Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Hell Skuad - Liege of Inveracity CD 2015

Hell Skuad - Liege of Inveracity
Eastbreath Records CD 2015

01 Sickest Voices on Schizoprenia Heads 01:19    
02 Deserve to Die (Buried) 02:49    
03 Melawan Kematian 02:09    
04 Lust to Kill 02:33    
05 Karnivora dari Neraka 01:35    
06 Pleasure in Desperation 01:44    
07 Laley de plomo (Brujeria cover) 02:09    
08 Retorika Kebiadaban 01:56    
09 Splattering Blood on Your Wall 01:53    
10 Destroy Everything (Hatebreed cover) 02:12    
11 Kembali Menjadi Tanah 02:11
12 Mom, I Wanna Play Death Metal (Bonus Track) 02:20
13 (Bonus Track) 02:09
14 (Bonus Track) 02:20

Deady Velo - Guitar/Vocals
Elazar Sjahranie - Bass
Kutwo Alfian - Drums

Memetik Inti Menarik Press Release Hell Skuad Sebelumnya " Album yang Catchy, Simply Groovy masih menjadi ramuan wajib bagi Hellskuad namun di album kali ini akan banyak kejutan tidak terduga yang tak pernah terpikirkan Sebelumnya " telah menjadi Rasa Penasaran tersendiri, apalagi Frontman Deady Velo juga Ga mau Bercerita panjang lebar saat Ngobrol dengan Gw, Katanya " Materi Album ini Kami ingin menampilkan lagu paling kontroversial di album ini ", nah lo bikin penasaran aja pokoknya dah. setelah Gw Mendapatkan Materi baru ini, baru terjawablah sudah ungkapan " Kontroversial " itu ternyata hehehehe.... But juga menambah penasaran yang lain-nya, ada baiknya Gw tulis materi di Album baru ini secara Berurutan aja biar Balance-nya Klimak hahaha .... Menjawab Produktifitas serta Eksistensi yang terbangun sejak 2009 an mungkin, Hell Skuad memang terhitung tidak pernah maen2 dalam berkarya, hal ini terbuktikan dengan 2 EP, 1 Split, 1 DVD dan 3 Album Yeah !!! dimana perjalanan Slam Groovy Dominated-nya tetap mengental dalam endapan idealisme band setelah beberapa kali mengalami Bongkar pasang ini, tetap komit mengusung konsep yang disepakati sejak awal. kebetulan Gw begitu mengikuti perkembangan band ini pokoknya sejak materi " Waiting for the Absolute Revenge " EP tahun 2011, tetap menyebarkan epidemi Beat Death Metal yang Easy, Catchy serta Headbanging tetap dengan Warna Slam Groovy ! memang sejak CD ke-2 " Tortured " perkembangan signifikan mulai terasa menyengat pada Aransemen serta Beat-nya, lalu di Materi Baru " Liege of Inveracity " ini kembali Signature Karya mereka lebih " Menendang " sekaligus " Mengejutkan !!! for Truely Slam Groovy Lover. " Liege of Inveracity " menjadi Debut Pertama Frontman/Gitaris Deady Velo Sebagai Vokalis juga Penampilan Pertama Bassis Elazar Sjahranie, yang merupakan Putra Gitaris Legendaris Indonesia, Eet Sjahranie-nya Edane (Ex. Godbless). dari Segi materi Gw langsung merasakan sendiri Bobot Utama dari Album ini terasa lebih matang dengan Racikan Simply Groovy Death Metal masih dalam pusaran Kuat Perpaduan Pengaruh Dying Fetus, Hatebreed, Internal Bleeding Hingga Soils Of Fate. Materi yang berbeda banget dengan Materi CD " Knife of Perfect Mutilation " yang masih kental Bernuansa Slamming Death Metal-nya. the amp distortion is so mechanical that it almost sounds like the gears of a robot being grinded into dust to a perfect, symmetrical beat with Slam Groovy, Chunky, While avoiding the Indecipherable, and Gurgles plaguing modern Brutal Death. Gw Rasa ini adalah Album yang sepertinya mampu " mempermainkan " Emosional Pendengarnya. The slamming riffs are so catchy I honestly don't know how everybody doesn't find some pleasure in the songs. There is More Slam Groovy on the album and it is crazy !!!

First time, Sebuah Intro track bernuansa Trance Dance Floor Beat " Sickest Voices on Schizoprenia Heads " ini aja kita udah disuguhin aksi Eksperimental Hell Skuad yang mampu mengaduk Emosional Kita siap menggiring rasa penasaran Kalian semakin besar hehehe, beruntung kemudian Hidangan Musikal Utama pertama " Deserve to Die (Buried) " tersaji begitu Indah Menghentak mantap dengan Slam Groovy Intens Bingitz ! Track Lirik yang ditulis oleh Armand Boyd-nya Disembowel Records ini rasanya tepat banget jadi Opening Agresi Fresh Hell Skuad dialbum ini. song is filled with ridiculously groovy, heavy, and brutal music that will of course It opens with one of the catchiest riffs I have ever heard and continues to be really brutal. Everything from blast beats to breakdowns, to slower breakdowns, to even slower heavier breakdowns; it is the one song that when I see them live makes me go completely apeshit and destroy everyone in my path. Deep Guttural Grunt Deady Velo Boleh Juga meski Beberapa Pattern-nya mesti kudu diasah lagi agar tidak terkesan Monoton Type-nya. Namun Aransemen Simple Ciamik disini yang kayaknya terus mampu menghancurkan statemen miring, Meski hanya digeber dengan durasi yang lumayan pendek, sementara Adrenalin masih ingin terpacu dengan Headbang Act harus harus terpotong Sebelum Klimak-nya. Tidak banyak melakukan Lick-lick Runcing, Slam Groovy Riffing-nya lebih Menyeduhkan alur Bar dengan Personifikasi Easy Listening ! didukung dengan sound yang More Heavy than Before, makin Menajamkan sekali Karakter Hell Skuad terdengar lebih Awesome Memang !  Tertiary elements on this release are good, so the album as a whole is good. There's even a few fairly memorable track for The groovers are still the centerpiece Headbanging ! Beranjak ke Track " Melawan Kematian ", Kita masih disuguhi Part Sambungan sebelumnya seperti dilanjutkan Moody-nya disini. Komposisi Slam Groovy Rancak dengan Harmonisasi yang Match tersusun rapi tetap menjadi Kekuatan Enerjik tersendiri. Seperti tiada henti memprovokasi dengan Beat Slam Groovy Ciamik, lalu dimuncratkan selanjutnya " Lust to Kill " dengan dengan Tempo-tempo yang semakin Dinamis, Track yang ditulis Oleh Frontman Death Vomit, Sofyan Hadi ini sentuhan Power Slam Groovy-nya bener-bener mengaduk Emosional Gw untuk terus menggerakkan Badan aja bawaannya, begitu juga " Karnivora dari Neraka " yang ditulis oleh Josh-nya Aspyxiate, Hell Skuad seperti tidak pernah Kehabisan Ide Gokil-nya meracik Tempo Ajojing Provokatif pembakar Adrenalin. along with the varied mixture of indecipherable guttural vocalizations and semi-intelligible hardcore barks, but there is a heavier emphasis on mid paced breakdowns and even a few dragging slow sections that give the album a slightly sludge-like character at times. selalu menggunakan Konsep Keroyokan Materinya dari beberapa Kontribusi memang jadi karakteristik Hell Skuad sejak CD ke-2 nya, Kemudian " Pleasure in Desperation " yang liriknya ditulis oleh Januaryo Hardy-nya Perverted Dexterity tetap menjadi mengancam dengan hentakan yang ciamik pula Komposisinya, Suguhan menarik dari Mexican Terrorist, Brujeria " Laley de plomo " pun dilumat menjadi Sajian yang lebih Slam Groovy rasanya makin ciamik nih en Bikin Pangling Mungkin hehehe. abis itu Sejenak Cooling Down dengan Suguhan Akustik Clean Track " Retrorika Kebiadaban " mendadak kaget seh jika Level Balance Track instrumental Poem ini Terasa berbeda dengan Track sebelumnya, Sehingga Kaget juga pas masuk Track ini dengan Volume yang terasa High. dan ketika " Splattering Blood on Your Wall " yang ditulis liriknya oleh Boy Sompotan-nya Sabaoth, Level Sound pun kembali Kondusif normal lagi. which gets dangerously close to Biohazard territory during the breakdown section just resist the temptation to blast, the songwriting is extremely strong and memorable. When the thuggish hardcore guitar interacts properly managed to climb out of the bizarre quagmire of pseudo-mechanical Groovy Beat !!! Sepertinya Hell Skuad tetep Konsis Memiliki Misi untuk terus menggoyang Pendengarnya dengan Tempo Ajeb-ajeb serta Mematahkan Leher kepala Sajiannya, Tetap tidak kehabisan Ide Segar-nya memang dalam Menyusun tempo Breakdown Groovy Fantastis Pokoknya ! Makin Membara kemudian suguhan Cover song-nya Hatebreed dalam konseptual Band " Destroy Everything " benar-benar membuat kita tidak bisa berhenti sedikitpun rasanya dengan sihir Headbang, compliments every riff perfectly and his fills are absolutely mind boggling ! Outro " Kembali Menjadi Tanah " dengan sentuhan Alat Musik Khas Tradional Sunda banyak memberikan Sebuah Renungan Mendalam sekali disini, seperti Instrumen yang Penuh Isak Tangis Menyedihkan tentang Arti akhir Kehidupan yang bermuara semua pada Kematian. And Well, Saat nya menjawab " Kejutan " Hell Skuad di materi kali ini, meski di Booklet Cover hanya menulis " Mom, I Wanna Play Death Metal " sebagai Bonus Track, nyatanya disini terdapat 3 Track yang siap bikin pendengar akan " mengernyitkan " Dahi keheranan .... Ga tau apa yang terlintas dalam Benak Seorang Deady Velo Cs tiba2 harus memainkan Konsep yang sama sekali Jauh dari Karakter Hell Skuad yang teridentifikasi serba Berat dan Meledak-ledak hahahaha ... Mungkin kalo Dying Fetus punya " Hail Mighty North/Forest Trolls of Satan (Anno Clitoris 666 Opus II) " atau " Dumpster Love ", Hell Skuad Punya Yang satu ini, sebuah Track Country Rock Akustik Fun Enjoy aja yang mengingatkan banget ma " Someday I'll Be Saturday Night " nya Bon Jovi yang dibuat Sekonyol Mungkin Caranya bernyanyi hahahaha ... trus bagian akhirnya terdapat lengkap Spoken yang lengkap juga mengingatkan " Final Scream (Prelude to Evil: Davey's Nightmare) " nya Dying Fetus, saat Seseorang Merespon Gaya Lagunya. memang pemandangan yang aneh jika Band sebuas Hell Skuad Tiba-tiba bisa memainkan track seperti ini, yah namanya aja Bonus Track iseng-iseng menghibur untuk membuang Jenuh rasanya hahaha ... track " Melawan Kematian " juga dihadirkan lagi dari versi Single-nya berupa Instrumental. Bener-bener sama sekali tidak terpikirkan Kejutan Hell Skuad Kali ini bikin Gw Tersenyum-senyum sendiri campur heran :D

And This Overall, Secara Keseluruhan Materi " Liege of Inveracity " adalah Deskripsi semakin matang-nya Konsep Hell Skuad sejak materi sebelumnya, hampir setiap aransemennya diperhitungkan untuk menjadi sebuah Playlist maker yang Friendly di segala suasana, penuh dengan hentakan Slam Groovy Death Metal bernuansa Ajojing sekali tanpa harus terjerumus dalam Kesan yang bikin boring. Komposisi demi Komposisi-nya selalu menawarkan Nice Breakdown Part, meski sempat harus diulang-ulang, Kesan " Good Management Song " nya menghanguskan Seketika Persepsi sebelumnya ketika sajian album ini didukung dengan Sound yang lebih maksimal dan Heavy As Fuck meski beberapa diantaranya masih kurang mengalami Balancing Level. dan Menjadi catatan lagi untuk Layout Design-nya meski Ditampilkan secara Mendetail, namun Penggunakan Small Size Font terkadang malah mengganggu Visual yang membaca-nya. Namun kemasan Rilisan Ke-2 Eastbreath Records ini jauh lebih maksimal apalagi Duplicating Disk-nya yang Spesial sekali ! " Liege of Inveracity " adalah Presentasi Maksimal bagaimana Memainkan Harmonisasi beat yang lebih baik dengan Perpaduan nyata konvensional Emosional, Brutal tidak selalu Cepat, Teknikal tidak Selalu Rumit, Ajojing Beat ga selalu Bikin Goyang adalah gambarannya. those are great as well, the crunchy guitars and snappy drum sound that this album sure as hell to be what any of their previous efforts were in terms of sound and the production keeps things nice and heavy without sounding too bass heavy. SO WHAT WAITING FOR ???... GET IN TOUCH RELEASE NOW !!!

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)
Interesting core picking Hell Squad Previous Press Release "album Catchy, Simply Groovy still be mandatory for Hellskuad herb but at this time the album will be many unexpected surprises unthinkable Previous" Curious Sense has become its own, let alone Frontman Ga Deady Velo also want talked at length when Chat with Gw, said "This album Materials We want to show the most controversial song on the album", well lo curious aja dah anyway. after I Getting this new material, Answering already phrase "Controversial" it turns out hehehehe .... But also adds another curious about her, it's good I written material on this new album Threaded wrote his Balance let watermark hahaha .. .. Reply Productivity and the existence of which was established since 2009's might, indeed Hell Squad never Kidding counted in the work, it is proven with 2 EPs, 1 Split, 1 DVD and 3 Album Yeah !!! where traveling Slam Groovy Dominated his remains in the sediment thickens idealism band after several pairs Unloading is still committed to promote the concept agreed upon from the beginning. Gw coincidence that following the development of this band anyway since the material "Waiting for the Absolute Revenge" EP in 2011, still spreading epidemic Easy Beat Death Metal, Catchy and Headbanging remain with Color Slam Groovy! indeed since the 2nd CD "Tortured" significant progress began stung on the Arrangement and the Beat her, then at the New Materials "Liege of Inveracity" returned Signature their work more "Kick" and "Shocking !!! Truely Slam for Groovy Lover . "Liege of Inveracity" to Debut First Frontman / guitarist Deady Velo As well Vocalist First Appearance Sjahranie Bassist Elazar, who is the Son of Legendary Guitarist Indonesia, Eet Sjahranie its Edane (Ex. Godbless). of the material aspect of direct experience themselves Gw Main Weight from this album feels more mature with Racikan Simply Groovy Death Metal is still in the vortex Strong Combination Effects of Dying Fetus, Hatebreed, Bleeding Internal Until Soils Of Fate. The material is very different to the Material CD "Perfect Knife of Mutilation" is still thick nuance Slamming Death Metal it. The amp distortion is so mechanical that it almost sounds like the gears of a robot being grinded into dust to a perfect, symmetrical beat with Slam Groovy, Chunky, While avoiding the indecipherable, and gurgles plaguing modern Brutal Death. I Guess this is the album that seemed capable of "play" Emotional listener. The slamming riffs are so catchy I honestly do not know how everybody does not find some pleasure in the songs. There is More Slam Groovy on the album and it is crazy !!! First time, a nuanced track Intro Beat Trance Dance Floor "Sickest Voices on schizophrenic Heads" we've featured Hell Squad Experimental action capable of churning Emotional We are ready to lead the curiosity of the bigger guys hehehe, lucky then first major musical dish "Deserve to Die (Buried) "presented so Beautiful stomping steady with Groovy Intense Bingitz Slam! Track Lyrics written by Armand Boyd its Disembowel Records so this feels really right Aggression Fresh Hell Squad Opening this dialbum. song is filled with ridiculously groovy, heavy, and brutal music that will of course It opens with one of the catchiest riffs I have ever heard and continues to be really brutal. Everything from blast beats to breakdowns, to slower breakdowns, to even slower heavier breakdowns; it is the one song that when I see them live makes me go completely apeshit and destroy everyone in my path. Deep Guttural Grunt Deady Velo May Also despite its few Pattern necessarily have to be sharpened again so as not to impress his Monotone Type. However Arrangement Simple cool here that I think keeps capable of destroying oblique statement, Although just lauched with a fairly short duration, while Adrenaline still want to headbang Act should be encouraged to be cut off before its water mark. Not much doing Lick-lick Taper, Slam Groovy his riffing more making groove Bar with personification Easy Listening! supported by sound Heavy More than Before, the Sharpening once Character Hell Squad sounds more Awesome indeed! Tertiary elements on this release are good, so the album as a whole is good. There's even a few fairly memorable tracks for The groovers are still the centerpiece Headbanging! Moving to Track " Melawan Kematian ", we are treated Part previous connection such as Moody followed her here. Composition Slam Groovy Rancak with harmonization of the Match neat remain a separate Energetic Strength. As relentless provoke with Groovy Beat Slam Coolest, then the next Spreaded "Lust to Kill" with the Tempo-tempo increasingly dynamic, Track written by frontman Death Vomit, Sofyan Hadi is touch his Power Slam Groovy was really stirring Emotional Gw to continue to move the Agency wrote luggage, as well as "Carnival of Hell" written by Josh his Aspyxiate, Hell Out squad as never his idea to mix Tempo Ajojing Provocative Adrenaline burner. along with the varied mixture of indecipherable Guttural vocalizations and semi-intelligible hardcore barks, but there is a heavier emphasis on mid paced breakdowns and even a few slow dragging sections that give the album a slightly sludge-like character at times. always use the concept of multiple Contributions keroyokan The material is so characteristic of Hell Squad since her 2nd CD, then "Pleasure in Desperation" whose lyrics were written by her perverted Hardy Januaryo Dexterity still be threatening to beat anyway Cool Its composition, interesting Treat of Mexican Terrorist, brujeria "Laley de Plomo" was crushed into a more Slam Serving Groovy feels more ciamik ya en Make overlook Maybe hehehe. after that moment Cooling Down with Treat Acoustic Clean Track "Retrorika outrage" sudden shock seh if Level Balance Track this Poem Feels instrumental in contrast to the previous track, So Shocked also fitted into this track with volume that feels High. and when "Splattering Blood on Your Wall" written lyrics by Boy Sompotan his Sabaoth, Level Sound was back to normal again Conducive. the which gets dangerously close to Biohazard territory during the breakdown section just resist the temptation to blast, the songwriting is extremely strong and memorable. When the thuggish hardcore guitar interacts properly managed to climb out of the bizarre Quagmire of pseudo-mechanical Groovy Beat !!! Looks like Hell Squad Keep Consist Having mission to continue to destabilize the listener with Tempo Chugga Chugga and Neck Breaking grain heads, Staying Fresh Ideas do not run out of her is in Developing tempo Breakdown Groovy Fantastic Anyway! Makin Blazing then treat her Hatebreed Cover song in conceptual Band "Destroy Everything" really makes us could not stop the slightest taste the magic headbang, compliments every riff perfectly and his fills are absolutely mind boggling! Outro "Back Being Land" with a touch of Typical Musical Instruments provides many Sunda Tradional A Profound Reflection once here, such as instrument full of sobs sad about the end of the Meaning of Life which leads all on Death. And Well, When his answer "surprise" Hell Squad matter this time, although in the Booklet Cover simply write "Mom, I Want to Play Death Metal" as a bonus track, in fact, here are 3 Track that is ready to make the listener will "scrunch" Forehead amazement .... Don't know what comes to mind was A Deady Velo Cs Suddlenly must play concept completely far Away from Hell Squad identified Character paced weight and explosiveness hahahaha ... Maybe if Dying Fetus has "Hail Mighty North / Forest Trolls of Satan (Anno Clitoris 666 Opus II) "or" Dumpster Love ", Hell Squad Got This one, a Track Country Rock Acoustic Fun Enjoy wrote that reminds really with " Someday I'll Be Saturday Night "Bon Jovi made his Maybe a silly trick singing hahahaha ... then finally there is a complete section complete Spoken also reminded "Final Scream (Prelude to Evil: Davey's Nightmare)" Her Dying Fetus, when someone Responding Style song. indeed a strange sight if the band as fierce Hell Squad suddenly could play a track like this, well his name wrote Bonus Track idly entertaining to throw Saturated felt hahaha ... track "Against Death" also presented another of its single version in the form of Instrumental . Was really a surprise at all unthinkable Hell Squad This time make yourself smile Gw-mixed Smiling surprised: D And This Overall, Overall Content "Liege of Inveracity" is a description of his more mature concept of Hell Squad since the previous material, almost any arrangement calculated to be a playlist maker that Friendly in any atmosphere, filled with the beat Slam Groovy Death Metal nuanced Ajojing once without having to fall into the impression that make boring. Composition for the sake of his compositions are always offering Nice Breakdown Part, despite must be repeated, Impression "Good Management Song" singe Instantly his previous perception when the dish is supported by Sound album more leverage and Heavy As Fuck although some of them are still less experienced Balancing Level. and Being note again for her though Layout Design Shown in Detailed, but Font Size Small The use sometimes even disturbing visuals read it. However packaging Releases 2nd Eastbreath much more leverage Records Disc Duplicating especially his once Specials! "Liege of Inveracity" is how the Maximum Presentation Play Harmonization beat better with a real mix of conventional Emotional, Brutal not always fast, Technical not Always Complicated, Ajojing Not always Make Rocking Beat is the picture. Reviews those are great as well, the crunchy guitars and drums sound Snappy sure that this album as hell to be what any of Reviews their previous Efforts were in terms of sound and the production keeps things nice and heavy without sounding too bass heavy. SO WHAT WAITING FOR ??? ... GET IN TOUCH RELEASE NOW !!!

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