Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Jasad - Rebirth Of Jatisunda CD 2013

Jasad - Rebirth Of Jatisunda
Extreme Souls Productions CD 2013

01 Pasukan Karuhun 03:11    
02 Nagara Ragana Naraga 03:52    
03 Fearless 05:03    
04 Cengkram Garuda 04:41    
05 Re-Diamaton 02:02    
06 Kujang Rompang 05:14    
07 Siliwangi 03:38    
08 Rebirth of Jatisunda 03:49    
09 Sunyaruri 04:52    
10 Precious Moment to Die 04:12

Man - Vocals
Yuli - Bass
Abaz - Drums
Ferly - Guitars

Sepertinya ada yang menjadi banyak sekali pertanyaan dalam Benak Gw sebagai salah satu pengagum album Full pertama " Witness of Perfect Torture " dari salah satu God Father Death Metal terbesar di Scene Indonesia ini. perjalanan musikalitas memang lumrah terjadi pada sebuah band pada setiap transisi dan peradaban generasi yang ada menuntut setiap band harus juga mengikuti arus pikiran yang ada demi sebuah eksistensi. selain itu gw masih sangat mengagumi kedasyatan band ini era Ep pertama " C'est La Vie " tahun 1996, sebagai sebuah masterpiece dasyat awal kebangkitan industri Musik Independen era 90-an, dengan sengatan permainan death/Grind yang memiliki " Art " bermusik maksimal, Jasad telah sanggup membuat Argumen tersendiri hingga menjadi salah satu Veteran death/Grind Pioner digenre-nya. formasi pun berubah dengan keluarnya Vokalis Yadi Behom dan Gitaris Yayat, yang gw anggap memlilik Karakter Jasad Awal banget, kemudian masuklah Ferly setelah dirinya keluar dari formasi Forgotten dan masuknya Man dari Injected Sufferage telah memberi sentuhan yang fresh saat Jasad melepas full album pertama spektakuler " Witness of Perfect Torture " dengan permainan Teknikal Brutal Death Metal menjadi salah satu sentra Trend Musik era Millenium sehingga banyak mempengaruhi generasi selanjutnya, namun kemudian berubah lumayan drastis memasuki album ke-2 " Annihilate the Enemy ", Jasad lebih mulai menanggalkan gaya Teknikal-nya menjadi lebih Hyperblasting elemen bermusiknya dan menjadi Pengaruh yang cukup besar untuk generasi selanjutnya lagi. dan kembali formasi berubah dengan dikeluarkannya Drummer Orisinil Band ini, Danny yang kemudian digantikan oleh Drummer Muda berbakat Abaz dari band Undergod dan sekarang eksis bersama Ferly pula di Side Project Kaluman ! bagi gw semakin mengubah konsep musik Jasad sebelumnya. perjalanan panjang dan alot memang menjadi perjuangan tersendiri Jasad menjaga eksistensinya walau harus banyak mengalami perubahan struktur musik yang begitu mendasar, walau masih terdengar Liar dan Brutal, bagi gw seperti ada yang " Hilang " dari Karakteristik Jasad itu sendiri. mungkin secara keseluruhan Materi album ini lebih mendekati konsepsional album Ke-2 " Annihilate the Enemy ", namun album baru ini jelas gw rasakan " Monoton " nya... (????.ed ), bahkan terlalu banyak mengulang yang sudah ada kesannya. sebelum Album ini dilepas, 2 lagu disini terlebih dahulu dirilis oleh Sevared Records dalam format Promo Demo Tahun 2011 dan kemudian ditahun 2013 full album ke-3 ini berhasil dilepas oleh Label Gaek yang Comeback again to Exist, Extreme Soul Production yang menyuguhkan 10 fresh Track with Grinding Dominated ! dengan imej yang lebih Nasionalisme, Jasad lebih banyak mengenalkan Budaya Asli Indonesia khususnya Etnis Sunda dalam penulisan Lagunya. dimulai pertama kali dengan " Pasukan Karuhun " diawali dengan sebuah Intro yang cukup mistis aromanya selama 50 detik, kemudian hentakan mantap Drumming yang megah memulai hentakan headbang dengan beat Standard bergaya Old School Death Metal banget dan selanjutnya menjadi Bagian yang paling mendominasi adalah twin pedal yang rapat, seperti ini menjadi sebuah Foreplay Track untuk memaksimalkan power performance berikutnya, coz track ini lebih dalam versi Instrumental Opening aja. " Nagara Ragana Naraga " barulah siksaan sebenarnya berlanjut dengan gempuran mematikan Hyperblasting Snare yang menjadi Part mendominasi. Ketukan Snare dan twin Pedal yang rapat cukup powerfully walau bagi gw kurang banyak melakukan permainan yang nakal dan lincah, sehingga kesannya terlalu konsen pada satu karakter saja, " Hyperblast Grinding Snare Attacking ", untuk Sounding Gitaris Ferly bagi gw masih tetap mengagumkan dengan karakter Kuatnya sejak dirinya bergabung di Jasad tetap terjaga dan semakin mengerikan, apalagi Deep Guttural Gurgling Man masih tetap menjadi Icon Penting Nafas Jasad ! komposisi musiknya gw tangkap beberapa sentuhan Old School Death Metal In The Vein Embalmer, Monstrosity hingga Malevolent Creation. komposisi musiknya memang terdengar simple dan mudah dicerna, sehingga mungkin ga terlalu banyak memberikan Kejutan tersendiri, sekali lagi masih gw sorot dan tekankan permainan drummer Abaz kurang dapat memberikan Improvisasi Skill permainan Drum yang Lebih Liar Jika Gw bandingkan dengan Drummer Danny.  " Fearless ", part2 awalnya bagi gw terdengar membosankan seperti kerap melakukan pengulangan yang ada, padahal Gitaris Ferly kerap menciptakan struktur Riffing yang sadis loh ! " Cengkram Garuda ", semakin lebih cepat menggerinda sejak part awal meledak ! kemudian ini nih nice Track " Re-Diamaton " menjadi Part ke-2 dari Track " Diamaton " dari album pertama " Witness of Perfect Torture " menjadi Track yang paling memiliki struktur musik berbeda dari track lainnya dialbum baru ini seperti hal selanjutnya " Kujang Rompang " lebih menawarkan feel musik yang berbeda lagi, Crushing and Damnation song !! karakteristik materi album ini semakin lama gw rasakan seperti mengingatkan juga akan kedasyatan debut pertama Decrepit Birth Era " ...and Time Begins ", dengan siksaan Hyperblaster ( Lumayan ) cepat menggerinda ! Just sheer sudden terror, in medias res, like waking up from a deep dreamless sleep to a raging anxiety attack in your intestines, the fluids hammering in your head, finding yourself struggling to catch a breath and hearing a tornado roaring outside your window, the glass buckling and bending inward, trees crashing and falling to the scorched ground, and then greeted with the view of every member of your family, young and old, crazed, possessed, at each other's throats, screaming and ripping and tearing. meskipun Drummer Abaz kurang melakukan Gaya yang atraktif, namun gw yakin Intensitas album ini tetap terjaga kadar Brutality-nya ! The drastic formula is set: from Tim Yeung, blistering, Gatling gun snare hits, constant, rolling double bass, lightspeed swirling fills, a storm of clashing cymbals; then palm-muted percussive riffing in white noise avalanches of bewildering melodic fragments, isolated riffs, and riff segments that blow past your ears so quickly you spend half of the listening time trying to remember what you just heard. " Kujang Rompang " memang sedikit mengobati kerinduan dasyatnya era album " Witness of Perfect Torture " banget nih ! sayang kemudian Monoton type kembali terjadi pada track " Siliwangi ", tapi tetap terbayarkan oleh " Rebirth of Jatisunda " yang karakteristiknya lebih menendang ! seperti halnya track pamungkas " Precious Moment to Die ". are constantly seeking to go beyond language, even beyond the musical language and system of signs/symbols that death metal has created over the past decade to express and/or capture the kinds of emotions that they are putting forth here. Ultimately the best seducer and convincer is just the music itself, without excuses [as I said above], without introductions or appeasements or attempts at placing this monster of an album within descriptive brackets, labels, or judgements. memang bagi gw pribadi, album baru Jasad ini banyak meninggalkan Pertanyaan2 yang begitu mengganggu ingatan gw akan dasyatnya Jasad era " Witness of Perfect Torture " serta " Annihilate the Enemy ", kalau " Rebirth Of Jatisunda " seperti kurang memberikan Banyak Surprise atau performance Jasad yang menendang, selain kesan materi yang begitu dipaksakan. meskipun begitu kualitas sounding Jasad masih keren begitu kita nikmati kadar intensitasnya, The music falls short of evoking any sort of true menace or evil atmosphere ! Imagine that if it were repeated about a million times, accelerated and decelerated and then layered across numerous tracks and tempos, and you've got a fair approximation of the range of these concise tunes. That'd actually be fine if there was a riff or two worth a damn in each. Artwork Kover yang menarik tersedia dalam 2 versi, untuk versi ke-2nya pada Mei 2013 akan dirilis oleh Sevared Records. Sure, it certainly sounds more modern, resembling the newer style of grindcore-influenced brutal death that was popularized at the turn of the millennium, but the music itself seems to go nowhere that has not been tread before by Suffocation or other bands. Ok Fans Grinding Fascinated Fast Hyperblaster?? this Is Really For You !

It seems like there are a lot of questions in mind Gw as one admirer first full album "Witness of Perfect Torture" one God Father of Death Metal Scene in Indonesia. musical journey is common place in a band at each transition of existing generation and civilization requires each band must also follow the flow of thought there for a existence. other than that I still greatly admire this band era kedasyatan first Ep "C'est La Vie" in 1996, as an early masterpiece terrible Independent Music industry revival of the 90s era, with the sting of death game / Grind with "Art" maximum musical, The bodies have been able to make its own argument to be one of the veterans death / Grind Pioner digenre her. formation was changed with the release of lead singer and guitarist Yayat Behom Yadi, which i think is really beginning memlilik character's body, then go Ferly after he came out of the formation and entry of the Forgotten Man of Injected Sufferage has given a fresh touch while removing the bodies of the spectacular first full album "Witness of Perfect Torture "by the Technical Brutal Death Metal game became one of the centers Trend Music Millennium era so much affect the next generation, but then changed fairly dramatically enters 2nd album" Annihilate the Enemy ", more bodies began to take off his style became more Technical hyperblasting musical elements and be large enough to influence the next generation again. and re-formation changed with the release of Original Drummer's Band, which was later replaced by Danny Young Drummer of the band Undergod Abaz talented and now exist with Ferly also at Side Project Kaluman! for the change gw previous bodies of musical concepts. long and difficult journey indeed be separate bodies struggle to maintain its existence despite having undergone many changes in the structure of the music is so basic, though still sounds wild and brutal, for gw as there are "missing" from the bodies of it's own characteristics. The material may overall this album is more conceptual approach 2nd album "Annihilate the Enemy", but clearly this new album i feel "Monotony" it ... (????. Ed), even too many existing repeat impressions. before the album was released, two songs here first released by Sevared Records Promo Demo format in 2011 and then in 2013 to the 3rd full album was successfully released by the label godz Comeback again to Exist, Extreme Productions presents Soul Track with 10 fresh Grinding dominated! the image is more nationalism, more bodies to introduce Original Indonesian Culture Ethnic Sunda especially in song writing. first started with the "Forces ancestor" begins with an intro quite mystical aroma for 50 seconds, then beat steady beat of Drumming magnificent start to beat Standard headbang Old School Death Metal style really and then became the most dominating part is that meeting the twin pedal , as it became a Foreplay Track to maximize power the next performance, coz this track over the Opening Instrumental version aja. "Nagara Ragana Naraga" real torture then continued with the onslaught of a deadly hyperblasting Snare Part dominate. Snare beats and twin Pedal powerfully dense enough even for doing a lot less I games naughty and agile, so it felt too concentrated on one character alone, "Grinding Hyperblast Attacking Snare", for Sounding Guitarist Ferly for me still admirable strength of character since he joined the body was still awake and horrible, let alone Deep Guttural gurgling Man remains a Breath Important Icon's body! His musical compositions gw catch some touch of Old School Death Metal In The Vein Embalmer, Monstrosity by Malevolent Creation. musical composition sounds simple and easy to digest, so maybe not too much to surprise of its own, once again i still highlight and emphasize drummer game Abaz less able to provide the Drum Improvisation More Skill games Liar If Gw compared with Drummer Danny. "Fearless", part2 for me initially sounded like a boring repetition that often there, but often create structures Guitarist Ferly sadistic riffing loh! "Garuda grip", the grinding faster since the early part explodes! Track this nice ya later "Re-Diamaton" became the 2nd Part of the Track "Diamaton" from first album "Witness of Perfect Torture" a track that most have different musical structures of other tracks like this new dialbum next thing "Kujang Rompang" more offers different musical feel longer, Crushing and Damnation song!! characteristics of the material this album feels like the longer i would also remind incredible debut Decrepit Birth Era "... and Time Begins", with the torment Hyperblaster (Fair) quickly grind! Just sheer terror of sudden, in medias res, like waking up from a deep dreamless sleep to a raging anxiety attack in your intestines, the fluids hammering in your head, finding yourself struggling to catch a breath and hearing a tornado roaring outside your window, the glass bending and buckling inward, crashing trees scorched and falling to the ground, and then greeted with the view of every member of your family, young and old, Crazed, Possessed, at each other's throats, screaming and ripping and tearing. Drummer Abaz although less do style that attractive, but I'm sure this album intensity maintained its levels of Brutality! The drastic formula is set: from Tim Yeung, blistering, Gatling gun snare hits, constant, rolling double bass, swirling lightspeed fills, a storm of clashing cymbals; then palm-muted riffing percussive white noise in avalanches of bewildering melodic fragments, isolated riffs , and segments riffs that blow past your ears so quickly intervening you spend half of the listening time trying to remember what you just heard. "Kujang Rompang" does little to cure homesickness dasyatnya era album "Witness of Perfect Torture" nih! Monotone type back then unfortunately happened on the track "Siliwangi", but still paid by the "Rebirth of Jatisunda" whose characteristics are more kick! as well as the final track "Precious Moment to Die". are constantly seeking to go beyond language, even beyond the musical language and system of signs / symbols that death metal has created over the past decade to express and / or capture the kinds of emotions that they are putting forth here. Ultimately the best seducer and convincer is just the music itself, without excuses [as I said above], without introductions or appeasements or Attempts at placing this monster of an album within descriptive brackets, labels, or judgments. indeed for me personally, the new album is a lot left Question2 bodies are so disturbing memories i will dasyatnya body was the era of "Witness of Perfect Torture" and "Annihilate the Enemy", when "Rebirth Of Jatisunda" like Surprise or less gives Many bodies are kicking performance , in addition to impression material that is so forced. even so the quality of sounding bodies still cool so we enjoy levels of intensity, the music falls short of evoking any sort of true menace or evil atmosphere! Imagine that if it were repeated about a million times, accelerated and decelerated and then layered across numerous tracks and tempos, and you've got a fair approximation of the range of these tunes Concise. That'd actually be fine if there was a riff or two worth a damn in each. Artwork interesting Kover available in 2 versions, all versions 2nya for May 2013 will be released by Sevared Records. Sure, it certainly sounds more modern, resembling the newer style of grindcore-influenced brutal death that was popularized at the turn of the millennium, but the music itself seems to go nowhere that has not been tread before by Suffocation or other bands. Ok Fans Fast Grinding Fascinated Hyperblaster?? this Is Really For You!

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