Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

Centurian - Contra Rationem CD 2013

Centurian - Contra Rationem
Listenable Records CD 2013

01 Thou Shallt Bleed for the Lord Thy God 02:14    
02 Crown of Bones 03:05    
03 Feast of the Cross 04:56    
04 Judas Among Twelve 02:46    
05 Antinomian 03:58    
06 The Will of the Torch 03:25    
07 Sin Upon Man 02:23    
08 Damnatio Memoriae 04:13    
09 Adversus 02:55

Rob Oorthuis - Guitars
Seth Van de Loo - Vocals, Drums
Patrick Boleij - Bass
Niels Adams - Vocals

ultimately amounts to a pretty fresh sound for blast-focused extremity that overcomes the usual limitations. adalah yang bisa gw gambarkan tentang kembalinya salah satu Blasphemic Death Metal Terkenal Netherlands Scene yang mulai eksis sejak Tahun 1997 dan melejit namanya lewat demo " Of Purest Fire " tahun 1997 yang kemudian sukses disusul oleh debut Full album pertama " Choronzonic Chaos Gods " Tahun 1999 mengantar band ini menjelalahi Kancah extreme metal dengan gaya permainan death metal yang banyak mengingatkan gw dengan kekejaman In the Vein Angelcorpse, Krisiun hingga Nile. band yang menampilkan Frontman Seth Van de Loo, kita kenal lebih dulu sebagai Drummer Band Brutal Populer Severe Torture, Seth Van de Loo membentuk band ini mengisi Posisi sebagai Vokalis sejak tahun 1997 hingga tahun 2000 kemudian tahun 2011 Seth Van de Loo memutuskan untuk beralih posisi sebagai drummer di band ini. Intricate riffing is key to this experience, and the prime factor in elevating the effort above so many of its robot-drone contemporaries, who seem to think the sheer speed and force alone are paramount to the procreation of great musical vision. Centuvrian mete out wild rhythmic patterns that you simply don't expect, and to my great delight, they were the sorts that I instantly wanted to figure out. Centurian tetap menawarkan permainan yang serba cepat dan menusuk dengan irama2 Penghujatan hitam-nya. tetap menggaet Member lama, Gitaris Rob Oorthuis dan Bassis Patrick Boleij yang memutuskan bersama2 tahun 2011 kembali menghidupkan Band ini, sayangnya tanpa kehadiran kembali drummer Wim Van Der Valk karena posisinya telah tergantikan oleh Seth Van de Loo, dan menambah 1 amunisi terdepan dengan menggaet vokalis Niels Adams dari band Prostitute Disfigurement dan merupakan rekan Gitaris Rob Oorthuis di band Nox. ini mungkin adalah masa yang mereka tunggu selama 9 tahun sejak album terakhir " Liber Zar Zax " tahun 2001 dirilis, band ini memutuskan untuk Vakum dalam waktu yang tidak ditentukan karena kesibukan utama beberapa member-nya. yang pasti Karya Dasyat mereka tetap terus dapat kita nikmati saat ini yang memuat 9 track super cepat dan Gelap via Listenable Records mulai mencatat sejarah Baru Centurian ditahun 2013. dan rupanya masing2 member tetap membawa pengaruh tersendiri dari band utamanya dalam komposisi musikal centurian, sehingga akan terasa ini perpaduan antara karakter Severe Torture, Nox, dan Prostitute Disfigurement banget, walau konsep awal band ini tetap bergaya Gelap ala Krisiun, Nile serta Angelcorpse banget ! , bisa kita rasakan pukulan liar dan cepat drummer Seth Van de Loo yang powerfully memainkan part2 yang blaster abis dengan dentuman rapat twin pedal tanpa banyak mendapat sentuhan Manipulasi Digital telah menyuguhkan permainan Seth Van de Loo yang sebenarnya, selain sibuk menghajar perangkat drum-nya Seth Van de Loo tetap menyumbangkan Screamin Insane Vokill-nya disetiap Track-nya, sehingga lebih terdengar dinamis karakter-nya. Track Pertama " Thou Shallt Bleed for the Lord Thy God " langsung menyerang dengan dentuman Fast drumming Amazing-nya, tremolo picking with these excellent, grooving chord patterns, and a toss up a few spikes of black metal dissonance for good measure. The sheer speed of the rhythm guitar across many of the cuts, and the tone thereof. Gaya Riffing Guitarnya memang kadang lebih mengajak Kita merasakan kembali kedasyatan Era album " Altars Of Madness "nya Morbid Angel. and I had a similar reaction to its controlled, calamitous construction; lightspeed thrashing evolved into something altogether more brutal and bristling with menace. But Contra Rationem puts a creative spin on it, its authors intent on not only technicality, but licks that will actually dazzle the listener into wanting to relive them repeatedly. dan track lagu pertama ini bagi Gw cukuplah untuk menggambarkan materi keseluruhan album ini yang tetap mengumbar kejamnya Blastbeat part everywhere !! ultimately amounts to a pretty fresh sound for blast-focused extremity that overcomes the usual limitations. mengalami banyak kemajuan skill dan sounding, Centurian hadir tetap siap untuk menggerus kekuatan Hitam alam kegelapan untuk tetap berkuasa dalam hati manusia dengan jiwa jiwa yang rapuh. an obvious panorama of brickwalled overdubs. Bass is fast as fuck too, but suborned slightly by the boxy guitar tone. With 1990 taste keep Bring down Slaughtering Millenium eras !

ultimately amounts to a pretty fresh sound for extremity-focused blast that overcomes the usual limitations. is that i can describe about the return of one of the Netherlands Blasphemic Famous Death Metal Scene which began existed since 1997 and soared through the demo called "Of purest Fire" in 1997 which was then followed by a successful debut first full album "Choronzonic Chaos Gods" of 1999 drive menjelalahi band extreme metal scene playing style reminds many death metal gw cruelty In the Vein AngelCorpse, Krisiun up Nile. band featuring frontman Seth van de Loo, we know first as a drummer band Severe Torture Brutal Popular, Seth van de Loo formed the band as a vocalist to fill positions from 1997 to 2000 and then in 2011 Seth van de Loo decided to switch positions as drummer in the band. Intricate riffing is key to this experience, and the prime factor in elevating the effort above so many of its contemporaries robot-drone, who seem to think the sheer speed and force alone are paramount to the procreation of great musical vision. Centuvrian mete out wild rhythmic patterns that you simply do not expect, and to my great delight, they were the sorts that I instantly wanted to figure out. Centurian nevertheless offers a fast-paced game and stabbing with his black Blasphemy irama2. still hook the old Member, Guitarist and Bassist Rob Patrick Boleij Oorthuis decide bersama2 revive the band in 2011, unfortunately without the presence of returning drummer Wim Van Der Valk because he was being replaced by Seth Van de Loo, and adds one leading ammunition with a hook vocalist Niels Prostitute Disfigurement Adams of the band and is a partner in the band's guitarist Rob Oorthuis Nox. This is probably the time that they were waiting for 9 years since the last album "Liber Zar Zax" released in 2001, the band decided to vacuum the indefinite because the main bustle of some of its members. certainly continue their terrible work we enjoy today which contains 9 tracks super fast and listenable via Dark Records began recording the history of New Centurian year 2013. and apparently masing2 member still carries its own influence in the composition of the band's main musical centurian, so it will feel this mix of characters Severe Torture, Nox, and Prostitute Disfigurement really, although the concept remains the band's early style ala Dark Krisiun, Nile and AngelCorpse really! , We can feel the blows wild and fast drummer Seth van de Loo that powerfully played a blaster part2 abis with twin booms meeting pedal without a lot of touches Digital manipulation has been presenting the game Seth Van de Loo true, besides the busy beating his drum Seth Van de Loo still donate his Screamin Insane Vokill each Track it, making it more dynamic sound of his character. First Track "Thou Shallt Bleed for the Lord Thy God" directly attacked by pounding his Amazing Fast drumming, tremolo picking with these excellent, grooving chord patterns, and a toss up a few spikes of black metal dissonance for good measure. The sheer speed of the rhythm guitar across many of the cuts, and the tone thereof. Guitarnya riffing style is sometimes more invites we feel back kedasyatan Era album "Altars Of Madness" Her Morbid Angel. and I had a reaction Similar to its controlled, calamitous construction; Lightspeed thrashing evolved into something altogether more brutal and bristling with menace. But Contra Rationem puts a creative spin on it, its authors intent on not only technicality, but actually licks that will dazzle the listener into wanting to relive them repeatedly. and the first tracks for Gw suffices to describe the entire album of material that remains part Blastbeat cruel indulgence everywhere!! ultimately amounts to a pretty fresh sound for extremity-focused blast that overcomes the usual limitations. much progress skill and sounding, Centurian present remains ready to undermine the power of natural black darkness to remain in power in the hearts of men with the fragile souls. an obvious panorama of brickwalled overdubs. Bass is fast as fuck too, but slightly suborned by the boxy guitar tone. With 1990 taste Bring keep down Slaughtering Millenium eras!

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