Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Impish - Warkult CD 2013

Impish - Warkult
Blackwinds Productions CD 2013

01 Winter In Inferno
02 Apokaliptik
03 Revenge Of The Unhallowed
04 Kemenangan Laskar Infidel
05 Unholy Victorius Destruction
06 Legion Apostate
07 Tales Of The Molevolent God
08 Lycanthrophy (Shadows of the Fullmoon pt.2)
09 Blasphemer ( Sodom Cover )

Abaddon - Vocals
Desecrator - Guitar
Dvon Hellvete - Guitar
Arie Bathory - Bass
Riyan Blasphemy - Drum, Programming

Lama Juga Nih ga dengerin Geliat Black Metal Genre Movement Di Tanah Air setelah " Booming "nya sedang tergeser Genre lainnya yang lebih " Nge-Trend " hehehe... tapi sapa bilang kalau Genre ini Harus Mati bersama Kegelapannya? Coz masih sering Gw temuin kalo Genre ini masih Survive hingga saat ini, cuman Agak kurang Terekspos aja eksistensinya, ditambah lagi beberapa Jawara Black Metal yang sempat berjaya di era-nya kini telah bangkit kembali untuk Eksis ! salah satunya adalah IMPISH, tentunya nama Black Metal Populer asal Bandung ini populer lewat beberapa Kompilasi Black Metal terkenal era 90-an seperti " Blacker Than Darkness " begitu diakui setiap geliat-nya untuk melahirkan potensi Band2 Genre Black Metal berkualitas ! dan dalam perjalanan karir-nya, Impish sendiri sudah banyak merilis beberapa Single, Ep, dan berpartisipasi dibeberapa Kompilasi serta melakukan Bongkar Pasang Formasi-nya mempertahankan karakteristik-nya sebagai Kriegsmachine Warkvlt Metal yang lebih banyak terpengaruh oleh Old School Style dari Venom, Bathory, Mayhem, Sodom, Marduk, Immortal, Bestial Warlust, Belphegor hingga Old Sepultura untuk meracik Karakter Kegelapannya. sejak terpecah Sekitar Tahun 2000 dari terbentuknya band ini tahun 1996, Kini Impish digawangi oleh Manusia2 Baru didalamnya, seperti hadirnya Riyan Blasphemy dari band Beton yang menggagas kembalinya Impish sejak tahun 2010, yang kemudian mengajak serta Mantan Vocalis Band sejawat, Haze dan Mantan Gitaris beberapa Band Black Metal Terkenal Bandung Scene, Hellgods, Neurotic Of Gods, Crusade, dan Membantu penampilan Panggung Sacrilegious, Yup ada Abah Desecrator memperkuat Barisan Impish saat ini. kembalinya Impish ini akhirnya menarik perhatian Label Indiependent asal Singapore, Blackwinds Productions untuk merilis Full album pertama " Warkult " yang memuat 9 lagu termasuk Cover song milik Sodom " Blasphemer ". tanpa banyak menggunakan Alunan Durasi Intro Horror Seperti kebanyakan Imej Band Black Metal, Impish Langsung menggebrak dengan " Winter In Inferno " melalui Komposisi Beat musik yang cepat dan Chaotic Kocokan Riffing-nya, konsep yang lebih bergaya Old School Klasik Black Metal ini masih menjadi senyawa utama Impish Beraksi, perpaduan Ngebut ala Mayhem, dan Gaya Klasik Marduk seperti tidak menyisakan waktu sedikitpun kita untuk berhenti berheadbanging ! dentuman Hyperblaster Snaring yang disedikit dibantu dengan teknik Programming membentuk karakter yang lebih modern untuk pembawaannya. Roll On Riffing Abah Desecrator memang membutuhkan Speed tersendiri untuk melahirkan rangkaian Harmonisasi Hitam-nya. dominasi komposisi part musik yang cepat memang menjadi salah satu kekuatan tak terpisahkan dalam Bandung Black Metal Movement. Root Attitude Hitam nya pun memang ga bisa terpisahkan dari para legendaris Black Metal Konsep dari Venom,Bathory hingga Mayhem. " Revenge Of The Unhallowed " dimulai dengan Dark Epic yang megah pada sentuhan awalnya siap memancing adrenalin audience semakin Kalap untuk headbang ! menjadi Imej Black Metal yang masih utuh, Impish masih menggunakan Corpsepainting dan Spike dalam mewarnai Karakteristik Black Metal-nya yang sudah mulai banyak ditinggalkan oleh band2 black metal era modern, sebuah simbol Kegelapan tetap bertahan untuk menciptakan karakter Black Metal itu sendiri. where it's a lot of whammy bar usage but not very technical. The drumming is competent, but soulless. It seemed like Hellhammer was blasting away mindlessly, because the drums sound extremely triggered. Double bass alternates with blast beats during the fast sections, and there is ample reliance on the ride cymbal during the slower sections. The fills moving from one speed to another appear contrived, and don't have much flair. They seem to be done only as a necessity.begitu juga " Tales Of The Molevolent God " yang memiliki Harmonisasi Riffing yang terasa memorable dalam Ingatan Gw, bagaimana Faster Part menjadi sangat cepat pembawaannya dalam menciptakan Irama yang semakin terasa sangat gelap ! dan final track " Blasphemer " nya Sodom menjadi semakin lebih Hitam sentuhannya dengan aransemen Impish yang menghadirkan Solo Gitar dari Heri-nya Beton bersama Agan-nya Beton menambah Backing Vocalnya. penggarapan album ini juga melibatkan Heri-nya Beton sebagai Sound Enjiner rekaman di 3x3 Studio sementara proses take Vocal-nya diambil di C51 Studio dan peranan Abah Desecrator disini tentunya juga besar sekali sebagai Producer, Guitar Sound Technician, Sound Mixing, dan Engineering. Dengan Artwork Kover simple lebih dominan warna B/W nya artwork dari seniman Wibowo Yudos Bagaskoro dan kemudian di Poles lagi oleh Dannus Infernus menjadikan kemasan full album ini menjadi lebih " Hitam " dan " Kelam " saja. This album has very little quality musicianship, atmosphere, and is overall boring. There are no interesting riffs, very little diversity, and what diversity there is. The longer the album plays the rawer and darker it gets. The vocals are fascinating. Dissed by some for being overrated in general, you cannot deny that the vocals perfectly fit in with the raw atmosphere. The vocalist constantly switches between screams, mumbling, frustrated cries and unique growls. We can argue for hours about the guitar riffs, but the thing is that these basic guitar riffs embody a very strong theatrical element which is combined with an ever-changing aura that conjures up metaphorical storms in the mind of the listener. All For True Blacker Must Have This now, You can be directly connected to an album and play the guitar along with your corpse paint and general spooky appearances drenched in myths, but in the end nothing will beat the indirect connection of the tortured individual that constantly embodies the metaphorical theater, just to flee from it again and rest on the freezing moon !!!

Also long didn't Hear Here Genre Twisted Metal Black Movement in the country after the "boom" is being ratcheted Genre her other more "Trend" hehehe ... but who say that this genre Should Die with darkness? Coz still often I Find if this genre is still Survive until now, just have a little less Exposed wrote existence, plus some pioner Black Metal that had debuted in his era has now bounced back to Exist! one of which is an impish, of course, Black Metal Popular names from Bandung popular through several well-known Black Metal Compilation 90s like "Blacker Than Darkness" so recognized each stretching its potential to deliver quality bands Genre Black Metal! and in the course of his career, impish itself has a lot of releasing several singles, Ep, and participated in several Compile and conduct its formation Unloading retain its characteristics as Kriegsmachine Warkvlt Metal is much more influenced by the Old School Style from Venom, Bathory, Mayhem , Sodom, Marduk, Immortal, Bestial Warlust, Old Sepultura, Belphegor up for dispensing Character darkness. Around since the 2000 split of the band's formation in 1996, is now fronted by the impish New formations therein, such as the presence of the band Concrete Riyan Blasphemy who initiated the return of impish since 2010, which then invites Band vocalist and former colleague, former guitarist Haze and some Band Famous London Black Metal Scene, Hellgods, Neurotic Of Gods, Crusade, and stage appearances Helping Sacrilegious, Yup there Abah Desecrator strengthen Barisan impish today. This impish return eventually attracted the attention of origin label Indiependent Singapore, Blackwinds Productions to release first full-length album "Warkult" which contains 9 songs including the song belongs Cover Sodom "Blasphemer". without much use Strains Intro Duration Horror The image Like most Black Metal Band, kicked off with an impish Jump "Winter In Inferno" Beat music composition through a fast and Chaotic whisk his riffing, the concept of a more stylish Classic Old School Black Metal is still the main compound impish in Action, a blend style Speeding Mayhem and Marduk Classical Style like no time at all leaving us to stop berheadbanging! Hyperblaster snaring boom that disedikit assisted with programming techniques to form a more modern character to his nature. Roll On riffing Abah Desecrator Speed ??does require a separate circuit for the birth of his Black Harmonization. domination of fast music composition part has become one of the strengths inherent in Bandung Black Metal Movement. Attitude Black Root was also really can not separated from the legendary Black Metal concept of Venom, Bathory to Mayhem. "Revenge Of The Unhallowed" Dark Epic begins with a magnificent touch initially prepared in fishing adrenalin increasingly hysterical audience to headbang! The image became Black Metal is still intact, impish still use coloring Corpsepainting and Spike in his characteristic black metal that are beginning to be by bands black metal modern era, a symbol persisted Darkness Black Metal to create the character itself. where it's a lot of whammy bar usage but not very technical. The drumming is competent, but soulless. It seemed like Hellhammer was blasting away mindlessly, Because The drums sound extremely triggered. Alternates with double bass blast beats during the fast sections, and there is ample reliance on the ride cymbal during the slower sections. The fills moving from one speed to another Appear contrived, and do not have much flair. They seem to be done only as a necessity.begitu also "Tales Of The Molevolent God" who has tasted memorable riffing Harmonization in memory Gw, how Faster Part demeanor to be very fast in creating the rhythm that feels very dark! and the final track "Blasphemer" Sodom it became increasingly more Black impish touch with the present arrangement of the Solo Guitar Heri-Agan her with his Concrete Concrete adds backing vocals. This album also involves the cultivation of his Heri Concrete as a Sound Engineer in 3x3 recording studio while the process take it taken Vocal Studio C51 and Abah Desecrator role here of course is also immense as Producer, Guitar Sound Technician, Sound Mixing, and Engineering. With simple dominant Coverage Artwork color B / W her artwork from artists Wibowo Yudos Bagaskoro and then on again Polishes by Infernus Dannus full packaging makes this album to be more "Black" and "Dark" alone. This album has very little quality musicianship, atmosphere, and is overall boring. There are no interesting riffs, very little diversity, and what diversity there is. The longer the album plays the rawer and darker it gets. The vocals are fascinating. Dissed by some for being overrated in general, you can not deny that the vocals fit in perfectly with the raw atmosphere. The vocalist constantly switches between screams, mumbling, frustrated cries and unique growls. We can argue for hours about the guitar riffs, but the thing is that these basic guitar riffs embody a very strong theatrical element roomates is combined with an ever-changing aura metaphorical storms that conjures up in the mind of the listener. All For True Blacker Must Have This now, You can be directly connected to an album and play the guitar along with your corpse paint and general spooky appearances drenched in myths, but in the end nothing will beat the indirect connection of the tortured individual that constantly embodies the metaphorical theater, just to flee from it again and rest on the freezing moon!!!

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