Rabu, 29 April 2015

Kreator - Civilization Collapse ' Single 2012

Kreator - Civilization Collapse ' Single
Nuclear Blast Records 2012

01 Civilization Collapse 04:13    
02 Wolfchild 03:32

Ventor - Drums, Vocals
Mille Petrozza - Vocals, Guitars
Christian "Speesy" Giesler - Bass
Sami Yli-Sirniö - Guitars

Nuclear Blast Records memang sedang semakin gencar mempromosikan debutan terbaru Band Melodic Thrash Metal Terbaik jerman Scene lewat album Gress-nya " Phantom Antichrist " sejak resmi dirilis pada 1 Juni 2012 dikawasan Eropa dan tanggal 5 nya di Amerika lalu dengan berbagai Versi dan format seperti CD, LP, Vynil, etc yang menampilkan beberapa artwork berbeda pula. masih mengagumi Kembalinya Kreator konsep bermusik sejak masa keemasan mereka tahun 90-an, Mille Petrozza Cs ini masih terus melanjutkan Invasi-nya untuk merilis sebuah Single " Civilization Collapse ", meski track " Civilization Collapse " masih diambil dari materi album " Phantom " namun 1 lagu selanjutnya yang masih dalam proses sama dalam pengerjaan materinya, Kreator ternyata masih menyisakan 1 lagu " Wolfchild " yang memang sengaja tidak dimasukkan dalam versi CD karena 1 lagu " Wolfchild " ini dihadirkan secara spesial oleh pihak label dalam versi Digital Release-nya. well sekedar Informasi aja kalau track " Wolfchild " ini memang adalah sebuah persembahan Spesial Kreator untuk "Dark Symphonies - A Tribute To John Sinclair" album yang dirilis di jerman pada 8 September 2012 lalu oleh Lübbe-Audio. nama Jon Sinclair, adalah seorang Penulis Cerita Detektif Horor Fiksi asal Jerman, seorang Inspektur kepala Kepolisian di Scotland yang memerangi setan dan zombie. sebuah tribute album yang menampilkan 20 lagu sebagai dedikasi pemburu hantu untuk sebuah film drama baru berjudul "Anxiety About London". masih memiliki konsep musik yang sama dengan materi " Phantom .. ", Karakter Thrash metal Melodius tetap dihadirkan pada track " Wolfchild ". While most of the thrash bands lost sight of the game in the 90s, it really seems Kreator bounced back out of their odd phase quite quickly and set into a comfortable niche soon after. I guess the question most bands have to ask themselves then is: “Do we bother trying to do something different ever again or just cut and paste over and over?”. And while it kind of seemed like the band was trying different variances of their 80s style since 2001, I think Phantom Antichrist really sees the band recovering from the fan lash back that experimental, yet clearly flawed records like Cause for Conflict and Outcast caused on their creative limits. It’s a bit more upbeat than your usual Kreator effort, it still aggressive and heavy, and there’s enough good, memorable tracks on this record to make it a fun ride. Phantom Antichrist definitely shows that Kreator are still competent song writers. hadir dengan Kemasan terbatas dan berbeda White, red dan yellow vinyl limited hanya 250 Kopi tersedia secara fisik ( Bukan Digital Release ) hanya di Nuclear Blast records Shop. It’s a rare pleasure to obtain an Material with absolutely no filler, where every track is lovingly crafted into a dynamic progression that builds its energy perfectly. Kreator choose just the right moments to build or ease tension, which makes every single song exude strength and heroism without ever feeling showy through unneeded technicality. This is not to take away from the musicians, as everyone is in force here as absolute demons, particularly Mille, who has never sounded better, and belts out all the apocalyptic screams you would expect, again with an impeccable sense of timing. Nothing is wasted, no element outweighing the rest; this is a perfect alchemical formula for a new ruling race of atomic, melodic thrash supermen, and sets the bar astoundingly high for the mid-point of 2012.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Nuclear Blast Records is currently heavily promoting the latest debutant Melodic Thrash Metal Band Best Gress german scene through his album "Phantom Antichrist" since officially released on June 1, 2012 the European region and its 5 th in the U.S. and the various versions and formats such as CD, LP, vynil, etc are showing some different artwork. still admire return Creators musical concept since their golden era in the 90's, Mille Petrozza Cs is still continuing its invasion to release a single "Civilization Collapse", though track "Civilization Collapse" is taken from the album material "Phantom" but 1 The next song is still in the process of working together on the material, it still leaves Creators 1 song "Wolfchild" that are deliberately not included in the version of the CD for one song "Wolfchild" is presented by special by the label in its version of the Digital Release. well just wrote that track information "Wolfchild" This is indeed a tribute to Special Education "Dark Symphonies - A Tribute To John Sinclair" album was released in Germany on 8 September 2012 and by Lubbe-Audio. name Jon Sinclair, is a Detective Story Horror Fiction Writers of Germany, a police chief inspector in Scotland who are fighting demons and zombies. a tribute album featuring 20 songs as a dedication ghost hunters for a new drama titled "Anxiety About London". still have the same musical concept presenting "Phantom ..", Character melodic thrash metal remains on track presented "Wolfchild". While most of the thrash bands lost sight of the game in the 90s, it really seems Creators bounced back out of their quite odd phase Quickly and set into a comfortable niche soon after. I guess the question most bands Themselves have to ask then is: "Do we bother trying to do something different ever again or just cut and paste over and over?". And while it kind of seemed like the band was trying different variances of their 80s style since 2001, I think Phantom Antichrist really sees the band recovering from the fan back lash that experimental, yet flawed Clearly records like Cause for Conflict and Outcast Caused on their creative limits. It's a bit more upbeat than your usual Creators effort, it still aggressive and heavy, and there's enough good, memorable tracks on this record to make it a fun ride. Phantom Education Antichrist definitely shows that are still competent song writers. Packaging comes with limited and different White, red and yellow vinyl limited only 250 Coffee available physically (not Digital Release) only on Nuclear Blast Records Shop. It's a rare pleasure to OBTAIN an Material with absolutely no filler, where every track is lovingly crafted into a dynamic progression that builds its energy perfectly. Creators choose just the right moments to build or ease tension, roomates makes every single song exude strength and Heroism without ever feeling showy through unneeded technicality. This is not to take away from the musicians, as everyone is in force here as absolute demons, particularly Mille, who has never sounded better, and belts out all the apocalyptic screams you would expect, again with an impeccable sense of timing. Nothing is wasted, no element outweighing the rest; this is a perfect alchemical formula for a new ruling race of atomic, melodic thrash supermen, and sets the bar astoundingly high for the mid-point of 2012.

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