Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Misery Index - Live In Munich CD 2013

Misery Index - Live In Munich
Season of Mist CD 2013

01 Sleeping Giants 03:24    
02 The Carrion Call 04:27    
03 You Lose 02:57    
04 The 7th Cavalry 04:41    
05 The Spectator 03:22    
06 The Great Depression 03:05    
07 The Illuminaught 04:39    
08 Traitors 03:08    
09 Siberian (2012 remix) 04:32

Jason Netherton - Bass, Vocals
Adam Jarvis - Drums
Mark Kloeppel - Guitar, Vocals
Darin Morris - Guitar

Selain mengambil nama band dari salah satu dedengkot Death Metal/Grindcore klasik asal Saint Petersburg, Florida, Assuck, nama Misery Index ini bagi Band merupakan sebuah indikator ekonomi yang diciptakan oleh Chicago ekonom Arthur Melvin Okun pada 1970-an yang melihatnya pada tingkat pengangguran ditambah dengan tingkat inflasi. Hal ini diasumsikan bahwa tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari angka pengangguran dan memburuknya inflasi menimbulkan biaya ekonomi dan sosial suatu negara. Kombinasi kenaikan inflasi dan lebih banyak orang keluar dari pekerjaan menyiratkan penurunan kinerja ekonomi dan kenaikan indeks kesengsaraan maka jadilah MISERY INDEX ! sebuah nama yang banyak membuat Inspirasi dan merubah Attitude Hidup Gw menjadi semakin Enerjik ! Modern Grindcore paling populer saat ini memang sudah menjadi jaminan Kualitas bermain musik Keren ! pasca Merilis album terakhirnya " Heirs to Thievery " tahun 2010 lalu, Band ini disibukkan sekali dengan deretan Tour panjang-nya keseluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia, semasa perjalanan tour, Misery Index Juga merilis Split Album 7 " dengan Legendaris Grindcore Lock Up!, Cuman mempersembahkan Track baru " Siberian " yang terinspirasi dengan Penulis Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's pada buku "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". mengabadikan salah satu performance terbaiknya sewaktu tampil di Munich, jerman pada 18 Pebruari 2012 lalu akhirnya menarik minat Label Ternama Season of Mist untuk merilisnya sebagai Album Live resmi ditahun 2013 ini dengan edisi terbatas Hand Numbered Hand, die-cut sleeve, yang tersedia dalam corak warna Hitam, Bening dan Transparan vinyl merah. I think it doesn’t take much for one to understand the significance of live recordings, and in order for an excellent live release, the band not only has to be able to perform the original tracks either flawlessly or be able to improvise on the spot, all the while ensuring that the audience is kept captivated with the energy and the stage presence of the band. Misery Index, being an extremely seasoned band, certainly managed to get these right. Without wasting much time with the intro on Sleeping Giants, all hell quickly break loose as the band unleashes their brand of death/grind upon the crowd. Album Live pertama dengan Kualitas sound Dasyat ini tentu menarik Perhatian Gw untuk memburu dan mendapatkannya, dan setelah dapat makin ga sabar aja gw untuk menulis Review tentang ini. " Sleeping Giants " yang diawali dengan sebuah Intro sampling tengah mempersiapkan Aksi Misery Index sebelum Drummer Adam Jarvis membuka Pukulan pembuka track ini ! Amazing Sound Production !! Each of the musicians in the band easily prove their familiarity with the craft, with each crushing riff and each drum roll being executed with deadly precision and merciless impact. Drummer Adam easily steals the limelight, with the high energy that he provides to the music and the tireless blasts that are aplenty throughout the setlist and it is the drumming that really makes Live in Munich an extremely enjoyable experience for me. Jason’s vocals are as brutal as it gets, and his charm on the crowd is evident through the crowd interactions that are littered throughout the release. terasa terdengar jelas jernih sounding yang dihasilkan untuk rekaman panggung sekelas Misery Index ! powerfully dan Enerjik sekali setiap lekuk performance-nya, Gileee !!! disusul oleh " The Carrion Call " yang Intro Part awal Track bisa gw bayangkan akan mengaduk ngaduk arena Moshpit area dengan liar ! " You Lose " semakin keji Membuat panas Moshpit Headbang area banget !! stamina Adam Jarvis memang powerfully banget spiritnya untuk terus menghentakkan Pukulan mantapnya ! dan memang setiap awal penampilan Track Jason bersama Mark selalu memulainya dengan Raungan Pembangkit adrenalin Audience. yang pasti masih kita hafal setiap komposisi yang dimainkan Misery Index memang selalu penuh dengan Aransemen Memorable, simple namun kuat menendang pada setiap dinamisme-nya, dan Gw jamin aja kalo siapa aja yang mendengar musik Misery Index pasti akan menggoyangkan kepalanya hehehe ... kemudian Track paling Fenomenal pada full album pertama mereka " Retaliate " so pasti " The Great Depression " yang paling gw tunggu2 kedasyatannya diatas panggung ! And despite the band’s prominence in death/grind, I haven’t really actually heard much from the band, and with the band’s live album being my first proper Misery Index album is certainly apt, with my personal preference of live releases over studio recordings. bener2 jika kita bisa menikmati Rilisan ini dengan seksama, Niscaya banget kita seakan dibawa sendiri langsung diarena moshpit area, karena suguhan sounding yang balance dan clear ! One thing that usually bugs me on live albums are the mix of the instruments on the release, but Live in Munich manages to get everything right, with each of the instruments being clearly audible, ensuring the impact of Misery Index‘s music remains as crushing as possible. Not only are the two guitars easily distinguishable between each other, but the bass can also be clearly heard throughout, providing much of the low-end growl on the album. sehingga Buat Fans Fanatik Misery Index akan Gw jamin bakalan dimanjakan dengan suguhan gaya performa panggungnya. so buruan cari CD Konser keren ini segera, coz dirilis limited banget ! Long Live Modern Grindcore .. Long Live Misery Index Yeahhhhhh !!!

In addition to taking the band's name from one of the lord of Death Metal / Grindcore classic origin of Saint Petersburg, Florida, Assuck, the name for the band's Misery Index is an economic indicator that was created by the Chicago economist Arthur Melvin Okun in the 1970s that saw the unemployment rate plus the the rate of inflation. It is assumed that a higher level of unemployment and a worsening of inflation lead to economic and social costs of a country. The combination of rising inflation and more people out of work implies a decline in economic performance and a rise in the misery index Misery Index be! a name that makes a lot of inspiration and Gw Life Attitude change is becoming increasingly Energetic! Modern Grindcore most popular at this time are a guarantee of quality play awesome music! Released after his last album "Heirs to Thievery" in 2010, the band once occupied by a row of his long Tour throughout the world including Indonesia, during our tour, Misery Index also released a Split Album 7 "with Legendary Grindcore Lock Up!, Cuman presented Track new "Siberian" is inspired by the author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's on the book "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". perpetuate one performance best when performing in Munich, German on 18 February 2012 and ultimately attract Label Giant Season of Mist to release it as Official Live Album this year with a limited edition 2013 Hand Numbered Hand, die-cut sleeve, which is available in shades of Black, Clear and Transparent red vinyl. I think it does not take much for one to understand the significance of live recordings, and In order for an excellent live release, the band not only has to be Able to perform the original tracks either flawlessly or Be Able to improvise on the spot, all the while Ensuring that the audience is kept captivated with the energy and the stage presence of the band. Misery Index, being an extremely seasoned band, certainly managed to get these right. Without wasting much time with the intro on Sleeping Giants, all hell breaks loose Quickly as the band unleashes their brand of death / grind upon the crowd. album Live first with terrible sound quality is certainly interesting to note Gw hunt and get it, and after getting to gw aja ga wait to write reviews about this. "Sleeping Giants" which begins with an intro sampling was preparing action before the Misery Index drummer Adam Jarvis opened This blows the opening track! Amazing Sound Productions!! Each of the musicians in the band Easily PROVE their familiarity with the craft, with each crushing riffs and drum roll each being executed with deadly precision and impact Merciless. Drummer Adam Easily steals the Limelight, with the high energy that he provides to the music and the Tireless blasts that are aplenty throughout the setlist and it is the drumming that really makes Live in Munich an extremely enjoyable experience for me. Jason's vocals are as brutal as it gets, and his charm on The crowd is evident through the crowd interactions that are littered throughout the release. noticeably audible clear sounding recordings produced for the stage class Misery Index! powerfully and Energetic once every curve of her performance, Gileee!!! followed by "The Carrion Call" the beginning of Part Intro Track can i imagine will stir ngaduk arena area with wild moshpit! "You Lose" increasingly vile Make Headbang moshpit area really hot! stamina Adam Jarvis is very powerfully stomping spirit to continue solid punch!, and indeed any early appearances Track Jason with Mark always start with the roar of adrenaline Audience Generation. were definitely still we memorized every play Misery Index composition is always full Memorable Arrangement, simple yet powerful kick at each of his dynamism, and Gw guarantee aja aja if anyone who hears the music Misery Index would have shook his head hehehe ... then track the most phenomenal in their first full album "Retaliate" so sure "The Great Depression" the gw tunggu2 kedasyatannya on stage! And despite the band's Prominence in death / grind, I have not really actually heard much from the band, and with the band's live album being my first proper Misery Index album is certainly apt, with my personal preference of live releases over studio recordings. bener2 if we could enjoy This release carefully, undoubtedly really we as brought its own right arena moshpit area, because the balance sounding treats and clear! Usually One thing that bugs me on live albums are the mix of the instruments on the release, but Live in Munich manages to get everything right, with each of the instruments being Clearly audible, Ensuring the impact of Misery Index's music remains as crushing as possible. Not only are the two guitars Easily distinguishable between each other, but the bass can also be heard throughout Clearly, providing much of the low-end growl on the album. thus Fanatic Fans Create Misery Index will guarantee going Gw spoiled with treats her stage performance style. concert CD so cool looking game this soon, coz very limited release! Long Live Modern Grindcore .. Long Live Yeahhhhhh Misery Index!!

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