Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

AnakSetan - Cyclonic Depression CD 2012

AnakSetan - Cyclonic Depression
Ciptarea Stuff / Grind To Day Records CD-R 2012

01 Distorsi Realitas
02 Stressickness Vexation
03 Big Bang For Fucking Head
04 17+
05 M.A.T.I
06 Cyclonic Depression
07 Alkoholika
08 Industri Pembantaian
09 Nikmati Saja Dunia Anjing Edan Ini
10 Pembunuh
11 Perkosa Massal
12 Proyek Pencabutan Nyawa
13 W.A.R

Tia - Vocals
Ctx - Guitars
Ano - Guitars
Kml - Bass
Rio - Drum

Maximum Dragged Circulation Grinding Terror From Cipanas, Puncak, Jabar yang sepertinya siap mengoyak gendang telinga Grinder lover dengan segala kebencian mereka yang begitu Emosional  !!!! GRINDING TERROR AWESOME !!! sekilas nama " Anak Setan " lumayan bikin kebanyakan orang mempertanyakan maksud apa yang dibawa mereka untuk menggunakan nama ini, dan sedikit Statement Mereka tentang nama " Hahaaaa.... Kami bukanlah sekelompok anak durhaka pengikut sekte aliran sesat, ataupun mengajak anda untuk menyembah setan. Tidak, sama sekali tidak. Kami hanyalah sekelompok anak muda yang kurang kerjaan dan mempunyai cita-cita sedikit absurd serta merasa pede mempunyai bakat terpendam untuk menjadi musisi terkenal. Hihihiiii....This was just for fun !!! Grind !!! " bisa menjadi sedikit mention dari mereka. digawangi oleh Female Frontman Vocalis, yang membentuk band ini pada tahun 2000-an dimana 4 dari 6 orang yang menjadi penggagas perkumpulan tersebut bersekongkol untuk membentuk band sinting ini, dan juga satu event yang bernama Bongkar Batas dimana 2 dari 3 panitia intinya adalah personil band ini. sebelumnya sama2 memiliki jam terbang dan pengalaman tersendiri diband sebelumnya, Anak setan lebih mencoba tampil gahar dengan konsepsional Musikalitas yang mereka tawarkan sebagai " Grindcore " singkat, padat dan Mencabik cabik ! ini memang seperti sebuah serangan membabi buta dengan intensitas brutality emosional akibat kekecewaan mereka terhadap kehidupan yang ada mereka anggap pincang ! Track pertama " Distorsi Realitas " yang digeber cuman memerlukan 26 detik sebagai bentuk ketidakpuasan mereka, sentuhan Grinding Blastbeat cepat dan Scratching Vokal Insane parau dari kerongkongan Tia cukup menggambarkan sentuhan karakter band yang terbawa emosional saja. Perpaduan tajam antara Gride, Nasum, Brutal Truth Awal, hingga Pig Destroyer cukup untuk gw menggambarkan cabikan liar-nya. the increased nuance and songwriting sensibility essentially makes up for the decrease in intensity. It's something of an interim album between their very melodic, somewhat rockish later works and the blistering grind of their first album, so it's probably their weakest all things considered, but it's still a cut above of nearly everything else in the same scene. " 17+ " adalah wacana mereka tentang dekadensi Moral Pemuda era millenium ini yang bagi mereka terlalu salah menggunakan potensi Vital hanya untuk perkara Gombal. gw rasa " Cyclonic Depression " yang disini memiliki Durasi terpanjang diantara track lainnya, 02:16 cukup banget menyentuhkan kekejaman mereka mengoptimalisi siksaan Grinding-nya. and no amount of sulking will make it any heavier. It's as though people think that admitting to liking an album less brutal than previous ones will somehow invalidate their metal credibility, or that brutality can be maintained even though the music has gotten a great deal more ! beberapa karakter dan sentuhannya lebih mengingatkan akan typical rancak Misery Index dengan Phobia. sebuah Drunk Anthemic telah mereka ciptakan sebagai sebuah Wujud Kebersamaan Komunitas menikmati dengan menuangkan segelas Alhokol menjadi Track " Alkoholika ", penulisan lirik dengan gaya bahasa sarkatis tetaplah menjadi amunisi tersendiri bagi band2 dengan genre seperti ini menjadi lebih liar dan Powerfully ! This may be somewhat problematic to listeners who aren't used to the ways of the grindcore genre. However, if you're in it for the pure unadulterated ferocity, you've come to the right place. direkam di 2 tempat berbeda terkemas dalam 13 lagu berisik dengan Raw Sound cukuplah untuk sedikit melepaskan kepenatan seharian dengan apa yang ga puas dalam fikiran kita tentang kenyataan dengan struktur musik yang Lebih Dinamis tentang Stereotype Genre Grindcore, AnakSetan lebih Tampil Modern dan Atraktif !!!. blending all their former influences into a unmistakeable wall of sound that's been carbon-copied dozens of times since. GRINDING ARGGGGHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maximum dragged Circulation Grinding Terror From Cipanas, Puncak, West Java, which seemed ready to tear the eardrum Grinder lover with all their hatred is so emotional!!!! GRINDING TERROR AWESOME!!! a glimpse of the name "Son of Satan" rather make most people question the purpose of what they brought to use this name, and slightly Statement They are about the name "Hahaaaa .... We are not a bunch of lawless heretic sect, or invite you to worship Satan. No, not at all. We are just a group of young people who have enough to do and have a bit absurd ideals and feel confident to have a hidden talent to be a famous musician. Hihihiiii ....This was just for fun!!! Grind!!! "Could be a little mention of them. Frontman Female fronted by vocalist, who formed the band in the 2000s where 4 of the 6 people who became the initiator of the association conspired to form this crazy band, and was also named one event where Unloading Limit 2 of 3 core committee is this band. previously sama2 has its own flight hours and experience diband earlier, more vicious child tries gahar with conceptual musicality they offer as "Grindcore" brief, dense and tearing apart! was indeed such an indiscriminate attacks with emotional brutality intensity due to their disappointment against existing life they consider lame! Track first "Reality Distortion" which lauched cuman requires 26 seconds as a form of their dissatisfaction, touch Blastbeat Grinding fast and Scratching Insane guttural vocals of Tia esophagus adequately describe the band's character touches carried away emotionally alone. combination of sharply between Snake, Nasum, Brutal Truth Earlier, up to Pig Destroyer enough to gw describe shreds wildly her. the Increased nuance and songwriting sensibility Essentially makes up for the Decrease in intensity. It's something of an interim album between their very melodic, somewhat rockish later works and the blistering grind of their first album, so it's probably their weakest all things considered, but it's still a cut above of nearly everything else in the same scene. "17 +" is their discourse about the decadence of the Moral youth is the millennium for them too one use only Vital potential for Gombal case. gw sense "Cyclonic Depression" who here has the longest duration among other tracks, 02:16 really quite touching their cruelty mengoptimalisi Grinding his torment. and no amount of sulking will make it any heavier. It's as though people think that admitting to liking an album less brutal than previous ones will somehow invalidate their metal credibility, or that brutality can be maintained even though the music has gotten a great deal more! some character and his touch is more reminiscent of the typical smart Misery Index by Phobia. an anthemic Drunk they have created as a manifestation Community Togetherness enjoyed by pouring into a glass alhokol Track "Alkoholika", a style of writing lyrics sarcastically remains a separate ammunition for band2 with a genre like this more wild and Powerfully! This may be somewhat problematic to listeners who are not used to the ways of the grindcore genre. However, if you're in it for the pure Unadulterated ferocity, you've come to the right place. recorded in 2 different places packed in 13 songs with Raw Sound noisy enough to slightly release the fatigue ga day with what satisfied in our minds about the reality with the musical structure of a More Dynamic Stereotype Genre Grindcore, more AnakSetan Appear Modern and Attractive!!!. blending all their former unmistakeable Influences into a wall of sound that's been carbon-copied dozens of times since. GRINDING ARGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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