Rabu, 11 November 2015

Gorod - A Maze Of Recycled Creeds CD 2015

Gorod - A Maze Of Recycled Creeds
Unique Leader Records CD 2015

01 Air de l'Ordre 00:58    
02 Temple to the Art-God 03:21    
03 Celestial Nature 04:26    
04 Inner Alchemy 06:13    
05 The Mystic Triad of Artistry 05:08    
06 An Order to Reclaim 04:31    
07 From Passion to Holiness 05:46    
08 Dig into Yourself 03:20    
09 Rejoice Your Soul 04:50    
10 Syncretic Delirium 05:07    
11 An Order to Reclaim (Alternative Version) 04:15

Julien "Nutz" Deyres - Vocals
Mathieu Pascal - Guitars
Nicolas Alberny - Guitars
Benoit Claus - Bass
Karol Diers - Drums

Finally, it’s one of the Finest French Progressive/Technical Death Metal experiences ever wrought the excellent new album is heavily reminiscent of those experimental has come ! sejak materi terakhir " A Perfect Absolution " kita masih terus dibayangi oleh kekuatan dasyat Talenta asal Negeri Perancis dengan permainan yang Memuja Teknikalitas dan bermain musik berat lebih dinamis. nama GOROD sejak kemunculannya mendapat perbincangan hangat, apalagi saat band ini menggunakan nama awal Sebagai Gorgasm tahun 1997 hingga melahirkan album pertama " Neurotripsicks " ditahun 2004 mendapat sambutan Positif pula, apalagi band ini menampilkan drummer cewek Sandrine Bourguignon untuk memberi Beat Excellent telah mendapat point of Interest-nya, sejak menggunakan nama baru sebagai Gorod tahun 2005 karena alasan persamaan nama yang lama kelamaan mengganggu eksistensi band. Tahun 2005, Willowtip Records merilis ulang kembali " Neurotripsicks " untuk pertama kali Band menggunakan nama Gorod dengan materi yang telah mengalami Proses Mixing dan Mastering sekaligus menandai Perayaan usia band yang ke-10 tahun. cuman berselang 1 tahun, Gorod ngasih surprise dengan melepas album ke-2 nya " Leading Vision " via Willowtip Records yang sekaligus menjadi Album terakhir bagi drummer cewek Sandrine Bourguignon. Dengan Progres musikal yang semakin matang, Gorod kerap melakukan Bongkar pasang formasi hingga menemukan Clicking Skill yang tepat bagi Band sendiri yang terbuktikan lewat album Ke-3 " Process of a New Decline " telah menjadi Materi terakhir bagi Gitaris Arnaud Pontaco dan Vocalis Guillaume Martinot yang menurut beberapa Pengamat mengatakan jiwa era awal Gorod telah berakhir untuk kemudian transisi dengan Formasi ke-2 nya. Hadirnya drummer berbakat Samuel Santiago menoreh-kan warna yang sangat menantang sekali. sebelum cabut, Vocalis Guillaume sempat terlibat dalam 2 lagu di Materi EP " Transcendence " tahun 2011 via BUD Records Studio. puncak karir semakin bersinar terang ketika Gorod direkrut dalam roster Unique Leader Records untuk memuntahkan album Fenomenal-nya " A Perfect Absolution " telah mendapat respon sangat Hangat dimasyarakat internasional dengan penjualan terbaiknya. namun sayang Album " A Perfect Absolution " menjadi perpisahan kemudian dengan drummer Samuel Santiago tahun 2013 karena kesibukannya dibanyak band. dan kini Gorod telah melengkapi formasi-nya dengan masuknya drummer berbakat baru Karol Diers dari band Groove/Southern Metal, Hell in Town dan Brutal Deathcore Juggernaut, rupanya kembali memanggang semangat baru bagi Gorod menyelesaikan Album full terbaru ke-5 " A Maze of Recycled Creeds " sebagai pembentukan era baru band menjelang pergantian tahun dengan sambutan Karya luar biasa yang masih ditangani oleh Unique Leader Records. Rasa penasaran memang menjadi bagian tersendiri bagi Fans Gorod yang mengenal Materi Dasyat sebelumnya, apalagi adanya pergantian Posisi Vital terjadi dialbum ini. Frontman/Gitaris Mathieu Pascal masih memegang tanggung jawab penuh pada hampir kesemua materi Gorod Sejak awal masih getol mengerjakan materi kali ini di Bud Records Studio, Mérignac, Perancis yang kemudian proses masteringnya oleh Pierre-Yves Marani (Gitaris band Progressive Death Metal, Fate of Fallacy .ed) di Ubik Mastering, Pau, Perancis siap menorehkan sejarah baru Gorod setelah 3 tahun absen. one of the most listenable and entertaining albums to come from the filigreed depths of technical death metal has born with " A Maze Of Recycled Creeds ". meski materi album ini sedikit mengalami pergeseran musikal dan sound jika kita masih mengharap kedasyatan era " A Perfect Absolution " atau " Process of a New Decline ", karena menurut Gw " A Maze Of Recycled Creeds " adalah racikan musik dinamis yang sangat matang sebagai Puncak karir Gorod. Meski tidak terlalu banyak melakukan Pukulan-pukulan yang meledak-ledak, Progres Komposisi materi baru ini akan lebih memanjakan telinga banget untuk spesial fans Karakter TDM yang lebih Dinamis, melodius dan Excellent ! Both too melodic and too full of fretboard acrobatics to be easily classified as either Fantastic melodic death metal or technical death metal. susunan partisi album dengan skill bermusik yang serba mencengangkan dimulai dengan permainan Pianis dan Tokoh unik pada awal abad ke-20 dari Paris, Alfred Éric Leslie Satie yang menyebut dirinya sebagai seorang " phonometrician " (yang berarti " seseorang yang mengukur kekuatan lewat suara ") karena lebih senang dipanggil seperti itu dibandingkan panggilan " musisi", terutama setelah Ia dijuluki " teknis canggung tapi halus" dalam sebuah buku tentang komponis Perancis kontemporer yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1911, telah mengawali spirit pertama Gorod didurasi ke 55 Detik yang lantas disambut Aransemen TDM extra cantik " Temple to the Art-God ", kita akan langsung terjerat dalam hipnotis hebat pada permainan Konvensional serta pragmatis dalam penyusanan Partisi Harmonasasi yang cerdas. Sound Gitar yang terdengar lebih Clean tanpa memandang kesan Miskin Distorsi, Permainan Duet gitaris Mathieu Pascal dan Nicolas Alberny seperti memegang kendali penuh ketukan beat drummer Karol Diers untuk bersama sama tampil menggila ! make it catchy, heavy, and technical it makes these guys very good musicians. yang sedikit membedakan mungkin dengan materi sebelumnya adalah Penggunaan Blastbeat tempo drum yang terlalu larut dengan Skill Progresif-nya, ya seperti mendengarkan Dream Theatre mulai tidak Sehat dengan tempo standard-nya. jadi jangan terlalu banyak berharap ledakan-ledakan tempo yang cepat disini menjadi Part mendominasi selain kita akan lebih dipaksa menikmati Komposisi yang semakin gila dalam mengekspos skill bermain gila-gilaan aja, Coba check " Celestial Nature ", ini adalah Kombinasi Ego dan Skill yang terpadu cantik dengan karakter bermain Sangat maksimal. Penulisan Bar Riff yang sangat diperhitungkan sekali terlebih sambutan solo Gitar yang melodius gila ! very image via a bizarre fit of musical Brutality and Progressivenes! Menikmati sekali Solo Part awal track " Inner Alchemy " juga adalah sesuatu yang sangat luar biasa sebelum kembali mencerna partisi Musik yang bener-bener Matang dan Penuh perhitungan ganda-nya. whereas others tend to express their chops by trying to impress the listener with how many random genre shifts they can work into their songs while maybe occasionally slathering on a few cacophonies of sweep picking insanity around the edges. Perpindahan Bar dan Lick adalah Prosesi Acak tanpa melepas kekuatan harmonisasi Aransemen terdengar Match, " The Mystic Triad of Artistry " melanjutkan kembali Exbihisi TDM yang kian memukau ! terlebih ga sanggup untuk melewatkan nomor-nomor cantik seperti " An Order to Reclaim dan From Passion to Holiness ", menarik kemudian komposisi Track " Dig into Yourself " dengan beberapa part awal yang Memorable dengan aransemen mudah tercerna Mood. perpaduan Ego Musikal seperti menjadi pemandangan dramatis ketika kita menikmati durasi keseluruhan materi selama 48 Menitan telah menguras Konsentrasi meski membuahkan Kenikmatan tiada tara dengan sajian Excellent Musical Extradionary. often seems to be overcompensating and simply offering up gimmicks instead of landing on a substantial idea. Take, for example, the jazz ballad turned Nevermore meets death metal crusher ! Hampir kesemua Track disini mengundang decak kagum serius bagaimana Mengkomposisi TDM yang lebih baik. Produksi Sound serta Package memanjakan banget, meski Menurut Gw pribadi, Artwork Cover front masih kurang memberi Daya Hipnotis ketika True Artwork Lover bakal tertipu dengan Typical art ini, Meski pada kenyataannya konsumen harus mencoba berulang kali mengubah Paradigma berfikir seperti itu dengan semakin lebih memperhatikan Konten daripada Kemasannya. It’s truly a maddening expedition, and one that fans of this kind of epileptic insanity with adore, is pretty uplifting at times, " A Maze Of Recycled Creeds " sawing its way up toward the skyline and painting it with the brilliant colors of its vibrant notation Killer Composition, the most innate memorability or emotional depth, but it’s an amazing exhibition, and one that does it’s damnedest to write interesting song structures and varied passages ! STAY TECH AND BUY OR DEATH !!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

Finally, it's one of the Finest French Progressive / Technical Death Metal experiences ever wrought the excellent new album is heavily reminiscent of experimental Reviews those has come! since the last material "A Perfect Absolution" we still continue to be overshadowed by the devastating power of the French Foreign Talents origin with games Adored technicalities and play heavy music more dynamic. name GOROD since its emergence gets warm conversation, especially when the band uses the first name as Gorgasm 1997 to give birth to their first album "Neurotripsicks" in 2004 received positive anyway, let alone the band featuring Female drummer Sandrine Bourguignon to give Beat Excellent've got a point of Interest his, since using the new name as Gorod in 2005 due to the reason that the name similarity over time annoy the band's existence. In 2005, Willowtip Records re-released back "Neurotripsicks" for the first time band using the name Gorod with material that has undergone a process of Mixing and Mastering also marks the celebration of the age of the band is the 10th year. cuman ago 1 year, Gorod give surprise with the release of his 2nd album "Leading Vision" via Willowtip Records of what would be the last album for drummer girl Sandrine Bourguignon. With Progress musical maturing, Gorod often do Unloading pairs of formations to locate Clicking Skill is right for the band themselves were proven by the album 3rd "Process Of A New Decline" has become the last material for the guitarist Arnaud Pontaco and vocalist Guillaume Martinot according some observers say early Gorod soul era has ended for later transition with its 2nd Formation. The presence of talented drummer Samuel Santiago incise-the colors are very challenging at all. before pulling out, vocalist Guillaume was involved in two songs on the EP material "Transcendence" in 2011 via BUD Records Studio. career peak shine brightest when Gorod recruited Unique Leader Records roster to spew his phenomenal album "A Perfect Absolution" has got a very warm response of the international community with its best sales. but unfortunately the album "A Perfect Absolution" becomes breakup later with drummer Samuel Santiago in 2013 because of his work in many bands. and now Gorod has completed the formation of his with the entry of drummer talented new Karol Diers of the band Groove / Southern Metal, Hell in Town and Brutal Deathcore Juggernaut, apparently back bake a new spirit for Gorod finish the album full newest to-5 "A Maze of Recycled Creeds "as the formation of a new era of the band before the turn of the year with an incredible welcome work that is still handled by Unique Leader Records. Curiosity has become a separate section for fans who know the material Gorod previous terrible, especially the change of position this dialbum Vital occur. Frontman / guitarist Mathieu Pascal still holds full responsibility in nearly all of the material Gorod Since the beginning still industriously working on the material this time at Bud Records Studio, Mérignac, France which then processes masteringnya by Pierre-Yves Marani (guitarist Progressive Death Metal, Fate of Fallacy .ed) in Ubik Mastering, Pau, France is ready to carve a new history Gorod after a 3 year absence. one of the most listenable and entertaining albums to come from the depths of the filigreed technical death metal has born with "A Maze Of Recycled Creeds". although the album material is slightly shifted musical and sound if we still expect kedasyatan era of "A Perfect Absolution" or "Process Of A New Decline", because according Gw "A Maze Of Recycled Creeds" is a blend of dynamic music very mature as a highlight of a career Gorod. Although not too many blows explosive, Progress composition of this new material will be more indulgent ear very special fans for TDM more dynamic character, melodic and Excellent! Both too melodic and too full of fretboard acrobatics Easily to be classified as either Fantastic melodic death metal or technical death metal. partition layout album with skill in music that completely baffle begins with games pianist and figure unique in the early 20th century from Paris, Alfred Eric Leslie Satie who referred to himself as a "phonometrician" (meaning "someone who measures the strength by voice") because prefer to be called that way than calls "Musician", especially after he was nicknamed "technically awkward but refined" in a book about the French composer of contemporary, published in 1911, has initiated the spirit of the first Gorod Duration to 55 seconds are then greeted Arrangement TDM extra beautiful "Temple to the Art-God", we will immediately entangled in great hypnotic on Conventional games and pragmatic Harmonization Arrangement intelligent partition. The guitar sound that sounds more Clean regardless Poor impression Distortion, Games Duet guitarist Pascal Mathieu and Nicolas Alberny like to have full control drummer beats beat Karol Diers to together show craze! Make it catchy, heavy, and technical it makes these guys very good musicians. that little distinguishes possible with previous material is Blastbeat use tempo drum too late with his Skill Progressive, yes like listening to Dream Theatre started Unfair with its standard tempo. so do not expect too much explosions fast tempo here became Part dominate in addition we will be forced to enjoy the composition of the increasingly insane in exposing the skills to play insanely wrote, Try check "Celestial Nature", this is a combination of ego and Skill integrated pretty the character played very maximum. Writing Bar Riff which is calculated once a welcome first melodic guitar solo crazy! very image via a bizarre fit of musical Brutality and Progressivenes! Solo Part enjoy once the initial track "Inner Alchemy" is also something very unusual before returning digesting the partition music was really Ripe and full double counting of his. whereas others growing niche to express Reviews their chops by trying to impress the listener with how many random genre shifts they can work into Reviews their songs maybe occasionally while slathering on a few cacophonies of insanity sweep picking around the edges. Lick Bar displacement and is Randomized procession without removing the power of harmonization Arrangement sounding Match, "The Mystic Triad of Artistry" resume Exbihisi TDM increasingly riveting! especially ga able to skip the beautiful numbers like "An Order to Reclaim and From Passion to Holiness", interesting then the composition of the Track "Dig into Yourself" with some initial Memorable part with easily digested Mood arrangement. Ego blend into a musical as dramatic scenery as we enjoy the overall duration of the material for 48 Minutes has even led to a drain Concentration Enjoyment incomparable with excelent dish Musical Extradionary. Often seems to be overcompensating and simply offering up gimmicks instead of landing on a substantial idea. Take, for example, the jazz ballad turned Nevermore meets death metal crusher! Almost everyone here invite admiration Track seriously how composing TDM better. Production Sound and Package pamper really, although according My personal, Artwork Cover front still less give Power Hypnosis when True Artwork Lover will be fooled by Typical art is, Despite the fact that the consumer had to try repeatedly to change the paradigm of thinking like that with more and more concerned with content than packaging. It's truly a maddening expedition, and one that fans of this kind of epileptic insanity with adore, is pretty uplifting at times, "A Maze Of Recycled Creeds" sawing its way up toward the skyline and painting it with the brilliant colors of its vibrant notation Killer Composition, the most innate memorability or emotional depth, but it's an amazing exhibition, and one that does it's damnedest to write interesting song structures and varied passages! STAY TECH AND BUY OR DEATH !!!


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