan hari ini, Asal kita mampu lebih Openminded dengan Selera Jujur kita sendiri aja. sehingga Ragam konsep Scene Indonesia pantas memang menjadi perhitungan serius bagi Scene Negara lain. Apalagi Berani Tampil beda akan menjadi Tantangan bagus ketika Persepsi kita terlalu dibungkam oleh Spekulasi yang ada. tanpa keluar jauh dari pakem yang ada, Bagi Band bagus asal Jakarta Timur, DEATH THERESIA (DT) bentukan sejak tahun 2010, lebih menampilkan kejutan nyata saat ini, Inilah Debut yang mungkin menjadi penantian menggembirakan bagi fans Brutal Death metal dengan Sentuhan Melodius Riffing disana sini. Yet kind of a mindfuck to think about at the same time - Far Surpasses that Which came before it in the Form. Kombinasi Death Metal Sarkastik dengan Komposisi Membungkam Persepsi untuk sebuah Opsi berani. which are Intensified by his Unbridled Raw Emotion as Abundant and even more Aggressive than Aggression. Sentuhan progresif Riffing Ciamik adalah Konsentrasi yang sangat menyenangkan Bagi Gw sendiri ketika menikmati materi full keren pertama yang diimbangi dengan Kualitas Produksi maksimal. ditambah Gw salah satu Fans Kualitas Sound Recording dari A4 Studio, dengan Sound sangat Menendang sekali ! Alternatif menyenangkan jika Sajian BDM dengan sentuhan Dinamis serta Melodius adalah Ritual Sakral terbaik mereka di Penghujung 2015. so, Bersiaplah, Siksaan Cadas & Keji Akan Menjadi Mimpi Buruk yang menjadi Nyata dalam Hidup Kalian !
Sejak awal mendengarkan Bocoran Materi DT, Ga nyangka banget jika akhirnya Scene kita punya Konsep Band yang membunuh seperti ini, meski Nama band ini mungkin Kurang terekspos begitu familiar, menjadi moment tepat ketika kalian ingin menambah lagi Koleksi DM " Berbeda " dari yang membombardir Etalase Industri Musik Cadas saat ini. dimulai dengan " Introduce The Pain ", sebuah Intro Akustik dari Indra Meneer yang memainkan Etnis kental bernuansa Arabic dan Timur tengah lebih Renyah dan setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan Shocking Therapy Pertama yang Membombardir kejam dengan Ketukan Full Blastbeat !, Lumayan sepertinya bagi Band untuk Sedikit melakukan Foreplay. " Ambisi Jiwa Arogansi " berikutnya adalah ketukan BDM cepat dan rapat yang mengingatkan dengan Kegilaan Tempo dan skill ala Spawn Of Possession Era " Cabinet ", Brutality " In Mourning " serta Visceral Bleeding. Nah ... dari track ini Gw menikmati sekali karakter Low Growl Vocalis Landy yang T.O.P Banget ! Style Mengerang Bagi Gw jauh lebih baik lagi Power-nya dari Stereotype yang ada selama ini sempet bikin Gw agak keki karena Out of Date banget Hitz-nya. seperti kembali mengingatkan dengan Karakter Scott Reigel-nya Florida Brutality ! karena Landy sendiri lebih menikmati dengan penguasaan Pattern Vokal, sehingga Komposisi-nya makin terdengar Klop dan Beringas ! There's plenty of memorable bits to this Material though including the main some Melodic Riff. Ketukan Powerfully Drummer Taufik juga mampu mendominasi hampir semua Komposisi dengan Skill yang mumpuni apalagi Natural Drumming Sound-nya adalah Elemen sangat menarik ketika kita sangat Capek mendengar Digital Drumming Sound dan terakhir adalah duet Ampuh Gitaris Risqiyano dan Shandy, saling mengisi sekali progresnya. a Most Tight of Impressive, Athletic Brutality - done well !!! ... masih terus mendramatisir dengan beat yang serba cepat, Dinamis serta perfect " Intimidation Of Evolution " tetap Gagah Menghajar. Absolutely, This Album should Present a Challenge to any Death Metal band ! Bener-bener banget Gw sangat menikmati hampir setiap Instrumennya yang memainkan Komposisi secara tepat dan ciamik. " The Purge System " lebih mengingatkan Dengan Style Beat khas The Mighty Cannibal Corpse dengan Dark Riffing In The Vein Deicide serta Morbid Angel era " Altars Of Madness ". sentuhan Solo cantik tak lupa banyak bertebaran teratur di Chorus Bar, lebih menambah Pekat Atmosfir musikal. dan dari sini kita masih dimanjakan terus dengan Tempo yang cepat dan Rapat. Death/Thrasin Part untuk " Surga Jahanam " sedikit menggeser Memorable kita dengan memorable Era 90-an Death metal-nya sebelum Blastbeat Snare cepat kembali mengambil Posisi utama. Nice First Part on " Jakarta Began to Blacken ", rupanya tetep menawarkan Partisi Musikal yang Crunchy. They Still achieve this by having more tempo Variation within the songs, Memorable yet Complicated Riffs, and leads that really stick in your head. Actually, most of the songs are Downright Catchy, Especially when they blend all of these various Elements. Meregangkan sejenak otot yang kaku dengan " You Die With The Neck Cut Off ", meski tidak terus terkuasai dengan Part yang Rapat, Track ini akan menjadi Refreshing otak lepas dari sajian sebelumnya dengan Sentuhan Harmonisasi Riff yang mampu membuat Suasana lebih mencekam lagi. Amukan selanjutnya semakin meledak lagi adalah " Demi Sebuah Tahta ", Bombardir Total Blastbeat menyerang tanpa Kompromi. Severe Intensity fit Perfectly with the Music and Manage to sound huge without sounding too fake or drowning out the other instruments. pada Menit 36 ini ternyata Gw masih sangat begitu menikmati sekali hampir setiap ketukan Intens, dan Masih belum gw temukan Partisi Lemah-nya, karena setiap Komposisi-nya memang telah diperhitungkan sebagai Aransemen yang sangat Matang. dan Akhirnya " Immortal " harus mengakhiri Bencana keji ini dengan Sentuhan solo Akustik Indra Meneer akhirnya mengademkan Suasana setelah tercerai berai dengan Kekuatan Mega Dasyat yang menggempur menyudahi pada Durasi total 39 Menit. The Blastbeats and Double bass are Inhumanly Fast and Brutally Propulsive establish an Ominous, Distorted melody with his grinding riffs sawing away Frequently matching the Speed and Intensity of the rhythm section with Rapid-fire Staccato bursts of words Tumbling over each other.
Sama sekali tidak melebih lebihkan dengan apa yang Gw denger en Nikmati disini selain sebuah Komposisi jahat dan Gelap yang terangkai begitu Menawan. Penentuan Pattern Vokal, Drumming Skill, Sophisticate Riffing telah menjadi Kombinasi yang paling Menyita dan mengoyak perhatian Gw banget. a Pummeling Assault on the Senses with Perhaps the Most Ravaging Combination of Drumming and Riffing on this Album are Surprizing ! Meskipun Dominasi Blastbeat begitu menguasai, namun Pummeling Harmonize Riff serta beberapa Melodic Part mampu memberikan Sentuhan yang mencekam ! tentu Sudah saatnya menggunakan Timing yang tepat saat ini untuk Openminded dengan Apa yang kita denger, Sukai dan Koleksi secara Jujur bukan berdasar dengan apa kata orang lain, apalagi sampai terperosok masuk dalam lingkaran Doktrin sekelompok orang. Pilihan terbaik tetap ada didalam hati yang terkoneksi sempurna dengan Indra telinga.
ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, for use Google Translate here)
Increasingly Optimistic once the development phase of extreme music homeland very encouraging these days, we are able to further Openminded origin with our own tastes Honestly wrote. so that Indonesia deserves Scene Variety concept has become a serious calculations for other countries Scene. Moreover Dare to be different will be a great challenge when we are silenced by the perception that there is speculation. without leaving much of a grip there, For Band nice home in East Jakarta, DEATH THERESIA (DT) formed since 2010, is showing real surprise this time, This is the debut of which might be waiting encouraging for fans of Brutal Death metal with a touch of melodic riffing here and there , Yet kind of a mindfuck to think about at the same time - Far surpasses that of Which Came before it in the Form. Death Metal Sarcastic combination with Perception Silence composition for a daring option. Intensified by his roomates are Unbridled Raw Emotion axles Abundant and even more than Aggression Aggressive. Nice touch of progressive riffing is very pleasant Concentration For I itself when enjoying the cool material first full balanced with maximum production quality. I one plus Fans of A4 Sound Recording Studio Quality, Sound very Kicking once! BDM fun alternative if the dish with a touch of dynamic and melodic are the best of their sacred rituals in the End of 2015 so, be prepared, Extreme torture & Vile will be a nightmare that becomes real in Life You!
Since the beginning of listening to leak material DT, Expectless really if finally Scene we have a concept band that kill like this, despite the band's name is probably less exposed is so familiar, be a moment just when you want to add more collections DM "Different" from bombarding Showcase Industry Extreme music today. begins with "Introduce The Pain", an Intro Acoustics of Indra Meneer who plays Ethnic thick shades of Arabic and the Middle East more Crisp and thereafter continued with Shocking Therapy First Bombarding cruel with Beats Full Blastbeat!, Fair seemed to Band to Little did Foreplay , "Soul Ambition Arrogance" is the next BDM beats faster and meetings are reminded by Madness Tempo and style skills Spawn Of Possession Era "Cabinet", Brutality "In Mourning" and Visceral Bleeding. Well ... of this track Gw enjoy all the characters Low Growl Vocalis Landy Absolutely TOP ! Style Moan For I much better her Power of stereotypes that exist for this sempet make I rather keki as Out of Date Hitz its buildup. as reminded by his character Scott Reigel Florida Brutality! because Landy himself better enjoy the Pattern vocal mastery, so that its composition increasingly audible Fit and violent! There's plenty of memorable bits to this Material Including the main though some Melodic Riff. Powerfully Drummer beats Taufik also able to dominate almost all the compositions with a qualified Skill especially its Natural Sound Drumming is a very interesting element when we are very tired heard Drumming Digital Sound and the last is the Potent Guitarist duet Risqiyano and Shandy, complementary once progress. a Most Tight of Impressive, Athletic Brutality - well done !!! ... Continue dramatize the beat of fast-paced, dynamic and perfect "Intimidation Of Evolution" still dashing Beat. Absolutely, This should Album Present a Challenge to any Death Metal band! I was really really really enjoy almost every The instrument that plays a composition appropriately and good. "The Purge System" is reminiscent of the typical Style Beat The Mighty Cannibal Corpse with Dark riffing In The Vein era Deicide and Morbid Angel "Altars Of Madness". Solo touch not forget scattered pretty regularly in Chorus Bar, further adding Concentrated musical atmosphere. and from here we still spoiled continue with the fast tempo, and Meetings. Death / Thrasin Part to "Heaven Hell" slight shift Memorable us with memorable era 90's Death Metal her before Blastbeat Snare quickly re-take the main position. Nice First Part on "Jakarta Began to Blacken", apparently tetep offers Partition Musical Crunchy. They Still Achieve this by having more tempo Variation within the songs, yet Complicated Memorable riffs, and leads that really stick in your head. Actually, most of the songs are Downright Catchy, Especially when they blend all of Reviews These various Elements. A short stretch stiff muscles with "You Die With The Neck Cut Off", though not continuously possessed by the Meeting Part, this Track will be separated from the brain Refreshing previous offerings with Riff Harmonization touch that can make the atmosphere more tense again. The next tantrums even explode again is "Demi A Throne", Bombardier Total Blastbeat attack without Compromise. Severe Intensity Perfectly fit with the Music and Manage to huge sound without sounding too fake or drowning out the other instruments. in the 36th minute proved I still so enjoy once almost every knock Intense, and still have not found Partition Weak her, because each of its composition was calculated as the Arrangement are very Mature. and finally "Immortal" have to put an end to this heinous disaster with solo acoustic touch Indra Meneer finally coolest atmosphere after scattered by the storm terrible Mega Strength finish on a total of 39 minutes duration. The blastbeats and double bass are Inhumanly Fast and Brutally propulsive establish an Ominous, Distorted melody with his grinding riffs sawing away Frequently matching the Speed and Intensity of the rhythm section with Rapid-fire Staccato bursts of words Tumbling over each other.
Absolutely not exceed Exaggerating what I Enjoy heard here besides an evil Dark composition is strung so charming. Vocal Pattern Determination, Skill Drumming, Sophisticate riffing has become a combination of the most Confiscate and tore I attention really. a pummeling Assault on the Senses with Perhaps the Most ravaging Combination of Drumming and riffing on this album are Surprizing! Although the dominance of Blastbeat once mastered, but Harmonize pummeling riffs and some Melodic Part capable of providing a gripping touch! It is time to use Timing is certainly appropriate at this time to Openminded with what we hear, Love and be honest collection is not based on what other people say, let alone to fall into the circle of the Doctrine of a group of people. The best option remains in the liver that are connected perfectly with Indra ear.
Breeding Records CD 2015
01 Introduce The Pain
02 Ambisi Jiwa Arogansi
03 Intimidation Of Evolution
04 The Door At Hell Gate Soon Open
05 The Purge System
06 Surga Jahanam
07 Jakarta Began to Blacken
08 You Die With The Neck Cut Off
09 Demi Sebuah Tahta
10 Incarnation Of The Devil
11 Immortal
Landy - Vocals
Risqiyano - Guitars
Shandy - Guitas
Deny - Bass
Taufik - Drums
Semakin Optimis sekali dengan Fase perkembangan Musik Cadas tanah air yang sangat menggembirakan hari ini, Asal kita mampu lebih Openminded dengan Selera Jujur kita sendiri aja. sehingga Ragam konsep Scene Indonesia pantas memang menjadi perhitungan serius bagi Scene Negara lain. Apalagi Berani Tampil beda akan menjadi Tantangan bagus ketika Persepsi kita terlalu dibungkam oleh Spekulasi yang ada. tanpa keluar jauh dari pakem yang ada, Bagi Band bagus asal Jakarta Timur, DEATH THERESIA (DT) bentukan sejak tahun 2010, lebih menampilkan kejutan nyata saat ini, Inilah Debut yang mungkin menjadi penantian menggembirakan bagi fans Brutal Death metal dengan Sentuhan Melodius Riffing disana sini. Yet kind of a mindfuck to think about at the same time - Far Surpasses that Which came before it in the Form. Kombinasi Death Metal Sarkastik dengan Komposisi Membungkam Persepsi untuk sebuah Opsi berani. which are Intensified by his Unbridled Raw Emotion as Abundant and even more Aggressive than Aggression. Sentuhan progresif Riffing Ciamik adalah Konsentrasi yang sangat menyenangkan Bagi Gw sendiri ketika menikmati materi full keren pertama yang diimbangi dengan Kualitas Produksi maksimal. ditambah Gw salah satu Fans Kualitas Sound Recording dari A4 Studio, dengan Sound sangat Menendang sekali ! Alternatif menyenangkan jika Sajian BDM dengan sentuhan Dinamis serta Melodius adalah Ritual Sakral terbaik mereka di Penghujung 2015. so, Bersiaplah, Siksaan Cadas & Keji Akan Menjadi Mimpi Buruk yang menjadi Nyata dalam Hidup Kalian !
Sejak awal mendengarkan Bocoran Materi DT, Ga nyangka banget jika akhirnya Scene kita punya Konsep Band yang membunuh seperti ini, meski Nama band ini mungkin Kurang terekspos begitu familiar, menjadi moment tepat ketika kalian ingin menambah lagi Koleksi DM " Berbeda " dari yang membombardir Etalase Industri Musik Cadas saat ini. dimulai dengan " Introduce The Pain ", sebuah Intro Akustik dari Indra Meneer yang memainkan Etnis kental bernuansa Arabic dan Timur tengah lebih Renyah dan setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan Shocking Therapy Pertama yang Membombardir kejam dengan Ketukan Full Blastbeat !, Lumayan sepertinya bagi Band untuk Sedikit melakukan Foreplay. " Ambisi Jiwa Arogansi " berikutnya adalah ketukan BDM cepat dan rapat yang mengingatkan dengan Kegilaan Tempo dan skill ala Spawn Of Possession Era " Cabinet ", Brutality " In Mourning " serta Visceral Bleeding. Nah ... dari track ini Gw menikmati sekali karakter Low Growl Vocalis Landy yang T.O.P Banget ! Style Mengerang Bagi Gw jauh lebih baik lagi Power-nya dari Stereotype yang ada selama ini sempet bikin Gw agak keki karena Out of Date banget Hitz-nya. seperti kembali mengingatkan dengan Karakter Scott Reigel-nya Florida Brutality ! karena Landy sendiri lebih menikmati dengan penguasaan Pattern Vokal, sehingga Komposisi-nya makin terdengar Klop dan Beringas ! There's plenty of memorable bits to this Material though including the main some Melodic Riff. Ketukan Powerfully Drummer Taufik juga mampu mendominasi hampir semua Komposisi dengan Skill yang mumpuni apalagi Natural Drumming Sound-nya adalah Elemen sangat menarik ketika kita sangat Capek mendengar Digital Drumming Sound dan terakhir adalah duet Ampuh Gitaris Risqiyano dan Shandy, saling mengisi sekali progresnya. a Most Tight of Impressive, Athletic Brutality - done well !!! ... masih terus mendramatisir dengan beat yang serba cepat, Dinamis serta perfect " Intimidation Of Evolution " tetap Gagah Menghajar. Absolutely, This Album should Present a Challenge to any Death Metal band ! Bener-bener banget Gw sangat menikmati hampir setiap Instrumennya yang memainkan Komposisi secara tepat dan ciamik. " The Purge System " lebih mengingatkan Dengan Style Beat khas The Mighty Cannibal Corpse dengan Dark Riffing In The Vein Deicide serta Morbid Angel era " Altars Of Madness ". sentuhan Solo cantik tak lupa banyak bertebaran teratur di Chorus Bar, lebih menambah Pekat Atmosfir musikal. dan dari sini kita masih dimanjakan terus dengan Tempo yang cepat dan Rapat. Death/Thrasin Part untuk " Surga Jahanam " sedikit menggeser Memorable kita dengan memorable Era 90-an Death metal-nya sebelum Blastbeat Snare cepat kembali mengambil Posisi utama. Nice First Part on " Jakarta Began to Blacken ", rupanya tetep menawarkan Partisi Musikal yang Crunchy. They Still achieve this by having more tempo Variation within the songs, Memorable yet Complicated Riffs, and leads that really stick in your head. Actually, most of the songs are Downright Catchy, Especially when they blend all of these various Elements. Meregangkan sejenak otot yang kaku dengan " You Die With The Neck Cut Off ", meski tidak terus terkuasai dengan Part yang Rapat, Track ini akan menjadi Refreshing otak lepas dari sajian sebelumnya dengan Sentuhan Harmonisasi Riff yang mampu membuat Suasana lebih mencekam lagi. Amukan selanjutnya semakin meledak lagi adalah " Demi Sebuah Tahta ", Bombardir Total Blastbeat menyerang tanpa Kompromi. Severe Intensity fit Perfectly with the Music and Manage to sound huge without sounding too fake or drowning out the other instruments. pada Menit 36 ini ternyata Gw masih sangat begitu menikmati sekali hampir setiap ketukan Intens, dan Masih belum gw temukan Partisi Lemah-nya, karena setiap Komposisi-nya memang telah diperhitungkan sebagai Aransemen yang sangat Matang. dan Akhirnya " Immortal " harus mengakhiri Bencana keji ini dengan Sentuhan solo Akustik Indra Meneer akhirnya mengademkan Suasana setelah tercerai berai dengan Kekuatan Mega Dasyat yang menggempur menyudahi pada Durasi total 39 Menit. The Blastbeats and Double bass are Inhumanly Fast and Brutally Propulsive establish an Ominous, Distorted melody with his grinding riffs sawing away Frequently matching the Speed and Intensity of the rhythm section with Rapid-fire Staccato bursts of words Tumbling over each other.
Sama sekali tidak melebih lebihkan dengan apa yang Gw denger en Nikmati disini selain sebuah Komposisi jahat dan Gelap yang terangkai begitu Menawan. Penentuan Pattern Vokal, Drumming Skill, Sophisticate Riffing telah menjadi Kombinasi yang paling Menyita dan mengoyak perhatian Gw banget. a Pummeling Assault on the Senses with Perhaps the Most Ravaging Combination of Drumming and Riffing on this Album are Surprizing ! Meskipun Dominasi Blastbeat begitu menguasai, namun Pummeling Harmonize Riff serta beberapa Melodic Part mampu memberikan Sentuhan yang mencekam ! tentu Sudah saatnya menggunakan Timing yang tepat saat ini untuk Openminded dengan Apa yang kita denger, Sukai dan Koleksi secara Jujur bukan berdasar dengan apa kata orang lain, apalagi sampai terperosok masuk dalam lingkaran Doktrin sekelompok orang. Pilihan terbaik tetap ada didalam hati yang terkoneksi sempurna dengan Indra telinga.
ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, for use Google Translate here)
Increasingly Optimistic once the development phase of extreme music homeland very encouraging these days, we are able to further Openminded origin with our own tastes Honestly wrote. so that Indonesia deserves Scene Variety concept has become a serious calculations for other countries Scene. Moreover Dare to be different will be a great challenge when we are silenced by the perception that there is speculation. without leaving much of a grip there, For Band nice home in East Jakarta, DEATH THERESIA (DT) formed since 2010, is showing real surprise this time, This is the debut of which might be waiting encouraging for fans of Brutal Death metal with a touch of melodic riffing here and there , Yet kind of a mindfuck to think about at the same time - Far surpasses that of Which Came before it in the Form. Death Metal Sarcastic combination with Perception Silence composition for a daring option. Intensified by his roomates are Unbridled Raw Emotion axles Abundant and even more than Aggression Aggressive. Nice touch of progressive riffing is very pleasant Concentration For I itself when enjoying the cool material first full balanced with maximum production quality. I one plus Fans of A4 Sound Recording Studio Quality, Sound very Kicking once! BDM fun alternative if the dish with a touch of dynamic and melodic are the best of their sacred rituals in the End of 2015 so, be prepared, Extreme torture & Vile will be a nightmare that becomes real in Life You!
Since the beginning of listening to leak material DT, Expectless really if finally Scene we have a concept band that kill like this, despite the band's name is probably less exposed is so familiar, be a moment just when you want to add more collections DM "Different" from bombarding Showcase Industry Extreme music today. begins with "Introduce The Pain", an Intro Acoustics of Indra Meneer who plays Ethnic thick shades of Arabic and the Middle East more Crisp and thereafter continued with Shocking Therapy First Bombarding cruel with Beats Full Blastbeat!, Fair seemed to Band to Little did Foreplay , "Soul Ambition Arrogance" is the next BDM beats faster and meetings are reminded by Madness Tempo and style skills Spawn Of Possession Era "Cabinet", Brutality "In Mourning" and Visceral Bleeding. Well ... of this track Gw enjoy all the characters Low Growl Vocalis Landy Absolutely TOP ! Style Moan For I much better her Power of stereotypes that exist for this sempet make I rather keki as Out of Date Hitz its buildup. as reminded by his character Scott Reigel Florida Brutality! because Landy himself better enjoy the Pattern vocal mastery, so that its composition increasingly audible Fit and violent! There's plenty of memorable bits to this Material Including the main though some Melodic Riff. Powerfully Drummer beats Taufik also able to dominate almost all the compositions with a qualified Skill especially its Natural Sound Drumming is a very interesting element when we are very tired heard Drumming Digital Sound and the last is the Potent Guitarist duet Risqiyano and Shandy, complementary once progress. a Most Tight of Impressive, Athletic Brutality - well done !!! ... Continue dramatize the beat of fast-paced, dynamic and perfect "Intimidation Of Evolution" still dashing Beat. Absolutely, This should Album Present a Challenge to any Death Metal band! I was really really really enjoy almost every The instrument that plays a composition appropriately and good. "The Purge System" is reminiscent of the typical Style Beat The Mighty Cannibal Corpse with Dark riffing In The Vein era Deicide and Morbid Angel "Altars Of Madness". Solo touch not forget scattered pretty regularly in Chorus Bar, further adding Concentrated musical atmosphere. and from here we still spoiled continue with the fast tempo, and Meetings. Death / Thrasin Part to "Heaven Hell" slight shift Memorable us with memorable era 90's Death Metal her before Blastbeat Snare quickly re-take the main position. Nice First Part on "Jakarta Began to Blacken", apparently tetep offers Partition Musical Crunchy. They Still Achieve this by having more tempo Variation within the songs, yet Complicated Memorable riffs, and leads that really stick in your head. Actually, most of the songs are Downright Catchy, Especially when they blend all of Reviews These various Elements. A short stretch stiff muscles with "You Die With The Neck Cut Off", though not continuously possessed by the Meeting Part, this Track will be separated from the brain Refreshing previous offerings with Riff Harmonization touch that can make the atmosphere more tense again. The next tantrums even explode again is "Demi A Throne", Bombardier Total Blastbeat attack without Compromise. Severe Intensity Perfectly fit with the Music and Manage to huge sound without sounding too fake or drowning out the other instruments. in the 36th minute proved I still so enjoy once almost every knock Intense, and still have not found Partition Weak her, because each of its composition was calculated as the Arrangement are very Mature. and finally "Immortal" have to put an end to this heinous disaster with solo acoustic touch Indra Meneer finally coolest atmosphere after scattered by the storm terrible Mega Strength finish on a total of 39 minutes duration. The blastbeats and double bass are Inhumanly Fast and Brutally propulsive establish an Ominous, Distorted melody with his grinding riffs sawing away Frequently matching the Speed and Intensity of the rhythm section with Rapid-fire Staccato bursts of words Tumbling over each other.
Absolutely not exceed Exaggerating what I Enjoy heard here besides an evil Dark composition is strung so charming. Vocal Pattern Determination, Skill Drumming, Sophisticate riffing has become a combination of the most Confiscate and tore I attention really. a pummeling Assault on the Senses with Perhaps the Most ravaging Combination of Drumming and riffing on this album are Surprizing! Although the dominance of Blastbeat once mastered, but Harmonize pummeling riffs and some Melodic Part capable of providing a gripping touch! It is time to use Timing is certainly appropriate at this time to Openminded with what we hear, Love and be honest collection is not based on what other people say, let alone to fall into the circle of the Doctrine of a group of people. The best option remains in the liver that are connected perfectly with Indra ear.
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