Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

Dirty Infamous - Promo CD 2015

Dirty Infamous - Promo CD 2015
Brutal Infection Records CD-R 2015

01 H.U.N.T (Intro) 00:16    
02 Crucifixion Behind the Door (Demo Version) 04:14    
03 Raped .. Butchered .. Consumed (Demo Version) 04:48

Beruntung gw menikmati sekali perjalanan karir salah Satu Monster Death Metal Kaliber Jember Scene, DIRTY INFAMOUS, One Most of The Amazed Indonesian band ! Sejak awal kemunculannya tahun 2000-an nama mereka seketika melejit dengan dirilisnya CD pertama " Die on Pure Adrenaline " tahun 2003 via Rottrevore Records sukses sold out ! sehingga kemudian label Asal Czech, Bizzare Leprous Production Merilisnya kembali tahun 2004 juga sold Out ! dan karena Demand yang masih tinggi dari para Death Metal fans, beruntung akhirnya WAAR Production Merilisnya kembali, ya 3x rilis 3x beda artworknya. banyak mengenal pula Dirty Infamous sebagai Disgorge-nya Indonesia saat itu, menjadi Asumsi tersendiri nama Dirty Infamous tak lekang oleh Waktu serta Perkembangan, Memiliki nama dengan Reputasi Luar biasa tentu menjadi Analogi tersendiri bagi Band Pimpinan Looth Adler ini Kembali Eksis beberapa Tahun lalu, meski sampai saat ini masih menjadi " Rahasia " banget siapa formasi lengkapnya saat ini hehehe ... kemudian Ingatan kita masih melekat kuat dengan Dasyatnya materi " Die on Pure Adrenaline ", Hampir dipastikan Jika Dirty Infamous telah mengantongi Poin Plus-nya saat ini untuk Materi terbarunya menjadi " Most Waiting List " kalian saat ini. Well Sejak Perilisan promo CD 2015 via Brutal Infection Records, menjadi " Interest " besar bagi sebagian fans untuk bisa menengok Materi Baru mereka disini, yang secara Apik Brutal Infection Records mengemasnya cukup dengan 3 track didalamnya, meski ini masih format Demo Version, Gw akan coba membedah Materi ini satu persatu. It's talking about how brutal the drums sound or how heavy the guitars are, everything manages to come together to make for an unrelenting assault on the senses that never puts brutality before quality with being insanely catchy and memorably technical. Sekaligus ini memang menjawab rasa penasaran gw akan bagaimanakah Konsepsional Dirty Infamous Hari ini. Tetap Menggilas dengan Brutalisme-nya ? Yesss !!! tetap Mengumbar Part yang Mengerikan ?? Yesss !!! dan Beberapa New Surprizing tentunya hehehe... With the perfectly-timed change-ups and surprise fills placed within, this one gets the blood boiling and the head banging as best as can be. Meski tidak terlalu Berpengaruh " H.U.N.T (Intro) " selama 14 detik-nya menjumpai diawal, Rasanya gw langsung terfokus dengan Track 2 dan 3 nya, " Crucifixion Behind the Door " adalah Suguhan Utamanya, Oh Shit Holy Motherfucker ! Dirty Infamous Keep absolutely devastating work here and makes for a great song overall !!! masih tetap mempesona dengan Kualitas Brutality-nya dengan ledakan enerji Baru setelah beberapa tahun absen membuat Materi Baru, terkumpul Sejuta Ide dan Meledaklah Materi ini sebagai penampakan Mengerikannya, Brutal Death Metal cepat dan Dinamis dengan sentuhan yang lebih perfect serta Modern. Masih menggaet beberapa Konsep Era " Die on Pure Adrenaline " yang lebih Dasyat diselipkan Sentuhan sentuhan Jahat dengan Perpaduan Vocal Deep Guttural Grunt serta Middle Scream In The Vein Glen Benton Of Deicide menjadi Elemen yang Sangat membedakan dan Mendominasi sekali dengan sebelumnya. is nearly as fun with its near-relentless pounding, technically-proficient, frenetic pacing that just goes over the edge so often it’s insane and the demented, Deep Grunting vocals meshing perfectly to end the beating on a high-note. Penyusunan Bar serta Lick begitu sangat diperhitungkan sekali bagaimana meracik Ramuan Cadas jadi komposisi yang Ga asal Ngebut, Aransemen Riffing yang masih " Awesome ", technically-intense riff designed to steamroll the listener, and violent-nya kerap Menebarkan Harmonisasi bernuansa Gelap ! Aransemen Drumming yang Semakin melengkapi Pesona Buas serta merta menjadi Komponen yang lebih mematikan ! Yeahh, they still work within the basic, chugging foundation of strong mosh pit rhythmic patterns, a fine line that explains their popularity within so many distinct sects within the death metal clans of the world ! Karakter Vocal Looth Adler menjadi sangat Mendominasi hampir semua Vokal Pattern Rapat-nya. Beranjak kemudian ke Track " Raped .. Butchered .. Consumed ", sentuhan Musik-nya semakin melebar tidak satu Typical aja, Jika sebelumnya Aroma Disgorge memang begitu Kental, selanjutnya sentuhan maut Grooving In The vein Dying Fetus menjadi The Best Middle Part-nya, Amazing Arrangement !!! as the song possesses an enormous range of tangential riff changes and groove elements that drop back to a slower gigantic thud at the end; this song is beyond doubt a battering affair. Akhir Kata, Sangat sangat Mengerikan Sekali nih Konsep Fresh Dirty Infamous untuk ditunggu Full Albumnya nanti. Meski Masih dengan format Versi Demo, Kemegahan Style Band sangat Terjaga dan ternikmati begitu Keren. Overall, Bakal siap menjadi Most Waiting List Next Release, Stay with one of the most bru-tastic manages to successfully straddle the line between appeasing long-time fans and appealing to the energy drink crowd.

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, Use Google Translate)

I Fortunate to enjoy a career of one of The Monster Death Metal Scene Caliber from Jember, DIRTY Infamous, One Most of the band Indonesian Amazed! Since the inception of the 2000s their name instantly skyrocketed with the release of the first CD "Die on Pure Adrenaline" in 2003 via Rottrevore Records successfully sold out! so then label Origin Czech, Bizzare Leprous Productions released back in 2004 also sold out! and because the Demand is still high from the Death Metal fans, lucky eventually released back Waar Production, yes 3x 3x different release artworknya. Dirty Infamous many also know her as Disgorge Indonesia at the time, into a separate assumptions Dirty Infamous names timeless and Development Time, Have a name with Outstanding Reputation analogy would be a pleasure for Band Leaders Looth Adler's Back Exist several years ago, although up is still a "Secret" really who complete the formation of the current Memory hehehe ... then we still strongly attached to Great material "Die on Pure Adrenaline", almost certainly If Dirty Infamous has bagged its Plus Points at this time to be the newest material "Most Waiting List" you now. Well Since the release of the promo CD 2015 via Brutal Infection Records, became the "Interest" great for some fans to be able to visit their new material here, which is Apik Brutal Records Infection with 3 tracks pack enough in it, although this is still the format of the Demo Version, I will try This material dissected one by one. It's talking about how brutal the drums sound or how heavy the guitars are, everything manages to come together to the make for an unrelenting assault on the senses that never puts brutality before being insanely catchy quality with technical and memorably. Once this is going to answer the curiosity gw how conceptual Dirty Infamous Today. Fixed Grind with its brutality? Yesss !!! Part indulgence remains the Terrible ?? Yesss !!! and Some New Surprizing course hehehe ... With the perfectly-timed change-ups and surprise fills placed within, this one gets the blood boiling and the head banging as best as can be. Although not very influential "HUNT (Intro)" for 14 seconds at the beginning of his encounter, I immediately felt focused with Track 2 and 3 of her, "Crucifixion Behind the Door" is Suguhan Primarily, Oh Holy Shit motherfucker! Keep Infamous Dirty absolutely devastating work here and makes for a great song overall !!! still impresses with its quality Brutality with energy blasts only after several years absence makes New Materials, collected Million Idea and crashes of this material as a horrible apparition, Brutal Death Metal fast and dynamic with a touch more perfect and Modern. Still rake in some concept Era "Die on Pure Adrenaline" more terrible inserted Evil Touch touch with Vocal Blend Deep Guttural Grunt and Middle Scream In The Vein Of Deicide's Glen Benton became Elements of Great differentiate and dominate once before. is nearly as fun with its near-Relentless pounding, technically-proficient, frenetic pacing that just goes over the edge so Often it's insane and the demented, Deep Grunting vocals meshing perfectly to end the beating on a high-note. Preparation of Bar and Lick is so highly regarded at all how the herb mix composition No Extreme so speeding origin, Arrangement riffing is still "Awesome", technically-intense riffs designed to steamroll the listener, and his often violent Spread Harmonization Dark shades! Drumming arrangements are more complete Enchantment Blooded necessarily become more lethal components! Yeahh, they still work within the basic, foundation of strong chugging rhythmic patterns mosh pit, a fine line that Explains Reviews their popularity so many distinct within Sects within the death metal clans of the world! Character Vocal Looth Adler became very vocal Pattern Dominating almost all its meetings. Moving then to the Track "raped .. .. Butchered Consumed", a touch of his music widened Typical wrote not one, if previously Aroma Disgorge is so condensed, then touch death Grooving In The vein of Dying Fetus as the Best Middle Part of his, Arrangement Amazing !!! as the song possesses an enormous range of tangential riffs changes and groove elements that drop back to a slower gigantic thud at the end; this song is beyond doubt a battering affair. Final Words, Very Very Terrible Once ya Fresh Concepts Dirty Infamous for Full awaited album later. Although still with a demo version format, Splendor Style Band very Awake and Satisfy so Cool. Overall, Will be ready to be Most Waiting List Next Release, Stay with one of the most bru-tastic manages to successfully straddle the line between appeasing long-time fans and appealing to the energy drink crowd.

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