Kamis, 09 April 2015

Paroxysmal Butchering - Supreme Revulsion CD 2012

Paroxysmal Butchering - Supreme Revulsion
Show No Mercy Records 2012

01 Anally Siphoned Innards 01:24    
02 Cadaveric Disgorgement 02:03    
03 Chemically Castrated 02:03    
04 Shitstorm of Perversity 02:40    
05 Turnoffs Include Consent 02:58    
06 Cocooned in Entrails 02:10    
07 Scourge of Malevolence 02:04    
08 Retching on Virulent Rectal Exudation 03:15    
09 Axiom of Suffering 02:28    
10 Macrocosmic Eradication 02:31    
11 Acephalic Rape and Disembowelment 01:47    
12 Ingurgitating Putrescence 03:18

Nacho Venegas - Drums
Josh Alvarado - Guitars
Tim Bee - Vocals
Floyd Winters - Bass

Well Guys !! Kenalin lagi nih Band Brutal Death Metal sangar baru lagi nih dari Amrik Scene, PAROXYSMAK BUTCHERING !! sebuah nama gahar asal North County, California terbentuk sejak 2007 lalu menampilkan mantan vokalis band brutal Habitual Defilement, Tim Bee yang memiliki Karakter Deep Growl Vokill yang keren ! dengan Konsep Bermain Brutal Death Metal sadis via beberapa sentuhan Slamming dan Groovy part menambah variatif style yang ditawarkan pada band ini asli berbahaya coy !!! Karakter Tajam perpaduan in the Vein Concept antara Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, Disavowed dan beberapa partisi Dasyat Septycal Gorge, Skinless, Inveracity sampai Beheaded sangat menyengat aroma Brutality track-nya , Arwork Gory Sadism menjadi Poin pertama Rilisan ini begitu bikin Gw penasaran di awal mengenal band ini sehingga Gw putuskan untuk mencoba sendiri keganasan Typical Death Metal-nya yang memang asli amazing ! Paroxysmal Butchering consistently delivers slamming, guttural sickness, exemplifying the essence of Brutal Death Metal, while incorporating elements of Grindcore and Black Death into a full scale aural fist fuck of blasting perversity. track berdarah pertama " Anally Siphoned Innards " yang dimulai dengan sebuah Intro 15 detik seketika langsung di Buat Hingar bingar dengan Dentuman Hyperblasting Part mengerikan ! Seperti konsis menawarkan sesuatu yang cepat dan Berat band ini membuat aransemen Death Metal brutal dengan sentuhan yang tidal monoton, dari rangkaian Element Slamming dan grooving yang Intens memberikan Nuansa enerjik hampir pada struktur lagunya yang mengerikan ! kemudian " Cadaveric Disgorgement " semakin menonjolkan kualitas Brutality signifikan melalui Beat2 yang mencengkeram kesunyian. sentuhan Track yang mengingat dengan Gaya menyiksanya Septycal Gorge, Skinless dan Inveracity cukuplah mewakili Kejam-nya Komposisi ini. Deep Throat Growling Tim bee memang ga banyak berubah malah tambah kian agresif menemukan soulmath karakternya diband-nya ini lebih dari band sebelumnya. ga cuman Growling karakter yang ditawarkannya, beberapa Raungan Screaming Insane menjadi Trademark Paroxysmal Butchering. hmmm sebuah perpaduan Karakter vocal in the Vein Chris Barnes yang di blend dengan George Corpsegrinder Fisher rupanya menjadi Elemen Kuat bagi Tim bee di Paroxysmal Butchering. Style riffing simple namun cukup menendang dengan sentuhan padat Pummeling Sliding Riffing downtunes gitaris Josh Alvarado banyak memberikan Ide Fresh penciptaan karakter Liar dan Brutal band ini yang kemudian dimaksimalkan melalui Pukulan Mantap drummer Nacho Venegas. " Chemically Castrated " Awesome Blasting, Dissonant, Misanthropic, Slamming, Guttural and Groovy Immaculate Track ! dan penyiksaan semakin kejam berlangsung kontinyu lebih sinkron dengan tema lirik berdarah darahnya. " Shitstorm of Perversity " continues to assert itself as THE premier purveyor of ear drum punishing, genital obliterating brutality. " Turnoffs Include Consent " masih tetap tidak memberi Ampunan bagi irama detak nadi gw dibuat ritme berantakan pula cieeee ...... memang keseluruhan 12 lagu yang terangkum dalam durasi waktu 28:41 ini, Paroxysmal Butchering cukuplah menampilkan karakter Kejam-nya dalam bermusik, meski terhitung ga begitu Orisinil, namun Totalitas Paroxysmal Butchering layaklakh mendapat sebutan sebagai The Next Brutal Death Band Potential From USA ! Kualitas sound yang terasa sedikit Raw malah menajamkan kesan Brutal band -nya adalah hasil kerja keras Gitaris Josh Alvarado untuk menyelesaikan Sounding Band yang sesuai keinginan mereka sebenarnya. Artwork Gory keren karya seniman Bvll Xick sebenarnya jika lebih mendapat sentuhan Full Colour Image, akan semakin menambah kekuatan dan daya tarik Kuat Rilisan ini mengundang penasaran bagi Brutal Death Fans tentunya ! Churning out misanthropic disgust from the festering bowels of Southern California, Paroxysmal Butchering has worked hard to establish a loyal fan base, worldwide, and create music that is both ferocious and unyielding, yet memorable with Torture, rape, murder, cannibalism, and a general hatred for most inhabitants of the universe.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Well Guys!! Kenalin nih Brutal Death Metal Band frightening new nih Scene of the United States, PAROXYSMAK butchering! a name of origin gahar North County, California formed in 2007 and featuring former vocalist brutal Habitual Defilement, Tim Bee has character Deep Growl Vokill cool! Playing with the concept of sadistic Brutal Death Metal slamming via multiple touch and Groovy varied parts add style to offer the band's original dangerous coy!!! Sharp characters in the Vein Concept blend between Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, disavowed and some terrible partitions Septycal Gorge, skinless, Inveracity until Beheaded very pungent aroma of her track Brutality, Arwork Gory SADISM be the first point release makes this so curious Gw beginning to know this band so decided to try it myself Gw malignancy Typical of his Death Metal is genuine amazing! Paroxysmal butchering consistently delivers slamming, guttural sickness, exemplifying the essence of Brutal Death Metal, while incorporating elements of Grindcore and Black Death into a full scale blasting aural fist fuck of perversity. The first bloody track "anally Siphoned Innards" which begins with a 15-second intro instantly directly on the frenzied Make Hyperblasting Part terrible bang! As consistently offer something fast and weight band arranging brutal death metal with a touch of a tidal monotonous, from slamming and grooving Element series which gives Nuance Intense energetic almost to the structure of the song was horrible! then "Cadaveric Disgorgement" further highlight significant Brutality quality through a gripping Beat2 silence. Track touches that recall the style of torturing Septycal Gorge, skinless and Inveracity enough Cruel represent his compositions. Deep Throat Growling Tim ga bee is much more aggressive turn adds even find soulmath diband his character is more than a band before. ga cuman Growling character offers, some screaming roar Insane becomes Trademark Paroxysmal butchering. hmmm a blend of vocal characters in the Vein Chris Barnes in the blend with George Corpsegrinder Fisher seems to be Stronger for Team Elements bee in Paroxysmal butchering. Riffing style simple but quite a kick to touch pummeling Sliding solid riffing guitarist Josh downtunes provides many Alvarado Fresh Idea Wild character creation and Brutal band then maximized through Steady Punch drummer Nacho Venegas. "Chemically castrated" Awesome Blasting, Dissonant, Misanthropic, slamming, and Groovy Guttural Immaculate Track! and the cruel torture lasted more continuous sync with the theme of the lyrics bleed blood. "Shitstorm of Perversity" continues to assert itself as THE premier purveyor of ear drum punishing, genital obliterating Brutality. "Include Turnoffs Consent" it still does not give Mercy the rhythm pulse rhythm i made a mess anyway cieeee ...... indeed the entire 12 songs that encapsulated within the time duration is 28:41, Paroxysmal Cruel butchering sufficient showing her character in the musical, despite countless ga as Original, but the totality of Paroxysmal layaklakh butchering the title of The Next Brutal Death as a Potential Band From USA! Sound quality that feels a little Raw Brutal impression even sharpens his band is the result of hard work to complete Guitarist Josh Alvarado Band Sounding as you wish they were. Gory Artwork by artist Bvll Xick cool actually if more gets a touch of Full Colour Image, will further add to the strength and appeal of this release Strong Brutal Death invites curiosity for fans of course! Churning out misanthropic disgust from the festering bowels of Southern California, has worked Paroxysmal butchering hard to establish a loyal fan base, worldwide, and create music that is both Ferocious and unyielding, yet memorable with Torture, rape, murder, cannibalism, and a general hatred for most inhabitants of the universe.

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