Rabu, 11 November 2015

Arkaik - Lucid Dawn CD 2015

Arkaik - Lucid Dawn
Unique Leader Records CD 2015

01 Risen 01:53    
02 From the Void 03:56    
03 Digital Shroud 04:34    
04 That Which Lies Hidden 03:41    
05 Awaken the I 04:28      
06 Fleshwalkers 06:10    
07 Fusion of Epochs 03:27    
08 Lucid Dawn 04:45    
09 Conjuring 04:58    
10 Temple Aflame 15:45

Jared Christianson - Vocals
Greg Paulson - Guitars
Miguel Esparza - Guitars
Ivan Munguia - Bass
Alex Hernandez-Bent - Drums

Rasanya masih teramat susah untuk Move on dari rasa tercengang saat Technical Death Metal dengan sentuhan Progresif yang kental masih begitu menghipnotis sugesti kita akan indahnya Death metal muda Brilian potensial asal Riverside County, California, ARKAIK yang masih menjadi Artis kesayangan Roster Unique Leader Records.  brimming with young, energetic, technical death metal acts without completely indulging themselves and destroying the songs. meski tidak memiliki Formasi yang utuh lagi dengan Menyisakan Vocalis Jared Christianson sebagai member orisinil Arkaik sejak terbentuk 2004 silam, mengenalkan pertama kali EP " The Divine Manifestation " Tahun 2006, Arkaik berhasil memikat dengan perpaduan konsep forebears killer Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Cryptopsy dengan Suffocation menjadi Komposisi yang Menampar ! cuman jarak 1 tahun Arkaik berhasil melempar full album pertama " Existential Chaos " tahun 2007 via label Pending. hanya membutuhkan 3 tahun berselang, Arkaik secara menawan berhasil memuntahkan the best Masterpiece-nya sekaligus karir mulus pertama sejak bergabung dengan Unique Leader Records ketika tahun 2010 merilis " Reflections Within Dissonance " telah menjadi Perpisahan dengan beberapa Member orisinil band memasuki Generasi ke-2 nya telah membawa Metamorphosis Musikal yang semakin menghipnotis dengan teknik teknik death metal dasyat terbuktikan lewat album ke-3 " Metamorphignition " tahun 2012. dan akhirnya setelah menanti penantian yang lumayan panjang diantara kesibukan dan perubahan formasi, Arkaik secara resmi pada 30 Oktober 2015 memproklamirkan " Lucid Dawn " sebagai Album ke-4 sekaligus full materi gress masih via Unique Leader Records. masih menggandeng Enjiner populer Zack Ohren di Sharkbite Studios, Oakland, California didalamnya menampilkan juga 2 musisi tamu dari Michigan Melodic Death Metal terbaik, The Black Dahlia Murder dengan hadirnya vocalis Trevor Strnad dan Gitaris Ryan Knight. sudah menjadi Jaminan Mutu serta kualitas tentunya jika Unique Leader Records yang hampir dipastikan selalu merilis produk terbaik-nya ditambah Reputasi 3 album sebelumnya sudah sangat menyita perhatian, " Lucid Dawn " adalah the best Masterpiece TDM terbaik jelas tutup tahun 2015 ini. Still a superior experience assist in confirming that state claim to the throne of the modern US death !! dimulai dengan Intro " Risen ", tetep menjadi Tradisi Akustik Epik yang akan mengundang interest tersendiri ketika kejutan track pertama " From the Void " tetap makin mempesona dengan Totalitas musikal TDM sebenarnya. Apalagi ini menjadi awal pertama kali Arkaik tampil lebih Powerfully dengan 2 Gitaris anyar-nya Greg Paulson dan Miguel Esparza (Suffokate, ex-Hatriot) menjadi Tim Solid Baru bagi Arkaik. bahkan sudah sejak gempuran awal track, gw telah mencium Aroma kekerasan Verbal tersendiri ketika indera Denger gw mulai terkoyak dengan sentuhan Teknikal dan kasar, telah menjadi warna yang terasa " Berbeda " dengan Typical gitaris sebelumnya. Greg dan Miguel lebih menambahkan karakter yang lebih cepat dan gahar serta beberapa kali membawa Sentuhan yang Modern lagi. Nuansa pertemuan dasyat berkualitas antara Decrepit Birth, Deeds Of Flesh, Brain Drill, Gorod dan Obscura tetap menjadi Highlight Konsepsional Arkaik. Bahkan gw semakin mencium aroma yang lebih barbarik dengan Penyusunan beat yang makin beringas ! there is nothing but weedilies and the occasional attempt at a mediocre riff, That’s how you play tech death! Not this weedily garbage. This is diluted crap and says a lot about the failures of modern death metal. This is nothing more than a juvenile, amateur wankfest showing off how technical they can make an album sound ! Drummer Alex Hernandez-Bent dan Bassis Ivan Munguia masih memainkan Skill skill mencengangkan rupanya telah menemukan tantangan baru dengan Skill 2 Gitarisnya. " Digital Shroud " adalah sekumpulan Partikel Teknikalitas bermusik yang akan mengundang decak kagum apalagi pada menit ke 02:52, Bassis Ivan Munguia memainkan Fretless Keren solo bass yang disambut dengan tarian cantik solo gitar Greg Paulson kemudian ditekankan dengan sedikit solo drum Alex Hernandez-Bent, Well atraksi yang sangat menarik sekali dimenit menit akhir track rupanya. " That Which Lies Hidden ", luapan temperamen skill yang harus tertahan selama 3 tahun rupanya melahirkan kejutan kejutan luar biasa yang memorable sekali. meski terkesan memainkan Part2 yang dinamis, komposisi-nya lebih mudah tercerna meski hanya 1 atau 2 kali menikmatinya, In short, this performance feels forced and soulless ! Meski sedikit mengalami Pergeseran, Arkaik tetap menampilkan warna Primadona seperti 3 materi sebelumnya. The songwriting here, if you can call it that, is simply atrocious in pretty much every conceivable way. " Awaken the I " masih begitu Mempesona lewat artikulasi harmoni yang tersusun begitu rapi diantara ledakan liar Beat cepat dan beratnya. " Fleshwalkers " rasanya masih tetap susah bagi kita untuk move on barang sedetik pun, karena Aransemen keren tersaji sangat apik. Elemen Arphegios riffing keren muncul pada part awal " Fusion of Epochs " dan kemudian part selanjutnya mudah dipastikan jika Arkaik bakal memainkan teknik-teknik bermain yang kian mempesona. a bizarre fit of musical brutality and progressiveness known as " Lucid Dawn " reasonably competent. Bener-bener track yang paling menyita perhatian Gw sekali nih " Fusion of Epochs ". selanjutnya menjadi Track andalan " Lucid Dawn ", and while a lot of the guitar work that commences when this song actually gets going is impressive, it gets pretty convoluted and goes overboard on throwing different parts at the listener. sama sekali tidak pernah kehabisan Ide Cemerlang mengguratkan Partisi Harmonisasi-nya " Conjuring " masih bikin Gw berbetah ria menikmati setiap Jengkal Progres yang begitu Menampar sekali. Puncaknya, " Temple Aflame " menjadi Closing Track yang paling menyita enerji, Pikiran hingga durasi, bagaimana tidak jika " Temple Aflame " ini menguras durasi 15:45 (Meski pada kenyataannya, full lagu sendiri berakhir pada menit ke 04:40 saja, sisanya adalah Outro hehehe .ed) telah mengakhiri total durasi Album yang terhitung 54 menitan ini. It's far from being a terrible album. secara keseluruhan memang tidak gw temukan Poin Minus ketika mendengarkan kesemua materi baru ini. semuanya masih menampilkan Skill dan Kualitas Sophisticate High level Album maturity ! Meski sempat terjadi pergeseran Musikal yang lumayan membuat Akselerasi Beat Arkaik menjadi semakin meledak-ledak, komposisi materi album ini memang begitu sangat Mengagumkan dan Luar biasa ! the most innate memorability or emotional depth, but it’s an amazing exhibition, and one that does it’s damnedest to write interesting song structures and varied passages. ARE YOU DIEHARD TDM STUFF ???, THIS ALBUM STILL MORE HIGH RECOMMENDED THE BEAST ALBUM FOR YOU HAVE NOW !!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

It's still very difficult to Move on from feeling aroused at the Technical Death Metal with a touch of Progressive thick was so hypnotic suggestion we will beautiful young Death metal potential Brilliant origin Riverside County, California, archaic remains the favorite Artist Roster Unique Leader Records. brimming with young, energetic, technical death metal acts without completely indulging Themselves and destroying the songs. despite not having lineups intact again with Leaving vocalist Jared Christensen as a member of the original archaic since established 2004, introduced the first EP "The Divine Manifestation" In 2006, the archaic managed to captivate with a concept forebears killer Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Cryptopsy with Suffocation into composition Slap! Only within 1 year archaic managed to throw the first full album "Existential Chaos" in 2007 via label Pending. requires only 3 years ago, archaic as captivating successfully regurgitate the best Masterpiece his once career seamless first since joining with Unique Leader Records when in 2010 released "Reflections Within Dissonance" has been parting with some Members of original band entered the 2nd Generation of her had bring Metamorphosis Musical increasingly hypnotic techniques with proven devastating death metal through the 3rd album "Metamorphignition" in 2012 and finally after waiting for a fairly long wait between busyness and formation changes, archaic officially on October 30, 2015 proclaimed "Lucid Dawn" as the 4th album at once full of material gress still via Unique Leader Records. still holding popular Engineer Zack Ohren at Sharkbite Studios in Oakland, California therein featuring guest musicians are also two of the best Michigan Melodic Death Metal, The Black Dahlia Murder by the presence of vocalist Trevor Strnad and guitarist Ryan Knight. has become a Quality Assurance and Quality certainly if the Unique Leader Records are almost certainly always the best product release his reputation plus three previous albums have been very attention, "Lucid Dawn" is the best Masterpiece best TDM is clearly closed in 2015. Still a superior experience assists in confirming that state claim to the throne of the modern US death !! Intro starts with "Risen", tetep be Acoustics epic tradition would invite its own interests when a surprise first track "From the Void" still more dazzling with TDM actual musical totality. Moreover, this being the first time beginning to appear more archaic Powerfully with its brand-new second guitarist Greg Paulson and Miguel Esparza (Suffokate, ex-Hatriot) into New Solid Team for archaic. even since the initial onslaught of track, i have kissed Aroma Verbal violence of its own when it senses Hear I started stripping Technical and rough touch, has become the color that feels "contrast" with previous guitarist Typical. Greg and Miguel more add character faster and gahar and several times brought modern touch again. Shades of terrible quality meeting between Decrepit Birth, Deeds Of Flesh, Brain Drill, Gorod and Obscura remains a conceptual Highlight archaic. I increasingly smell even more barbaric to beat the increasingly violent Preparation! there is nothing but weedilies and the occasional attempt at a mediocre riff, That's how you play tech death! Not this weedily garbage. This is diluted crap and says a lot about the failures of modern death metal. This is nothing more than a juvenile, amateur wankfest showing off how technical they can the make an album sound! Drummer Alex Hernandez-Bent and bassist Ivan Munguia still play an astonishing skill Skill apparently has found a new challenge with the Skill 2 Guitarist. "Digital Shroud" is a collection of particles technicalities of music that will invite admiration especially at minute 02:52, bassist Ivan Munguia plays cool fretless bass solo who was greeted with a gorgeous guitar solo dance Greg Paulson then accentuated with a little drum solo Alex Hernandez-Bent, Well a very interesting attraction once calculated in the final minute of the track apparently. "That Lies Hidden Which", overflowing temperament skill that must be retained for 3 years apparently gave birth to an incredible surprise surprise memorable one. though impressed play Part2 dynamic, its composition more easily digested even if only 1 or 2 times to enjoy it, In short, this performance feels forced and soulless! Although slightly shift, archaic remains Primadona color displays such as 3 previous material. The songwriting here, if you can call it that, is simply atrocious in pretty much every conceivable way. "Awaken the I" is still so enchanting harmony through articulation arranged so neatly between wild blast Beat quickly and weighed. "Fleshwalkers" it still remains difficult for us to move on for a moment, because the cool Arrangement presented very nicely. Cool riffing Arphegios elements appear in the early part "Fusion of epochs" and then the next part is assured if the archaic techniques will play an increasingly dazzling play. a bizarre fit of musical brutality and progressiveness known as "Lucid Dawn" reasonably competent. Was really track the most attention I once ya "Fusion of epochs". Track subsequently become a mainstay of "Lucid Dawn", and while a lot of the guitar work that commences when this song actually gets going is impressive, it gets pretty convoluted and goes overboard on throwing different parts at the listener. did not ever run out of ideas Shining mengguratkan Partition Harmonization of his "Conjuring" still make I fully enjoy every inch of progress is so Slapped once. Peak, "Temple Aflame" became the most seized Track Closing energy, Mind to the duration, how not if "Temple Aflame" This drains the duration of 15:45 (Although in fact, full song itself ended at 04:40 minutes into it, the rest is Outro hehehe .ed) has terminated the total duration of the album that counted 54 menitan this. It's far from being a terrible album. overall i did not find Minus points when listening to all of this new material. everything is still showing Skill and Quality Sophisticate High level maturity Album! Despite a considerable shift Musical makes Acceleration Beat archaic become more explosive, the composition of matter of this album is so very Amazing and Incredible! the most innate memorability or emotional depth, but it's an amazing exhibition, and one that does it's damnedest to write interesting song structures and varied passages. ARE YOU DIEHARD TDM STUFF ???, THIS ALBUM STILL MORE HIGH RECOMMENDED THE BEAST ALBUM FOR YOU HAVE NOW !!!


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