Kamis, 24 September 2015

Cerebrum - Cosmic Enigma CD 2013

Cerebrum - Cosmic Enigma
Amputated Vein Records CD 2013

01 Utopian Freedom, Dogmatic Truth 03:55    
02 Subconscious Extraction 04:02    
03 Dream Infusion Side-Effects 04:09    
04 Vaporized to Feed the Profound Abyss (...Sinking Endlessly) 00:37
05 Oblivious Eons 03:52    
06 Phobos Manipulation 04:47    
07 Self-Regenerate 03:18    
08 Enter the Void 04:11    
09 Chaotic Orbits Align 03:05    
10 Cosmic Enigma 03:56    
11 Swirling Liquid Pellets... (Vitiate the Infinite Vacuum) 00:29    
12 S-G-S (Subliminal Gravity Symptoms) 03:54

Mike Papadopoulos - Guitars
Jim Touras - Guitars, Vocals
George Skullkos - Bass
George Kollias - Additional Drums

SURPRISING BANGETTTT !!!!!!!!  " Cerebrum,tight technical metal that reminds me of my days in Watchtower.But with a twist! Dark,heavy vocals that leaves you wanting more.This is a band i would have zero problems promoting nor playing a show with! " Cerebrum is killer musick to stimulate the Pineal Glan " menjadi pujian pertama yang dilontarkan oleh Scenester Musisi Veteran Mike Browning Ex. nya Morbid Angel dan Nocturnus yang menilai permainan Band asal Athens, Attica, Greece yang eksis sejak 2002 ini sangat Fantastis ! apalagi Band ini 2x kali menulis full album dengan meminta bantuan drummer berbakat dasyat George Kollias -nya Nile yang kebetulan juga George Kollias juga asli berkebangsaan Greece begitu antusias membantu band ini sejak album pertama " Spectral Extravagance " tahun 2009, dan kini Cerebrum masih mengajak George dialbum gress-nya " Cosmic Enigma ". bener2 sebuah komposisi Progressive Death Metal dengan sentuhan yang Brutal abi!!! Cerebrum uses a dark and punchy atmosphere to the album delivered through very its very straightforward mix. The band's ability to bust out a juggernaut groove is equal to its capacity for pure old school death hammering. it's a worthwhile debut if you long for crushing 90s punishment with no shortgage of a riffing whirlwind and technical awareness. It's good to hear more death metal from Greece and there is a potential in this band. tentunya album baru ini bakalan lebih menarik lagi dengan Progresi Musikal mereka yang semakin matang sejak album pertama. trio Berbakat Mike Papadopoulos,  Jim Touras dan George Skullkos bakalan ga meninggalkan Keinginan mereka berkarya sebenarnya di Konsep Musik serba dinamis ini. " Utopian Freedom, Dogmatic Truth ", tanpa banyak bacot langsung menampar seketika dengan Hyper Dynamic Hyperblasting Snare George yang terkenal cepat dan rapat itu mengawali pertemuan awal ini. as it transfers between old school pummeling death metal double bass to a choppier thrash segment. There are a few jazzy guitar breaks which do little to serve the song, but the remainder of the writing is solid. "Scatter-brain" is a better track with its frenetic, paranoid dual guitars and psychotic grooves. Here the band sounds their best, a hybrid of riffy death metal !!! perpaduan kental dasar dari Suffocation dan Cannibal Corpse adalah tonggak awal Cerebrum ini mulai meracuk ramuan Saktinya dengan beberapa sentuhan Modern dan Old School sehingga Cita Rasa Progresi musik serba dinamis mulus diluncurkan pada setiap aransemennya. Low Grunted Vokill menjadi Komponen Pelengkap dimana sang gitaris terlalu konsentrasi dengan Pummeling riffing rumit-nya, beberapa penekanan gaya Riffing Suffocation coba dileburkan dengan Kekejaman Cryptopsy yang kemudian coba di kawin silangkan dengan gaya teknikal Decrepit Birth serta Arkaik, dan pada tengah2 aransemen, beberapa permainan Klasik Jazz clean Guitar menjadi Menu penghangat Suasana, sepertinya adopsi Gaya Opeth menjadi pilihan progresif lainnya semakin membuat beda karakteristik Cerebrum ini, yang jelas makin dinamis mengerikan imej-nya ! ini asli straightforward mix Death Metal Cool As Fuck beudd !!! perpaduan gaya Progresif Thrash ala Atheist dengan karakteristik lama Pestilence juga Nocturnus adalah yang paling menyengat pada setiap sentuhan Tremollo Pummeling Death Riffing Fantastic-nya. dan coba denger saja sendiri pada track ke-2 " Subconscious Extraction ", sentuhan Licking Riff yang awesome menari nari liar ! technical and varied guitar work in addition to bass lines that can be distinguished from the album's roiling, brutal undertow. And all of this was accomplished without sacrificing extremity! Skill George Kollias memang seperti lebih menyatu banget improvisasinya dengan band ini ketimbang di Nile, coz di Nile, George memang lebih mengandalkan dominasi Beat yang cepat saja, dan di Cerebrum sangat berbeda sekali, seperti telah menemukan kelas-nya tersendiri sebagai drummer dasyat ! ... is just as brutal as the debut, only in more than one way. It's as if prehistoric fireworks suddenly alighted the sky over a stolid, rocky ridge, and then molten inspiration began to flow free and disintegrate anything in its path. " Dream Infusion Side-Effects " dengan tempo aransemen rancak, Cerebrum semakin mempertajam Kepiawaiannya mengolah musik yang begitu dinamis, sehingga lagi lagi memerlukan waktu berkali kali untuk dapat mencerna Gaya Rumit ini. tries its hands at weaving threads of Death, Cynic and Atheist through its punishing foundations. While Robison's growl is the one constant binding it all together, the guitars are fucking frenetic to the point where Sotelo is often engaged in overmuch frivolous leads. He's certainly upped the ante with this 'big reveal' of ability, but more important to me than the indulgent, screaming lead sequences were the clinical melodies being invested into the rhythmic matrix. Sebuah Instrumen Cantik nan Melodius bisa kalian nikmati pada track " Vaporized to Feed the Profound Abyss (...Sinking Endlessly) ", lalu " Oblivious Eons " terus memanjakan belaian Progresi Jazz Fusion Death Metal yang inovatif, asli ini menghanyutkan gw dalam Irama harmonisasi kacau dengan aransemen mematikan pula, wew !!! Other strings have been discovered on the guitar. Prepare antiaircraft measures on the double! Granted, there is a certain degree of wankery involved: almost like he succumbed to a Lawnmower Man level influx of ideas and couldn't contain all the newfound brilliance...not all the leads and melodies are very catchy...but even so, there is so much more of note(s) happening, a refined fusion/jazz undercurrent ! selama durasi 40:15 melalui 12 track, Fans Teknikal Progresif Death Metal bakalan nyata dimanjain dengan pola cerdas Cerebrum mengkomposisi sebuah lagu Metal berkualitas dengan Talenta diatas rata2. where the band beautifully bounces between two and three part harmonic riffing from the deviating lead, rhythm, and bass guitars played by Matt Sotelo. Songwriting has much improved in this sophomore effort as the band finds perfect placement for the wide ranging solos and also breaks down in broad-metered places. Sangat Berbahaya dan menjadi ancaman serius dimasa yang akan datang nih Cerebrum !! Fans musik rumit dan memerlukan konsentrasi lebih untuk dapat menikmati Kedasyatan dan Keindahan sebuah Musik dengan selera Luar Biasa ala Death, Cynic, Atheist yang dipadukan dengan kedasyatan Suffocation, Monstrosity,Cannibal Corpse hingga Decrepit Birth, sangat gw rekomendasikan album keren ini buat kalian konsumsi !! everything on the table in this album and masterfully drives their music to succeed with a strong focus on balancing melodic technicality with straightforward brutality. BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Surprising BANGETTTT!!!!!!!! "Cerebrum, tight technical metal that reminds me of my days in Watchtower.But with a twist! Dark, heavy vocals that leaves you wanting more.This is a band i would have zero problems promoting nor playing a show with" The cerebrum is killer musick to stimulate the Pineal Glan "became the first compliment posed by Scenester Veteran Musician Mike Browning Ex. Morbid Angel and her nocturnus who judge the game Band from Athens, Attica, Greece which exists since 2002, is so Fantastic! especially band is 2x times to write full album with a call for help enormously talented drummer George Kollias-Nile who also happened to his George Kollias also original nationality Greece so enthusiastic help this band since the first album "Spectral Extravagance" in 2009, and now cerebrum still invite George dialbum gress his "Cosmic Enigma" . bener2 a composition Progressive Death Metal with a touch Brutal abi!!! cerebrum uses a dark and punchy atmosphere to the album delivered through very its very straightforward mix. The band's ability to bust out a juggernaut groove is equal to its capacity for pure old school death hammering. it's a worthwhile debut if you long for crushing 90s punishment with no shortgage of a riffing whirlwind and technical awareness. It's good to hear more death metal from Greece and there is a potential in this band. course, the new album is going to be Musical Progression interesting again with a more mature since their first album. Talented trio Mike Papadopoulos, Jim and George Skullkos Touras going ga abandon their desire actually work in this dynamic concept paced music. "Utopian Freedom, Dogmatic Truth", without much direct slap snout immediately with Hyper Dynamic Snare hyperblasting famous George quickly and the meeting began this initial meeting. as it transfers between old school death metal pummeling double bass to a choppier thrash segment. There are a few jazzy guitar breaks roomates do little to serve the song, but the remainder of the writing is solid. "Scatter-Brain" is a better track with its frenetic, paranoid psychotic dual guitars and grooves. Here the band sounds their best, a hybrid of death metal riffy!!! blend thick base of Suffocation and Cannibal Corpse is the first milestone of the cerebrum began meracuk his magic potion with a touch of Modern and Old School that Taste Progression dynamic music seamlessly paced launched on any arrangements. grunted Low Complement Component Vokill be where the guitarist is too concentrated with pummeling his intricate riffing, some emphasis riffing style fused with cruelty Suffocation Cryptopsy try that then try mating crosses with Decrepit Birth technical style and archaic, and at tengah2 arrangements, some games Classical Guitar Jazz clean a Menu warmers Atmosphere, Opeth Style adoption seems to be getting more progressive choice to make different characteristics of the cerebrum, which is clearly more dynamic image of his terrible!'s original straightforward mix of Death Metal As Fuck beudd Cool!!! Progressive Thrash style blend style with the characteristic long Atheist Pestilence nocturnus is also the most stinging at every touch Tremollo pummeling Death riffing Fantastic him., and try to hear yourself on the track to-2 "Subconscious Extraction", touch Licking riff awesome dance dancing wild! technical and varied guitar work in addition to the bass lines that can be distinguished from the album's roiling, brutal Undertow. And all of this was accomplished without sacrificing extremity! Skill George Kollias is like a more integrated really improvisation with the band rather than on the Nile, coz in the Nile, George was more rapid Beat rely dominance alone, and in the cerebrum is very different, as has been found his own class as terrible drummer! ... is just as brutal as the debut, only in more than one way. prehistoric It's as if the sky alighted Suddenly fireworks over a stolid, rocky ridge, and then molten inspiration Began to flow free and disintegrate anything in its path. "Dream Infusion Side-Effects" smart-tempo arrangements, cerebrum sharpen His ability to cultivate the music is so dynamic, so once again takes many times to be able to digest this complicated style. Tries its hands at weaving threads of Death, Cynic and Atheist through its punishing foundations. While Robison's growl is the one constant binding it all together, the guitars are fucking frenetic to the point where Sotelo is Often engaged in overmuch frivolous leads. He's certainly upped the ante with this' big reveal 'of ability, but more important to me than the indulgent, screaming leads the clinical melodies sequences were being invested into the rhythmic matrix. A Beautiful Instrument nan you can enjoy the melodic track "vaporized to Feed the Profound Abyss (... Sinking Endlessly ) ", and" Oblivious Eons "continued indulging caress Death Metal Fusion Jazz Progression innovative, original gw washed in chaotic harmony with the rhythm of deadly arrangement anyway, wow!!! Other strings have been discovered on the guitar. Prepare antiaircraft measures on the double! Granted, there is a certain degree of wankery INVOLVED: almost like he succumbed to a level Lawnmower Man influx of ideas and could not contain a brilliance all the Newfound ... not all the leads and melodies are very catchy ... but even so, there is so much more of the note (s) happening, a refined fusion / jazz undercurrent! during the duration of 40:15 through 12 tracks, Progressive Technical Death Metal Fans going real dimanjain with intelligent pattern cerebrum composed a song with a qualified Metal Talents rata2 above. beautifully where the band bounces between two and three part harmonic riffing deviating from the lead, rhythm, and bass guitars played by Matt Sotelo. Songwriting has much improved in this sophomore effort finds the band as the perfect placement for the wide-ranging solos and also breaks down in broad-metered places. Highly Dangerous and become a serious threat in the future cerebrum ya!! Fans of music is more complex and requires concentration to be able to enjoy Kedasyatan and beauty of an Extraordinary Musical tastes ala Death, Cynic, Atheist, combined with kedasyatan Suffocation, Monstrosity, Cannibal Corpse to Decrepit Birth, very cool i recommend this album for you consume!! everything on the table in this album and masterfully drives their music to succeed with a strong focus on balancing straightforward melodic technicality with brutality. BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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