Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

VA. Deadly Mince Grinder - The Third World Scum Project - 3 Way Split CD 2012

VA. Deadly Mince Grinder - The Third World Scum Project - 3 Way Split
Masasiorangutan Records / RAPS Records / Bloodwave Records / Bizarre Sounds Production / Radikal Hijau Records / Grindtoday Records / Deathmutt Records / Grindfather Productions CD 2012

01 Proletar - Morality Abnormality
02 Proletar - Domination Of Perception
03 Proletar - Reek Of Putrefaction ( Carcass Cover )
04 Proletar - Obituari Darah Muda
05 Grind Buto - Into The Hell
06 Grind Buto - Evildemic
07 Grind Buto - Godz
08 Onset Of Serious Problems - Policia Brutality
09 Onset Of Serious Problems - Militant Adrenaline
10 Onset Of Serious Problems - We Despise Them
11 Onset Of Serious Problems - Bloody Massacre

Proletar :
Ryzki - Bass/Vocals
Ipul - Guitars
Levoy - Drums/Vocals

Grindbuto :
Frank - Vocals/Guitars
Ardi - Bass
Samael - Drums

Onset Of Serious Problems :
Wahyu Sanjaya - Guitar/Vocals
Bondie Destiant - Drums

3Way Split CD Kolektif antara 8 Label Grinding Idealis akhirnya berhasil memuntahkan Rilisan CD yang terkemas secara Profesional ini yang menampilkan 3 band asal Ibukota, Proletar, Grindbuto serta Onset Of Serious Problems siap menjadikan para Penguasa Tolol dan Koruptor menjadi Pecundang tak Berkelamin hahahaha .... meski kerap dipandang sebagai Genre yang Idealis, Ternyata rilisan ini tidak dikerjakan main2 alias serius abis ! Kemasan yang Profesional cukup memberikan Kesan tersendiri untuk ini. meskipun gw agak ga terlalu setuju penggunaan " Mincer " disini, coz ada Konsepsional genre salah satu band masih " Jauh " dari anggapan tersebut kayaknya, but it's Okay lah, ini sebuah Rilisan berbahaya pokoknya untuk kita nikmati... track pertama dimulai oleh 4 track Milik Mincer Grinding Proletar tentu sudah ga asing lagi Jam Terbangnya dengan banyak rilisan yang mereka punya masih memuntahkan tema2 Kebencian tentang sosial politiknya. grinding Musikalnya masih perpaduan kejam antara gaya Pig Destroyer, Nasum, Phobia, Malignant Tumour serta sentuhan Old Napalm Death Era "Scum " menggerinda dengan " Morality Abnormality ", Grinding snare yang mendominasi diantara raungan growling dan Scream Insanity dan Beat Old School HC ! sepertinya band ini tidak banyak menggunakan Manipulasi Digital untuk memperbaiki Grinding Beat-nya, This Is Real Recording ! semata mata Proletar tetap ga ingin mengelabui Pendengarnya dipanggung dengan Beat2 Mengagumkan Kualitas Track Recording seperti yang saat ini masih dibanggakan Band2 era sekarang, tapi " Hancur " performance mereka diatas panggungnya, Ironis ! Track lagunya lumayan menambahkan durasinya disini dari singkat menjadi standard, sehingga gw lebih terasa enjoy menikmati setiap permainan liar mereka, dan yang lebih asyik, Proletar juga mengcover Track Legendaris God Of Goregrind Carcass " Reek Of Putrefaction " dengan menampilkan additional Vokal dari Nino-nya Trauma lebih menambah kejam nuansa Track ini menjadi lebih berapi api ! alternating between a frenzy of scathing guitar riffs played at a billion miles per hour and a slower, churning, hateful breakdown that epitomizes deathgrind and goregrind. The solos are nothing but high-end, and contrast the riffs so well, that you dread solo time, but can't wait either. lagu ke-4, Proletar menyudahinya dengan " Obituari Darah Muda ", meski tersedia lirik, tapi ga dapat gw tangkap pattern Lirik-nya, selain lengkingan screaming dan growling vokal, sebuah lirik yang cukup membukakan mata dan perasaan skeptis kita akan sebuah kebenaran itu belum tentu benar dan bisa merubah langkah kita. selanjutnya adalah giliran Grind Buto, salah satu Fenomenal Band diera 90-an ternyata masih menyisakan nafas eksistensinya ditengah gempuran generasi baru-nya. band bentukan tahun 1995 yang pertama kalinya di scene Indonesia menjadi band yang menggunakan drum machine untuk melancarkan kegilaannya mengusung Grinding Machine sinting seperti pada Ep " Extreme Damage " tahun 1997 yang termotivasi dengan kegilaannya The Mighty Grindhorror seperti Mortician ! kemudian pada frase perkembangan selanjutnya Grind Buto semakin banyak mengalami progresi musik yang signifikan seperti pada 2 full albumnya " Welcome to Annihillation " dan " Mindslave ", Band ini lebih bermain typical Death metal yang Gelap dan Dinamis sentuhannya jauh banget dari Kesan Grinding Snare yang membabi buta dari sebelumnya. dan di Split ini, Grind Buto Menyuguhkan 3 lagu dari materi  Demo " Evildemic " Yang dilepas sebelumnya secara independen tahun 2009, begitu kental sekali sentuhan Old School Death Metal yang signifikan seperti awal kita mengenal Demo pertama Malevolent Creation, Massacre serta Monstrosity dengan sentuhan2 yang terasa tradisional kontemporer banget pada sentuhan riffing-nya mengingatkan gaya Pure Black Metal Style era 80-an. jadi jangan pernah kalian akan mengharapkan Grind Buto akan tampil liar membabi buta seperti materi sebelumnya hehehehe ..... dan Giliran terakhir adalah Onset Of Serious Problems, sebuah nama yang dicomot dari trio Death/grind asal Austria, Disharmonic Orchestra. Duo band ini mengusung gaya Grinding dengan sentuhan Thrashcore yang Old School banget sentuhannya. menggeber intensitas irama yang Chaotic abis lebih mendekati gaya crusty Grind karakternya, Onset Of Serious Problems bener2 siap memporak porandakan moshpit area ! track lagunya cukup singkat digeber secara membabi buta tanpa ampun didominasi dengan part2 yang super cepat ! mengingatkan akan keganasan Gride, Captain Cleanoff, D.R.I ( More Faster Again ! ), hingga Agathocles. nah, sepertinya Titel 3way Split ini rasanya bagi gw ga matching dengan Konten materinya khan .... tapi ga papalah yang penting Rilisan ini amat sangat sayang buat kita lewatkan apalagi permainan bagus 3 band ini powerfully dan maksimal untuk menghancurkan dengan segala kebencian yang ada.

3way Split between 8 Label Collective CD Grinding Idealists finally managed to spit out the CD release is packaged for Professionals featuring 3 bands from the capital, Proletarian, Grindbuto and Onset Of Serious Problems ready to make the Lords and Corruptors be a fool not androgynous loser hahahaha .... though often seen as a genre that Idealists, Apparently this release is not done serious main2 alias abis! Professional packaging enough to give the impression of its own. although gw ga bit too agree the use of "Mincer" here, coz no one genre Concepts bands still "far" from the assumption I think, but it's Okay lah, this is a dangerous release anyway for us to enjoy ... The first track begins by 4 track owned Mincer Grinding Proletarian certainly already familiar ga-hour flight of the many releases that they had still spewing hatred about sociopolitical tema2. grinding musical still cruel blend of style Pig Destroyer, Nasum, Phobia, Malignant Tumour and touch Era Old Napalm Death "Scum" grind with "Morality abnormality", which dominated the snare Grinding between growling roar and Scream and Insanity Beat Old School HC! This band does not seem much use digital manipulation to improve its Grinding Beat, This Is Real Recording! Proletarian remain solely ga want to trick the listener on stage with Track Recording Quality Beat2 Admirable as it is currently still proud band2 era now, but "destroyed" their performance on stage, Ironic! Track passable song adds a short duration of a standard here, so it feels more i enjoy them enjoying every wild game, and the more fun, Proletarian also cover Track Legendary God Of goregrind Carcass "Reek Of putrefaction" by featuring additional vocals from his Nino Trauma more ruthless add this Track nuances become more flaming fire! Alternating between a frenzy of scathing guitar riffs played at a billion miles per hour and a slower, churning, hateful breakdown that epitomizes deathgrind and goregrind. The solos are nothing but high-end, and contrast the riffs so well, that you dread solo time, but can not wait either. 4th song, Proletarian finished off with "Young Blood Obituaries", although the available lyrics, but ga can i catch his lyrics pattern, in addition to the shrill screaming and growling vocals, a lyric that is quite eye-opening and skeptical feelings a truth that we will not necessarily true and can change our path. Grind Buto next turn, one of Phenomenal Band era of the 90s was still leaving breathing new existence amid the onslaught of his generation. the band formed in 1995 that the first time in Indonesian scene into a band that uses a drum machine to unleash his madness carries Grinding Machine Ep crazy as in "Extreme Damage" in 1997 were motivated by madness The Mighty Grindhorror like Mortician! then on the subsequent development Grind Buto phrase the more experienced significant progression of music as on 2 full album "Welcome to Annihillation" and "Mindslave", this band is more typical play Death metal is dark and very far away from his touch Dynamic Impressions Snare blind Grinding than before. and in this Split, Buto Grind Featuring 3 songs from demo material "Evildemic" The previously released independently in 2009, so thick at the touch of Old School Death Metal significant early as we know the first demo Malevolent Creation, Massacre and Monstrosity with sentuhan2 that feels contemporary traditional riffing really in touch reminiscent of his style Black Metal Style Pure '80s. so do not ever expect you would be performing illegal Grind Buto blindly as previous material ..... hehehehe and the last turn was Onset Of Serious Problems, a name picked from a trio of Death / grind from Austria, Disharmonic Orchestra. The band duo brings Grinding style with a touch of Old School thrashcore really touch. menggeber intensity Chaotic rhythm closer Grind style crusty character, Onset Of Serious Problems ready Really devastated area moshpit! the song is a short track lauched blindly part2 mercilessly dominated by super fast! reminiscent of malignancy Snake, Captain Cleanoff, DRI (More Faster Again!), to Agathocles. nah, Titles seem to 3way Split the I Not matching it with the content materiality .... No Problem are important but this release is very very dear to us especially miss the good games 3 and maximum band powerfully to destroy with all the hatred that exists.

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