Kamis, 24 September 2015

Sodom - Epitome Of Torture CD 2013

Sodom - Epitome Of Torture
Steamhammer CD 2013

01 My Final Bullet 04:40    
02 S.O.D.O.M. 03:46    
03 Epitome of Torture 03:31      
04 Stigmatized 02:56      
05 Cannibal 04:19    
06 Shoot Today - Kill Tomorrow 04:01    
07 Invocating the Demons 04:25      
08 Katjuscha 03:43    
09 Into the Skies of War 03:51    
10 Tracing the Victim 04:46

Tom Angelripper - Bass, Vocals
Bernemann - Guitars
Makka - Drums, Percussion  

Tua Tua Keladi, MakinTua Makin Menjadi aja nih Trio Thrasher Legendaris asal Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Jerman yang sudah eksis sejak tahun 1981 band pimpinan Bassis/Vocalis Tom Angelripper yang menjadi satu2nya member asli tersisa dalam Tubuh Sodom yang sejak awal mencoba memadukan beberapa gaya klasik Motörhead, Tank, Raven, dan Venom menjadi komposisi musik yang lebih cepat dan extreme lagi. Interestingly enough, a few of the bands whom I would throw into that "elite" catagory have failed miserably in releasing anything worth a shit over the past few years. The solos on World Painted Blood were laughable, to say the least. In that sense, Sodom is somewhat unique. Regardless of what I expect from the band, they've never put out an album that didn't have its great moments. Band yang sering disebut2 membawa pengaruh kuat Genre metal di pertengahan tahun 80 an ini namanya masih begitu karismatik yang menjadikan Formasi Trio sebagai Keabadian Thrash Metal Formation ini. tema2 peperangan dan Kematian menjadi titik nadir kuat band ini menjadi pelopor penting Jerman metal scene dan Internasional ! meski Frontman Tom Angelripper sudah bukan sosok muda lagi dengan usia yang menginjak 50 Tahun, Tom Angelripper awalnya lebih dikenal sebagai pemain Bassis yang menggunakan Kuku Jari-nya sebelum akhirnya menggunakan Pick, rupanya Bener2 Seorang Metal Diehard to Till Dead !!!!, masih begitu powerfully untuk meraungkan Growling-nya yang sekarang ini lebih terdengar bak Mille Petrozza-nya Kreator banget lengkingan kerongkongannya. is still a Sodom-style thrash record through and through. Tom's vitriolic vocals haven't lost their bite and are in fact noticeably improved, as he has added some subtle melodic touches to his still omnipresent proto-death metal growl ! NOW Sodom would come through and release an entire album with songs full of non-stop, make-me-want-to-punch-soccer-moms-in-the-face-while-I'm-running-by-them-in-the-park type of shit. sejak pertama kali mempostingkan tentang album baru ini, Fans Sodom sudah bersiap2 menerima Angin segar ini, jika sang Kakek Thrash Metal Wahid ini terus Produktif di album full ke-14 nya ini yang diproduseri oleh Waldemar Sorychta, member Grip Inc. yang berkebangsaan Polandia terus Hijrah ke Jerman sukses menjadi Produser dan enjiner untuk band2 terkenal dan legendaris seperti Asphyx, Samael, Moonspell, etc dan ini adalah kerjasama ke-2 nya setelah album terakhir " In War and Pieces " tahun 2010 lalu. selain itu turut berperan juga nama enjiner Dennis Koehne yang pernah menggarap materi " In War and Pieces " juga. sodom masih tetap membawa sentuhan kuat karakter era " In War and Pieces ", dimana Masuknya Power fresh dari Drummer Makka yang reputasinya terangkat setelah dirinya beberapa kali membantu penampilan Rotting Christ. kualitas bermainnya memang sangat mengingatkan gw banget dengan Mendiang drummer enerjik Chris Witchhunter Era " Agent Orange ", sebuah album yang hingga kini masih menjadi Album Sodom Klasik terbaik yang pernah gw dengar ! I feel like the man must have been taking some pretty eclectic meals lately, because album #14 from his mainstay takes a potpourri of ideas spanning the last 30 years of his career and then jumbles them together into a surprisingly fluid, if not entirely resonant or impressive concoction of classic and contemporary thrash metal which places a heavier than usual emphasis on arrangement. Perhaps as the band pushes onward into its golden years, the studio wizardry is beginning to supplant some of the raw thrashing energy once asserted, but I can't exactly fault Tom and company for trying to piece together their past into some new puzzle, and there is ample technicality and intensity here to at least run with the younger crowd. Langsung " My Final Bullet " yang diawali dengan Clean Guitar Opening menjadi foreplay yang begitu enerjik sentuhannya. masih membawa karakter kuat Sodom Style, Konsepsional Sodom masih tetap ga berubah, bahkan gw mendengarkan karakter Vocal Angelripper lebih mengarah ke Mille-nya Kreator banget deh hehehehe .... There are rock riffs spliced through various points of the album that recount their later 90s fare, and some pure tremolo picking progressions dated back to Tapping the Vein; and at the same time, spiffy speed/thrash patterns one could date to Persecution Mania or Agent Orange !! rhythms pursue a punchy tone during the mid-paced, palm-muted muggings, but once opened up into blinding speeds, they summon up Sodom's first forays into the more structural thrash post-Obsessed by Cruelty; like the six-string projectile bursts! " S.O.D.O.M. " the latter of which serves as a throwback to classic cuts like "Nuclear Winter" or "Sodomy & Lust". memang seperti lebih mengajak kita kembali ke era 2 album Spektakuler " Persecution Mania " & " Agent Orange " banget kayaknya " Epitome Of Torture " ini. dan Track " Epitome Of Torture " sentuhannya begitu Modern banget pada lick Riffing-nya.  which resemble modern Exodus, but then sadly devolve into some brickhouse, predictable groove thrash with amateur, primitive, uninteresting notation. I think, though, that while Epitome of Torture offers much variation on the whole, listeners will be quick to point out its more melodic tendencies, suffused with hints of traditional speed and traces of melodeath similar to Kreator's experiments on " Violent Revolution " or " Phantom Antichrist ". lalu " Stigmatized "masih terus tiada lelah bagi sodom menawarkan terus beat2 yang cepat, beberapa sentuhan riffing aransemennya " Agent Orange " banget ! denger bagaimana Refrain Track " Stigmatized " seperti " Agent Orange " banget Pattern nya hehehe ... While I wouldn't say they feel excessively processed, it seems like they've been cut & pasted, panned and scanned so that each rusted bark, rasp or straight up death growl is meant to deliver some maximum belligerent impact. The man still sounds good, but unfortunately the actual choruses themselves never feel as poignant or memorable as I'd hoped. " Cannibal " lebih mendinginkan suasana dengan sajian middle beat yang enerjik dan simple riffing memorable with Rockin Thrash In vein ! kemudian " Shoot Today - Kill Tomorrow ", kembali telinga gw terus digerinda dengan serangan cepat yang membabi buta, Sodom choruses have never been incredibly dramatic or complex, often rendered to a mere bludgeoning of the song title, but the riffs were often good enough that they'd stick with you for decades. Despite the fact that his voice is being so fully fleshed out, even the most moody and melodic arrangements ! " Invocating the Demons " part awalnya lebih memainkan Downtempo yang asyik sebelum serangan bertubi tubi menyiksa telinga kita lagi. track dengan Melodius riffing coba ditampilkan pada part awal track " Katjuscha ", yang aslinya memang sebuah Nada Melodi dari Negara Soviet sewaktu terjadinya perang dunia ke II yang ciptakan pertama kali oleh Matvei Blanter tahun 1938 menjadi karakter Unik tersendiri bagi sodom untuk menggubahnya. 10 Track Album ini memang 80% akan lebih banyak mengajak kita sedikit bernostalgia dengan era album kejayaan Sodom " Persecution Mania " & " Agent Orange " sekali, sisa-nya beberapa sentuhan progresif Sodom dalam berkarir saat ini yang terkontaminasi dengan beberapa sentuhan baru. tetap bernyawa terus Sodom dalam ekspansinya menciptakan nada2 Thrash Metal klasik, cepat dan dengan sentuhan tajam modernisasi Konsepsional Music memasuki era Millenium. dan untuk pertama kalinya juga Sodom kali ini menggunakan jasa pelukis Meran Karanitant. wajib banget album ini buat Fans Diehard sodom miliki ! selain memiliki materi yang keren, sajian Mengagumkan masih menjadi debutan setia label Steamhammer untuk album2 nya Sodom ! a more direct approach with the aggressive melodies and yet there are moments of groove in those rhythms that keep the deliciously honest dark ‘Sodom’ humour alive. If you are by now alarmed at the lack of mention of traditional teutonic thrash chaos !!

Tua Tua Keladi, MakinTua Makin aja nih Become Legendary Trio Thrasher origin Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, which has existed since 1981 led band bassist / vocalist Tom Angelripper who became satu2nya original member remaining in the body of Sodom that since the beginning try to combine several styles classic Motörhead, Tank, Raven and Venom became musical composition that is faster and more extreme. Interestingly enough, a few of the bands Whom I would throw into that "elite" catagory have failed miserably in releasing anything worth a shit over the past few years. The solos on World Painted Blood were laughable, to say the least. In that sense, Sodom is somewhat unique. Regardless of what I expect from the band, they've never put out an album that did not have its great moments. Bands are often disebut2 brings a strong influence on the metal genre's mid 80's so charismatic that his name still makes Formation Eternity Thrash Metal Trio as this Formation. tema2 war and death become powerful nadir point the band became an important pioneer and International German metal scene! Frontman Tom Angelripper although the figure is not young anymore with age stepping 50 Years, Tom Angelripper formerly known as the bassist player who uses his finger nails before using Pick, apparently to bener2 A Diehard Metal Till Dead!!!!, still so Growling powerfully to blare his now more audible tub Education Mille Petrozza her throat really wail. is still a Sodom-style thrash record through and through. Tom's vitriolic vocals have not lost their bite and are in fact noticeably improved, as he has added some subtle melodic touches to his still omnipresent proto-death metal growl! NOW Sodom would come through and release an entire album with songs full of non-stop, make-me-want-to-punch-soccer-moms-in-the-face-while-I'm-running-by-Them- in-the-park type of shit. since first posting about this new album, Sodom Fans already bersiap2 accept this fresh breeze, if his grandfather's Thrash Metal Wahid continued full album Productive in his 14th this was produced by Waldemar Sorychta, Grip Inc. members. Polish nationality from Germany continues to be a successful Hijrah Producer and Engineer for band2 famous and legendary as Asphyx, Samael, Moonspell, etc and this is the 2nd collaboration after his last album "In War and Pieces" in 2010. but it also contributed to Engineer Dennis Koehne name ever worked on material "In War and Pieces" as well. Sodom still bring a touch of strong character era "In War and Pieces", where the influx of fresh Power from Makka Drummer whose reputation rose after him a few times to help the appearance of Rotting Christ. quality of play is very reminiscent of the late i really energetic drummer Chris Witchhunter Era "Agent Orange", an album which is still a best Classical Album Sodom gw ever heard! I feel like the man must have been taking some pretty eclectic meals lately, Because the album # 14 from his mainstay takes a potpourri of ideas spanning the last 30 years of his career and then jumbles them together into a surprisingly fluid, if not entirely resonant or impressive concoction of classic and contemporary thrash metal roomates places a heavier than usual emphasis on arrangement. Perhaps as the band pushes onward into its golden years, the studio Wizardry is beginning to supplant some of the raw energy thrashing once asserted, but I can not exactly fault Tom and company for trying to piece together their past into some new puzzle, and there is ample technicality and intensity here to at least run with the younger crowd. Direct "My Final Bullet" which begins with a Clean Guitar Opening foreplay so energetic touch. still bring strong character Style Sodom, Sodom Concepts remained unchanged ga, gw even listen Vocal Angelripper character leads to his Mille Education deh hehehehe .... There are rock riffs spliced ??through various points of the album later that recount their 90s fare, and some pure tremolo picking progressions dated back to Tapping the Vein; and at the same time, spiffy speed / thrash patterns one could date to Persecution Mania or Agent Orange!! rhythms pursue a punchy tone during the mid-paced, palm-muted muggings, but once opened up into blinding speeds, they summon up Sodom's first forays into the more structural thrash post-Obsessed by Cruelty; like the six-string projectile bursts! "SODOM" the latter of roomates serves as a throwback to classic cuts like "Nuclear Winter" or "sodomy & Lust". indeed as more invites us back to the era of 2 Spectacular album "Persecution Mania" and "Agent Orange" really seems "Epitome Of Torture" is. and Track "Epitome Of Torture" Modern touch so really riffing on his licks. Exodus resemble modern roomates, but then sadly devolve into some brickhouse, predictable groove thrash with amateur, primitive, uninteresting notation. I think, though, that while Epitome of Torture offers much variation on the whole, listeners will be quick to point out its more melodic tendencies, suffused with hints of traditional speed and traces of melodeath similar to Author's experiments on "Violent Revolution" or " Phantom Antichrist ". and "stigmatized" still not tired to continue beat2 Sodom offers fast, some touch of riffing arrangements "Agent Orange" really! Refrain Track hear how "stigmatized" as "Agent Orange" its really Pattern hehehe ... While I would not say they feel excessively processed, it seems like they've been cut and pasted, panned and scanned so that each rusted bark, rasp or straight up death growl is meant to deliver some belligerent maximum impact. The man still sounds good, but unfortunately the actual choruses Themselves never feel as poignant or memorable as I'd hoped. 'Cannibal' more cool atmosphere with an energetic beat middle dish simple and memorable riffing with Rockin Thrash in vein! then "Shoot Today - Kill Tomorrow", back ear i kept grinding with fast attacks blindly, Sodom choruses have never been incredibly dramatic or complex, Often rendered to a mere bludgeoning of the song title, but the riffs were good enough Often that they'd stick with you for decades. Despite the fact that his voice is being so fully fleshed out, even the most moody and melodic arrangements! "Invocating the Demons" part initially played a fun Downtempo before insistent barrage attack again torturing our ears. try track with melodic riffing displayed on the initial part track "Katjuscha", which originally was a tone melody of the Soviet state during World War II that was first created in 1938 by Matvey Blanter into its own unique character to Sodom to compose them. This 10 track album is 80% more will take us a little nostalgic for the era of the triumph of Sodom album "Persecution Mania" and "Agent Orange" once, the rest of the few progressive touches Sodom in a career now contaminated with some new touches. animate still continues in its expansion creating nada2 Sodom Thrash Metal classic, fast and with a sharp touch of modernization Concepts Music entered the era of the Millennium. and for the first time as well this time using the services of Sodom Meran Karanitant painter. This album really mandatory for Sodom Diehard Fans have! besides having a cool material, grain Astonishing still be loyal debutant label Steamhammer for his album2 Sodom! a more direct approach with the aggressive melodies and yet there are moments of groove in those rhythms that keep the honest deliciously dark 'Sodom' humor alive. If you are by now alarmed at the lack of mention of traditional Teutonic thrash chaos!!

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