Kamis, 24 September 2015

Immolation - Kingdom Of Conspiracy CD 2013

Immolation - Kingdom Of Conspiracy
Nuclear Blast Records CD 2013

01 Kingdom of Conspiracy 03:48    
02 Bound to Order 03:49    
03 Keep the Silence 04:06    
04 God Complex 03:35    
05 Echoes of Despair 03:45    
06 Indoctrinate 04:48    
07 The Great Sleep 05:22    
08 A Spectacle of Lies 03:14    
09 Serving Divinity 03:36    
10 All That Awaits Us 04:50

Robert Vigna - Guitars
Ross Dolan - Vocals, Bass
Bill Taylor - Guitars
Steve Shalaty - Drums

Immolation are, and always have been, unique. Theirs is an instantly identifiable sound built mostly on intangibles. It's hard to verbalize exactly what makes Immolation stand alone. Arising out of NYDM, they retain that scene's formative rampant brutality and grit yet they are architects of knotty complexity and remorseless hooks, songs as challenging as they are catchy with twisted riffs and dissonant pinch-harmonics ! Inilah mungkin yang menjadi penantian banyak metalhead untuk menikmati persembahan segar dalam kegelapan Hidup, The Mighty Immolation, salah satu Veteran Death Metal yang cukup berpengaruh dalam perkembangan death Metal ! terbentuk sejak tahun 1986 dengan nama Rigor Mortis, yang kemudian tahun 1988 secara resmi berubah menjadi Immolation hingga sekarang ini masih menyisakan member orisinilnya, Bass/Vocal Ross Dolan dan Gitaris Robert Vigna dan kebesaran album terbaik sepanjang masa Immolation " Dawn of Possession " tahun 1991 adalah mutlak banget menjadi salah satu Kiblat penting generasi Selanjutnya ! Immolation couples technical merit with a laser-like focus on songwriting craft and an overarching atmosphere of sinister darkness. Take the album's title track: a mammoth bruising groove erupts over double-bass and a slightly off-time shuffle before the track surges into rumbling blasts of frenetic soloing and tom-heavy polyrhythms. When the groove resume, its like getting slammed into a wall. dengan komposisi Death Metal yang banyak membawa lirik lagu tentang anti tuhan dan Penghujatannya, imej Band ini pun menjadi lebih gelap dari semuanya. perpaduan permainan antara gaya Morbid Angel, Black Sabbath hingga Venom menjadi dasar kuat lahirnya karakteristik Immolation yang selalu disejajarkan dengan nama Incantation. Yup Sama2 Blasphemic Death Metal ! Tahun 2012 menjadi Kevakuman Produktifitas mereka karena padatnya jadwal tour panjang mereka untuk Album " Majesty And Decay " Tahun 2010, sehingga Tahun 2011 Immolation hanya menelorkan 1 buah Ep " Providence ". dan pada 10 Mei 2013 ini Immolation dengan bangga mempersembahkan kembali kegelapan mereka yang semakin Intense ! dengan melepas full album ke-9 nya " Kingdom Of Conspiracy ", yang digarap di Millbrook Sound Studios, New York yang kemudian di Mixing dan mastering finalnya di Castle Ultimate Studios, California oleh Zack Ohren menghasilkan 10 track Dark Death Metal yang Mengandung Nilai Mistis Hitam pada setiap sayatan melodius-nya. whose swirling layers of atonal dissonance and escalating riff structures is damn-near hypnotic. When they bust out of this pattern to lay down some menacing grooves and furious blasting, it escalates the tension to insane heights before leveling back into yet another hypnotic web of complex and memorable riffing. This is apex death metal here, the supreme height of craftsmanship, songs that display profound levels of musical thinking without sacrificing one iota of heaviness or menace. Technical bands often lose the thread of composition while brutal bands often forsake songwriting altogether. Immolation is the real deal, the total package of technical ability, relentless heaviness, and sinister atmosphere combined into one strong package that somehow remains entirely accessible. tetap membawa sentuhan khas yang karakteristik dengan balutan Dark Riffing serta solo2 menyayat dari kegelapan sisi buruk manusia, memang lebih mengingatkan juga pada gaya bermain Nile, walau Immolation masih terlalu Hitam sentuhannya. " Kingdom of Conspiracy " langsung menempati urutan track pertama album fresh ini, Immolation langsung menggempur dengan Hyperblaster snare powerfully drummer Steve Shalaty yang masih mempertahankan citra kuat Immolation sejak band ini terbentuk. The drumming is always the most adequate for every riff, when Shalaty’s beat the shit out of his drum kit or when he just play a little with the quiet sounding ride cymbals it’s always a planned move. He first listens to the riff, he gets the beat and then he starts shredding it with more complex anomalies and syncope. From his notable cymbal work to his speedy feet, he is one of the most complete drummers in metal in general. mungkin beberapa ketukan yang terasa konvensional tetap menjadi faktor tersendiri bagaimana gw harus berulang kali mencerna setiap lick permainan drumming-nya. Perpaduan Kompak Gitaris Robert Vigna dan Bill Taylor saling mengisi dengan sayatan solo2 tremollo riffing dan dark Riffing-nya. Leads sound bright as pearls and will get touch your core, I love how dynamic is the sound between riffs and leads in this band. Riffs are played mostly in a palm muted tremolo picking fashion, sometimes declined to go for a slower chord-like string stroke that give a desperate and drowned in anguish sensation to the figures that feature them. dan Low Growl Ross Dolan masih menjadi Icon penting Nyawa Immolation sepenuhnya. memang ada tantangan tersendiri untuk bagaimana Menilai gaya perkembangan musikal Immolation ini, karena memang selalu dipenuhi dengan Lick2 Permainan yang Fantastis dan teknikal ! complexity and simplicity at the same time, maybe they aren’t so difficult to play but the timings aren’t as natural and fluid as they are commonly in the rest of the bands- still they get you hooked and interested in the music. When you finally decipher the songs and learn them in your head listening to them is even more enjoyable, this is Immolation’s finest and most memorable riffing ever. Begitu juga " Bound to Order " tetap memberikan sentuhan yang semakin gelap saja ! menurut gw sih ini masih menjadi Perkembangan lanjut konsep 2 album terakhir mereka " Majesty and Decay " dan " Shadows in the Light " dengan sentuhan " baru " yang dibawa era album " Harnessing Ruin ", Immolation lebih coba tampil dinamis dan cerdas pada setiap aransemennya. 10 lagu berdurasi 40:53 menitan tetap akan lebih banyak mengajak kita kedimendi kegelapannya. This is Immolation's signature sound but in this case the album title fits that atmosphere perfectly. The thick, bassy production causes the riffs to generate a churning rhythm that sounds very imposing and grand. Combine everything and you have songs that evoke feelings of grandeur as well as dread. apalagi gw bukan Fans berat Immolation, sehingga Gw ga akan banyak bercerita tentang band ini secara mendetail, karena memang ada banyak kejutan tersendiri yang masih ditawarkan oleh Immolation bagi Fans-nya. All these attributes lead to music that sounds just strange enough that it needs your undivided attention to be appreciated on the first listen. Once you understand the flow of the music, the songs become very enjoyable. Immolation's music is not very memorable; they do not inspire headbanging nor me frantically looking through a Youtube video for a moment to show a friend. Their songs do not get me excited or run a course of peaks and valleys to immerse myself into; they mostly just kind of wander around their set of ideas until the band decides it's over. It seems like Immolation is a death metal band trying to intentionally excise a lot of the things that define the genre, and more importantly, they're desperately trying to remove any and all traces of thrash or heavy metal from their sound. Ordinarily I'd approve of such a measure, but in Immolation's case it comes at the cost of engaging songwriting. dan Informasinya Rilisan ini pun secara Eksklusif oleh Nuclear Blast Records dirilis dalam berbagai format, dari Digipack CD, Slimepack Edition dengan Hand Numbered Copy terbatas 400 kopi, sementara Versi LP nya dirilis dalam berbagai warna yang membedakan, 100 Warna Orange dilisensikan ke FirePower Records, 150 Warna Merah dilisensikan ke High Roller Records, sementara Nuclear Blast Records sendiri merilis 500 Kopi warna Bening dan Splatter Hitam termasuk Regular Black Vinyl-nya. bener2 Immolation Fans bakalan dimanjakan dengan tampilan eksklusif dari Godfather Death Metal Icon ini. As brutal and effective as the album is overall, I can't say that there are many tracks which individually come to mind for their riffing, and I feel like this is just something we've heard before from the band...only more mucky, complex, and aggressive due to the polished, sound. It's a good effort, and should not depose or disappoint the long-standing Immolation fan, but the moments where it transforms into something fully sinister are not common enough. YOU MUST HAVE !!!

Immolation are, and always have been, unique. Theirs is an instantly identifiable sound built mostly on intangibles. It's hard to verbalize exactly what makes Immolation stand alone. Arising out of NYDM, they retain that scene's formative rampant brutality and grit yet they are architects of knotty complexity and remorseless hooks, songs as challenging as they are catchy with twisted riffs and dissonant pinch-harmonics! This is probably be waiting a lot metalhead to enjoy fresh offerings in the dark Life, The Mighty Immolation, one Veteran Death Metal is quite influential in the development of death metal! formed in 1986 with the name Rigor Mortis, who later in 1988 officially changed to Immolation until now this still leaves the original members, Bass / Vocal Guitarist Ross Dolan and Robert Vigna and greatness of the best albums of all time Immolation "Dawn of Possession" in 1991 is really be one of the absolute essential Qiblah Next generation! Immolation couples technical merit with a laser-like focus on his songwriting craft and an overarching atmosphere of sinister darkness. Take the album's title track: a mammoth bruising groove Erupts over double-bass and a slightly off-time shuffle before the track surges into rumbling blasts of frenetic soloing and tom-heavy polyrhythms. When the groove resume, its like getting slammed into a wall. Death Metal with a composition that brings many of the song lyrics and Penghujatannya anti god, this band became the image darker than everything. blend between style game Morbid Angel, Black Sabbath to be a strong Venom birth characteristics are always aligned with Immolation Incantation name. Yup Sama2 Blasphemic Death Metal! In 2012 to vacuum their productivity because of the tight schedule of their long tour for album "Majesty And Decay" in 2010, so in 2011 Immolation just bringing forth fruit Ep 1 "Providence". and on May 10, 2013 is proud to present the re-Immolation their growing darkness Intense! with the full release her 9th album "Kingdom Of Conspiracy", which worked at Millbrook Sound Studios, New York and then in the final mixing and mastering at Castle Ultimate Studios, California by Zack Ohren produce 10 tracks Dark Death Metal Containing Value Mystical Black on each of its melodic incision. Whose swirling layers of atonal dissonance and escalating riff-structures is damn near hypnotic. When they bust out of this pattern to lay down some menacing grooves and furious blasting, it escalates the tension to insane heights before leveling back into yet another hypnotic web of complex and memorable riffing. This is the apex of death metal here, the supreme height of craftsmanship, songs that display profound levels of musical thinking without sacrificing one iota of heaviness or menace. Often Technical bands lose the thread of composition while brutal bands songwriting Often forsake altogether. Immolation is the real deal, the total package of technical ability, Relentless heaviness, and sinister atmosphere combined into one strong package that somehow remains entirely accessible. still brings a touch of the typical characteristics of the bandage Dark riffing and solos slashed from the bad side of human darkness, is more reminiscent of the style of play is also Nile, Immolation though his touch was too Black. "Kingdom of Conspiracy" ranks right fresh album's first track, Immolation directly attacking the Hyperblaster snare drummer Steve Shalaty powerfully that still maintains a strong image of Immolation since the band was formed. The drumming is always the most adequate for every riff, when Shalaty's beat the shit out of his drum kit or when he just play a little with the quiet sounding ride cymbals it's always a planned move. He first listens to the riff, he gets the beat and then he starts shredding it with more complex anomalies and syncope. From his notable cymbal work to his speedy feet, he is one of the most complete drummers in metal in general. maybe some beats that felt conventional fixed a separate factor how many times i have to digest every lick of his drumming games. Compact mix Guitarist Robert Vigna and Bill Taylor co-exist with the incision solo2 tremollo riffing and dark riffing her. Leads sound as pearls and bright touch will get your core, I love how dynamic is the sound between riffs and leads in this band. Riffs are played mostly in a palm-muted tremolo picking fashion, sometimes Declined to go for a slower stroke chord-like strings that give a desperate and Drowned in Anguish sensation to the figures that feature them. and Low Growl Ross Dolan still be important Lifeblood Icon Immolation completely. there is a challenge to how the Assessing style Immolation's musical development, because it is always filled with games Lick2 and technical Fantastic! complexity and simplicity at the same time, maybe they are not so difficult to play but the timings are not as natural and fluid as they are commonly in the rest of the bands-they still get you hooked and interested in the music. When you finally decipher the songs and learn them in your head listening to them is even more enjoyable, this is Immolation's finest and most memorable riffing ever. So is "Bound to Order" still provide a touch of the dark alone! I still think this is a further development of the concept of 2 of their last album "Majesty and Decay" and "Shadows in the Light" with a touch of "new" album that brought the era of "Harnessing Ruin", Immolation more dynamic and try to look smart on any arrangements. 10 songs lasted 40:53 menitan will remain more we invite kedimendi darkness. This is Immolation's signature sound but in this case the atmosphere that the album title fits perfectly. The thick, bassy production causes the riffs to generate a churning rhythm that sounds very imposing and grand. Combine everything and you have songs that evoke feelings of grandeur as well as dread. moreover i is not severe Fans Immolation, so Gw ga will have much to tell about this band in detail, because there are still a lot of its own surprises offered by Immolation for his fans. All these attributes leads to music that sounds just strange enough that it needs your attention Undivided to be appreciated on the first listen. Once you understand the flow of the music, the songs Become very enjoyable. Immolation's music is not very memorable; headbanging they do not inspire nor me frantically looking through a Youtube video for a moment to show a friend. Their songs do not get me excited or run a course of peaks and valleys to immerse myself into; mostly they just kind of wander around their set of ideas until the band Decides it's over. It seems like Immolation is a death metal band intentionally trying to excise a lot of the things that define the genre, and more importantly, they're desperately trying to remove any and all traces of thrash or heavy metal from their sound. Ordinarily I'd approve of such a measure, but in Immolation's case it comes at the cost of engaging songwriting. The information and is also the exclusive release by Nuclear Blast Records released in various formats, from CD digipack, Slimepack Copy Edition with Hand Numbered limited 400 copies, while his LP version was released in a variety of colors which distinguish, 100 Color Orange licensed to Firepower Records, 150 Red color is licensed to High Roller Records, Nuclear Blast Records while alone released 500 Copy Bening and colors including Black Regular Black Splatter Vinyl him. Immolation bener2 Fans going pampered with an exclusive look of the Godfather Death Metal Icon. As brutal and effective as the album is overall, I can not say that there are many tracks individually roomates come to mind for their riffing, and I feel like this is just something we've heard before from the band ... only more mucky, complex, and aggressive due to the polished, sound. It's a good effort, and should not depose or disappoint the long-standing Immolation fan, but the moments where it transforms into something fully sinister are not common enough. YOU MUST HAVE!!!

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