Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

Karnak - Legiun Dominion ' Promo 2015

Karnak - Legiun Dominion ' Promo 2015
Brutal Infection Records CD-R 2015

01 Longinovus Spear (Demo Version)
02 Legiun Sodom (Demo Version)
03 Vicious Circle (Vader Cover)

Rizkia Al Ghifari - Vocals
Fiqih Chrisnaldi - Guitars
Agung Setiawan - Guitars
Rian Wibowo - Bass
Adha Orio - Drums

Brutal Infection Records Semakin Memadatkan Roster-nya dengan Talenta-talenta Potensial Berbahaya yang terjamin Kualitas dasyat-nya ! Kali ini Nama KARNAK harus menjadi Antisipasi Kalian selanjutnya, Debutan band Death Metal Brutal dengan Elemen Blackened rupanya menjadi (mungkin) fenomena saat ini makin menjauhkan Stereotype, jika Brutal Death metal tidak selalu harus dengan Sentuhan yang Hyperblast Snare, Guttural Vokill, etc, mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan pada era-nya, dan lebih nyaman jika kita masih menyebutnya tetap sebagai "Death Metal" Konsep saja untuk familiarnya. dengan Menyelipkan Banyak karakter Harmoni Etnis Tradisional dengan Penyuguhan yang Lebih " Gelap " mencekam lagi, Memang Konsep seperti ini berasa Unik setelah dipopulerkan oleh beberapa Pendahulu-nya. Where do I begin to describe the raw brutality present in every area of the music put forth, the mind-blowing technical prowess so endowed in the artists who create it, and the soul-strangling atmosphere that never relents entrancing ambiance that transitions between songs impeccably. Mungkin Kalian Pernah Mendengarkan Konsep Band Tanah air sendiri seperti Abhira atau Abgotter? Karnak Mungkin adalah salah satu Pengusung familiar style-nya sejak Merilis EP " Asimilasi Dasagatra " tahun 2012 lalu. Karnak sendiri masih mempertahankan Konsep yang dibangunnya sejak Tahun 2009 jikalau gw bandingkan ini adalah Pertemuan antara Nile, Vader hingga Hate Eternal. Mengalami Progres musikal yang semakin menendang di promo Terbaru ini, sengatan Mematikan Karnak tertuang penuh dengan 3 Track termasuk Cover version " Vicious Circle " yang populer dari Demo awal " Morbid Reich " Milik Vader. It's like the band set up on the turret of a battle tank and the moment you switch this on, they come crashing out of your speakers and plow through your house growling, riffing, and blasting on a suicidal last stand of destruction. Intense. Dimulai dengan " Longinovus Spear ", Gempuran Epik Mengerikan dengan Intensitas menghancurkan sekali ! Sound drum yang Lebih terasa Natural sekali, sehingga gw seperti mendengar sendiri Permainannya secara on stage, manusiawi dan tidak mendapat banyak Tipuan dari Digitalized. Struktur Musikal yang banyak mengeksplor sentuhan yang Dinamis menjadikan Argumen tersendiri jika Kualitas masih menjadi pilihan utama daripada Kuantitas. executed music as more straightforward as this, yet managed to create something simply genre defining instead of churning up junk based on mainstream appeal. Permainan Riffing Double Gitaris Fiqih Chrisnaldi dan Agung Setiawan tidak hanya mempertebal Range sound, namun lebih saling memberikan Kombinasi yang saling mengisi hampir disetiap Partisi dengan Tuning Harmonisasi serta Solo etnikal Dinamis. sehingga kadang mendengarkannya ga butuh 1 ato 2 kali saja untuk dapat meresapi konsep yang ditawarkan oleh Karnak, yang jelas ada Keunikan tersendiri terbalutkan pada aransemennya. This one starts off with a tank rolling through a presumed warzone, and then blasting some chump that got in it's way. This song is completely unrelenting, and just whips more ass than necessary under any circumstances. Dual Type Vocal Growl emosional kemudian menjadi Pelengkap Karakter penuh Amarah. lalu " Legiun Sodom " semakin menitik beratkan Konsepsional Karnak seperti berada di hamparan Peperangan Abadi menarik dari sifat Buruk Manusia. Sebuah Komposisi Kian memikat dengan Progres skill yang kian Memanas ! Meski terkadang Masih gw temukan Ketukan drumming yang Tidak stabil dan kadang Melemah tempo-nya pada Hypersnare, Beruntung Olah Riff Guitar menjadi Penutup Kekurangan ini. Dengan Sangat Powerfully Karnak Menyelesaikan Durasi Track yang lebih panjang dari Track Death Metal Biasa-nya. The lead in the song is wonderful And The harmonics at the end of the riff is truly amazing. Seperti Terjebak dalam pertumpahan Perang Hebat ketika mendengarkan Gempuran Destruktif yang terkendalikan oleh Ambisi dan Amarah ! Aransemen Ulang " Vicious Circle " nya Vader seperti mengingatkan kembali era Kegilaan Vader mengenalkan Cornerstone Konsep Idealis-nya, it would be much more enjoyable. dengan pembawaan Moody yang begitu melebur, Karnak berhasil merepresentasikan Kegelapan yang lama terkubur terbuka kembali dalam Era-nya. Materi yang lebih menantang dalam perjalanan Karir musikal Karnak terbias Hitam dan pekat dalam Debut ini, dapat dipastikan untuk Selanjutnya akan kita dengarkan Konsep lebih menawan dengan segala Penyempurnaan Empiris-nya. which is one of the most menacing death metal Material I have ever heard really stands out and manages to do so without overshadowing the technical side of the music.

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, Use Google Translate)

Brutal Infection Records Roster The compacting it with talents Potential Hazardous its terrible quality guaranteed! This time Karnak should be Anticipating the next guys, Debutant Brutal Death Metal band with Blackened element seems to be a (probably) the phenomenon is now increasingly distanced Stereotype, if Brutal Death metal does not always have to touch Hyperblast Snare, Guttural Vokill, etc, experiencing growth Significant in his era, and more convenient if we still call it remains as "Death Metal" only for familiar concepts. with Tuck Many Traditional Ethnic Harmony character with a More penyuguhan "Dark" tense again, Indeed this concept unique taste after popularized by some of his predecessor. Where do I begin to describe the raw brutality present in every area of ​​the music put forth, the mind-blowing technical prowess so endowed in the artists who create it, and the soul-strangling atmosphere that never relents entrancing ambiance that transitions between songs impeccably , Maybe You Never Listen to the concept of homeland Band itself as Abhira or Abgotter? Karnak is probably one Bearers familiar style of his since release EP "Assimilation Dasagatra" in 2012 ago. Karnak itself still retains the concept of built since 2009 when i compare this is a meeting between the Nile, Vader to Hate Eternal. Progress experiencing musical increasingly kicking in this Recent promos, stings Deadly contained Karnak full 3-Track includes Cover version "Vicious Circle" which was popular from the early demo "Morbid Reich" Owned Vader. It's like the band set up on the turret of a battle tank and the moment you switch this on, they come crashing out of your speakers and plow through your house growling, riffing, and blasting on a suicidal last stand of destruction. Intense. Starting with the "Longinovus Spear", Onslaught Epic Terrible with Intensity destroy all! More drum sound noticeably Natural once, so i like to hear themselves The game is on stage, humane and do not get a lot of ruse of digitalized. The musical structure is a lot to explore Dynamic touches make a separate argument if the quality is still the main choice rather than quantity. executed music as more straightforward as this, yet managed to create something simply genre defining junk instead of churning up based on mainstream appeal. Double dueling play Guitarist Fiqh and Agung Setiawan Chrisnaldi not only thicken Range sound, but rather mutually complementary combination provides almost every partition with Solo etnikal Tuning and Dynamic Harmonization. so sometimes listen ga need 1 or 2 times just to be able to absorb the concepts offered by Karnak, which is clearly a distinct uniqueness Mixture the arrangements. This one starts off with a tank rolling through a Presumed warzone, and then blasting some chump that got in it's way. This song is completely unrelenting, and just whips more ass than Necessary under any circumstances. Dual Type Vocal emotional Growl later became a full Character Complementary Raging. and "Legion of Sodom" increasingly focuses on conceptual Karnak was like being in a stretch of Eternal War draws from nature Poor Man. A composition Kian lure with skill Progress increasingly Warming! Although sometimes still I found that drumming knock Unstable and sometimes weakens his tempo on Hypersnare, Lucky Guitar Riff became cover this deficiency. With very Powerfully Karnak Finish Track longer duration of Death Metal Track Ordinary her. The lead in the song is wonderful And The harmonics at the end of the riff is truly amazing. Like Stuck in the Great War when listening to the spilling of destructive incursions are uncontrolled by ambition and anger! Arrangement Birthday "Vicious Circle" Vader her as recalling an era Madness Vader Cornerstone introduce his idealistic concept, it would be much more enjoyable. with nature that is so fused Moody, Karnak successfully represents the long-buried Darkness open back in his era. The material is more challenging in the course of the musical career of imagine Karnak Black and concentrated in this debut, can be ascertained for the Next will we listen more attractive concept with all its furnishing Empirical. the which is one of the most menacing death metal material I have ever heard really stands out and manages to do so without overshadowing the technical side of the music.

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