Kamis, 09 April 2015

The Amenta - Chokehold EP 2012

The Amenta - Chokehold
Listenable Records EP 2012

01 Chokehold 04:35    
02 Christ Bait (Godflesh cover) 06:54    
03 Vo1d (remix) 03:41    
04 Sekem (live) 04:40    
05 Vermin (Live) 03:53

Cain Cressall - Vocals
Erik Miehs - Guitars
Dan Quinlan - Bass
Timothy Pope - Samples, Programming
Robin Stone - Drums

Well debutan Digital Release ini tentunya akan banyak mengejutkan fans mereka sebelumnya, karena apa yang diharapkan ga bakalan terjadi disini. maksudnya? menurut informasi, Selama menunggu materi terbaru full-nya, Industrial Death Metal asli Sydney, New South Wales, Australia ini merilis Eksistensinya lewat Ep secara Digital Release, dan disini The Amenta malah lebih banyak menampilkan elemen Industrial ala Godflesh lebih kuat eksperimen, jadi buat yang ga terlalu biasa dengan sajian genre Industrial, gw jamin pasti akan bingung mencerna-nya. sentuhan Remix dan beberapa sampling adalah komponen utama gaya Industrial, Track " Chokehold " memang menjadi yang paling baru dari The Amenta, yang semoga ini bukan menjadi Kualitas Permainan Materi baru di album mendatang saja, karena Gw juga yang lainnya masih menaruh harapan kuat dasyat era materi " Occasus " dan " n0n " sekali. terbentuk sejak tahun 2002 dengan nama pertama sebagai Crucible of Agony, yang kemudian dipilihlah nama The Amenta yang berarti " underground " dalam Bahasa Egyptian sebagai Imej penting Karir Band serius selanjutnya. memadukan gaya Death Metal extreme dengan sentuhan Industrial memang rada mengingatkan dengan Karakter Kuat Fear Factory, walau tidak menekankan gaya Sounding Riff yang fantastis, The Amenta lebih menampilkan permainan Dasyat Death metal yang liar ! sejak kemunculan pertamanya lewat Ep " Mictlan " tahun 2002, The Amenta sudah menyita pandangan dunia dengan konsep musik yang mereka tawarkan ini. punishing, flawless, inspiring, sinisterly beautiful and intense !! punishing, flawless, inspiring, sinisterly beautiful and intense. walau 3 Track awal sangat bikin Boring karena memang gw bukan seorang penikmat Genre Industrial dengan sentuhan Ambient dan Noise, gw lebih menyukai 2 lagu berikutnya yang diambil dari rekaman panggung The Amenta yang diambil dari 2 album sebelumnya. masih menampilkan komposisi Death Metal brutal yang Gelap dan sentuhan Industrial yang kental. playing a highly potent fusion of black metal, death metal, grind, all drenched in an industrial pool of ambience. Chaotic, yet controlled, its very clear that The Amenta isnt a band that wants just anyone to listen. fluid collective, utilizing any instrument, technique or musician to carve out hymns of decay and disgust. karakter musik The Amenta sebenernya memang tergolong Barbaric untuk mengusung konsep yang banyak mengingatkan dengan band senegaranya, The Berzerker ! The concept, imagery, sound and overall direction of n0n is emblazoned in The Amenta's conception, with the overall theme being a solid, nihilistic and barbaric rebellion to modern society. The sound itself being a complete antithesis to most of the carbon-copy shit streaming through speakers. walau ga terlalu Istimewa banget, Rilisan Pengisi luang sambil menunggu Full album mereka selanjutnya, lumayanlah buat menambah koleksi The Amenta. Whether industrial or death metal is your thing, give this one a try.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Well debutant Digital Release will certainly surprise many of their fans before, because of what is expected ga going to happen here. mean? According to the information, while waiting for the material of her full, Industrial Death Metal native Sydney, New South Wales, Australia released its existence is through a Digital Ep Release, and here The Amenta even more display elements ala Industrial stronger Godflesh experiment, so make a ga so familiar with a dish of Industrial genre, i guarantee you have trouble digesting it. Remix touch and some sampling is a major component styles Industrial, Track "Chokehold" has become the most recent of The Amenta, which hopefully this is not a quality game in the upcoming album of new material, because Gw the others still have strong hopes terrible era material "Occasus" and "N0N" once. established since 2002 with the first name as the Crucible of Agony, which was then chosen the name The Amenta which means "underground" in the Egyptian language as a serious band The image next important career. blends style with a touch extreme Death Metal Industrial indeed remind rada Strong Character Fear Factory, although not emphasized Sounding Riff fantastic style, The Amenta more terrible game show genre's wild! since the first appearance by Ep "Mictlan" 2002, The Amenta has seized the world view the concept of music they offer this. punishing, flawless, inspiring, sinisterly beautiful and intense! punishing, flawless, inspiring, sinisterly beautiful and intense. despite the very start to make 3 Track Boring because i was not a connoisseur of the genre Industrial and Ambient Noise touch, i prefer the next 2 tracks taken from the stage of The Amenta footage taken from the two previous albums. still showing the composition of the dark brutal Death Metal and Industrial touch thick. playing a highly potent fusion of black metal, death metal, grind, all drenched in an industrial pool of ambience. Chaotic, yet controlled, its very clear that The Amenta is not a band that just wants anyone to listen. fluid collective, utilizing any instrument, technique or musician to carve out hymns of decay and disgust. The musical character Amenta Barbaric actually is quite a lot to promote the concept reminiscent of the band's compatriot, The Berzerker! The concept, imagery, sound and overall direction of N0N is emblazoned in The Amenta's conception, with the overall theme being a solid, nihilistic and Barbaric rebellion to modern society. The sound itself being a complete antithesis to most of the carbon-copy shit streaming through speakers. Exceptional ga too though really, Fillers Releases Full spare while waiting for their next album, okay make add to the collection The Amenta. Whether industrial or death metal is your thing, give this one a try.

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