Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Guttural Secrete - Nourishing the Spoil CD 2013

Guttural Secrete - Nourishing the Spoil
Brutal Bands CD 2013

01 Inhaling Corpulency 03:10    
02 Stainless Conception 02:53    
03 Serrated Impurities 04:06    
04 Nourishing the Spoil 04:11    
05 Deadened Prior to Coitus 04:44    
06 Coprophilic Asphyxia 03:29    
07 Truncation in Detail 03:05    
08 Voyeuristic Engagement 04:27    
09 Clotting the Vacant Stare 06:13

Michael Christian Fitzgerald - Drums
Jeremiah Blue Jensen - Vocals
Randall James Thompson - Guitars, Bass

Although brutal death metal has big flaws that I can acknowledge, GUTTURAL SECRETE has Back To Punch Slaughter !!!!!!!!!!!! setelah materi CD pertama " Reek of Pubescent Despoilment " Tahun 2006 yang menghebohkan, salah satu Penjagal Death Metal sadis asal Las Vegas, Nevada, Amrik yang eksis sejak tahun 2002 lewat demo dan Ep " Artistic Creation with Cranial Stumps " tahun 2003 telah mengangkat reputasi mereka sebagai Band Mengerikan dari Amrik dengan konsep Brutal Death Metal killer-nya. The real thing keeping you interested in this whole charade, however, is the songwriting. It's simplistic, yeah, but it's catchy and memorable, instead of just blasting wherever the band wants to. These songs are about as memorable as your average pop song, and that's a compliment. They're just...enjoyable. tetep solid dikomandani oleh Frontman Gitaris dan Vokalis Jeremiah Blue Jensen bersama Drummer Michael Christian Fitzgerald dan Gitaris Randall James Thompson yang kemudian pasca rekaman materi album baru ini menambah formasinya dengan kembalinya bassis Bruno Macias untuk melakukan serangkaian pembunuhan sadis mereka di Tour Promo Materi ini. tentunya masih bisa elo bayangkan sendiri bagaimana sadisnya konsep band yang mereka usung masih begitu memorable karakter-nya pada materi sebelumnya, masih MENGGILAS dan MEMBANTAI TANPA AMPUN !!!, hentakan permainan Blastbeat Drum yang cepat dan Guttural Vokill menjadi Rangkaian dominasi penyiksaan khas mereka. dan ini adalah perpaduan Kejam antara Disgorge, Deeds Of Flesh, Insidious Decrepancy, Gorgasm dan masih dengan sentuhan Kuat The Mighty Cannibal Corpse dan Suffocation sebagai Basic Guttural secrete tampil lebih kejam lagi ! The instrumentation is the same chaotic insanity one would expect from a brutal death band, the production being average at the very least. A very bass heavy sound, as usual, with the guitars fluctuating between the forefront of the mix and taking a backseat to the drums, which are played very well. Track awal " Inhaling Corpulency " yang dimulai dengan sebuah Intro selama 25 menit langsung indera dengar kita disiksa habis2 an dengan blastbeat dasyat pada hentakan Powerfully drumming serta Intense Heavy Sound as Fuck !!! it's good at what it's meant to be, which is a morbid romp (Ah, get the joke there?) filled with tremolo passages, crushing slam riffs and some vile gutturals, all spewing out one variation or another on some sickening theme, dwelling on the subjects of coprophilia !! bagi gw band ini masih tetap kuat mempertahankan eksistensi Karakter Sounding dan style seperti pada materi sebelumnya dimana saat ini kebanyakan band harus mulai luntur dengan trend. Guttural Style Jeremiah Blue Jensen masih tetap Powerfully dan mengerikan memuntahkan Lirik2 coprophilia-nya ! The band will literally switch from modernised Suffocation worship to modernised Cryptopsy worship within several seconds, and the music becomes too chaotic for it's own good. Not necessarily chaotic in a cool way, but in a more confused, rather unfocused way. sehingga memang terlalu sadis untuk gw bilang kejam pembawaannya dalam 9 lagu berdurasi 36:18, Oh My Godz kayaknya Kita akan benar2 dihabisi dengan gaya pembantaian mereka yang memang asli kejam !! Guttural Secrete have a great mix of brutality, technical talent, infectious songwriting and powerful production" and in essense, they're right. hasil garapan Recording bareng Matt Bruenig yang pernah menggarap materi Ep " Artistic Creation with Cranial Stumps " rupanya membuat Guttural Secrete Merasa Rindu untuk mengulang kembali Ep Fantastis tersebut. it is true to say that this album has everything...gurgles, growls, screams, blast beats, tech riffs, slam riffs, pinch harmonics, tremolos, double bass, fills, chugs, atonal riffs, melodic riffs, grinding parts, sick samples...the list goes on and on, Nikmati juga Gory Artwork Sadis dan keren vocalis Monstrosity, Mike Hrubovcak yang tetap menjadi langganan band ini. sebuah mahakarya ultra dasyat bagi Brutal Death Metal Fans, Gw sangat Rekomendasikan album ganas ini untuk kalian sepenuhnya !! here is an average (by a fundamental standpoint) brutal death metal record with a well proportioned mix of technical prowess, relentless brutality, slam/breakdown sections, and of course, your typical sampling. Which by the way, is for the most part comical, and doesn't distract from the mood at all, like in many other cases in this genre. The sampling here will only add to the fun of this exilarating death/grind cocktail of limbs, vaginal whathaveyou, and so forth. The drumming here is fucking brutal and intense, and leaves no guitar lick unhinged.

Although brutal death metal has big flaws that I can acknowledge, has Secrete GUTTURAL Back To Punch Slaughter!!!!!!!!!!!! after the matter first CD "Reek of pubescent Despoilment" a horrendous year 2006, one of Butcher sadistic Death Metal from Las Vegas, Nevada, Amrik which existed from 2002 through demos and Ep "Artistic Creation with Cranial Stumps" in 2003 have raised their reputation the Terrible Band of America with the concept of Brutal Death Metal killer her. The real thing keeping you interested in this whole charade, however, is the songwriting. It's simplistic, yeah, but it's catchy and memorable, instead of just blasting wherever the band wants to. These songs are about as memorable as your average pop song, and that's a compliment. They're just ... enjoyable. Frontman solid tetep led by guitarist and vocalist Jeremiah Blue Drummer Michael Christian Jensen with guitarist Randall Fitzgerald and James Thompson who then post the recording of this new album material adds to its formation by the return of bassist Bruno Macias to perform a series of sadistic murders them on Promo Tour this material. must still be elo imagine yourself how sadistic their stretcher band concept is still so memorable character in his previous material, is still crushing and merciless slaughter!!, pounding drums Blastbeat game is fast and Guttural Vokill a typical series of domination torture them. and this is a combination Cruel between Disgorge, Deeds Of Flesh, Insidious Decrepancy, Gorgasm and still with a touch of The Mighty Strong Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation as Guttural Secrete Basic appears more ruthless again! The instrumentation is the same chaotic insanity one would expect from a brutal death band, the production being average at the very least. A very bass heavy sound, as usual, with the guitars fluctuating between the Forefront of the mix and taking a backseat to the drums, roomates are played very well. Track beginning "inhaling Corpulency" which begins with an intro for 25 minutes straight senses we hear habis2's tortured by blastbeat terrible drumming on the beat powerfully and Intense Heavy Sound as Fuck!!! it's good at what it's meant to be, roomates is a morbid Romp (Ah, get the joke there?) filled with tremolo passages, crushing slam riffs and some vile gutturals, all spewing out one variation or another on some sickening theme, dwelling on the subjects of coprophilia!! for i band still maintain the existence of strong character and style Sounding like the previous material which is now most of the band had started to wear the trend. Guttural Blue Jensen Style Jeremiah remains powerfully and awful spewing his coprophilia Lirik2! The band will literally switch from modernized modernized Cryptopsy Suffocation worship to worship within several seconds, and the music Becomes too chaotic for it's own good. Not necessarily chaotic in a cool way, but in a more confused, rather unfocused way. so i was too cruel to say cruel demeanor in 9 songs lasted 36:18, Oh My Godz benar2 think we'll be finished with their killing style is genuine cruel!! Guttural Secrete have a great mix of Brutality, technical talent, infectious songwriting and powerful production "and in essense, they're right. Stewardship Recording with Matt Bruenig ever worked on material Ep" Artistic Creation with Cranial Stumps "Guttural Secrete apparently made Felt longing to repeat the Great Ep. it is true to say that this album has everything ... gurgles, growls, screams, blast beats, tech riffs, slam riffs, pinch harmonics, tremolos, double bass, fills, chugs, atonal riffs , melodic riffs, grinding parts, sick samples ... the list goes on and on, Enjoy Gory Artwork cool, sadistic and Monstrosity vocalist, Mike Hrubovcak which remains the band's subscription. an ultra terrible masterpiece for Brutal Death Metal Fans, Gw very Recommend this aggressive album to you completely!! here is an average (by a fundamental standpoint) brutal death metal record with a well proportioned mix of technical Prowess, Relentless Brutality, slam / breakdown sections, and of course, your typical sampling. Which by the way, is for the most part Comical, and does not Distract from the mood at all, like in many other cases in this genre. The sampling here will only add to the fun of this exilarating death / grind cocktail of limbs, vaginal whathaveyou, and so forth. The drumming here is fucking brutal and intense, and leaves no guitar lick unhinged.

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