Senin, 25 Mei 2015

Rusuah - Hitam Putih CD 2015

Rusuah - Hitam Putih
Hitam Kelam Records CD 2015

01 Gloomy 02:46    
02 ANT 03:54    
03 Masih Disini 03:48    
04 Melawan Dunia 03:48    
05 Drown 05:42    
06 Bukit Sunyi 04:36    
07 My Life 03:35    
08 Kehancuran Kiblat Kefanaan (Feat. Arester) 04:50    
09 Bless Me Ibliss (Bonus Track) 03:48

Abadi Erlangga - Vocals, Instruments, Composing

From the Deep Cavernous Conversational Impenetrable, to the Enraged Thunderous Grasp - I Can find no better Way to Describe His Amazing Intelligence ! Kecermatan menyusun Harmoni menjadi Simponi Sakral Ruang Hampa dalam Naluri kuat Empirisme adalah Kematangan Imaji dalam Hitam Putih-nya Kehidupan, Dan inilah The Real Masterpiece Terbaik RUSUAH !  This is definitely the Beast Symphonic Black Metal, who wanted to paint Outside the Lines in terms of What Dark was SUPPOSED to sound likes. Mahakarya Terbaru yang menjadi Album penuh Ke-5 sekaligus telah mengukuhkan Proyek Solo Full frontman Abadi Erlangga untuk mengerjakan secara single Fighter Member bagi Rusuah. Sebuah pembuktian yang sangat menyingkap Mata hati menuju kualitas maksimal akan sebuah Karya. Rasanya Kalimat pertama gw diatas adalah bentuk Rekonsiliasi tentang apa yang gw denger en rasakan dengan " Hitam Putih " dan gw nyatakan dalam bentuk statement keseluruhannya. First, Goodjob untuk Bro Abadi Erlangga yang berhasil memaksimalkan Obsesi lebih dinamis sejak Materi sebelumnya. penyusunan Komposisi serta Karakter yang " Match " dengan impian Banyak fans musik beraroma Gelap tersenyum puas menikmati " Hitam Putih " sebagai Bentuk Orkestra hangat mencekam yang rasanya tidak banyak ditemui di Scene Black Metal Tanah Air meski membawa Karakter Musikal yang berbeda. dan lagi memang Kecermatan menyusun Harmoni sangat diperhitungkan setiap Bar atau Lick-nya, sehingga ketika menikmatinya, kita akan bener-bener merasa ditenggelamkan dalam Pusaran hitam yang paling dalam. Black Metal Genre tidak selalu berisi Part yang Monoton, cepat atau Gelap saja, Namun Rusuah memberikan Stylistic berbinar lagi dengan Konsep yang Dinamis serta Easy Listening dengan segala Suasana dan tanpa menciptakan Kesan Boring di Ending-nya. It features catchy organ melodies, raw guitar riffing and Shriek vocals and The symphonic approach is evident: orchestral strings and pizzicato strings create the most beautiful instrumental melody Rusuah ever had in its history turned to be the most representative acts in this genre even if the differences in style were quite evident. for Most interesting catchy Dark Atmosphere I’ve always admired the way they can effortlessly mix heavy symphonics with Black metal, " Hitam Putih " Keep High Recommended !

Meski kita seperti dijerumuskan dalam Jurang Hitam yang paling terdalam, kita akan tetap di puja Habis lewat aransemen Musikal menghipnotis tetap dalam dimensi ruang yang jauh sekali, apalagi Kronologi Tracking-nya telah dipersiapkan secara Matang dan serius, bisa bayangkan bagaimana kita akan Abadi terjebak didalamnya? The guitars are always heavieraw but just when the clear blast beats enter the atmosphere turns to be incredibly hellish. The screams are piercing and the nastiness of the furious parts knows no limits. The crust style riffs and the up tempo with triplets clashed perfectly with doom moments vocals and The gothic touches are far more audible with that horror and mysterious touch ! dengan Mood Present step by step, Kita tidak langsung dihadapkan dengan Klimaks, " Gloomy " Instrumental Akustik Mencekam banget elemen Desperatif-nya, seakan menjadi Foreplay Intro yang menyejukkan rasanya ketika Balutan Solo Melodius begitu menambah Keindahan Gelap malam melebur dengan jiwa suram. kemudian "  ANT " menghantam dengan Blastbeat Harmonize megahnya ! Dominasi Blocking Permainan Keyboard-nya memberi Atmosfir yang terus mencekam. Mungkin Gw akan sedikit menggambarkan ini kombinasi Menarik serta Catchy In The Vein Cradle Of Filth era " Dusk and Her Embrace " dengan " Enthrone Darkness Triumphant " nya Dimmu Borgir. Karakter Keyboard dengan Orchestral Tune rasanya memberi sentuhan Konsep yang lebih " Hidup " diantara Terjangan Beat cepatnya. I can blame it either on the part of the band's limited Dynamic abilities or their incoherent vision regarding their desired objectives, so Rusuah keep compensated their lack of dexterity and vision with their versatility and open-minded musical tastes. Pemilihan Harmonisasi Tetap menjadi faktor yang tetap diperhitungkan pula dalam menciptakan Harmonisi yang lebih Gelap Mencekeram rasanya, intense effect that the blackened genre is known ! dan Menjadi Track memorable adalah " Masih Disini ", menawarkan Konsep yang terdengar simple, namun banyak menyimpan Tune Dramatis untuk mudah terlupakan, karena Bro Abadi Erlangga masih berada di Konseptual terkuat-nya bersama Rusuah ! shows a band which seems to have found the most comfortable path to follow, with Maximum memorable results. Coba nikmati berulang-ulang Track ini, seketika itu pula Track ini bakalan memorable untuk diingat beberapa tahun yang akan datang. dengan Lirik2 Puitis berbalut Kepekatan Hidup diantara bimbang dan ragu, sehingga Kesan Depresif adalah yang meresap diantaranya. " Melawan Dunia " rajutan mencekam selanjutnya masih dengan Beat Serta Tune yang Tidak meninggalkan Pesona Sophisticated. The song Entrance makes great use of keyboards where the winding ethereal melodies work well in unison with the percussive guitars. as well as many of the most melodic mid-paced riffs although some possesses some slightly forgettable moments (especially when the slow symphonic parts are protracted for too long) namun beruntung beberapa Gempuran Blastbeat cantik mendarat dibeberapa Part memberikan Kesan yang lebih Cadas serta Menghangatkan ! a very powerful and distinctive performance. dan sedikit cooling down sejenak dengan "  Drown ", frase kata yang pas dipilih untuk Instrumen yang siap menenggelamkan banget rasanya selama hampir 6 menit Durasi. Kebanyakan juga Titel Track-nya hadir dengan Bahasa yang Sederhana dan tidak terkesan " Menyeramkan " seperti pada sterotype yang ada, seperti kemudian pada Track " Bukit Sunyi ", seakan menghanyutkan Hipnotis Headbang kita mendapat Instrumen, Track ini seperti mengulang Memorable Part Lagu " Masih Disini ", Sentuhan Solo Gitar dari Fahmi-nya Darah Batak memberikan Range Lick yang Keren pula meski Level-nya agak tenggelam sehingga cuman sayup terdengar aja. Cooling down lagi dengan petikan Akustik Gitar di Part awal " My Life " seperti memberikan Kesejukan tersendiri ketika Keras Musik Menggilas sebelumnya membuat Berantakan, tapi jangan terhanyut dulu, part berikutnya Melodic Riff dengan Blastbeat Attack siap menjadi Aransemen selanjutnya. The keyboard offers us some good atmosphere with the church organ in the middle and the bell riff at the ending. And to make it more awesome, they added a guitar solo to follow the bell riff. Pretty clever, But I must say This is truly of the best Melodic Riff off the album, and should have been played more in my opinion! Secara Mengejutkan kemudian adalah Konspirasi Jahat Rusuah yang Menggandeng Partner Crime-nya, Arester untuk berulah gila dengan Track " Kehancuran Kiblat Kefanaan ", Tentu pendengar akan Terkaget kaget mendengarnya ketika tiba-tiba Alunan Symphonic Black Metal menjadi Ledakan Hebat Blackened Death Metal Brutal, yupz ini adalah permainan Tunggal Blackened Symphonic Death Metal band Arester yang didalamnya melibatkan Abadi Erlangga Rusuah sebagai Peng-Aransemen elemen Orkestral-nya, allcompletely embraces that epic style of galloping power chords and bombastic keyboards that would be exploited ! dan pada Track Pamungkas, Rusuah Menambahkan " Bless Me Ibliss " sebagai Bonus Track ini dicomot dari Materi Album sebelumnya " Melawan Dunia " telah mendapat Polesan yang lebih Fresh !

Ga kerasa memang hampir 40 menit kita benar benar terjebak dalam Hipnotis maut kegelapan bernyawa dengan menikmati sajian yang begitu Orkestral, Gelap dan Mencekam ini. Ada banyak Poin plus memang setelah Gw menikmati sendiri karya matang Rusuah kali ini, apalagi ini menjadi tantangan awal sebagai One Man project pada proses penggarapannya, ga kebanyang memang bagaimana seorang Abadi Erlangga harus mencurahkan separuh Waktunya untuk " Hitam Putih " menjadi Begitu Epic serta Powerfully Material ! Hadir dengan sound yang Menampar meski beberapa Level Vokal kerap tenggelam diantara Instrumen level lainnya, beruntung gw terlalu menikmati sekali karya Maksimal bagi Fans DieHard Old Cradle Of Filth serta Dimmu Borgir, Well One More Time, Black Metal ga selalu melulu dengan part yang Cepat dan Gelap Pokoknya, Elo bakalan mendapat sensasi " Berbeda " sekali ketika Menikmati sajian Menggemaskan Rusuah dengan Most Talented Skill setelah Pengalaman 4 Album Sebelumnya. So this is kind of simple … this is an excellent symphonic black metal album, you’ll love it if you accept to listen to it a few times and don’t some phobia towards keyboards only accentuate the atmosphere created, and the overall clean ! Kalo " Hitam Putih " menurut Gw adalah Rilisan yang bener2 keren, Apakah Blacker Fans Tanah Air berani ngasih Rekomendasi Band yang memiliki Ide Aransemen secerlang RUSUAH ??? at least now they're in the name of melody, and remain more melodic, and at least make some attempt to make good songwriting.

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, Use Google Translate)

From the Deep Cavernous Conversational Impenetrable, to the Enraged Thunderous Grasp - I Can find no better Way to Describe His Amazing Intelligence! Accuracy compiled into Simponi Sacred Harmony Empty Space in a strong instinct Empiricism is Imaji maturity in her White Black Life, And here's The Best RUSUAH Real Masterpiece! This is definitely the Beast Symphonic Black Metal, who wanted to paint Outside the Lines in terms of Dark What was supposed to sound likes. Latest masterpiece which became full album 5th as well has confirmed the Eternal frontman Full Solo Project grants for work on single- Fighter Member for Rusuah. A very uncovers proof careful eye toward maximum quality would be a work. It feels gw first sentence above is a form of reconciliation on what i heard en feel with "Black and White" and gw state in the form of statement entirety. First, Goodjob to Bro Abadi Erlangga are managed to maximize the obsession is more dynamic since the previous material. preparation of the composition and character of the "Match" with dreams Many music fans enjoy a satisfied smile scented Dark "Hitam Putih" as warm orchestra Form gripping that tastes not found in the Black Metal Scene Homeland despite bringing different musical characters. and again did Accuracy prepare Harmony is calculated every Lick Bar or her, so as to enjoy it, we will find it was really sunk in deepest black whirls. Black Metal genre does not always contain the Part Monotone, sooner or Dark course, however Rusuah give Stylistic sparkled again with the concept of the Dynamic and Easy Listening with all the atmosphere and without creating impressions Boring in Ending her. It features catchy melodies organ, guitar riffing and Shriek raw vocals and the symphonic approach is evident: orchestral strings and pizzicato strings create the most beautiful instrumental melody Rusuah ever had in its history turned to be the most representative acts in this genre even if the differences in style were quite evident. Most interesting for catchy Dark Atmosphere I've always admired the way they can effortlessly mix with Black symphonics heavy metal, "Hitam Putih" Keep High Recommended!

Although we like misdirected in the Black Canyon of the most deepest, we will remain in the Praise Out through hypnotic musical arrangement remains in the dimension of space far away, especially its chronology Tracking has been prepared Mature and serious, can imagine how we would Eternal stuck in it? The guitars are always heavieraw but just when the clear blast beats enter the atmosphere turns to be incredibly Hellish. The screams are piercing and the nastiness of the furious parts knows no limits. The crust style and the up tempo riffs with triplets clashed doom moments perfectly with the vocals and the gothic touches are far more audible with that horror and mysterious touch! the Present Mood step by step, we are not directly confronted with Climax, "Gloomy" Acoustic Instrumental Smelled really Desperatif its elements, was as a Intro Foreplay feels soothing when Wrap Solo melodic Dark night so add beauty merges with the gloomy soul. then "ANT" hit with Blastbeat Harmonize magnificent! Blocking the dominance of his game Keyboard gives the continued tense atmosphere. Gw may be a little describe this combination and Catchy Featured In The Vein Cradle Of Filth era "Dusk and Her Embrace" with "Enthrone Darkness Triumphant" Dimmu Borgir. Character Keyboard with Orchestral Tune feels a touch more concept "Life" among the Beat Brunt quickly. I can blame it either on the part of the band's limited dynamic Reviews their abilities or incoherent vision regarding Reviews their desired objectives, so Rusuah keep compensated Reviews their lack of dexterity and vision with Reviews their versatility and open-minded musical tastes. Harmonization election remains a permanent factor taken into account in creating a more Harmonisi Dark Mencekeram taste, intense effect that the blackened genre is known! Being a Track and memorable is "Masih Disini", offers the concept sounds simple, but many keep Dramatic Tune to easily forgotten, because Bro Abadi Erlangga still in its strongest Conceptual together Rusuah! the which shows a band seems to have found the most comfortable path to follow, with Maximum memorable results. Try to enjoy over and over this track, it also instantly memorable track is going to remember a few years to come. Conc clad with Poetic Life lyrics among wavering and hesitant, so the impression is that permeated Depressive them. "Melawan Dunia" knitted gripping still further with the Tune Beat And Do not leave Sophisticated Charm. The song Entrance makes great use of keyboards where the winding ethereal melodies work well in unison with the percussive guitars. as well as many of the most melodic mid-paced riffs Although some slightly possesses some forgettable moments (especially when the slow symphonic parts are protracted for too long) but the lucky few pretty landed several strikes Blastbeat Part deliver more impressions Extreme and warms! a very powerful and distinctive performance. and slightly cooling down for a moment with "Drown", phrases that fit selected instruments ready to submerge really feels for almost 6 minutes duration. Most also its Title Track comes with simple language and not impressed "Creepy" as the existing stereotypes, as later on Track "Bukit Sunyi", as if swept Hypnosis headbang we got the instrument, it's like repeating Memorable Track Part song "Masih Disini "Touch Guitar Solo of his Fahmi Darah Batak gives Range Cool Lick Level anyway despite its somewhat sunk so cuman drifted wrote. Cooling down again with the passage of Acoustic Guitar in Part beginning "My Life" as it provides its own coolness when Grind Hard Music before making Messy, but do not get carried away yet, the next part Melodic riffs with Blastbeat Attack is ready to become the next arrangement. The keyboard offers us some good atmosphere with the church organ in the middle and the bell riff at the ending. And to make it more awesome, they added a guitar solo to follow the bell riff. Pretty clever, But I must say This is truly of the best Melodic riffs off the album, and should have been played more in my opinion! In Surprising then is Rusuah the Evil Conspiracy Crime Partners Holding her, Arester for acting crazy with the Track "Kehancuran Kiblat Kefanaan", of course listeners will Surprizing startled when suddenly the strains of Symphonic Black Metal become Explosion Great Blackened Brutal Death Metal, this yupz is a single play Symphonic Blackened Death Metal band Arester which includes Abadi Erlangga involving as Arrangement of his orchestral elements, allcompletely Embracing that epic style of galloping power chords and Bombastic keyboards that would be exploited! and on Ultimate Track, Rusuah Adding "Bless Me Ibliss" as Bonus Track taken over from the previous album material "Melawan Dunia" has got more polish Fresh!

Not fixed is almost 40 minutes we are really stuck in the darkness of death Hypnosis animate with enjoying a dish that is so orchestral, Dark and Smelled this. There are many plus points does after I enjoying themselves Rusuah mature work this time, this is a challenge especially early as One Man project in the making process, No Minded indeed how an Abadi Erlangga must devote half time for "Hitam Putih" became so Epic and Powerfully Material ! Comes with a sound that Slapping although some Level Instruments Vocals are often drowned among the other level, lucky i too enjoyed all the work for diehard fans Maximum Old Cradle Of Filth and Dimmu Borgir, Well One More Time, Black Metal ga always solely with the parts that Fast and Dark Anyway, You're going to get the sensation of "contrast" once when serving Adorable Rusuah Enjoy the Most Talented Skill after 4 Album Previous experience. So this is kind of simple ... this is an excellent symphonic black metal album, you'll love it if you accept to listen to it a few times and do not some phobia towards keyboards only accentuate the atmosphere created, and the overall clean! If "Black and White" according to the release I Really cool, Is Blacker Homeland Fans dare give recommendation Band who have Briliant Arrangement RUSUAH idea ??? at least now they're in the name of melody, and REMAIN more melodic, and at least the make some attempt to make good songwriting.

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