Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Arsis - Unwelcome (The Digipak Edition) CD 2013

Arsis - Unwelcome (The Digipak Edition)
Nuclear Blast Records CD 2013

01 Unwelcome 03:41    
02 Carve My Cross 04:14    
03 Handbook for the Recently Deceased 03:48    
04 Choking on Sand 03:18    
05 Let Me Be the One03:10    
06 Sunglasses at Night (Corey Hart cover) 03:58    
07 Martyred or Mourning 04:09    
08 No One Lies to the Dead 03:05    
09 I Share in Shame 03:36    
10 Scornstar 03:38
11 The Face of My Innocence [2013 Version]
12 Haunted, Fragile, and Frozen*
13 Six Coffins Wide*
14 Veil of Mourning Black*
15 A Tearful Haunt, Condemned*
16 Carve My Cross*
17 Denied*

James Malone - Guitars, Vocals
Noah Martin - Bass
Shawn Priest - Drums
Brandon Ellis - Guitars

Awalnya seh Gw Menulis Review ini adalah sebagai upaya Menjawab Rasa tidak Puas gw dengan EP " Lepers Caress " sebelumnya, bukannya materi yang ga buat bikin Puas Gw, melainkan gw terus menunggu full albumnya, sedikit terjawab aja melalui rilisnya single ini hehehehe .... " Unwelcome " ini sendiri sebenarnya ya memang Salah satu materi Full album ke 5 mereka setelah " Starve for the Devil " Tahun 2010 lalu, album ke 5 " Unwelcome " Bakalan masih tangani oleh Nuclear Blast Records. dan sebenernya nih bukan single resmi hehehe, hanya promo 1 lagu aja dari Arsis tentang album barunya ntar, karena memang masih tetap mengusung materi yang menarik, so gw pengen berbagi aja dengan LIC Reader yang ngefans dengan konsep mereka yang ciamik itu. tapi ga lama setelah ini Gw berhasil mendapatkan apa yang gw impikan, FULL ALBUM ke-5 coy, hasyeeekkkk !!! ... dimana Album ini paling Gw nantikan ditahun 2013 ini. sebuah Masterpiece keren untuk Genre Melodic Death Metal extreme dengan balutan tajam dan Kental element Progressive dan Teknikalnya. hmmm ..... Overflowing with bright ideas, crushing riffs, soaring guitar melodies, and fiercely intense drumming, it represents one of the finest moments in melodeath of the 21st century, and is certainly one of the best melodic death metal albums released by a band outside of the Gothenburg scene of all time. yup disaat perkembangan genre melodic Death Metal dikenal pertama kali era 90-an sebagai New Wave of British Heavy Metal yang dikenalkan oleh Dedengkot Carcass lewat album “Heartwork” membawa epidemi Pertumbuhan subur pada scene Swedia dengan gaya Gothenburg seperti dipopulerkan kemudian oleh At The Gates, In Flames dan Dark Tranquility kemudian memicu perkembangan generasi selanjutnya dari Arch Enemy dan Amon Amarth. kemudian Genre ini merambah Daratan Amerika hingga lahirnya Arsis sebagai Pioner Melodic Death Metal dengan Gaya yang lebih Liar dan Teknikal lagi, sudah memukai sejak " Demo 2002 " nya. masih menjadi salah satu band paling faforite gw dengan permainan yang serba mengagumkan dari segi Skill dan Performance dalam mengaransemen musik yang Cantik namun tetap liar ! seperti yang gw ceritakan sebelumnya diatas, debut full album ke-5 ini adalah penampilan pertama Gitaris Brandon Ellis yang pernah membantu beberapa kali penampilan panggung band Sylosis dan gempuran drummer mengagumkan Shawn Priest, yang sudah kita kenal sepak terjangnya di band Cast into Finality dan The Deep. album ini masih tetap membawa nuansa Materi Ep "  Lepers Caress " sebelumnya. an extremely pleasant surprise; this is the best material they’ve put out in years. the brooding clean guitar work suddenly bursting into a wall of rapid fire double bass and slashing guitars and is unarguably a modern melodeath classic. Overflowing with bright ideas, crushing riffs, soaring guitar melodies, and fiercely intense drumming, it represents one of the finest moments in melodeath of the 21st century, and is certainly one of the best melodic death metal albums released by a band outside of the Gothenburg scene of all time !!! masih menggandeng Produser dan enjiner kondang dengan karya2 dasyatnya, Christopher Harris A.K.A " Zeuss " sudah menjadi Langganan Arsis sejak album ke-4 " We Are the Nightmare ", Tangan dingin Zeuss ini tentu tetap melahirkan masterpiece mengagumkan pula. " Unwelcome " tanpa banyak cing cong, langsung menggempur dengan part2 rumit dan cepat masih mengkombinasikan beberapa sentuhan modern en tentunya melodius abis ! tidak terlalu terkungkung dalam sentuhan melodius yang membosankan, Arsis lebih menambahkan kekuatan dasyat dengan hentakan Teknikal Death Metal yang padat. Frontman James Malone’s vocals sound more scathing and vicious than they have in years, and new drummer Shawn Priest is impressive all the way through, his style being groove-laden while still very fast in tempo. yupp tetap menjadi Point Dominan dalam struktur bermusik Arsis yang luar biasa. apalagi balutan solo Gitar cantik Brandon Ellis telah menjadikan Konsepsional Arsis Hari ini semakin luar biasa jika gw bandingkan dengan " Starve for the Devil ". yang pasti Arsis tetap tidak menghilangkan terlalu jauh beberapa karakter Inti band selain menambahkan beberapa sentuhan yang kian dasyat saja. kemudian " Carve My Cross " yang sudah sebelumnya ditampilkan dalam EP " Lepers .. " kembali dihadirkan kembali berikutnya mengingat karakteristik Track ini sangat luar biasa dasyat ! " Handbook for the Recently Deceased ", kekuatan Modern Style begitu kuat menusuk berikutnya dipadukan tetap dengan gaya liar dan cepatnya. Pukulan Mantap Drummer Shawn semakin powerfully dengan hentakan Blastbeat-nya. dan liat bagaimana Chorusing Track ini memasukkan gaya Solo Gitar Brandon Ellis terdengar Rockin banget ! genre-splicing has really benefitted the band with a dirty palette of death, thrash, black, power and prog – best of all is they hit the nail right on the head. seperti sedang lepas kendali, bener2 pada track ini gaya Arsis agak sedikit " Nge-Joke " pada sentuhan dan aransemennya hehehe .... " Choking on Sand " masih Powerfully dan Striking Ass Banget sentuhannya. " Let Me Be the One " Frontman James Malone semakin enerjik meraungkan Middle Scratching Vokill-nya sambil membagi konsentrasinya pada instrumen gitar. lagi2 gw rasakan sentuhan gaya Rockin abisnya lagi disini. have the monopoly on technicality beyond comprehension, Arsis provide melody and accessibility making them an ideal starting point for potential listeners. which came to those of us who occasionally fancy music videos with a barrage of 80s class room imagery that was about as out of place for this style as rap vocals with metal. Taken on its own without the lyrics and imagery, it’s a solid song with a few decent thrash riffs, but it’s a bit too short and simplistic. The really ballsy stuff encompasses most of what remains on this album, be it a nasty set of galloping Teutonic sections and relentless aggression! apakah ini effect Kandungan sejak Arsis menulis Track " Forced To Rock " menjadi Attitude baru mereka saat ini ?? semoga bukan perasaan gw aja hehehe ... lalu selanjutnya sebuah Cover version milik Penyanyi Asal Kanada, Corey Hart, so pasti dalam versi Arsis Style tentunya en gw ga bisa bayangin gimana itu versi asli lagunya hahahaha, yang jelas Arsis telah membuat Pusing tujuh keliling Corey sendiri deh hehehehe .... " Martyred or Mourning " keras, Menusuk dan Melodius abis ! " No One Lies to the Dead " sentuhan gaya yang melenceng ke gaya Melodius metalcore gaya Shadowfall begitu terasa pada part awal, bener2 sebuah progresi musikalitas yang bener2 Excellent !! in my opinion, are awesome, and rather well performed. In addition, the drums here pummel with fury making the songs’ beats usually fast. Also, we have here a tight production without straining themselves, therefore making the songs have a good vibe in it. Lastly, the album is more dissonant, so if you’re much used to your usual melodic death metal stuff, better go brace yourself, but don’t worry, you’ll get used to it soon. " I Share in Shame ", semakin lebih menampilkan permainan dengan struktur musikal yang rumit, sinkronisasi aransemen yang menguras konsentrasi penuh demi menciptakan " Art " musik yang lebih dasyat ! The band as a whole plays tightly, but it doesn't feel robotic like an unfortunate amount of tech-death nowadays. Rather, you can feel that the band is enjoying itself. The song structures and the interplay between the instruments doesn't just tentatively branch from a melodic tech-death stance - it outright dives into rock-like song construction, or to be more accurate, traditional heavy metal with a technical twist. dan " Scornstar " mengakhiri kekejaman full album ke-5 ini masih bagaimana seorang Frontman James Malone ga kekuarangan ide untuk memainkan komposisi musik yang Dinamis ini. well sebuah mahakarya Dasyat memang masih dipertahankan oleh Arsis sejak album2 sebelumnya. Kontradiksi karakter " Baru " tetap menjadi legalisasi komponen Gaya bermusik Arsis sejak dibentuk Tahun 2000 di Virginia Beach, Virginia, tetap Idealis ! bahkan semakin kian dasyat progresi Musikalitasnya. dan gw mendapatkan versi Album The Digipak Edition, Nuclear Blast menambahkan Materi EP " Lepers Caress " sebagai Bonus Track-nya termasuk Track Aransemen Ulang " The Face of My Innocence " dari Album Pertama mereka " A Celebration of Guilt " Tahun 2004 menjadi semakin sadis sentuhannya !! This music is a very strong contrast to other music that shares many of the main traits - there aren't full sections that rely on one-dimensional one-style riffs as melodic death metal often has, there isn't syncopation for the sake of syncopation or high-speed blasting for the sake of speed as technical death metal often has. yang pasti Fans Musik Teknikal dengan balutan tajam dan kental Elemen Melodius Riffing, SANGAT gw Rekomendasikan tetap menyukai Album2 Arsis ini. 666% The Great Melodic Stuff of Masterpiece on 2013 ! Arsis mix a lot of things that people like about metal in a unique and very listenable way. The rough edge of the production translates aggressiveness well, and the clarity allows the songwriting to shine. There are tons of hooks which work into the songs without an overtly pop-ish sound, but they don't give up any of the fierce metallic sound. Most importantly, it leaves behind many of the undesirable and stagnant traits of the styles that are blended so well. BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally I Wrote This was an attempt Answering Pain is not satisfied with the gw EP "Lepers Caress" earlier, rather than material for making Satisfied Gw ga, but i continue to wait for a full album, slightly missed aja through this single release hehehehe .... "Unwelcome" itself is actually yes indeed one material to their 5th full-length album after "Starve for the Devil" In 2010, the album into 5 "Unwelcome" I will still signed by Nuclear Blast Records. and actually not a single official hehehe, promo only wrote one song from his new album Myspace Arsis about, because it's still an interesting still carry the material, so I meant to share with LIC Reader wrote that ngefans with their concept of the good is. but shortly after this Gw ga managed to get what I'm dreaming, FULL ALBUM 5th coy, hasyeeekkkk!!! ... where the album was most looking forward to in 2013 is Gw. a cool Masterpiece Genre Melodic Death Metal to the extreme with sharp dressing and Condensed Progressive and of technical elements. hmmm ..... Overflowing with bright ideas, crushing riffs, soaring guitar melodies, and fiercely intense drumming, it Represents one of the finest moments in melodeath of the 21st century, and is certainly one of the best melodic death metal albums released by a band outside of the Gothenburg scene of all time. yup when the development of the genre of melodic death metal was first known as the era of the 90's New Wave of British Heavy Metal, which was introduced by passing godfather Carcass album "Heartwork" bring the epidemic growth of the fertile scene Gothenburg Sweden with style as popularized later by At The Gates, In Flames and Dark Tranquility then trigger the development of the next generation of Arch Enemy and Amon Amarth. The genre then expanded to Mainland America as birth Arsis Melodic Death Metal pioneers with more style and Technical Wild again, is captivating from the "Demo 2002" her. remains one of the band's most faforite I with an awesome all-round game in terms of Skill and Performance in arranging Beautiful music but still wild! as i mentioned earlier above, the debut full 5th album this is the first appearance of guitarist Brandon Ellis who had helped several stage performances and band Sylosis onslaught of awesome drummer Shawn Priest, which we have known roles in the band Cast into finality and The Deep . This album still carry shades Matter Ep "Lepers Caress" before. an extremely pleasant surprise; this is the best material they've put out in years. the brooding clean guitar work Suddenly bursting into a wall of rapid fire double bass and slashing guitars and modern melodeath is unarguably a classic. Overflowing with bright ideas, crushing riffs, soaring guitar melodies, and fiercely intense drumming, it Represents one of the finest moments in melodeath of the 21st century, and is certainly one of the best melodic death metal albums released by a band outside of the Gothenburg scene of all time!!! still cooperating with the famous Producer and Engineer Creations, Christopher Harris AKA "Zeuss" has become Subscriptions Arsis since 4th album "We Are the Nightmare", Cold hands Zeuss is certainly still an awesome masterpiece spawned anyway. "Unwelcome" without much cing cong, directly attacking the complex and fast part2 still combines some modern touches en certainly melodic ! not too stuck in a boring melodic touch, Arsis be added to the terrible power of the beat of Technical Death Metal is solid. Frontman James Malone's vocals sound more scathing and vicious than they have in years, and new drummer Shawn Priest is impressive all the way through, his groove-laden style while being still very fast in tempo. yupp remains a Point Prevalent in structure Arsis incredible musicianship. especially beautiful guitar solo bandage Brandon Ellis has made Concepts Arsis Today more amazing if i compare it to "Starve for the Devil". Arsis is definitely still not eliminate too much a character other than adding a few core bands that increasingly touches just terrible. then "Carve My Cross" which has been previously shown in the EP "Lepers .." re-presented back next given the characteristics of this very unusual Track terrible! "Handbook for the Recently Deceased", Modern Style so strong force next piercing with wild style combined fixed and fast. Steady blow Drummer Shawn Blastbeat more powerfully with its pounding. and see how this Track chorusing include Brandon Ellis Guitar Solo style sounds really rockin! genre-splicing has really benefitted the band with a dirty palette of death, thrash, black, power and prog - best of all is they hit the nail right on the head. such as being out of control, Really on this track Arsis style is a bit "Jokes" on the touch and arrangements hehehe .... "Choking on Sand" and still Powerfully Striking Ass Banget touch. "Let Me Be the One" increasingly energetic frontman James Malone Middle blare Scratching his Vokill while dividing the concentration of the guitar. lagi2 i feel a touch of style Rockin abisnya again here. have the monopoly on technicality beyond comprehension, Arsis provide melody and accessibility making them an ideal starting point for potential listeners. roomates came to those of us who occasionally fancy music videos with a barrage of imagery 80s class room that was about as out of place for this style as rap vocals with metal. Taken on its own without the lyrics and imagery, it's a solid song with a few decent thrash riffs, but it's a bit too short and simplistic. The really ballsy stuff encompasses most of what remains on this album, be it a nasty set of galloping Teutonic sections and Relentless aggression! whether this effect since Arsis wrote Gynecology Track "Forced To Rock" became the new Attitude them now?? hopefully not feeling gw aja hehehe ... then later a cover version singer-owned Canadian origin, Corey Hart, so definitely the version Arsis Style en i certainly can not imagine how the original version of the song hahahaha, who obviously Arsis has made himself dizzy Corey deh hehehehe .... "Martyred or Mourning" loud, piercing and melodic abis! "No One Lies to the Dead" a touch of style to a style that deviated Shadowfall melodic metalcore style once felt in the early part, bener2 a musical progression that Really Excellent!! in my opinion, are awesome, and performed rather well. In addition, the drums pummel with fury here making the songs' beats usually fast. Also, we have here a tight production without straining Themselves, therefore making the songs have a good vibe in it. Lastly, the album is more dissonant, so much if you're used to your usual melodic death metal stuff, go better brace yourself, but do not worry, you'll get used to it soon. "I Share in Shame", the game show is getting more complex musical structures, synchronization arrangements that drain full concentration in order to create "art" music is more terrible! The band as a whole plays tightly, but it does not feel robotic like an unfortunate amount of tech-death nowadays. Rather, you can feel that the band is enjoying itself. The song structures and the interplay between the instruments does not just tentatively branch from a melodic tech-death stance - it outright dives into rock-like song construction, or to be more accurate, traditional heavy metal with a technical twist. and "Scornstar" ending cruelty 5th full album is still how a Frontman James Malone ga drawback idea to play this dynamic musical compositions. well a terrible masterpiece is still maintained by Arsis since album2 earlier. Contradiction character "New" remains a legalization component Arsis musical style since it was formed in 2000 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, remains Idealists! even the increasingly terrible Musically progression. and i get a version of The Digipak Edition Album, Nuclear Blast adds Matter EP "Lepers Caress" as its Bonus Track Track Arrangement including Birthday "The Face of My Innocence" from their first album "A Celebration of Guilt" of 2004 became increasingly sadistic touch !! This music is a very strong contrast to other music that shares many of the main traits - there are not full sections that rely on one-dimensional one-style melodic death metal riffs as has Often, there is not syncopation for the sake of syncopation or high-speed blasting for the sake of speed as technical death metal Often has. Technical Music Fans certainly sharp and creamy dressing with melodic riffing Element, VERY gw Albums2 Arsis Recommend still like this. 666% The Stuff of Great Melodic Masterpiece on 2013! Arsis mix a lot of things that people like about metal in a unique and very listenable way. The rough edge of aggressiveness translates the production well, and the clarity Allows the songwriting to shine. There are tons of hooks roomates work into the songs without an overtly pop-ish sound, but they do not give up any of the fierce metallic sound. Most importantly, it leaves behind many of the undesirable and stagnant traits of the styles that are blended so well. BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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