Rabu, 11 November 2015

Cryptopsy - The Book of Suffering (Tome 1) EP 2015

Cryptopsy - The Book of Suffering (Tome 1)
Independent EP 2015

01 Detritus (The One They Kept) 04:33    
02 The Knife, the Head and What Remains 03:32    
03 Halothane Glow 04:26    
04 Framed by Blood 04:20

Matt McGachy - Vocals
Christian Donaldson - Guitars
Olivier Pinard - Bass
Flo Mounier - Drums, Back. Vocals

Menahan Ejaculasinya sejak materi Terakhir " Cryptopsy " tahun 2012, muncratan hebat enerji sperma biadab harus terlepaskan secara liar kembali dari masa pertapaanya The Mega Blaster TDM Canadian Most Brutal Band Cryptopsy yang seperti akhir-akhir ini tenggelam namanya. inilah kejutan pertama Cryptopsy jelang akhir tahun dengan 4 lagu " The Book of Suffering (Tome 1) " yang hanya mereka rilis format digital secara independen. Yeahh, This new approach will allow Cryptopsy to put out new music more often while remaining true to their standards of quality In continuing with their brutal technical death metal resurgence Awesome ! mungkin jika kita coba menoleh lagi kebelakang, Cryptopsy masih bekerja keras menebus kekalahannya sejak Album " Once Was Not " dan " The Unspoken King ", meski Album " Cryptopsy " sendiri telah mengembalikan Citarasa Band sebenarnya, Band yang sukses lewat Album terbaik sepanjang masa seperti " None So Vile, Whisper Supremacy atau And Then You'll Beg " dengan Komposisi Musikal yang Extra meledak hebat sekali dan menjadi Evolusi penting perkembangan TDM yang Dasyat bagi Musisi Death Metal hari ini. kini seperti masih mencoba menggerus persepsi miring akan hilangnya Interest Fans, " The Book of Suffering (Tome 1) " adalah Catatan Penting Kegilaan Cryptopsy harus kembali dimulai ! the opportunity to with nightmarish aural landscapes and horror-themed brutality has back !!! Hadirnya Gitaris Christian Donaldson yang dipercaya mampu menggantikan Tampuk leader komposer atas lagu2 Cryptopsy memang tidak diragukan memang sejak dirinya bergabung dan Ikut rekaman di materi " The Unspoken King " dan " Cryptopsy ", Christian Donaldson akhirnya duduk sendiri sebagai Produser langsung menemani Enjiner Jason Suecof dan Alan Douches untuk menggarap materi ini karena Christian sendiri memang piawai dalam dunia Sound Enjiner serta banyak menggarap Album2 keren Death Metal termasuk 2 materi Cryptopsy awal sejak dirinya bergabung. Pertanyaan ga yakin pun timbul akan materi kali ini bagi fans yang terlanjur skeptis, " apakah Cryptopsy masih Dapat diharapkan kegilaannya kembali ?? ",  Well, sejak mendengarkan 1 Track yang dibocorkan lebih dahulu secara Streaming " Detritus (The One They Kept) ", gw masih yakin sekali Cryptopsy akan menyuguhkan Komposisi terbaiknya sejak era " Cryptopsy ", Yess, ini seperti akan mengajak kita lebih nostalgia dengan 3 Fenomenal album awal " None So Vile, Whisper Supremacy atau And Then You'll Beg ", meski beberapa sentuhan Era " The Unspoken King " masih terasa elemennya ketika Cryptopsy merasa tertantang dengan Perkembangan Musikal. " Detritus (The One They Kept) " adalah cerminan Aransemen Barbar Band yang seperti menyimpan sejuta dendam kesumat saja ! Pukulan Drummer Flo Mounier tentu masih jadi Icon penting Betapa Gila-nya Cryptopsy saat pertama kali mengenalkan tempo-tempo ga waras-nya sekaligus menjadi Pioner Tercepat di era-nya, masih menyuguhkan dominasi permainan Drum Enerjik plus powerfully dengan stamina luar biasanya, kemudian Gitaris Christian Donaldson yang sudah sejak awal Gw amati Permainannya paling mumpuni sebagai pengganti tepat posisi Jon Levasseur dan Miguel Roy semakin menggila lagi Performa Riffing-nya menghadapi kegilaan drummer Flo, sementara Betotan Bassis Olivier Pinard cukup menggantikan cabikan khas Bassis Éric Langlois dengan segala Teknik-nya. Kemudian menjadi menjadi Frontman pilihan Band sejak " The Unspoken King " dan " Cryptopsy ", Posisi Vocalis Matt McGachy masih bercokol kuat dalam segala Kegilaan ini, Well alhasil memang ini menjadi sebuah Kerja keras nyata yang menyuguhkan Debut komposisi sadis ! The down-tuned bass presence forces itself upon the listener by making the varying complexities of the guitar chords and drum patterns all the more hostile, latching right on your throat and attempting to tear your face right off as it hammers your skull right into quite the abrasive brick wall during the groove-oriented passages. " The Knife, the Head and What Remains " kita seperti mendengarkan kembali Versi Modern serta Fresh-nya era Materi " Whisper Supremacy " atau " And Then You'll Beg ", tempo yang super cepat dan mantap adalah siksaan nyata yang harus kalian tanggung menjadi sebagian dari Konsekuensi Barbar konseptual Band seperti yang kita kenal familiar itu, Extremely Dynamic Fastest and Fastest !!! dengan Kualitas Sound yang lebih clean, Gw bener-bener menikmati sekali hampir semua Instrumen memang termainkan dengan Perfek sekali. diantara Konsen-nya gitaris Christian Donaldson mengisi Rythym Beat-nya, beberapa kali pula dimuntahkan solo-solo elegan yang menambah track terdengar begitu manis. Tarikan Vokalis Matt McGachy yang powerfully memang mengingatkan akan perpaduan Karakter vocal era Mike DiSalvo dengan Lord Worm lebih tertata lagi Pattern-nya menurut Gw. dan " Halothane Glow " masih terus memecahkan Keheningan dengan aransemen Destruktif hampir disetiap Bar-nya, meski selalu didominasi dengan Part-part yang cepat, beberapa kali pula Cryptopsy memberikan Sedikit penyegaran ketika menikmati bagian Middle Groovy yang ciamik dan tetap menjadi karakteristik Cryptopsy sejak awal terbentuk. A simian sideshow, a cacophony of clever monkeys, beating energetically on human instruments, but incapable of creating good music with them a monstrously technically adept instrumentally superb !!! Belum selesai menikmati sepenuhnya komposisi Dasyat membunuh ini, Track pamungkas " Framed by Blood " rupanya keburu meledak hebat lagi. Kalo Jujur, kayaknya 4 lagu masih kurang banget untuk mengobati kerinduan Gw sebagai salah satu Fans Band, apalagi yang mereka suguhkan saat ini sangat Eksplosif sekali Emosi Musikal-nya. Didukung dengan Perfect Production, " The Book of Suffering (Tome 1) " adalah the Best Masterpiece ditahun 2015, dimana Era kebangkitan membabi buta Cryptopsy akan kembali menjadi ancaman serius. Another highly brutal release from one of the most uncompromising bands on the planet with a fully enjoy this juicy steak of blistering speed and mind blowing technicality !!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

Restraining Ejaculation since last material "Cryptopsy" in 2012, a great sperm savage Spread energy must be liberated illegal return from pertapaanya The Mega Blaster TDM Most Brutal Canadian band Cryptopsy are like lately sunk name. This is the first surprise Cryptopsy ahead of the end of the fourth song "The Book of Suffering (Tome 1)" that only they release a digital format independently. Yeahh, This new approach will allow Cryptopsy to put out new music more Often while remaining true to Reviews their standards of quality In continuing with Reviews their brutal technical death metal resurgence Awesome! maybe if we try to look back back, Cryptopsy are still working hard to redeem his defeat since the album "Once Was Not" and "The Unspoken King", although the album "Cryptopsy" itself has returned Flavors Band actually, Band successful through Best album of all time such as " None So Vile, Whisper Supremacy or And Then You'll Beg "by the Musical Composition Extra tremendous burst and become an important evolution TDM terrible development for Musicians Death Metal today. now like still trying to undermine the skewed perception of loss Interest Fans, "The Book of Suffering (Tome 1)" is Important Note Madness Cryptopsy have to re-start! the opportunity to with nightmarish aural landscapes and horror-themed brutality has back !!! The presence of guitarist Christian Donaldson who is believed to replace the bulk of leader the composer on Cryptopsy songs is no doubt it since he joined and Joining recording material "The Unspoken King" and "Cryptopsy", Christian Donaldson finally sat himself as a producer directly accompany Engineer Jason Suecof and Alan douches to work on this matter because the Christian himself was an expert in the world of Sound Engineer as well as many working Albums Cool Death Metal including 2 early Cryptopsy material since he joined. Questions also arise ga sure will matter this time for fans who already skeptical, "whether Cryptopsy still be expected insanity back ??" Well, since listening to the first track leaked earlier in Streaming "Detritus (The One They Kept)", I still convinced Cryptopsy will be presenting his best compositions from the era of "Cryptopsy" Yess, it's like going to invite us more nostalgic with 3 Phenomenal early albums "None So Vile, Whisper Supremacy or And Then You'll Beg", although some touches Era "The Unspoken King "still feels her element when Cryptopsy feel challenged by developments Musical. "Detritus (The One They Kept)" is a reflection of Arrangement Barbar Band like to save a million vengeful course! Punch Drummer Flo Mounier would still be Icon important How amazed its Cryptopsy when first introduced tempo-tempo ga sane her as well as a Pioneer Fastest in its era, still presenting domination game Drum Energetic plus powerfully with stamina extraordinary, then guitarist Christian Donaldson already observed since the beginning Gw The game is most qualified as a substitute for proper positioning and Miguel Roy Jon Levasseur worsened again Performance riffing his face insanity drummer Flo, while betotan Bassist Olivier Pinard fairly typical shred replace bassist Éric Langlois with all his technique. Later became to be Frontman Band choice since "The Unspoken King" and "Cryptopsy" The position of vocalist Matt McGachy have remained strong in all this madness, Well eventually it becomes a real hard work that presents a composition Debut sadistic! The down-tuned bass presence forces itself upon the listener by making the varying Complexities of the guitar chords and drum patterns are all the more hostile, latching right on your throat and attempting to tear your face right off as it hammers your skull right into quite the abrasive brick wall during the groove-oriented passages. "The Knife, the Head and What Remains" we like to listen back and Fresh Modern versions of his era Materials "Whisper Supremacy" or "And Then You'll Beg", super-fast tempo and steady is the real torture that should be the responsibility of you some of the conceptual consequences Barbar Band familiar as we know it, Extremely Dynamic and Fastest Fastest !!! Sound quality is better with a clean, I was really enjoying once almost all the instruments it termainkan with Prefect once. Concentration among his guitarist Christian Donaldson fill Rythym Beat her, several times also spewed elegant solos that add tracks sounded so sweet. Vocalist Matt pull powerfully McGachy which was reminiscent of the fusion era vocal character Mike DiSalvo with Lord Worm over again organized its Pattern according to Gw. and "Halothane Glow" still continues to break the silence with arrangements Destructive almost every bar of his, but always dominated by the fast part, several times also Cryptopsy give a little bit of refreshment when enjoying the part of Middle Groovy ciamik and remains a characteristic of Cryptopsy since the early form , A simian sideshow, a Cacophony of clever monkeys, beating energetically on human instruments, but incapable of creating good music with them a monstrously technically adept instrumentally superb !!! Unfinished enjoy fully the composition of this terrible murder, Track ultimate "Framed by Blood" seems to trigger a violent burst. If Honestly, I think 4 songs still less really to cure homesickness Gw as one Fans Band, let alone what they contributed today's highly explosive once his musical emotions. Powered by Perfect Productions, "The Book of Suffering (Tome 1)" is the Best Masterpiece by 2015, which blindly Cryptopsy Era revival will again be a serious threat. Another highly brutal release from one of the most uncompromising bands on the planet with a fully enjoy this juicy steak of blistering speed and mind blowing technicality !!!

CHECK VIDEO TEASER Rotten Entrails [Death Metal Tv]

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