Senin, 18 Mei 2015

Invigorate - Promo 2015

Invigorate - Promo 2015
Endless Torture Records CD-R 2015

01 Injeksi Mati 04:06    
02 Theory of Hell 03:39

Ichwan - Bass, Vocals
Rama - Drums
Aulio - Guitars

Seperti tidak pernah Kosong Stok lumbung Death Metal potensial untuk Daerah Kecil Pare, yang menjadi Kabupaten Kediri ini, setelah mengenal nama-nama pendahulu-nya, Scene Kecil berbahaya ini punya INVIGORATE ! masih menampilkan Karakter Death Metal Brutal berani-nya yang akan menggiring ingatan seketika kita pada nama Bleeding Corpse, Digging Up, Jasad Serta Bandung Death Metal Brutal Lainnya, ya Sepertinya Gw banyak menangkap ke arah itu. Sound Death Metal yang Renyah dengan Downtuning-nya serta Ketukan Hyperblast Stabil lebih memberikan Aroma Brutality yang serba meledak ledak ! Pengkomposisian Track rasanya telah diperhitungkan secara matang, sehingga tidak asal cepat saja, karena gw mendengarkan sinkronisasi part-nya tertata dengan rapi, sehingga mendengarkan 2 track disini menjadi tidak boring sedikitpun. " Injeksi Mati ", Memang menjadi Suntikan Mematikan dalam pembuluh darah ketika mereka seketika menghujamkan Blastbeat Rapat-nya diopening-nya, Despite being raging, blasting, brutal as hell tribal bashing, there is a problem here, and it sounds to me like the snare drum, It's so inexplicably annoying, This is not innovative music by any stretch, but if brutal is what you want ! Seperti hanya cukup menekankan pada sound saja bagi mereka untuk menciptakan karakter Death Metal Gahar yang mereka inginkan. perpaduan Beat yang cepat dengan Intensity serta Breakdown occasional grotesque groove rasanya cukup untuk menggambarkan Komponen musikal track mereka. Sementara " Theory of Hell " masih menjadi Pisau Tajam yang menghujam Jantung dibuktikan dengan Hentakan rapat Blastbeat menyesakkan banget ! are constantly looking for the next step forward in absolute corpse-raping brutality, this might be your ticket. These are just the kind of guys that are never going to stop doing this stuff, so I guess I've got to give them a hand just for enthusiasm cause I'm sure they absolutely obliterate live. Pembentukan Sound Mixing materi masih dipercayakan kepada seorang Avaness yang tetap diyakini adalah Sound Enjiner Mumpuni tetap melahirkan Masterpiece dari tangan dinginnya. dapat dipastikan memang pada akhirnya menjadi tidak bersabar untuk menantikan Debut Full mereka selanjutnya dengan potensi berbahayanya, All in all, I'd have to recommend this Material to pretty much any of the brutal death Killing I know personally, and those strangers I don't, as so long as you're not some old-school elitist and enjoy bands that clearly enjoy what they're doing with Others just seem to think that playing mediocre riffs in between generic bouncing hooks also makes good Brutal Death Metal Attack !

ENGLISH VERSION (Use Google Translate Only)

Like never Blank Stock Death Metal Barn Potential for Small Regions Pare, Kediri regency this being, after getting to know the names of his predecessors, Small Scene dangerous this has INVIGORATE! still display bold characters Brutal Death Metal her memory that will lead us in the name instantly Bleeding Corpse, Digging Up, Jasad And Other of Bandung Death Metal Brutal, yes looks like a lot of catching I that direction. Sound Death Metal Downtuning Crunchy with her and knock Hyperblast provide more stable Aroma Brutality paced explosive! Track Composed seems to have calculated carefully, so that not only the origin of fast, because I listen to synchronize its part neatly arranged, so listen to two tracks here becomes not boring at all. "Injection Death", It became Injections Turning off the blood vessels when they are suddenly thrust his Blastbeat Meeting diopening her, Despite being raging, blasting, brutal as hell tribal bashing, there is a problem here, and it sounds to me like the snare drum, inexplicably It's so annoying, This is not innovative music by any stretch, but if brutal is what you want! As with just enough emphasis on sound alone for them to create the character of Death Metal Gahar they want. Beat blend quickly with Intensity and occasional grotesque Breakdown groove was nice enough to describe the musical component of their tracks. While the "Theory of Hell" is still a sharp knife that pierced Heart Beat evidenced by stifling Blastbeat meeting really! are constantly looking for the next step forward in absolute corpse-raping brutality, this MIGHT be your ticket. These are just the kind of guys that are never going to stop doing this stuff, so I guess I've got to give them a hand just for enthusiasm cause I'm sure they absolutely obliterate live. Sound Mixing material formation was entrusted to a Avaness who still believed was the Sound Engineer Capable still bore Masterpiece of cold hands. can certainly be no doubt eventually be patient to wait for their next Full Debut with potential dangers, All in all, I'd have to recommend this material to pretty much any of the brutal death Killing I know personally, and Reviews those strangers I do not , so as long as you're not some old-school elitist and enjoy bands that Cleary enjoy what they're doing with Others just seem to think that playing mediocre riffs in between generic bounce hooks Also makes good Brutal Death Metal Attack!

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