Jumat, 15 Mei 2015

Obeisance - Hegemony CD 2015

Obeisance - Hegemony
Fresh Blood Management & Iron Gates Entertainment CD 2015

01 Intro 01:29
02 Manipulasi Surga 03:58        
03 Tanah Air Neraka 03:09    
04 Revolusi Moral Binasa 03:23        
05 Dinasti Kegelapan 03:09        
06 Degradasi Atheisme 02:49       
07 Bangkai Mahkota 03:28       
08 Darah Anumerta 02:35       
09 Murka Setan Bertakhta 03:59
10 Dogma Condemned (Hate Eternal Cover) * Bonus Track 03:08

Ibe Hasan - Vocals
Rudy Harry - Guitars
Andi Susilo - Bass
Satria Bagas Pramada - Drums

Seperti menjadi Prediksi Awal gw sejak menulis materi Promo 2014 mereka sebelumnya, salah satu The Most Waiting Album list dari " The Younger Dangerous " asli Surakarta, OBEISANCE akhirnya mereka buktikan di materi full album pertama-nya " Hegemony " yang Ga tanggung2 pihak Fresh Blood Management menggandeng Iron Gates Entertainment (Amrik, yang dikelola oleh Dan Gates-nya TON .ed) sebagai Co-Label untuk rilisan tangguh 2015 nya menjadi Invasi dinamis bagi Indonesian Scene untuk terus menawarkan karya keren dramatis, tercatat makin banyak komposisi sakti dengan Efektifitas teknologi semakin pesat menyempurnakan Mimpi Musisi akan sebuah Totalitas Eksistensi. Brutal Death Metal buas yang digeber secara berapi-rapi menjadi pertemuan Serius antara Misery Index, Covenance, Hate Eternal era " Conquering the Throne "dengan masih sentuhan Kental Pendahulu mereka, Siksa Kubur Era " Eye Cry ", sangat terasakan hampir disetiap Aransemen yang mereka tuangkan dengan lebih Agresif ! Fast furious Tremolo Harmonic Riffing seperti sedang Bertempur sengit dengan cepatnya tempo Drumming yang Terhitung dinamis, Blazing Harmonized Riff serta Bestial Insane Vokill, with serious blasts and massive scrambled riffing and bouncy breakdowns, its relieving that not only has this component of the bands sound been preserved, The Musical Murdering Has Starting !!! sementara ada kebanggaan tersendiri makin berbahaya-nya Perkembangan Death Metal Scene Kita dengan Lahir-nya Talenta-talenta Mengerikan seperti mereka. Eksistensi yang masih baru mereka tancapkan, namun Kualitas Mereka tetap patut diwaspadai serangannya seperti memanggang Panas emosional Mereka dengan Style yang lebih dinamis selain tetap mengedepankan Speed beat-nya, Gw dapat merasakan betul bagaimana Kualitas Musikal mereka tetap ga bisa dianggap Enteng sedikitpun. 3 materi promo sebelumnya tentu telah menjadi " Isyarat " Sebuah Debut yang paling ditunggu, rasanya siap menyempurkan Masterpiece perdana mereka di " Hegemony ", The sophomore is a tense, explosive manifestation which follows rather closely in the footsteps of bombardments, while upping the level of sheer and discord woven through the puerile battery. Well, sepertinya materi " Hegemony " ini jauh lebih bombastis dengan Materi Promo 2014. dengan penyempurnaan Sound Quality menjadi Poin ter-penting-nya. show a surprising strength of musicality magnificence into a comprehensible !

Ga perlu tergesa-gesa dulu mencapai klimaks jika Opening Album ini harus dimulai dengan kelembutan Clean Guitar Intro yang menekankan simple chord namun cukup menghadirkan " Desperately " Atmosfir pendengar-nya sebelum benar2 merasakan sendiri sebuah terjangan Beat Cepat nan Megah " Manipulasi Surga ", step by step Adrenalin kita seperti sengaja terpancing untuk perlahan menikmati Agresifitas musikal-nya menjadi Pemilihan Ritme yang tepat untuk Sebuah Opening yang Panas ! Skill Gitaris Rudy bersama Drummer Satria mungkin masih menjadi pertemuan ego yang tepat untuk mengkomposisi karakteristik band sendiri, the band knows how to deliver some pure brutality enriched with some distinctive modern touches ! tidak seperti Tampilannya di Promo 2014, Karakter vokalis Emosional Growling Ibe Hasan terasa lebih " Menyatu " dengan kemasan Sound Killer-nya di Album ini. dengan pattern Vokal yang rapat, Menjadi Kesatuan yang komplit sekali untuk menggerinda bersama Sentuhan Style yang lebih terdengar gelap masih lewat sentuhan dominan Riffing-nya,  The riffing and lyrics could use some work ! pertemuan antara Misery Index, Hate Eternal dengan Kebanyakan band2 Death Metal Baltimore Scene in the Vein Covenance, Criminal Element serta Sadistic Torment ! udah gw cicipi sebelumnya " Tanah Air Neraka " yang seketika akan mengingatkan Akan " Eye Cry " Nya Siksa Kubur, yang mereka bungkus lagi dengan Rapatnya beat yang tidak mengenal jeda dan Lirik penuh kebencian menjadi elemen buas yang menjadi Penyulut Kekejaman setiap Track-nya. Begitu pula dengan " Revolusi Moral Bangsa & Dinasti Kegelapan " menjadi lebih " Sadis " saja sentuhannya disini. The music is speedy and crunchy like most death metal along with the vocals - lots of tremolo picking and over used blast beats a rabid exploration of extremity !!! " Degradasi Atheisme " terus menawarkan Beat yang terus cepat dan tidak mengenal lelah dengan Erangan Emosional Growling yang lebih menyatu sejalan dengan Ketukan Drum. dengan lafal vokal yang nyata, hampir setiap Pattern Lirik-nya begitu jelas terdengar, bagaimana spirit kebencian-nya telah menginjeksi Power-nya, slathered in brutal vocals lead sensibilities and beloved abuse of deep sliding octave chords to the resulting mass of affliction ! tetap menggilas habis dengan " Bangkai Mahkota " seakan kita mendengarkan gemuruh Tornado yang ganas menyerang sekali obsesi-nya en Bisa Gw bayangkan Perform Stage Track ini akan begitu Menghancurkan begitu pula dengan " Darah Anumerta & Murka Setan Bertakhta " sama sekali tampil bombastis dengan enerji yang Powerfully. I say with certainty that if you love brutally fast death metal, this album will not disappoint you. dan menjadi poin yang menarik kemudian adalah Bonus track di akhir list, Obeisance coba membawakan kembali " Dogma Condemned " nya Hate Eternal, salah satu Progenitor serius dalam musikalitas Obeisance sendiri, dengan penyusunan karakter-nya, Track ini tampil begitu lebih menawan persis saat kita mendengarkan sendiri " Conquering the Throne " nya Hate Eternal, apalagi sentuhan Lead Guitar cantik Guest Musician Andrean Yulio seperti telah membuat " Perfect " daur ulang Track paling mengancam serius ini. This album manages to walk the fine line of pummelling non-stop Fast death metal Surprizing !

Finally, Sebuah Rilisan yang masih mengandalkan kualitas diantara Idealisme terkuat mereka untuk lebih mencoba menyuguhkan Varian yang berbeda menjadi dasar Utama Mengapa " Hegemony " Menjadi Rekomendasi penuh bagi Fans Fanatis Era awal Hate Eternal yang coba lebih enerjik dipadukan dengan Style Agresif seperti yang meledakkan Attitude Misery Index serta Siksa Kubur Era " Eye Cry ". pengemasan Sound yang maksimal juga menambah Poin serius jika " Hegemony " adalah sajian Dramatis Death Metal dengan Struktur Beat yang serba Cepat dan sesekali diwarnai dengan Groovy Breakdown Tajam lebih memberikan suguhan yang mencabik ! a lot of responsibility for the twisted structures that made listening a dramatically different experience than the death metal that preceded them. Hampir total menggunakan lirik nasionalis, Obeisance merasa lebih " Klik " dengan Konsep yang mereka patenkan sebagai salah satu Indonesian Death Metal a hyperactive and resonant thunder below the stream equivalent of a train wreck ! " Hegemony " sekali lagi adalah rekomendasi buat Kalian yang ingin menikmati sentuhan Death Metal " Berbeda " dari Asumsi yang terbangun dengan Stereotype Bombardir sebelumnya, sehingga ini menjadi Alternatif tepat untuk menikmati tantangan yang signifikan. where the blastbeats are so violent that they send shivers down your spine !!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Use Google Translate)

As it became Early I Prediction since their 2014 Promo writing material before, one of The Most Waiting Album list of "The Younger Dangerous" original Surakarta, OBEISANCE eventually they proved in the material of his first full album "Hegemony" which More Powerfull for Fresh Blood Management took the Iron Gates Entertainment (USA, managed by Dan Gates his TON .ed) as Co-Label to release its 2015 be tough dynamic for the Indonesian invasion Scene to continue offering cool dramatic works, carrying more and more powerful compositions with rapid technological Effectiveness Musicians will enhance a totality dream existence. Brutal Death Metal lauched by volcanic wild-neatly into a serious meeting between the Misery Index, Covenance, Hate Eternal era of "Conquering The Throne" with still a touch Condensed their predecessor, Siksa Kubur Era "Eye Cry ", it is felt almost every Arrangement which they pour with more aggressive! Harmonic Tremolo Fast furious riffing like being Fight fierce with rapid tempo Counted Drumming is dynamic, Blazing Harmonized Riff and Bestial Insane Vokill, with serious and massive blasts scrambled riffing and bouncy breakdowns, its relieving that not only has this component of the bands sound has been preserved , The Musical Murdering Starting Has !!! while there is pride of his increasingly dangerous development of Death Metal Scene Kita with his Birth Terrible Talents-talents like them. Their existence is still new plugs, but Quality They still should be wary of attacks such as baking Hot emotional Those with a more dynamic style in addition to fixed forward speed beat her, Gw can feel exactly how their musical quality still can not be taken lightly at all. 3 promo material previously would have become a "gesture" A most awaited debut, feels ready Perfection Masterpiece their debut in "Hegemony", the sophomore is a tense, explosive manifestation roomates follows rather closely in the footsteps of bombardments, while upping the level of sheer and Discord woven through the puerile battery. Well, it looks like the material "Hegemony" was far more turgid with 2014. Promo materials with the Sound Quality improvement becomes an important point-ter her. show a surprising strength of Musicality Magnificence into a comprehensible!

No needs to be haste first reached a climax when Opening This album should start with softness Clean Guitar Emphasizes simple intro chord but enough to bring "Desperately" atmosphere of his listeners before benar2 feel yourself a lunge Quick Beat nan Magnificent "Manipulasi Surga ", step by step Adrenalin us as deliberately provoked to slowly enjoy his musical aggressiveness into a proper rhythm Selection An Opening for the Hot! Skill guitarist Rudy shared Drummer Satria ego may still be appropriate for meeting the characteristics composing his own band, the band knows how to deliver some pure brutality distinctive enriched with some modern touches! not like the looks in Promo 2014, vocalist Emotional Character Growling Ibe Hasan feels more "Fused" with its packaging Sound Killer in this album. with vocal pattern that meeting, the Unitary Being complete once to grind together the more audible Touch Style darker still dominant through the touch of his riffing, The riffing and lyrics could use some work! meeting between the Misery Index, Hate Eternal with Most band2 Death Metal Scene Baltimore in the Vein Covenance, Criminal Element and Sadistic Torment! i've tasted before "Tanah Air Neraka" that will instantly remind Will "Eye Cry " Siksa Kubur, which they wrap again with a beat that meeting is not familiar with the pause and hateful lyrics into a wild element into Track-promoting each of its cruelty. Similarly, the " Revolusi Moral Bangsa & Dinasti Kegelapan " to be more "sadistic" just touch here. The music is speedy and crunchy like most death metal along with the vocals - lots of tremolo picking and over-used blast beats a rabid exploration of extremity !!! "Degradasi Atheisme" continues to offer Beat the continued rapid and tireless with moans Emotional Growling more unified line with Rap Drum. with a real vocal pronunciations, almost every Pattern her lyrics are so clearly audible, how the spirit of his hatred had been injecting his Power, slathered in brutal vocals of lead sensibilities and beloved abuse of deep sliding the octave chords to the resulting mass of affliction! still grind exhausted with "Bangkai Mahkota" as if we listen to the roar ferocious tornado attacked once his obsession en Can Perform Stage Track I imagine this would be so Destroying as well as "Darah Anumerta & Murka Setan Bertakhta" at all appear turgid with energy Powerfully , I say with certainty that if you love brutally fast death metal, this album will not disappoint you. and become a point of interest then was bonus track at the end of the list, Obeisance try to bring back "Dogma Condemned" Hate Eternal, one serious progenitor Obeisance own musicality, with the preparation of his character, this track appear more attractive so exactly as we listened own "Conquering the Throne" it Hate Eternal, let alone touch Nice Lead Guitar Guest Musician Andrean Yulio like has made "Perfect" recycled Track this most seriously threatened. This album manages to walk the fine line of non-stop pummeling death metal Surprizing Fast!

Finally, a release that still rely on the quality of Idealism strongest among them to further try to present a different variant of the basis Main Why "Hegemony" Being a full recommendation for early Era fanatical Fans Hate Eternal are trying a more energetic combined with aggressive styling as it blew Attitude Misery Index and Siksa Kubur Era "Eye Cry". Sound maximum packaging also adds serious points if "Hegemony" is a dish Dramatic Death Metal with structure Beat Fast paced and occasionally tinged with Groovy Breakdown Sharp gives more tearing treats! a lot of responsibility for the twisted structures that made listening a Dramatically different experience than the death metal that preceded them. Almost total use lyrics nationalist, Obeisance feel more "click" with their patented concept as one of the Indonesian Death Metal a hyperactive and resonant thunder stream below the equivalent of a train wreck! "Hegemony" once again is a recommendation for guys who want to enjoy a touch of Death Metal "Different" from the assumption that woke up with Stereotype Bombard before, so this is a proper alternative to enjoy a significant challenge. where the blastbeats are so violent that they send shivers down your spine !!!

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