Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Frodhos Death - Ritual Sanctuary CD 2012

Frodhos Death - Ritual Sanctuary
No Label Records CD 2012

01 Intro (Ritual Sanctuary)        
02 Skema Segitiga Nista        
03 Deathography        
04 Tahta Paduka Mesir        
05 Mythology of Frodho        
06 Filsafat        
07 Lord in Ancient War        
08 Ornamental Klasik Renaisans        
09 Anti Napas        
10 Xenophobic Odama Arkabidust        
11 Ancestor Morphous

Babos Wazzap - Bass
Gilang Nocturnal - Drums
Ncegg Kushkush - Guitars
Bolang Mongondoh - Vocals

Frodo, adalah seorang Hobbit, yang diperkenalkan pertama kali pada cerita The Fellowship of the Ring sebagai putra dari Drogo Baggins dan Primula Brandybuck. mungkin telah menjadi alasan bagi band Death/grind asal Cibinong, Bogor yang mengusung konsep tema lirik tentang Egypt, Old History, dan fantasi tinggi modern dengan istilah sebagai Tolkien mengantar band bentukan tahun 2008 ini melaju kencang dengan karya2 ekstreme metal-nya !! menampilkan Member dari band Extreme Vaginal, Mothergod dan Makam Selatan cukup membawa Kekuatan tersendiri bagi mereka untuk meluaskan referensi bermain musik. dan pertama kali gw mendengarkan track " Skema Segitiga Nista " pasca band ini telah resmi menjadi Keluarga No Label Records, sebuah gempuran death metal dengan sentuhan Grinding snare sana sini mengingatkan gw dengan beberapa sentuhan Kental Suffocation, Napalm Death, Behemoth hingga Nile cukup menorehkan nuansa cadas yang mereka tawarkan, well begitu mendapatkan Advance CD dari No Label Records, buru2 aja nih gw Review stuff keren ini buat kalian semua. Track awal dimulai oleh sebuah Intro " Ritual Sanctuary " yang kemudian disambung dengan Opening Track, yang kayaknya biasa jadi Foreplay penampilan panggung Band ini :) ... kemudian " Skema Segitiga Nista " langsung menghantam dengan Intense Grinding Beat in the Vein Suffocation dengan balutan Dark Riffing Harmonization yang begitu gelap ala Nile Juga Behemoth banget. kualitas clear recording Materi ini memang menjadi Point Plus tersendiri untuk gw menikmati sadis musikalitas mereka. Tremolo Old School Death Picking Gitaris Ncegg Kushkush menjadi Komandan utama disetiap penciptaan Karakter Frodhos Death. Gaya Growling Bolang Mongondoh masih begitu jelas terdengar Lafal Pattern-nya yang terinspirasi berat oleh karakter vokill ala Chris Barnes, Bill Robinson serta Adam Nergal, sementara pukulan drumming Gilang Nocturnal lumayan memberikan sentuhan padat pada Intensitas skill-nya sehingga cukup menghidupkan Karakter Frodhos Death. " Deathography " terasa begitu kental gayanya Suffocation banget ! dan disini Gitaris Ncegg pun mulai menaburkan banyak solo2 gitar Melodius hangatnya. " Tahta Paduka Mesir " langsung saja Ncegg menambahkan solo gitar dipart awal track menawarkan gaya Old School Death metal era 90-an banget begitu kuat pada track ini dengan beberapa gaya Teknikal Riffing Decrepit birth lumayan terasakan begitu manja berharmonisasi dengan elemen part beat-nya. " Mythology of Frodho ", adrenalin band mulai memanas dengan hentakan blastbeat yang terus melakukan Grinding part mendominasi setiap part lagunya. stands as one of their most diverse and experimental efforts, as they really went to town on other ideas as well as face-melting guitar work and thundering blast beats. masih menggunakan Intro seperti Track " Tahta Paduka ", track " Filsafat " seperti menjadi Track lanjutannya. The guitars, though muddled, are ridiculously fast-paced and the drumming has absolutely no trouble keeping up with the hectic pace of each song and The drumming technique is usually blast fest followed by intense drum roll followed by blast fest-basically ! semakin menorehkan banyak kejutan konsep, band ini semakin terdengar tidak membosankan dengan skill yang ditawarkannya. as praises upon praises were heaped up to mountainous proportions from various other sources that I just had to see what the fuss was all about. " Lord in Ancient War " terasa cukup Anthemic ! " Ornamental Klasik Renaisans " nice Opening Part, a close look at where Death Metal came from, and what it eventually came to, and one arrives at the same disillusioning (and depressing) conclusion. total 11 track berdurasi 00:35:17 kita bakalan merasakan sendiri hentakan dasyat Intense Brutal Death grind dengan Kualitas records yang cool hasil garapan Gitaris Ncegg sendiri yang merekam semua materi ini di 4 tempat berbeda. good Jobs Brotha ! is far from being wide-spread and nowhere near as standardized for generic Death Metal as the gore or occult themes are ! tapi mungkin yang menjadi bagian masukan gw adalah, hasil manipulasi Grafis Artwork Kover-nya masih harus mengalami peningkatan lagi, tersedia juga Lirik lagu yang akan dapat mematahkan persepsi kalayak awam kalo band death metal selalu identik dengan pattern Lirik yang ngawur atau sekedar teriak2 aja hehehehe, sebuah karya bagus yang pantas kalian koleksi disaat menemukan titik jenuh harus di gempur dengan Musik yang tetap " itu-itu " saja, Frodhos Death siap memberikan sentuhan beda deh kayaknya. is still everything that makes this album and unbearable listen mangling over it at the same time. But, at least the is a spark of talent involved in this band, and I couldn't bring myself to neglecting to mention this fact with a clear conscience.

Frodo, a Hobbit, who was first introduced to the story of The Fellowship of the Ring as the son of Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck. may have been the reason for the band Death / grind origin Cibinong, Bogor who brought the concept of lyrical themes about Egypt, Old History, and modern high fantasy with the term as Tolkien led band formed in 2008 karya2 speeding with his extreme metal! Member of the band's show Extreme Vaginal, Mothergod and South Tomb enough power to bring pleasure for them to expand reference playing music. and the first time i listen to the track "Triangle Scheme Nista" after the band had officially become the No Label Records Family, an onslaught of death metal with a touch of Grinding snare here and there with some touches reminiscent gw Condensed Suffocation, Napalm Death, Behemoth Nile enough to carve the rock shades they offer, well so get Advance CD from No Label Records, buru2 gw aja nih Review this cool stuff for you all. Track beginning initiated by an Intro "Ritual Sanctuary" which is then connected to the Opening Track, which I think used to be foreplay stage performance band :) ... then "Triangle Scheme Nista" an instant hit with Intense Grinding Beat in the Dark Vein Suffocation with a bandage so dark riffing ala Harmonization Also Nile Behemoth really. This material is clear recording quality is a Point Plus i enjoy sadistic individual to their musicality. Old School Death Tremolo Picking Guitarist Ncegg Kushkush every major commander Frodhos Death Character creation. Growling style Bolang Mongondoh still so clearly heard the pronunciation Pattern heavily inspired by the character vokill ala Chris Barnes, Bill Robinson and Adam Nergal, while Gilang Nocturnal hefty punch drumming provides a solid touch on the intensity of his skills so it's quite turn Frodhos Character Death. "Deathography" was so thick Suffocation style really! and here Guitarist Ncegg started sowing a lot of melodic guitar solo2 warm. "Throne of Her Majesty Egypt" just Ncegg added guitar solo track dipart initial offer Old School Death metal style of the 90s era really so strong on this track with some style riffing Technical Decrepit birth hefty felt so spoiled harmonize with the elements part of his beat. "Mythology of Frodho", the adrenaline starts to heat up with the beat of the band blastbeat Grinding parts that continue to dominate every part of his songs. stands as one of their most diverse and experimental efforts, as they really went to town on other ideas as well as face-melting guitar work and thundering blast beats. still use the intro as Track "Throne of Her Majesty", track "Philosophy" as a sequel Track. The guitars, muddled though, are ridiculously fast-paced and the drumming has absolutely no trouble keeping up with the hectic pace of each song and the drumming technique is blast-fest Usually Followed by intense drum roll Followed by blast-fest basically! the incised many surprises concept, this band does not sound boring with the skills it offers. as praises upon praises were heaped up to mountainous proportions from various other sources that I just had to see what the fuss was all about. "Lord in Ancient War" feels pretty anthemic! "Ornamental Classical Renaissance" nice Opening Part, a close look at where Death Metal came from, and what it eventually came to, and one arrives at the same disillusioning (and depressing) conclusion. lasted a total of 11 tracks 00:35:17 we going to experience themselves terrible buffeting Intense Brutal Death records grind with a cool quality stewardship Guitarist Ncegg own that record all this material in 4 different places. Jobs Brotha good! is far from being wide-spread and nowhere near as standardized for generic Death Metal as the gore or occult themes are! but maybe that is part gw input is, the manipulation of Graphic Artwork Coverage is still need to increase again, there are also lyrics of the song that will break the common perception kalayak if death metal band pattern is always associated with a nonsensical lyrics or just teriak2 wrote hehehehe, a great work worthy collection when you have to find the saturation point at a fixed Attack With Music "-that's" only, Frodhos Death deh ready to give a touch different I guess. is still everything that makes this album and listen unbearable mangling over it at the same time. But, at least the is a spark of talent INVOLVED in this band, and I could not bring myself to neglecting to mention this fact with a clear conscience.

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