Rabu, 08 April 2015

Farasu - Menongkah Arus CD 2010

Farasu - Menongkah Arus
Neo Chronicles 2010

01 Keris Songsang        
02 Tangisan Malam        
03 Akustika Jiwa        
04 Patrasari        
05 Bayangan Hidup        
06 Gempita Mastika        
07 Bisikan Suara Halus        
08 Manifestasi Kedangkalan

Arm - Vocal
Nahak - Guitar
Bull - Bass
Mus Fidaiyyin - Drums

Malasya Metal Scene memang menjadi salah satu Pertumbuhan subur Genre Death, Thrash dan Black Metal Dinamis-nya, ya memang rata2 Scene Negeri Jiran ini memiliki Talenta2 bagus Musisinya untuk memainkan alat musik. dan genre Progressive Melodic Death/Thrash Metal mungkin adalah salah satu yang paling diminati band2nya. seperti halnya band asal Seri Serdang, Selangor yang eksis sejak terbentuk tahun 2002 lalu yang 1 tahun kemudian mengenalkan rilisan pertamanya Ep " A Millenium of Madness " tahun 2003 sebagai karya perdana potensial band. dibentuk oleh beberapa Mantan member band Destheria dan Halun, Farasu beberapa tahun kemaren Gw kenal namanya namun baru album full pertama " Menongkah Arus " ini gw dapat menikmatinya hehehehe .... dengan Produksi yang lebih baik dan profesional, materi ini melewati proses mastering di Saffmastering, Chicago, USA, sementara proses rekamannya dikerjakan selama Desember 2008 hingga September 2009, yup memang materi agak lama sih, tapi ga ada dosanya koq kalo gw kenalkan ke Scene Tanah air ini, apalagi band ini mempunyai komposisi musik yang bagus yang terkemas dalam 8 track berkualitas dan dimulai dengan " Keris Songsang ", perpaduan Gaya Bahasa Melayu yang mirip2 dengan bahasa Indonesia ini sebelumnya bikin gw bingung mengerti arti kata yang dimaksud hahahaha .. tapi interest gw tetap tertuju kepada musik band saja. " Keris Songsang " menawarkan permainan Melodic Death/Thrash Metal yang terasa juga elemen Proggressive-nya seperti yang sebelumnya dimainkan oleh Sil Khannaz, Langsuyr atau Athotorgh. dengan nuansa Thrash Metal melodius yang begitu kental pada struktur lagu seperti kayaknya begitu mengingatkan lagi dengan beberapa Death/Thrash metal Indonesia sekali. Eastern Melodic Metal kayaknya memang lebih tepat untuk menggambarkan track ini, kekuatan riffing melodius yang sedikit Raw cukup apik diaransemen oleh Gitaris Nahak, Gaya Old School Death/Thrash Vokal pun menjadi pilihan Bijak Arm untuk menyempurnakan karakter Farasu sendiri dan permainan Drummer Mus Fidaiyyin memiliki Pukulan mantap, well mungkin ada sedikit kemajuan konsep dari materi sebelumnya deh. dan lebih keren lagi balutan solo Gitar dari Ameer band Symbiotic In Theory " disumbangkan cantik disini. " Tangisan Malam " pun masih menawarkan Sentuhan Melodic Death/Thrash yang semakin kental saja, kemudian solo Gitar dari Ameer band Symbiotic In Theory tetap di kontribusikan kembali plus Female Vocal dari Aca-nya Band Vermillion dan Blind Terror memberikan Nuansa yang Gothic Metal. Headbanger lagi? so Pasti itu ! .... " Akustika Jiwa ", tampil sebagai Instrumen Track dengan memainkan akustik Gitar yang begitu Epic dan Klasik nuansanya dimainkan oleh Drummer Mus Fidaiyyin, wew jago juga nih orang selain mantap menghajar Perangkat Drum-nya. lalu " Patrasari " sentuhan Old School Death Metal era Obituary dengan era " Slowly We Rot " menjadi spirit utama track ini tanpa melepas Ornamen kental melodius-nya. with more traditional metal song structures and slightly more melodic lead work. dan memang Nahak lebih banyak berbicara & Bernyanyi lewat jemari Melodiusnya ditrack ini. " Bayangan Hidup " sentuhan Part awalnya lebih mencoba memasuki Karakter yang Familiar dengan genre black Metal hingga memasuki beberapa fast part-nya, sebuah pertemuan antara Dimmu Borgir dengan Beat Riffing Children Of Bodom banget. dan semakin gw rasakan karakter Vokal Arm yang kerap berubah2 setiap lagunya, begitu pula dengan penjiwaannya di track ini yang sound-nya juga sedikit " berbeda " dengan sebelumnya. " Gempita Mastika ", Sounding-nya pun kembali lagi seperti awal, hmmm sebuah Anthemic Thrash Metal Part lebih mengajak ke suasana Headbanger sekali. solo Gitar cantik dipersembahkan oleh Roi Inhumane yang dikenal sebagai Gitaris band Sil Khannaz & Central Disposal menambah poin tersendiri bagi track ini. Simple track yang enjoy banget untuk suasana headbang nih !! lagi deh Sound dan Karakter berubah memasuki Track " Bisikan Suara Halus " ini, lebih coba tampil dengan aransemen Part musik yang dinamis, Track ini bisa dibilang lebih kuat Progressive Melodic Death/Thrash Metal lagi. dan karya perdana ini di sempurnakan oleh Track " Manifestasi Kedangkalan " semakin melengkapi sajian gahar thrash Metal Melodius. debutan Full pertama Farasu yang perlu mendapat respon lebih banyak lagi dari Death/thrash Melodic, " THE TRUE SPIRIT of Farasu " and we will alive with our eastern melodic death thrash music direction. bisa langsung kalian buktikan dengan musikalitas 8 track with more traditional metal song structures and slightly more melodic lead work. Nice To Trying !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Malasya Metal Scene has become one of the lush growth Genre Death, Thrash and Black Metal Dynamic him, yes indeed rata2 Scene Talenta2 neighbor country has great musicians to play a musical instrument. and genre Progressive Melodic Death / Thrash Metal is probably one of the most popular band2nya. Series like the band from Serdang, Selangor which exists since 2002 which formed one year later introduced their first release Ep "A Millennium of Madness" in 2003 as a potential prime work of the band. formed by several former band members and Halun Destheria, Farasu years yesterday Gw know his name but only the first full album "Menongkah Flow" is i can enjoy it hehehehe .... with better production and professional, this material through the process of mastering in Saffmastering, Chicago, USA, while the recording process is done during December 2008 to September 2009, yup it's a bit old material, but there is sin ga scar if i introduce to homeland Scene this, let alone the band has a good music composition packed in 8-quality tracks and starts with "Keris Songsang", a fusion of Malay style with Indonesian mirip2 this before i make puzzled to understand the meaning of the word in question hahahaha .. but the interest i still drawn to the band's music only. "Kris Songsang" offer games Melodic Death / Thrash Metal which was also his Proggressive elements as previously played by Sil Khannaz, Langsuyr or Athotorgh. with the nuances of melodic thrash metal is so thick on the structure of the song as I think so reminiscent again with some Death / Thrash metal Indonesia once. Eastern Melodic Metal I think it is more appropriate to describe this track, the power of the little melodic riffing Raw quite nicely arranged by guitarist Nahak, Style Old School Death / Thrash Vocals became wise choice to enhance the character Farasu Arm yourself and the game has a Punch Drummer Mus Fidaiyyin steady , well maybe there is a little progress deh concept of previous material. and more guitar solos cool again swathe of Ameer band Symbiotic In Theory "donated beautiful here." Cry Tonight "still offers a touch of Melodic Death / Thrash the more viscous it, then the guitar solo from the band Ameer Symbiotic In Theory remains in contributing back plus Female Aca her vocals from Vermillion Band and Blind Terror gives Nuance Gothic Metal. Headbanger again? so definitely it! .... "acoustics Soul", featured as Instrument Track by playing acoustic guitar so Epic and Classical nuance played by Drummer Mus Fidaiyyin, wew bruiser too ya people besides The steady beat of his drum. then "Patrasari" a touch of Old School Death Metal era to era Obituary "Slowly We Rot" the spirit of the main track without removing his melodic heavy ornaments. with more traditional metal song structures and slightly more melodic lead work. Nahak and indeed most of the talking and singing through this ditrack Melodiusnya fingers. "Shadow Life" Part touch initially tried to enter the characters are more familiar with the genre of black metal to tap into some part of his fast, a meeting between Dimmu Borgir with riffing Beat Children Of Bodom really., and the more i feel the characters are often vocal Arm berubah2 each song, as well as penjiwaannya the sound on this track is also a bit "different" than before. "Gempita Mastika", Sounding- it was back again as early, hmmm a more anthemic Thrash Metal Part Headbanger once invited to the atmosphere. gorgeous guitar solos presented by Roi inhumane known as guitarist Sil Khannaz & Central Disposal add separate points for this track. Simple track to really enjoy atmosphere headbang ya! deh Sound and Character again turned into the Track "whispers Subtle Sounds" is, more by arrangement Part try performing dynamic music, Track is arguably more powerful Progressive Melodic Death / Thrash Metal again., and perfected the work of this inaugural by Track "Manifestation shallowness" more complete presentation gahar melodic thrash metal. debut first full Farasu to get more responses from Death / Thrash Melodic, "THE TRUE SPIRIT of Farasu" and we will alive with our eastern melodic death thrash music direction . could direct you prove to musicality 8 tracks with more traditional metal song structures and slightly more melodic lead work. Trying To Nice!!!

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