Kamis, 24 September 2015

VA. Greek Death Grind Scene Vol.2

VA. Greek Death Grind Scene Vol.2
Greek Death Grind Scene CD 2012

01 Head Cleaner - The Maverick
02 Obsecration - We Spit On Your Fuckin' Grave
03 Create Rapid Massacre - Name Me Death
04 Abyssus - Left To Suffer
05 ATXXX - R.P.M.
06 Bloody Donation - Excessive Bleeding
07 Slaughterday - Religion Rejection
08 Mortal Torment - Carnivorous Surgery
09 Incineration - The Spawn Of Malformation
10 Mallediction - Decapitated Minds
11 Deceptive Incarnation - Revealing The Abomination Of Mankind
12 Veil - For Want of 3 Senses
13 Murder Made God - Hollow Skulls
14 Necrophobic Revulsion - Slaughter The Leaders
15 Discretion - You Must Die
16 Alter Self - My Sober Reflection
17 Malicious Silence - Acceptable Injustice
18 Necrorgasm - In Crypts We Breed
19 Blasted Pancreas - Brainstem Glioma
20 Erectus - Flesh Ritual

Perkembangan Genre Death Metal Brutal di Negeri Yunani ini memang begitu sangat Pesat ternyata, setelah sukses merilis Kompilasi Band2 Death Metal Paling Brutal Jilid Pertamanya secara Kolektif, kini Telah muncul jilid Ke-2nya, walaupun agak telat gw mendapatkannya, tapi Kompilasi ini wajib banget kalian miliki, karena didalamnya memang berisi band2 Brutal Death Metal sadis yang belum banyak terekspos sehingga terasa asing banget namanya, tapi permainan dan Konsep bermusik mereka Dasyat Abis Coy !! Makanya Gw pengen banget kenalin buat kalian semua sebagai tambahan Referensi baru untuk siap2 mereka berjaya dimasa mendatang hehehe ... KEEP IT SICK & GREEK!! meski Kompilasi ini ditangani Secara Independen berdasarkan kebersamaan yang mereka usung bersama tanpa ada pengkotak kotak-an komunitas antar daerah di Yunani, ini bisa menjadi Contoh bagus di scene tanah air kita yang mulai menjauh dari kesan tersebut, karena gw liat dan Rasakan sendiri jika Perpecahan antar komunitas kerap terjadi walau masih menjadi 1 daerah sekalipun, pemandangan yang Ironis memang bagi perkembangan sebuah Scene yang rapuh... dan jika gw amati kalau hal ini sebenarnya hanyalah ulah beberapa " Oknum " yang tetap mengatas namakan komunitas/Kebersamaan dan mereka2 itu dengan Culas-nya berani memainkan sebuah Unity untuk kepentingan Pribadi, dan inilah yang harus bisa kita bantai ke akar akarnya sehingga kebersamaan tetap kembali semestinya ! WE STAND AS ONE, WE ARE BROTHERHOOD !!!, Balik ke Kompilasi ini, Hadir dengan Kover Profesional lengkap dengan Booklet Cover yang berisikan Informasi band Plus Band Photo yang didesain Menarik oleh Jim Evgenois-nya Head Cleaner dengan Thema Artistik " Drilling The Brain " !!!. dan Kompilasi ini di dedikasikan Khusus untuk Scenester Berpengaruh Tasos " Pedolover " Pitenis-nya Band Brutal Gore Blasted pancreas yang meninggal pada tahun 2012. dituliskan dalam artwork Cover belakangnya, jika Kompilasi ini khabarnya tidak dijual " NOT FOR SALE ", melainkan lebih disebarkan luaskan secara kolektif pula oleh masing2 band untuk lebih mengenalkan Death Metal Scene di Greek, wow sepertinya hal ini harus menjadi contoh yang cool abis untuk dilakukan oleh daerah selain hanya ingin mencari unsur Profit apalagi Komersialisme hehehe .... HEAD CLEANER membuka jumpa awal disini dengan " The Maverick " diambil dari MCD " Resist Determination And The Sheer Will To Overcome ", karakter Band ini sangat mengingatkan sekali dengan sentuhan Kental Napalm Death era " Utopia Banished " abis yang di Blend dengan sentuhan Modern Brutal Death Metal in The Vein Aborted, Brutal Truth serta Hate Eternal, Karakter Vokalis Jim Evgenois memang mengingatkan sekali dengan Raung Growling Powerfully Mark " Barney " Greenway, Chaotic Grinding Awesome ! kemudian OBSECRATION dengan " We Spit On Your Fuckin' Grave " yang sebelumnya belum pernah dirilis, menampilkan Konsep Death Metal dengan sentuhan Melodius mengingatkan dengan Gaya Death Metal 90-an yang variatif dengan sentuhan konsep dinamis dan Pukulan Grinding Snare dasyat ! CREATE RAPID MASSACRE meluncur kemudian dengan " Name Me Death " dari Demo " Ritual Of Anesthetic ", Duo Death/grind Machine asal Thessalonski ini menggerinda Kejam ala Mortician banget, namun sayang banget, Gitaris Jim Rood kurang bisa mengkomposisi Permainan Drum Programming yang lebih baik, sehingga kesan Monoton yang Gw dapatkan,apalagi Sounding-nya masih terdengar Digital Midi Banget. Agak sedikit Mengajak Kesentuhan Hardcore Metal stuff, ABYSSUS dengan " Left To Suffer " nya sangat mengingatkan Gw dengan gaya bermainnya Hatebreed atau Earth Crisis dengan sentuhan yang terasa Modern Sounding banget, keren sih karena terus mengajak gw untuk menggoyangkan kepala buat Headbang !!! diambil dari MCD " Monarch To The Kingdom Of The Dead " kemudian yang lebih liar dan sadis adalah ATXXX dengan " R.P.M. " dari Track yang sebelumnya belaum pernah dirilis, ATXXX yang sebenarnya kepanjangan nama dari " The Anal Treatment XXX-perience " ini lebih Total Meng-Grinding in the Vein "Fuck I'M Dead, Birdflesh atau Captain Cleanoff banget style-nya, Argggggghhhh !!!!! penampilan Death Metal Gahar Berikutnya adalah dari Thessalonski, BLOODY DONATION, meraung dengan " Excessive Bleeding " dari CD " Vengeance Of The Enslaved ", band ini sangat mengingatkan Gw dengan Obscenity, Morta Skuld serta Avulsed, Karakteristik Growling Vokalis Stelios sangat terinfluence dengan gaya bernyanyinya Chris Barnes banget, Berat dan Powerfully! Old School Death Metal dengan sound yang keren abis Pokoknya band ini. SLAUGHTERDAY kemudian menghajar dengan " Religion Rejection " dari Materi Split Vynil 7" bersama Withraw Noise Apes, Sajian Death/Grind raw dengan dominasi grinding snare In The Vein Anal Blast, kebencian terhadap ketimpangan sosial politik menjadi senjata mematikan dari mereka. dan yang sadis kemudian adalah penampilan dari MORTAL TORMENT dengan " Carnivorous Surgery " menghancurkan dengan kejam sekali dari materi CD " Resuscitation ", mempersembahkan permainan yang serba cepat dan teknikal riffing, band asal Athen ini wajib menjadi perhatian serius dengan konsepsional mematikannya, pertemuan antara Dying Fetus, Gorgasm dengan Suffocation era " Bloodoath " yang kemudian di blend melalui karakter yang lebih cepat dan rapat ! Savagely Death Metal Destruction !! INCINERATION dengan " The Spawn Of Malformation ", trio Death/grind beratmosfir Hitam kelam ini kemudian memuntahkan materinya dari CD " Disciples Of The Garrote " mengingatkan kita akan sentuhan Kelam Immolation dan Incantation, apalagi Deep Growling Gitaris dan Vokalis Chris sangat mendominasi aransemen Musikalnya. MALLEDICTION kemudian menggerinda via " Decapitated Minds " dengan sangat sadis melalui Brutalitas bertubi tubi yang merupakan perpaduan sentuhan Decapitated, Hate Eternal serta Aborted, sepanjang aransemennya memang selalu dipenuhi dengan Hypersnare grinding, namun sayang kurang mengalami konsep yang variatif, dan endingnya menjadi Membosankan. masih didominasi dengan part2 yang cepat lagi, DECEPTIVE INCARNATION berikutnya meraungkan " Revealing The Abomination Of Mankind " CD " Slaves To The Ashes Of A Dark Empire ", sentuhan Black/Death Cepat ini lebih mengingatkan gw dengan karakteristik Dasar Morbid Angel serta Angel Corpse, solo2 Melodius cepat in The Vein Trey Azagtoth rupanya masih menjadi Faktor dominan penciptaan lagu2nya. Meskipun menggunakan 2 Gitar, namun kualitas Recording Band ini bagi gw rada kurang Balance, sehingga terlalu didominasi Level Drumming yang Over saja. VEIL kemudian tampil renyah dengan Cool Sounding-nya dengan " For Want of 3 Senses " dari Ep " Blinkers Define The Spam ", Trio asal Karditsa ini tampil lebih Progressive dengan elemen teknikal Riffing-nya, Double Vokal yang saling mengisi Pattern memang teratur dimainkan pula. selanjutnya adalah penampilan sadis dan keren dari MURDER MADE GOD dengan " Hollow Skulls " dari promo tahun 2011 tampil sangat memukau dengan permainan ultra Ngebut dan Teknikal abis !!! ini seperti pertemuan antara Origin, Beneath The Massacre hingga Dying Fetus banget, skill permainan diatas rata2 adalah modal utama band ini tampil mengerikan ! Sangat gw rekomendasikan menunggu full album mereka dimasa mendatang coy !! Gile Bener Dominasi Skill Permainannya !!! NECROPHOBIC REVULSION melalui " Slaughter The Leaders " lebih menyimpan Gaya Raw Death Grind Standard yang diambil dari CD " Brigade Of Subjugation ", terdengar monoton dengan sajian Full Hyper Double Bass Over yang ga balance dengan Instrumen lainnya. DISCRETION lalu Memuntahkan " You Must Die " dari CD " You Must Die " selanjutnya lebih memberi Penyegaran yang berarti dengan Gaya Death Metal Melodius abis, sentuhannya sendiri masih membawa pengaruh Old School Death Metal era Obituary era " Slowly We Rot " serta sentuhan Hitam Afflicted atau Masacre dari Colombia era album " Requiem ", Old School Beud hehehehe ..... ALTER SELF kemudian dengan " My Sober Reflection " tampil menawan selanjutnya dengan Fresh Modern Sounding gaya bermain Illdisposed hingga Septic Flesh baru, komposisi musik yang rancak dan dinamis dari album CD " Seven Deadly Blessing " ini  memang excellent kemasannya. pertarungan Ego Bermusik antara Gitaris Alex Paris dengan Bassis Giannis memang lebih menciptakan komposisi musik yang dasyat ! MALICIOUS SILENCE degan " Acceptable Injustice " tetap mengusung warna Death Metal era 90-an yang saat ini lebih mulai digemari lagi karakternya disaat para musisi death metal telah menemukan titik jenuh mengulik konsep modern, dengan alasan yang lebih mengena, Roor Back menjadi dasar utama band2 saat ini. meski terdengar membosankan, Band ini sudah mempersembahkan track dari CD " Drowning In Incoheregence ", Immolation, Morbid Angel bertemu dengan Amon Amarth ! NECRORGASM melaju kemudian dengan " In Crypts We Breed " dengan sengatan Barbaric Brutal Death Metal sentuhan Kuat Cannibal Corpse dengan Gorguts era " Considered Dead " banget, walau Agak Nge-thrash Dikit karakter Riffing-nya, komposisi Musik dan Sounding Band ini asli menendang Pantat coy !! BLASTED PANCREAS Selanjutnya memuntahkan elemen Brutal Goregrind " Brainstem Glioma " dari materi CD " Carcinoma "yang albumnya ini dirilis oleh label Kebanggaan Indonesia, No Label Records ! perpaduan kental elemen Goregrind dengan Hyperblast Death/Grind mantap menjadi Ukuran tersendiri untuk trio band ini tampil membantai !! dan album ini adalah penampilan terakhir Motor dan Frontman asos " Pedolover " Pitenis bersama Blasted Pancreas dan dirinya bersama Greek Scene Death Metal karena Kepergian dirinya untuk selamanya tahun 2012 lalu, selamat jalan sobat .... dan penampilan terakhir ditutup oleh penampilan sadis ERECTUS dengan " Flesh Ritual " dari materi " Chapter Revenge " Promo 2012, band asal Thessalonski ini menyuguhkan permainan dasyat nan rapat !!! performa Dasyatnya adalah mengingatkan gw dengan Origin, Archspire, Brain Drill hingga Beneath The Massacre, komposisi musik yang rumit, gelap dan cepat menjadikan Erectus adalah Ancaman berbahaya dari Greek Scene nih !! sangat patut ditunggu kekejamannya setelah nama Mortal Torment disini !! benar2 sebuah Kompilasi Death Metal Scene yang wajib kalian koleksi untuk lebih banyak menambah referensi band2 berbahaya dari setiap scene, sehingga tetap kita tidak akan terpaku oleh nama2 yang itu itu saja, coz semakin hari banyak sekali Potensi bagus mulai bermunculan siap menggantikan nama2 yang sudah kalian kenal itu, karena perkembangan musik adalah dinamis tanpa harus meninggalkan " Akar " bermusiknya. Koleksi paling wajib buat kita untuk mengarungi luasnya Kancah musik cadas Internasional.

Brutal Death Metal Genre developments in the Greek State is so very Rapidly turns out, after the successful release of Compilation bands Most Brutal Death Metal Collective His first volume, has now emerged to-2nya volumes, although a bit late i got it, but this compilation you have really mandatory , because in it contains band2 sadistic Brutal Death Metal that has not been exposed to foreign feels really his name, but the game and their musical concept terrible!! Hence I Introduce really want to make you all in addition to new resources for their glorious future ready hehehe ... KEEP IT SICK & GREEK!! In this compilation, although the Independent handled by their stretcher together togetherness without pengkotak's box between regions in the Greek community, this could be a good example in our homeland scene is starting to move away from the impression, because I see and Feel yourself if split between communities often occur even though the area is still a 1, a view which is ironic indeed for the development of a fragile Scene ... and if i observe that this is really just the act of a "Person" is still the name of the community / togetherness and thems Culas it with his bold play for a Unity Personal interests, and this is what we should be slaughtered to keep the roots so that togetherness back should! WE STAND AS ONE, WE ARE BROTHERHOOD!!!, Back to the compilation, Comes complete with a Professional Coverage with Cover Booklet containing band information Plus Great designed Band Photo by Jim Evgenois its Head Cleaner with Artistic Thema "Drilling The Brain" !!!. This compilation is dedicated and Specials for Scenester Influential Tasos "Pedolover" Brutal Bands Pitenis his pancreas blasted Gore, who died in 2012. Cover artwork is written in the back, if this compilation khabarnya not sold "NOT FOR SALE", but rather deployed collectively disseminated also by masing2 band to introduce Death Metal Scene in Greek, wow it seems this should be an example of a cool abis to be done by areas besides just want to find an element of profit let alone Commercialism hehehe .... HEAD CLEANER opened the conference beginning here with "The Maverick" is taken from the MCD "Resist Sheer Determination And The Will To Overcome", the character of this band is very reminiscent of all with a touch of Condensed era Napalm Death "Utopia banished" abis Blend that in with a touch of Modern Brutal Death Metal In The Vein Aborted, Brutal Truth and Hate Eternal, Character Vocalist Jim Evgenois was reminded once with a roar Growling Powerfully Mark "Barney" Greenway, Grinding Chaotic Awesome! then OBSECRATION with "We Spit On Your Fuckin 'Grave" is previously unreleased, featuring concept of melodic Death Metal with a touch of style reminiscent of the 90's Death Metal with a touch of varied dynamic concept and Punch Grinding Snare terrible! CREATE RAPID MASSACRE then slide the "Name Me Death" from the demo "Ritual Of anesthetic", Duo Death / grind grinding Machine's origin Thessalonski ala Mortician Cruel really, but really love, guitarist Jim Rood lacking Drum Programming Games can compose better, so that Gw get monotonous impression, let alone its still sounding Sounding Digital Midi Banget. Bringing a little bit Kesentuhan Hardcore Metal stuff, Abyssus with "Left To Suffer" is very reminiscent of the style of play Gw Earth Crisis, Hatebreed or touch feels Modern Sounding really is cool because it kept shaking his head to invite gw make Headbang!!! taken from the MCD "Monarch To The Kingdom Of The Dead" then the more wild and sadistic is ATXXX with "RPM" from the previous Track belaum ever released, ATXXX actual length of the name "The Anal Treatment XXX-perience" is more Total Meng -Grinding in the Vein "FUCK I'M Dead, Birdflesh or Captain Cleanoff really his style, Argggggghhhh!!!!! appearance Gahar Next Death Metal is of Thessalonski, BLOODY DONATION, roared with" Excessive Bleeding "from the CD" Vengeance Of The Enslaved ", this band is very reminiscent of Gw with Obscenity, Morta Skuld and Avulsed, Characteristics Growling singer Stelios very terinfluence with Chris Barnes singing style really, Weight and Powerfully! Old School Death Metal with a very cool sound this band anyway. SLAUGHTERDAY then beat with "Religion Rejection" of material vinyl Split 7 "with Noise Withraw Apes, Serving Death / Grind with a predominance of grinding raw snare In The Vein Anal Blast, political resentment against social inequality into lethal weapons from them. and the sadistic then is the appearance of MORTAL Torment with "Carnivorous Surgery" ruthlessly destroy all of the material CD "Resuscitation", offering fast-paced game and technical riffing, this band from Athen shall become a serious concern with the conceptual turn it off, a meeting between Dying Fetus , Gorgasm with Suffocation era "Bloodoath" which is then blended through the characters more quickly and tightly! Savagely Death Metal Destruction!! Incineration with "The Spawn Of malformation", a trio of Death / grind beratmosfir Black's dark and then regurgitate the material from the CD "Disciples Of The Garrote" reminds us of the touch of the Dark Immolation and Incantation, especially Deep Growling Guitarist and Vocalist Chris very dominating musical arranger. MALLEDICTION then grind via "Decapitated Minds" with a very sadistic brutality through insistent barrage which is a combination of touch Decapitated, Hate Eternal and Aborted, all the arrangements are always filled with grinding Hypersnare, but unfortunately less experienced varied concepts, and the ending to be boring. still dominated by the rapid parts again, the next incarnation DECEPTIVE blare "Revealing The ABOMINATION Of Mankind" CD "Slaves To The Ashes Of A Dark Empire", a touch of Black / Death is more reminiscent Fast gw with Basic characteristics of Morbid Angel and Angel Corpse, solo2 fast melodic in The Vein Trey Azagtoth apparently still a dominant factor lagu2nya creation. Although using two guitars, but the quality of this band for me Recording enough Balance less, so too dominated the Level Drumming Over only. VEIL then appear crisp with his Cool Sounding with "For Want of 3 Senses" from the EP "Blinkers Define The Spam", the origin of Karditsa Trio appear more progressive with elements of its technical riffing, Double Vocal complementary Pattern is regularly played anyway . The next is a sadistic and cool appearance of MURDER GOD MADE with "Hollow Skulls" from the promo in 2011 appeared very fascinating with ultra game Speeding and Technical abis!!! it's like a meeting between Origin, Beneath The Massacre by Dying Fetus really, skill games is the main capital rata2 above the band performed horrible! I highly recommend waiting for them in the future full album coy!! Gile Bener His playing Domination Skill!!! NECROPHOBIC REVULSION through "Slaughter The Leaders" is more keep Raw Style Death Grind Standard is taken from the CD "Brigade Of Subjugation", sounding monotonous with Hyper Double Bass Full grain Over the ga balance with other instruments. Discretion and Spew "You Must Die" from the CD "You Must Die 'next Refresher gives more meaning to the melodic Death Metal Style abis, his touch is still an influence Old School Death Metal era era Obituary" Slowly We Rot "and a touch of Black Afflicted or masacre of Colombia era album "Requiem", Old School Beud hehehehe ..... ALTER SELF later with "My Sober Reflection" appear next to the charming style of play Sounding Fresh Modern Septic Flesh Illdisposed until a new, dynamic and musical composition of dynamic CD album "Seven Deadly Blessing" is indeed excellent packaging. Ego musical battle between Paris with Bassist Guitarist Alex indeed more Giannis create musical compositions that terrible! Malicious degan SILENCE "Acceptable Injustice" still carry the colors of Death Metal 90s are now more began to rage again when his character death metal musicians have found a saturation point mengulik modern concept, arguing that more pervasive, roor band2 Back to the main base at Here you are. although sounds boring, this band was offered a track from the CD "Drowning In Incoheregence", Immolation, Morbid Angel met with Amon Amarth! NECRORGASM drove later with "In Crypts We Breed" with shock Barbaric Brutal Death Metal with a touch of Strong Cannibal Corpse era Gorguts "Considered Dead" really, though a bit Nge-Bit thrash riffing his character, composition and Sounding Band Music is the original kick ass coy !! Furthermore pancreas BLASTED spewing Brutal goregrind elements "Brainstem Glioma" of material CD "Carcinoma" the album was released by Indonesian Pride label, No Label Records! creamy blend elements Hyperblast goregrind with Death / Grind Size steadily into its own for the band performed a trio massacred!! and this album is the last appearance Frontman Motor and ASOS "Pedolover" Pitenis with Pancreas and blasted him with Greek Death Metal Scene since his departure in 2012 to last forever, goodbye my friend .... and the last appearance was closed by the appearance of Homo sadist with "Flesh Ritual" of material "Revenge Chapter" Promo 2012, the band presents Thessalonski meeting nan terrible game!!! dasyatnya performance is reminiscent gw with Origin, Archspire, Brain Drill to Beneath The Massacre, complex musical compositions, dark and quick to make Erectus is a dangerous threat of Greek Scene ya!! so worth the wait cruelty after the name Mortal Torment here!! benar2 a Death Metal Scene Compilation mandatory collection you add references to more dangerous band2 of each scene, so that we will not remain transfixed by the nama2 it alone, coz the day a lot of potential good start popping up ready to replace nama2 you already know that, since the development of the music is dynamic without having to leave the "Roots" musical. The collection of mandatory for us to navigate the breadth of International rock music scene.

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