Jumat, 15 Mei 2015

Intense Hammer Rage - DeathChunkGoreGrind CD 2014

Intense Hammer Rage - DeathChunkGoreGrind
Fresh Blood Management CD 2014

01 Selwyn 03:27    
02 Anal Backyard 04:50    
03 Logic Flanders 06:56    
04 Leprous Flesh of the Others 06:21    
05 Maggot Gargler 05:03    
06 Tender Chunk 05:23    
07 Carve a Cunt 03:35    
08 Oscar the Grind 03:29

Spills - Vocals
Ricey - Guitars, Vocals
Chris - Bass, Vocals
A.B. - Drums, Vocals

Tentunya Gw ga akan pernah lupa akan kegilaan Tasmanian Brutal Death Metal with Heavy Goregrind Touching INTENSE HAMMER RAGE (IHR) sejak " Devogrindporngorecoreaphile " yang kemudian disusul dengan EP " Gory B " ! bagaimana Band Sinting ini menyuguhkan warna Musik yang " Unik " dan begitu Menendang secara aransemen dan Sound-nya, Yess, 2 Poin yang menjadikan mereka adalah Karakter yang Berani dan Menantang bagi penikmat-nya. Jika Screaming Afterbirth lebih Menyentuh dengan Basic Chaotic-nya, IHR menawarkan Style yang mereka akui sebagai Brutal Twisted Death/Grind Slam ! permainan drum " Natural " dengan Bar ketukan yang tidak beraturan (Lebih ke teknikal Mungkin skill-nya) dari seorang Allan Byard aka " A.B. " dan Downtuning Riff Ricey tetap menjadi begitu Karakteristik ditambah dengan Multiple Chaotic Vocal, sulit memang kadang jika dihadapkan pada Sebuah Tebakan awal, meski IHR adalah salah satu pengusungnya. masih dengan Lirik-lirik yang Bikin Mual, Amis darah, serta menjijikkan, IHR masih tampil Enjoy banget untuk dikatakan sebagai Musisi yang Frontal dengan Pemikiran Kontroversial, yang ending-nya band ini pernah terkena Denda $500 dinegara-nya sendiri karena tersandung masalah terlalu " Extreme " Cover Album " Avagoyamugs ". So pretty friggin' rare, and chances are keep find here, Yeach We are Intense Hammer Rage ! telah Menghasil beberapa rilisan yang bagus sejak Band terbentuk tahun 1990 tentu bukan hal yang singkat untuk mengemas Materi yang Keren. dan " DeathChunkGoreGrind " bisa dikatakan album Pertama dengan Formasi Ber-4 setelah beberapa Rilisan terlalu Asyik tampil Trio yang semuanya juga " Bernyanyi ", memasukkan kembali Vocalis asli IHR, Spills ! namun seperti kenyataannya kalo " DeathChunkGoreGrind " memang adalah Materi yang pernah " hilang " dari tahun 1997 yang telah dikemas dengan sound lebih Menggerus !!! (Meski masih terdengar " Raw " sana sini .ed) inilah Debut paling " Rare " IHR yang beruntung Fresh Blood Management  telah menghadirkan kembali, dimana kegilaan IHR masih diperhitungkan ! This is very, very bizzare stuff with song structures almost impossible to follow at first.

" Selwyn " langsung menghantam Hebat dengan Gempuran Mantap, Raw serta Unik ketika IHR mengkomposisi aransemen penuh kejutan dengan eksperimental Track melalui sentuhan Jazz, Death, Thrash hingga Grind ! Multiple 4 Karakter Vokal-nya seperti tidak menyisakan sama sekali Terhadap Konsentrasi Utama di Instrumen masing2-nya. Meski begitu IHR tetap memperhitungkan Konsep dasar Musik, sehingga ini menjadi Suguhan paling " Menarik " yang pernah gw denger. They actually have no real vocalist. They Are " The Vocalist " Combined. Weird shrieks and growls and burps and gurgle shooting around everywhere, and get this, actually carry the music. Oh! And there are no harmonizers! dibalik riuh berat komposisi-nya, selalu kita akan dapat menikmati Partisi musik yang menantang untuk bisa mengatakan karakter band ini " GILA ! ". seperti dikendalikan dengan " Mood " yang ga menentu dari sikap bermusik-nya, kadang kita akan terheran-heran ketika mendengar eksperimen edan-nya di " Anal Backyard " hehehe .... being brutal, music, musicians, brutality, mind blowing guitar/bass/drum solos, excelling at brutality and long walks on the beach under a full moon on a warm summers eve... selalu dimulai dengan intro2 yang Aneh, IHR terus membuat kejutan kejutan yang lebih mematikan saja, seperti pada " Leprous Flesh of the Others ", Ntah ini Parodi atau Apa, yang pasti Intro-nya dicomot dari American psychological horror Film tahun 1986 karya Robert McNaughton, " Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer " yang juga sebelumnya pernah dipake di Intro Track " Eve of the Apocalypse " Malevolent Creation era " Retribution " hehehe .. dan Menarik Ketika Mendengarkan " Oscar the Grind ", adalah pertemuan Skill Konyol yang sama sekali ga terpikirkan Tapi Templat Musiknya Edan !!!memang mendengarkan selama 40 menit kita akan begitu dihadapkan dengan tantangan bagaimana menikmati sajian Musikal Bombastis dengan kegilaan Skill para Musisi-nya, mungkin jika hanya di ulang-ulang, elo akan menemukan esensi paling menarik-nya untuk IHR. Sebuah Kaledoskop Karir yang telah hilang akhirnya dapat direpresentasikan menjadi bagian dari Konseptual Band yang sangat Menggaruk biji peler dan memecahkan Mosphit ! Dig Up from the Grave ready to Abuse your senses, Smoke Some Weed, have a few beers, turn it up loud and Enjoy ! GRAP IT FAST NOW !!!

ENGLISH VERSION (UseGoogle Translate)

I'm Not a certainly will never forget the madness Tasmanian Brutal Death Metal with Heavy goregrind Touching INTENSE HAMMER RAGE (IHR) since "Devogrindporngorecoreaphile" which was followed by the EP "Gory B"! how the band is presenting colors Crazy Music "Unique" and so Kicking in his arrangements and Sound, Yess, two points that make them are characters that Dare and Challenging for his audience. If Screaming Afterbirth more touching with its Basic Chaotic, IHR offers Style which they recognize as Twisted Brutal Death / Grind Slam! drumming "Natural" with Bar irregular beats (More to technical Perhaps his skills) of an Allan Byard aka "AB" and Downtuning Riff ricey remain to be so characteristic coupled with Multiple Chaotic Vocal, hard to do sometimes when faced with a Guess early, although IHR is one of the poles. still with lyrics that Make Nausea, Amis blood, as well as disgusting, IHR still appearing Enjoy really to be regarded as musicians Frontal with Thought Controversial, the ending of his band was never exposed Fines $ 500 country of its own due to tripping problem too "Extreme "Cover Album" Avagoyamugs ". So pretty friggin 'rare, and chances are keep the find here, Yeach We are Intense Hammer Rage! Menghasil had some great releases from Band was formed in 1990 is certainly not short for packing material is Cool. and "DeathChunkGoreGrind" can be said first album with the formation Ber-4 after a few too Asyik Releases Trio perform all of which are also "Singing", reinserting the original vocalist IHR, Spills! but as reality if "DeathChunkGoreGrind" indeed is a material that is ever "lost" from 1997 which has been packed with a sound more grind !!! (Although it still sounds "Raw" there here .ed) this is the most Debut "Rare" lucky IHR Fresh Blood Management has presented the back, where madness IHR still count! This is very, very bizzare stuff with song structures almost impossible to follow at first.

"Selwyn" Terrific directly hit by strikes Steady, Raw and Unique when composing arrangements IHR full of surprises with experimental Track through the touch of Jazz, Death, Thrash to Grind! Multiple 4 Character Vocal its like not leaving altogether Against Major Concentration in its every Instruments. Even so IHR fixed taking into account the basic concept of music, so it becomes Suguhan most "Interesting" i've ever heard. They actually have no real vocalist. They Are "The Vocalist" Combined. Weird shrieks and growls and burps and gurgle shooting around everywhere, and get this, actually carry the music. Oh! And there are no harmonizers! behind the weight of the composition of his boisterous, always we will be able to enjoy the music partition that can be challenging to say the character of this band "CRAZY!". as controlled by "Mood" ga uncertain of his musical attitude, sometimes we'd be surprised when he heard his crazy experiments in "Anal Backyard" hehehe .... being brutal, music, musicians, brutality, mind blowing guitar / bass / drum solos, excelling at brutality and long walks on the beach under a full moon on a warm summers eve ... always begins with the Strange intro2, IHR continue to make surprise surprise any more deadly, as in "Flesh of the Leprous Others ", this Ntah Parody or What, is certain his Intro picked from the American psychological horror film in 1986 by Robert McNaughton," Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer "who also previously been using that in Intro Track" Eve of the Apocalypse "Malevolent Creation era "Retribution" hehehe .. and Attractive When Listening "Oscar the Grind", is meeting Silly Skill completely ga unthinkable But Crazy Template !!! indeed listen to music for 40 minutes we will once faced with the challenge of how to enjoy the bombastic musical offerings Musicians with the madness Skill her, perhaps if only repeated, You will find the essence of his most interesting for IHR. A Career Kaleidoscope has been lost can eventually become part of the Conceptual represented a very Scratching Band peler seeds and solve Mosphit! Dig Up from the Grave Abuse ready to your senses, Smoke Some Weed, have a few beers, turn it up loud and Enjoy! GRAP IT FAST NOW !!!

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