Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Inhuman - Course Of Human Destruction CD 2013

Inhuman - Course Of Human Destruction
Self Released CD 2013

01 Priest INC.        
02 Dead to Rot        
03 Course of Human Destruction        
04 Shame on You        
05 Blood Obsessed        
06 I Can Smell the Death        
07 Vomit on the Cross        
08 Vengeance

Carlos Venegas - Bass
Freddy "Coco" Sanchez - Drums
Jonathan Sanchéz - Guitars
Sergio Muñoz - Vocals

Costa Rica adalah negara terkecil kedua di Amerika Tengah yang berbatasan dengan Nikaragua di sebelah utara, Panama di selatan-tenggara, Samudra Pasifik di barat dan selatan, dan Laut Karibia di timur. Kosta Rika merupakan negara pengonsumsi gula terbanyak di dunia hehehe ( kayak Pelajaran Geografi aja hehehe . ed ), Negara ini memiliki tingkat politik paling aman di kawasannya. Dibandingkan dengan negara-negara Amerika Latin lainnya, Costa Rica unggul dalam pendapatan per kapita, begitu perkembangan Musik Cadasnya, salah satunya gw kenalkan 1 band keren bernama INHUMAN, walau Inhuman sendiri beberapa band menggunakannya, namun tentu beda banget dengan Inhuman Asal Costa Rica ini yang ngemainin konsep Technical Death Metal ciamik ! dengan gaya bermain Riffing progressive ala Decrepit Birth, Necrophagist, Arkaik hingga Typical lawas Death ! It's completely inoffensive, and not bad enough to require a very aggressive emotional response. over a small futuristic elevator going up before it could reach top speed, which kept it alive, if with internal injuries, and slowly moved it upwards. However, Death were too hurt by this point, and in their squirming, they moved towards the edge of said elevator. Dangerously close to the edge. After that, it would not be a happy ending for anyone involved. dengan karakter sound ala Gothenburg Old School in the vein Entombed, Carnage dan Dismember, band ini coba lebih memadukan elemen old and new menjadi sebuah karakter yang cepat dan Modern lagi sentuhannya. Due to its euphoric reviews, I started listening again and again, and one by one the songs revealed their true nature - beauty hidden by complex riffing and song structures; like climbing a mountain I had to try again and again, but once arriving at the top, Symbolic offered me a overwhelming view on a musical landscape that's a beautiful, detailed patterns and boring not a single moment. " Priest INC. " langsung bikin surprise dengan permainan yang rapi dan intensif, Inhuman sudah memamerkan Konsep yang Dinamis. kerja sama Gitaris Jonathan Sanchéz dan drummer Freddy "Coco" Sanchez menjadi kombinasi yang mematikan pada tubuh band ini. sekilas sih kita seperti merasakan kembali alunan old school Death metal dengan penampilan Modern style musickness. kemudian " Course of Human Destruction " lebih semakin menampilkan permainan band yang telah prima setelah proses Warming up, tarian Liar Riffing Jonathan semakin memukau dengan gaya Progresive yang cepat, sementara drummer Freddy semakin tertantang menanamkan hentakan drumming yang enerjik pula. the technical show off of thrash metal, catchiness of power metal, atmosphere of symphonic music, and subtlety of classical music. And all of this is done with such superior and matured musical sense that will put any musician in history to shame. begitu juga dengan " Blood Obsessed " terus menampilkan dinamika musikalitas yang serba menendang ! is much more epic with dark atmosphere about it, especially during the little break in the middle. The rage of the previous track lowers down and the listener experiences moments of peace and some sense of security, but the musicians have yet other ideas which are clearly showcased in the abrupt ending which again builds up some tension, and forces the listeners to think and wait for what is to come. 8 lagu matang penuh dengan sentuhan musikalitas skill diatas rata2 menjadi komponen Death Metal Dinamis yang penuh dengan hentakan mengejutkan ! Old School coba transisi dengan Modern Style yang ciamik coba ditampilkan oleh band ini. semakin bingung gw menggambarkan konsep musik band ini, mending elo cicipi langsung aja setiap kekejaman track-nya disini. explores such cryptic and unanswerable questions like the natures of God and notions of judgment and perception, elaborates on feelings of isolation and misanthropy, and focuses on strong instrumentation and powerful energetic sound that gives off a more positive feel than the brutality that Death’s style focused on earlier and later spawned.

Costa Rica is the second smallest country in Central America bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the south-southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Costa Rica is the world's biggest consumer of sugar hehehe (like Geography Lesson wrote hehehe. Ed), The country has the safest political level in the region. Compared with other countries in Latin America, Costa Rica is superior in per capita income, so the development Cadasnya Music, one of which i introduce one cool band called Inhuman, Inhuman itself although some bands use it, but it is certainly very different to the Inhuman Origin Costa Rica is a ngemainin concept ciamik Technical Death Metal! progressive playing style riffing style Decrepit Birth, Necrophagist, Typical old archaic to Death! It's completely inoffensive, and not bad enough to require a very aggressive emotional response. over a small futuristic elevator going up before it could reach top speed, roomates kept it alive, if with internal injuries, and slowly moved it upwards. However, Death were too hurt by this point, and in their squirming, they moved towards the edge of said elevator. Dangerously close to the edge. After that, it would not be a happy ending for anyone INVOLVED. Gothenburg sound character style in the vein of Old School Entombed, Dismember and Carnage, the band was trying to incorporate more elements of old and new into a character faster and more modern touch. Due to its euphoric reviews, I started listening again and again, and one by one the songs revealed their true nature - beauty hidden by complex riffing and song structures; like climbing a mountain I had to try again and again, but once arriving at the top, Symbolic offered me a overwhelming view on a musical landscape that's a beautiful, detailed patterns and not a single boring moment. "Priest INC.." Immediately make a neat surprise with games and intensive, Inhuman has showcased a dynamic concept. cooperation Guitarist Jonathan Sanchez and drummer Freddy "Coco" Sanchez became a deadly combination on the body of this band. glimpse of the hell we like to feel again the strains of old school death metal with modern style musickness appearance. then "Course of Human Destruction" over the game show band that has been primed after the warming up, dance riffing Jonathan Wild the stunningly fast Progressive style, while drummer Freddy increasingly challenged to instill an energetic beat of drumming as well. the technical show off of thrash metal, power metal catchiness of, atmosphere of symphonic music, and subtlety of classical music. And all of this is done with such a superior and matured musical sense that will put any musician in history to shame. as well as "Blood Obsessed" continues to show dynamic musicality that completely kicking! is much more epic with dark atmosphere about it, especially during the little break in the middle. The rage of the previous track down and lowers the listener experiences moments of peace and some sense of security, but the musicians have other ideas yet Cleary roomates are showcased in the abrupt ending roomates again builds up some tension, and forces the listeners to think and wait for what is to come. 8 songs with the touch of a full fledged musical skills on a component rata2 Dynamic Death Metal filled with the beat of a surprise! Old School try to transition to the Modern Style ciamik trying displayed by this band. more confused i illustrates the concept of the band's music, mending elo taste immediately wrote every track of his cruelty here. Explores such cryptic and unanswerable questions like the natures of God and Notions of judgment and perception, elaborates on feelings of isolation and misanthropy, and focuses on strong instrumentation and powerful, energetic sound that gives off a more positive feel than the Brutality that Death's style focused on Earlier and later spawned.

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