Rabu, 29 April 2015

Beheaded - Never to Dawn CD 2012

Beheaded - Never to Dawn
Unique Leader Records 2012

01 Elapsed in the Vortex of Extinction 05:14    
02 Lament of a Sordid God 04:00    
03 Where Hours Etch Their Name 05:47    
04 Perished into Inexistence 04:18    
05 Never to Dawn 05:50    
06 Dead Silence 02:38    
07 Towards an Abducted Sun 03:00    
08 Descent into Sanguinary Seas 05:11    
09 The Ancient Acumen 07:38

David "Cejca" Cachia - Bass
Chris Brincat - Drums
Robert Agius - Guitars
Omar Grech - Guitars
Frank Calleja - Vocals

Malta. Is this the last place you’re likely to look when searching for a decent slab of brutal death metal? Probably. However, you’d be a fool to overlook the obvious brutality in the form of Beheaded, Malta’s leading death metal act and perhaps one of the most inspired death metal acts in the industry today. As one can see, that’s no small feat to both rule the nation and the industry that has inspired you to do what you‘re doing. Beheaded have done just that to the heads of the musicians they‘re in competition with. Used their fast and slowing sounds to slice through the necks of all who stand opposed to their ideologies and diversity. Beheaded have been a source of inspiration for me. On a personal level, it was Beheaded’s ‘Recounts Of Disembodiment’ that was the sole inspiration behind my checking out the best that brutal death metal had to offer and to be honest, I’ve not come across a band as appealing as Beheaded, which might say a lot, depending on your knowledge of the popular genre. In comparison to the last effort, ‘Recounts Of Disembodiment’, this just about equals what it’s predecessor achieved. This fact isn’t disappointing in the slightest and does not detract from the value of the content Beheaded have placed on the record. There are some who were probably crying out for progression, but why change a winning method? This is where the notion of a sell out would probably come into play if that had been the case. As one of the samples suggests during the album, this is the personification of evil, which cannot be destroyed. BEHEADED IS BACK YEAHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... sejak rilisan terakhir "Ominous Bloodline " tahun 2005 menjadi penantian paling panjang karir bermusik bagi band Brutal Death Metal berbahaya ini setelah sempat tahun 2007 dikhabarkan kalo band ini membubarkan diri namun hal tersebut sama sekali ga terbukti, Beheaded masih aktif ! cuman hanya konsentrasi penuh dengan Konsep materi album baru setelah melalui Masa Penyesuaian panjang dengan beberapa Member barunya. band yang sejak materi Demo pertama " Souldead " tahun 1995 sudah mulai menjadi bahan perbincangan publik Internasional ini yang kemudian disusul dengan full album pertama " Perpetual Mockery " tahun 1998 dan dikejutkan lagi dengan dasyatnya Ep " Resurgence of Oblivion " 2 tahun kemudian, reputasi Beheaded semakin menjulang tinggi ! This is a masterpiece of modern technical death metal in every aspect of the word. This is pretty much non-stop constant attack on the aural senses, it is deafening. The double bas sis basically constant, other than when there is some serious riffage. The drums follow the guitar work like a shadow, the precision is simply astonishing. I can link it to bands like Suffocation and Pyrexia in terms of technicality, but this band raises the bar on the old masters by playing faster then them. saat ini masih menyisakan 3 anggota dari materi Album terakhir " Ominous Bloodline ", Drummer dasyat Chris Brincat, Gitaris Omar Grech dan bassis David "Cejca" Cachia tetap membawa Beheaded ke titik panas Brutal Death metal mengerikan sejak materi2 sebelumnya. kini mencoba kualitas Member baru dari Vokalis Frank Calleja serta Gitaris Robert Agius dari band Archaean Harmony, Beheaded masih terus menerjang kejam dengan permainan mega dasyat-nya yang terinfluence berat oleh Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse hingga Pyrexia. " Never to Dawn " memang album full gress yang paling Gw tunggu juga metalhead lainnya ! sajian bakalan menjadi menarik saat pertama kali gw mendapatkan Album Gress ini dan buru2 aja gw ga sabar untuk Play di Player dan menulis tentang ini hehehe .... kali ini Beheaded Menggandeng Enjiner Stefano Morabito-nya Eyeconoclast dan pernah maen di Hour Of Penance di 16th cellar studio untuk mengerjakan materi masterpiece Beheaded Tahun 2012 ini, mungkin bakalan ngasih sedikit perubahan terhadap Sound Beheaded sendiri yang sebelumnya ditangani oleh Enjiner Langganan Band sejak awal, David Vella, well menjawab rasa penasaran ini ada baiknya langsung gw mulai Review materi ini yang diawali dengan Track " Elapsed in the Vortex of Extinction " dengan sebuah konspirasi Intro selama 30 detik yang langsung digempur dengan Terjangan maut Beheaded yang tetap sadis !! dan memang tepat seperti dugaan gw sebelumnya kalau Progresi Sound Beheaded kali ini lebih menjadi Eropa Death Metal Brutal Style seperti Hour Of Penance, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Hideous Divinity, hingga Vomit The Soul, Stefano Morabito memang telah banyak mengubah sound style beheaded cukup signifikan dan mungkin ini juga telah menjadi rekomendasi Pihak Unique Leader records sendiri yang banyak kerja sama dengan Sosok Berbakat baru yang banyak dipake Bakat Mastermind-nya saat ini. gaya Dark Riffing Omar Grech dan Robert Agius lebih menawarkan gaya Harmonisasi hitam yang sedikit banyak mengingatkan gw dengan Gaya Monstrosity era " In Dark Purity " banget ! the one element of brutal death metal that has been overriding, and often overpowering, in my search for bands that can equal or even better the sound laid that by these Maltese masochists is the fact that the chaotic sound that brutal death metal inhabits is not controlled, dan tentunya masih ada yang menanyakan khabar drummer mantap Chris Brincat ? tetep Powerfully dengan pukulan mantapnya !! Chris Brincat lebih banyak membuat progress lick drum yang serba mengejutkan dengan Pukulan serba dinamis selain masih mengandalkan  Pukulan yang mantap deh ! sebuah sinergi " Hidup " dan Menarik bagi spirit Beheaded sejak awal. mendengar secara cermat agresi musik dan aransemen Beheaded kali ini bagi gw lebih menawarkan komposisi musik yang cepat dan harmonius dengan beberapa sentuhan Monstrosity era " In Dark Purity " serta Morbid Angel in the vein dan beberapa Aroma Aborted dan Hour Of Penance, namun masih tidak melepaskan Pengaruh Kuat The Mighty Suffocation ! Instead, there are many bands who seem to think the idea of chaos alone will increase the popularity of their music. This is note the case. The idea of perfection when it comes to a genre such as this, which is fast and furious, is when one can find oneself a band that manages to bridge the gap between chaos and control, a paradox that many fail to achieve in a musical sense. Beheaded do this by slicing and dicing their way up and down the neck of the guitar and producing top notch riffs that seem completely incomparable to any current or previous death metal band. sementara raungan Growling Vocalis Frank Calleja tetap memberikan sentuhan karakter baru dengan Powerfully Growling yang sedikit bergaya Old School Death Metal Type dan Backing Scream Vokal Bassis David "Cejca" Cachia semakin melengkapi Gemuruh Yang ada.  dan mungkin track pertama ini bakalan mewakili karakter " baru " dalam progres Musikal Beheaded setelah lama Mematangkan materi ini sejak debut album " Ominous Bloodline ". kemudian " Lament of a Sordid God " secara sadis terus menawarkan gempuran maha dasyat mematikan. Sophomore Dark Riffing US Style dan European Style sedang bertarung sengit diantara Lick dinamis sehingga asli menciptakan komposisi musik yang luar biasa. contained several elements that made it a success and those have been carried over on to this record. As previously stated, the lack of progression isn’t disappointing in the slightest. Beheaded have a certain way about them and that suits me just fine. Whilst one can sense certain influences, like Dying Fetus or Suffocation, Beheaded have their own distinctive sound, which is primarily created by heavy guitars, focused intently on creating a brutal sense of melody. dan memang sangat terasa mungkin perbedaan karakter Vokal growl Frank Calleja yang lebih emosional ketimbang gaya Grunting dan Guttural seperti era vokalis Melchior Borg, sehingga memang Karakter Frank Lebih cocok untuk konsepsional Musik Beheaded saat ini. " Where Hours Etch Their Name " mencoba terus memadukan karakter US Style Suffocation dan Cannibal Corpse Style dengan beberapa sentuhan eropa style, aroma hitam kelam Dark Riffing-nya pun masih terus gw rasakan sendiri Karakter Morbid Angel. dan ada banyak sentuhan progresif dan teknikal banget pada track ini selain hanya mengumbar Fast part aja. The general framework of the music has a somewhat minimalistic feel to it. The guitars are watered down and play out with high precision. The drumming tends to be a little more complex, but instead of playing out like a wall of sound, they deliver a hectic and thin performance that seem to follow the lead of the guitars. The bass guitar is pretty drowned in the middle of it all, and when heard, it does what it is supposed to do. The vocals are also of a less impressive nature, sounding like a continuous grunt that is cut up into pieces, but the delivery is one of force. lalu " Perished into Inexistence " masih menyambung Part Dinamis track " Where .. " sepertinya disini Beheaded ingin lebih bereksplorasi dengan beberapa sentuhan yang melodius dengan hadirnya solo Gitar Cantik melodik-nya diantara deru padat Rapat Himpitan twin pedal Bombastis Chris Brincat. Kemudian " Never To Dawn " semakin Gw cium aroma Kental Morbid Angel dipart awal-nya lebih terus menawarkan Riffing Hitam dan gelap pada setiap Pergeseran Bar-nya. kemudian gempuran Snare cepat diiringi dengan Dark Harmonization, well pertemuan jahat antara Monstrosity " Rise To Power " dengan Suffocation " Despise The Sun " terus menciptakan karakter musik cepat yang Hitam ! There is only technical ass whooping, and a whole hell of a lot of it. This seems to be a concept album, about some sort of invasion of our planet, by some obscure and weird creatures, and I like concept albums, so I was glad to hear that there is cohesiveness behind the album, and it is not just a collection of songs about butchery and rape, etc, but something that actually has a point to it. So that was actually refreshing. setelah itu " Dead Silence " terus meledak2 menyuguhkan Intensitas Brutality Part yang semakin enerjik pembawaannya berbeda dengan " Towards an Abducted Sun " yang lebih menawarkan Epic Part Hitam pada Part2 awalnya dengan sayatan Distorsi Harmoni kelam sekali ! mungkin struktur Riffing seperti ini ga banyak elo temuin di materi2 Beheaded sebelumnya dan untuk kali ini Beheaded lebih menawarkan dalam porsi banyaknya. sebuah album Beheaded yang lebih mulai Tampil " Melodic " bisa menjadi Klaim baru disini. tapi tenang aja, " Descent into Sanguinary Seas " masih menawarkan aroma Kental Suffocation seperti pada beberapa materi Beheaded sebelumnya. There is no doubt that Beheaded have done it again. Breaking away from the traditional Suffocation feel and opting for something more thier own, the songs are powerful and pissed off, the perfect soundtrack for when you're angry enough to beat the ever-living shit out of that man/woman that keeps eating away at your nerves. The slower groovy breakdowns are perfect pit material. dan pada bagian Pamungkas " The Ancient Acumen " mengakhirinya dengan durasi Track yang panjang, 7:38 Menit ! Beheaded seperti memuntahkan Talenta Ultimatumnya untuk menguras segala enerji dan Pikiran mereka menciptakan komposisi musik yang semakin dasyat ! dan yang pasti ada pengalaman baru yang belum pernah elo rasakan sendiri dibeberapa materi beheaded sebelumnya. meskipun banyak menggeser elemen bermusik awal, Beheaded tetap menampilkan struktur permainan yang prima, sehingga wajib banget elo rasakan sendiri siksaan mematikannya ! This fact isn’t disappointing in the slightest and does not detract from the value of the content Beheaded have placed on the record. There are some who were probably crying out for progression, but why change a winning method? This is where the notion of a sell out would probably come into play if that had been the case. As one of the samples suggests during the album, this is the personification of evil, which cannot be destroyed. I cannot say anything more, if you feel like being driven into dementia, BUY OR DIE !!!!.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Malta. Is this the last place you're Likely to look when searching for a decent slab of brutal death metal? Probably. However, you'd be a fool to overlook the obvious Brutality in the form of Beheaded, Malta's leading death metal act and perhaps one of the most inspired death metal acts in the industry today. As one can see, that's no small feat to both rule the nation and the industry that has inspired you to do what you're doing. Beheaded have done just that to the heads of the musicians they're in competition with. Used fast and slowing their sounds to slice through the necks of all who stand opposed to their ideologies and diversity. Beheaded have been a source of inspiration for me. On a personal level, it was Beheaded's 'recounts Of Disembodiment' that was the sole inspiration behind my checking out the best that brutal death metal had to offer and to be honest, I've not come across a band as appealing as Beheaded, roomates might say a lot, Depending on your knowledge of the popular genre. In comparison to the last effort, 'recounts Of Disembodiment', this just about equals what it's predecessor Achieved. This fact is not disappointing in the slightest and does not detract from the value of the content Beheaded have placed on the record. There are probably some who were crying out for progression, but why change a winning method? This is where the notion of a sell out would probably come into play if that had been the case. As one of the samples during the album suggests, this is the personification of evil, roomates can not be destroyed. Beheaded IS BACK Yeahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... since the release of the last "Ominous Bloodline" in 2005 to the long wait for the band's music career Brutal Death Metal dangerous after a year 2007 dikhabarkan if the band broke up, but it did prove ga, Beheaded still active! cuman only full concentration concept album of new material after a long adjustment period with some new Member. band since the first demo material "Souldead" in 1995 have started to become the subject of conversation this international public which was followed by the first full length album "Perpetual Mockery" in 1998 and struck again with dasyatnya Ep "Resurgence of Oblivion" 2 years later, the reputation Beheaded soaring! This is a masterpiece of modern technical death metal in every aspect of the word. This is pretty much non-stop constant attack on the aural senses, it is deafening. The double bass sis basically constant, other than when there is some serious riffage. The drums follow the guitar work like a shadow, the precision is simply astonishing. I can link it to bands like Suffocation and Pyrexia in terms of technicality, but this band raises the bar on the old masters by playing faster then them. currently still leaves three members of the material last album "Ominous Bloodline" terrible Drummer Chris Brincat, guitarist Omar Grech and bassist David "Cejca" Cachia keep bringing the heat to the point Beheaded Brutal Death Metal terrible since materi2 before. quality is now trying a new Member of vocalist and guitarist Robert Frank Calleja Agius of band Archaean Harmony, Beheaded still keeps crashing terrible cruel game of his mega heavy terinfluence by Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse to Pyrexia. "Never to Dawn" is the album's most Gw full gress also waiting for other metalhead! dish going to be interesting the first time i get this album and buru2 Gress gw aja ga wait to play on the player and wrote about it hehehe .... Took this time Beheaded Engineer Stefano Morabito and his Eyeconoclast never Hour Of Penance maen in 16th cellar studios to work on the material Beheaded In this 2012 masterpiece, probably going to give a few changes to the Sound itself Beheaded previously handled by the Engineer Subscriptions Band since its inception, David Vella, well answer the curiosity is a good idea I started immediately review these materials beginning with Track "elapsed in the Vortex of Extinction" by a conspiracy Intro for 30 seconds immediately battered by Brunt death remains sadistic Beheaded! and i did exactly as assumed previously that Sound Progression Beheaded time is more a European style like Brutal Death Metal Hour Of Penance, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Hideous Divinity, to Vomit The Soul, Stefano Morabito has indeed been a lot of change is significant beheaded sound style and this may The recommendation also has a Unique Leader records themselves a lot of cooperation with the new Gifted figure using that much of his talent Mastermind today. Dark style riffing Omar Grech and Robert Agius more offers stylish black Harmonization somewhat reminiscent gw with style era Monstrosity "In Dark Purity" really! The one element of brutal death metal that has been overriding, and overpowering Often, in my search for bands that can equal or even better the sound laid by these Maltese Masochists that is the fact that the chaotic sound Inhabits brutal death metal that is not controlled , and of course there are those who ask khabar steady drummer Chris Brincat? tetep powerfully with a solid punch! Chris Brincat make more progress-paced drum lick surprising with blow-paced dynamic while still relying on a steady blow deh! a synergy "Life" and Highlights for Beheaded spirit from the start. listen carefully aggression and musical arranger for gw Beheaded this time offering more musical compositions quick and with a few touches Harmonius era Monstrosity "In Dark Purity" and Morbid Angel in the vein and some aroma and Hour Of Penance Aborted, yet still did not release the Influence The Mighty Strong Suffocation! Instead, there are many bands who seem to think the idea of ??chaos alone will increase of the popularity of their music. This is note the case. The idea of ??perfection when it comes to a genre such as this, roomates is fast and furious, is when one can find oneself a band that manages to bridge the gap between chaos and control, a paradox that many fail to Achieve in a musical sense . Beheaded do this by slicing and dicing their way up and down the neck of the guitar and producing top notch riffs that seem completely incomparable to any current or previous death metal band. Growling roar Vocalis while still providing a touch of Frank Calleja new character with a little style powerfully Growling Old School Death Metal Type and Backing Vocals Scream bassist David "Cejca" Cachia more complete Thunderous There. and probably the first track is going to represent the character of the "new" phones Beheaded in progress after a long time the capacity, this material since their debut album "Ominous Bloodline". then "Lament of a Sordid God" sadistically continue to offer all-terrible deadly onslaught. Sophomore Dark riffing U.S. Style and European Style Lick is fighting fiercely among dynamic that creates original musical compositions were outstanding. contained several elements that made it a success and those have been Carried over on to this record. As previously stated, the lack of progression is not disappointing in the slightest. Beheaded have a certain way about them and that suits me just fine. Whilst one can sense certain Influences, like Dying Fetus or Suffocation, Beheaded have their own distinctive sound, roomates is primarily created by heavy guitars, focused intently on creating a brutal sense of melody. and it is felt may be differences in the character of Frank Calleja growl vocals are more emotional than Grunting and Guttural style as vocalist Melchior Borg era, making it more suitable for the character of Frank Beheaded current conceptual music. "Where Hours Etch Their Name" trying to continue to integrate character U.S. Style Suffocation and Cannibal Corpse Style with some touch of European style, aroma blackened his Dark riffing still continues i feel alone Character Morbid Angel. and there are a lot of very technical and progressive touch on this track than just spit Fast wrote part. The general framework of the music has a somewhat minimalistic feel to it. The guitars are watered down and play out with high precision. The drumming tends to be a little more complex, but instead of playing out like a wall of sound, they deliver a hectic and thin performance that seem to follow the lead of the guitars. The bass guitar is pretty Drowned in the middle of it all, and when heard, it does what it is supposed to do. The vocals are also of a less impressive nature, sounding like a continuous grunt that is cut up into pieces, but the delivery is one of force. and "perished into Inexistence" still connect Part Dynamic track "Where .." seems like more to explore here Beheaded with some melodic touches with gorgeous melodic guitar solos presence of her crush Meetings between the roar of the twin solid pedal bombastic Chris Brincat. Then "Never To Dawn" the smell Gw Condensed dipart early Morbid Angel continues to offer more of his black and dark riffing on every shift of his bar. Snare then strikes quickly followed by Dark Harmonization, well nasty encounter between Monstrosity "Rise To Power" with Suffocation "despise The Sun" continues to create a black character fast music! There is only technical ass whooping, and a whole hell of a lot of it. This seems to be a concept album, about some sort of invasion of our planet, by some obscure and weird creatures, and I like concept albums, so I was glad to hear that there is cohesiveness behind the album, and it is not just a collection of songs about butchery and rape, etc, but something that actually has a point to it. So that was actually refreshing. after that "Dead Silence" continues meledak2 intensity Brutality Part presenting an increasingly energetic demeanor in contrast to "Towards an abducted Sun" offers a more Part Epic Black on Part2 Harmony Distortion incision initially with dark once! This structure may be riffing like a lot of elo ga materi2 temuin in previous Beheaded Beheaded and for this time many more offers in portions. an album Beheaded more from Perform "Melodic" could be a new claim here. but just calm, "Descent into Sanguinary Seas" still offers aromas Condensed Suffocation as in some previous Beheaded material. There is no doubt that Beheaded have done it again. Breaking away from the traditional Suffocation feel and opting for something more thier own, the songs are powerful and pissed off, the perfect soundtrack for when you're angry enough to beat the ever-living shit out of that man / woman that keeps eating away at your nerves. The slower groovy breakdowns are perfect pit material. and on the Pamungkas "The Ancient Acumen" Track ended with a long duration, 7:38 Minutes! Beheaded like spewing Talents ultimatum to drain all the energy and thoughts they create musical compositions that increasingly terrible! and that there must be a new experience that has never felt himself in some material elo beheaded before. although a lot of shifting early musical elements, Beheaded still showing the structure of the game are excellent, thus feel themselves obliged to torment elo really turn it off! This fact is not disappointing in the slightest and does not detract from the value of the content Beheaded have placed on the record. There are probably some who were crying out for progression, but why change a winning method? This is where the notion of a sell out would probably come into play if that had been the case. As one of the samples during the album suggests, this is the personification of evil, roomates can not be destroyed. I can not say anything more, if you feel like being driven into dementia, BUY OR DIE!!!!.

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