Selasa, 28 April 2015

Necrotorture - Gore Solution CD 2012

Necrotorture - Gore Solution
Sevared Records 2012

01 Few Seconds Before Death 02:52    
02 The Claus of the Dead 04:14    
03 Nekromantik Store 03:06    
04 Extreme Measures 04:05    
05 Gore Solution 02:08    
06 Farmville 02:44    
07 Day Surgery 02:56    
08 Chiavica II (Cicala Grind Comes Back) 02:46  

Alex Beneventi - Guitars
Alex "Necrotorture" Manco - Vocals
Francesco "Baron Frankeheimer" Rinaldi - Bass
Alessandro Venders Santilli - Drums
Francesco Corcio - Guitars

Mantan Vokalis Band Brutal Italy, Hour Of Penance, yaitu Alessandro "Necrotorture" Manco membentuk band ini tahun 2000 bersama Gitaris Alex Beneventi dengan nama awal sebagai Suspiria, namun seiring seringnya terjadi pergantian Formasi dan konsep bermusik, hingga akhirnya vokalis Alessandro menggunakan nama Necrotorture yang dicomot dari Nickname-nya sendiri untuk mewakili karakter Musiknya Necrotorture sudah tidak melakukan Kompromi dengan Slow Part alias menampilkan lebih Sajian Buas dan Brutal Death Metal ! sudah merilis 1 demo dan 2 Ep, band ini mulai menancapkan taring tajamnya di kancah extreme metal Internasional dan 28 September 2012 adalah Bukti semakin solidnya band ini mengumbar irama sadisnya melalui Sevared records, dan Boss label ini Barrett Amiss II duduk langsung sebagai Produser album yang dikerjakan oleh enjiner terkenal Italian Metal Scene, Stefano Morabito juga sebagai mantan Gitaris Band Brutal populer Italy Scene, Hour of Penance telah memberikan Rautan spesial brutal untuk Full album pertama Necrotorture ini ! The band offers, in its works, brutal gore with splatter inspiration and presents texts full of themes about serial killers, science-fiction aliens, pornography based on sexual obsessions of maniacs, killers and killing-art men. memang asli membantai tanpa ampun dengan 8 lagu berdarah berdurasi total 24:51 siap melakukan Mutilasi sadis untuk para kriminal dan Koruptor ! sudah sejak Track pertama " Few Seconds Before Death ", Band ini langsung tampil ultra Brutal Blastbeating abis !! dark Harmonisasi Riffing yang mengingatkan dengan Morbid Angel yang kemudian berkembang pada beberapa karakter Band Brutal Daratan eropa saat ini. permainan unggul dasyat drummer Alessandro Venders Santilli yang bergabung sejak tahun 2011 menggantikan beberapa drummer cadas sebelumnya, Talenta Alessandro Venders Santilli memang sudah dikenal sebelumnya oleh para member band ini sejak bermain di band Lahmia, Devangelic, dan Embrace of Disharmony, sehingga diputuskan tekad bulat untuk menggunakan powerfully enerjinya yang asli dasyat untuk memainkan grinding Snare mematikan ! masih ingin tampil beda dengan band sebelumnya, vokalis Alex "Necrotorture" Manco banyak melakukan Olah Karakter Vokal Unik yang Pig Snoring Guttural banget selain Deep growling Khasnya, Brutal, fast grinding death metal with a gory touch. The description might sound like just about any other band in the genre, but this is way better than a lot of other bands due to the high quality tunes and musicians. meskipun didominasi dengan Part2 yang super cepat, namun sentuhan Slamming dan grooving masih kerap menjadi jeda asyik di aransemen musiknya. Slicing Pummeling tremolo Pull Off Riffing-nya banyak terinspirasi dengan gayanya Cannibal Corpse dan beberapa sentuhan Hour Of Penance ! " The Claus of the Dead ", Heavy and churning riffs will greet you upon your entry to the Blood Feast kingdom. However I advise that you do not leave your children unattended as they might get scared by the rabid cookiemonster growling, screaming and grunting. And if he doesn’t get ‘em the meatwagon Drumming will most certainly get ahold of the tiny humans and take pity on their puny lives. Komposisi Musiknya sendiri cenderung tampil simple dan memang kerap didominasi dengan Blastbeat part sana sini lumayan mencengkeram denyut nadi menjadi tidak stabil ! dan seperti janji mereka " the line up is composed by two guitarist to create an aggressive sound more technical and groove than old Necrotorture style and a young drummer that will blast your minds! " memang sangat terbukti dimateri kali ini. permainan Drummer Alessandro Venders Santilli memang banyak menyita perhatian gw dengan extra Powerfully Fast Drumming-nya, twin pedal rapat dan Ketukan Snare seperti Senapan Mesin telah membuat Komposisi dan Materi Necrotorture terdengar semakin menjadi Ancaman serius dari Italian Death Metal scene setelah Hour Of Penance ! seperti memang tidak ada kata ampun untuk indera dengar kita, sajian Kejam ultra Blastbeat menjadi Bagian Dominasi Utama serangan Keji Necrotorture ! blasts immediately with a short verse, leading to a total double-bass lead chorus viciously growled in an abnormally fast pace. Incisive breaks are spread throughout the track never reaching an annoying sequence, serving as balsams for the ferocious sections. Gradually the final evolves into an orchestral section that wouldn’t fit too badly an epic movie score. Now, this is what I call brutal death metal! This album does not slow down. Music of this nature is not for those who think Rock metal is the epitome of metal music. Modern and sleek, Necrotorture manage to differentiate themselves from legions of death metal failures.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Former Band Vocalist Brutal Italy, Hour Of Penance, namely Alessandro "Necrotorture" Manco formed the band in 2000 with guitarist Alex Beneventi as early as Suspiria, but as frequent change of formation and the concept of music, until vocalist Alessandro use names plucked Necrotorture from the nickname of its own to represent the character was not doing music Necrotorture Compromise with Slow Part Serving Blooded aka showing more and Brutal Death Metal! have released one demo and two EP, the band began making sharp fangs in International extreme metal scene and 28 September 2012 is evidence of the band's solid rhythm sadistic indulgence through Sevared records, and this label Boss Barrett Amiss II sits directly as a Producer album Working by renowned Italian engineers Metal Scene, Stefano Morabito also as a former popular Brutal Bands guitarist Italy Scene, Hour of Penance has given special Sharpener brutal for this Necrotorture first full album! The band offers, in its works, brutal gore splatter with inspiration and presents texts full of themes about serial killers, science-fiction aliens, pornography based on sexual obsessions of maniacs, killers and killing-art men. is genuine massacred mercilessly with 8 tracks 24:51 total duration bloody ready for sadistic mutilation for criminals and Corruptors! Track has been since the first "Few Seconds Before Death", the band immediately appear ultra Brutal Blastbeating abis!! Harmonization dark riffing reminiscent of the Morbid Angel, which was developed on some of the characters Brutal Bands Mainland Europe at this time. terrible game winning drummer Alessandro Santilli venders who joined since 2011 replaces some earlier rock drummer, Alessandro Talents venders Santilli had been known previously by the band members playing in bands since Lahmia, Devangelic, and Embrace of Disharmony, so it was decided to use the determination powerfully original energies terrible to play a grinding Snare deadly! still need to be different with his previous band, vocalist Alex "Necrotorture" Manco much do the Unique Sports Pig Character Vocal Snoring really besides Deep Guttural growling Typically, Brutal, fast grinding death metal with a touch gory. The description might sound like just about any other band in the genre, but this is way better than a lot of other bands due to the high quality tunes and musicians. Part2 although dominated by a super-fast, but a touch of slamming and still grooving to pause often engrossed in his music arranger. Slicing Pull Off tremolo riffing pummeling his many inspired by his style and some touch Cannibal Corpse Hour Of Penance! "The Claus of the Dead", Heavy and churning riffs will greet you upon your entry to the Blood Feast kingdom. However I advise that you do not leave your children unattended as they might get scared by the Rabid CookieMonster growling, screaming and grunting. And if he does not get 'em the meatwagon Drumming will most certainly get Ahold of the tiny humans and take pity on their Puny lives. The composition of the music itself tends to perform simple and is often dominated by Blastbeat parts here and there pretty gripping the pulse becomes unstable! and as they promise "the line-up is composed by two guitarist to create an aggressive sound and groove more technical than Necrotorture old style and a young drummer that will blast your minds!" is very evident dimateri this time. Drummer Alessandro venders Santilli game is a lot of extra attention gw with his powerfully Fast Drumming, meeting twin pedal and snare beats like machine guns have made Composition and Content Necrotorture sounded increasingly becoming a serious threat from the Italian Death Metal scene after Hour Of Penance! as there is no word for mercy hear our senses, serving ultra Brutal Domination Blastbeat a section Home Necrotorture Vile attack! blasts immediately with a short verse, leading to a total double-bass growled viciously lead chorus in an abnormally fast pace. Incisive breaks are spread throughout the track never reaching an annoying sequence, serving as Balsams for the Ferocious sections. Gradually the final evolves into an orchestral section that would not fit too badly an epic movie score. Now, this is what I call brutal death metal! This album does not slow down. Music of this nature is not for those who think Rock metal is the epitome of metal music. Modern and sleek, Necrotorture manage to differentiate Themselves from legions of death metal failures.

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