Selasa, 28 April 2015

Pig Destroyer - Book Burner CD 2012

Pig Destroyer - Book Burner
Relapse Records 2012

01 Sis 01:16    
02 The American's Head 00:50    
03 The Underground Man 00:32    
04 Eve 01:17    
05 The Diplomat 03:02    
06 All Seeing Eye 00:43    
07 Valley of the Geysers 02:23    
08 Book Burner 00:41    
09 Machiavellian 01:14    
10 Baltimore Strangler 03:25    
11 White Lady 01:28    
12 The Bug 03:12    
13 Iron Drunk 01:46    
14 Burning Palm 01:56    
15 Dirty Knife 01:15    
16 Totaled 00:43    
17 Kamikaze Heart 01:38    
18 King of Clubs 01:07    
19 Permanent Funeral 04:16  

Scott Hull - Guitars
J.R. Hayes - Vocals
Blake Harrison - Noise, Samples
Adam Jarvis - Drums

Pasca merilis Ep " Natasha " tahun 2008, band ini sempat tidak menampakkan diri di kancah metal dan sempat dikhabarkan membubarkan diri setelah ditinggal pergi drummer Brian Harvey tahun 2011, namun segera tergantikan oleh drummer enerjik berbakat Adam Jarvis, yess siapa sih Metalhead yang ga kenal nama Adam Jarvis yang kesohor namanya setelah memperkuat barisan Baltimore Modern Death/grind sadis, Misery Index bentukan para Ex. Dying Fetus member, setelah karirnya sudah terlatih dibeberapa band seperti All Will Fall, Asthma Castle, dan Criminal Element menjadi alasan Kuat Frontman Scott Hull untuk menggunakan enerjinya di materi terbaru " grindcore should be " Pig Destroyer ini setelah lumayan lama Bersemedi membuat materi barunya. mungkin banyak kalangan media menilai pergeseran konsep grinding Music serius band ini mulai terasakan lewat Album " Phantom Limb " tahun 2007 yang kemudian disusul Ep " Natasha " tahun 2008 yang membuat Reputasi band ini sedikit jatuh karena mulai banyak meninggalkan karakter Grinding Sadis yang mereka sebut sebagai " grindcore should be " tersebut, karena konsep band ini lebih banyak melakukan eksperimen yang sulit dicerna. dan lewat single pertama kali " The Diplomat " pada 25 September 2012 lalu, band ini memamerkan materi Fresh grinding Attack-nya yang bagi gw membawa kembali era kegarangan mereka era album2 terbaik Pig Destroyer seperti " Explosions in Ward 6 " Tahun 1998 dan " Prowler in the Yard " tahun 2001 ditambah dengan Intensitas dasyat gempuran Enerjik Adam Jarvis seperti memaksa kembali frontman Scott Hull menampilkan lagi kesadisan Gaya bermusic Pig Destroyer yang sebenarnya ! a macrocosm composed of the frantic bursts of riffs and blasts that comprise it. More so than any grindcore album before it, Prowler feels like a fully developed, thematically coherent piece. walau masih dengan beberapa sentuhan baru beberapa karakter album terakhir, gw yakin Band ini telah kembali tampil liar dan brutal dialbum Fresh ini ! that the Grindcore genre has the same artistic potential as its more complex metal brethren. To achieve such a level of artistry while remaining as mercilessly heavy and aggressive as Pig Destroyer !! Track Tumbal awal " Sis " benar2 mengejutkan sekali serangan dasyatnya setelah melalui beberapa detik Intro, Smashing grinding snare Attacking FromThe Haters ! In sharp contrast to the synthetic quality of the drums and guitar, J.R. Hayes vocals maintain a devastating naturalness. Scott Hull kembali Nostalgia dengan Part2 Cadas era band ini terbentuk tahun 1997 di Washington DC, ga melulu siksaan Fast beat, beberapa modern Groovy Part catchy in the Vein Dying Fetus dan Misery Index menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan terbawa pengaruh masuknya Adam Jarvis !, Raungan kebencian Vokalis J.R. Hayes masih tetap mempertahankan karakter parau liar tenggorokannya. Manuver berbahaya Pig Destroyer semakin menjadi sempurna terus lewat " The American's Head ", visi tentang ketimpangan Dunia Politik sosial menjadi hidangan khas untuk menulis kata2 tentang kebencian mereka. Bisa jadi " The Underground Man " menjadi Track dengan durasi super singkat, 32 detik pada album ini tetap memberikan Powerfully grindcore Grinding !! kemudian " Eve " menyelipkan beberapa Cathcy headbanger Part yang mengingatkan sekali dengan gaya bermainnya Misery Index. It's not really any less grind, and there are numerous songs which are little more than configurations of blast beats and frantic tremolo riffs, but the package as a whole is more musical. There are memorable riffs and song structures; the band is willing to take more time to get from one place to another, build a little tension, smell the grinding roses. dan " The Diplomat " adalah Track serius bagi band untuk memberikan sajian aransemen musik Cadas yang lebih menarik dengan durasi Standard, Scott Hull lebih banyak melakukan Progresi Riffing Dinamis selain hanya menawarkan kecepatan. They're fiery and sawing and sometimes grooving, but always with a hint of frantic desperation to them, even in their most relaxed moments. A solid drum performance rounds out the pack, adding the ragged rhythmic base that the rest of the music is built on. dan " All Seeing Eye " menawarkan kembali serangan Grinding sadis mematikan yang digeber dominan dengan Hyperblaster snare Adam Jarvis semakin mantap aja ! It's still fast and it's still overwhelmingly angry, but it seems more able to articulate that anger than on any other Pig Destroyer Fuckin Song !! tapi selanjutnya, Pig Destroyer masih variatif dan dinamis menyuguhkan aransemen lagu yang jauh dari monoton kebanyakan band Grindcore, Pig Destroyer yang terus terkontaminasi dengan elemen Death Metal kental, semakin terus dapat menuangkan ide fresh yang dinamis disetiap Lick track terdengar semakin Menggigit ! lalu " Valley of the Geysers " yang dimulai dengan effect Noise, Samples Blake Harrison kemudian masih menampilkan Death Metal Catchy Part pada struktur musiknya yang terasa Anthemic dan paduan kompak Backing Vokal Hardcore Attitude, sebuah track yang kian memiliki Bobot unggul dalam penciptaan Lagu dari Scott Hull. where all of Hayes' screeching finally manages to seem genuinely dangerous and crazed and the riffs convey the sort of malevolence they hint at so much but rarely manage to actually evoke. " Book Burner " yang digeber hanya 41 detik ini tetap menuntut konsentrasi penuh band untuk memainkan Intense Heavy Track as Fuck dengan Fully Blastbeater awesome !! yang tak terasa tersambung dengan track Cadas berikutnya " Machiavellian ", Drummer Adam Jarvis seperti jarang melakukan Pengulangan Pola bermain drum, karena memang Gw dan kalian yakin kalo skill Drumming Adam ini memang sudah ga bisa diragukan ! apalagi saat memainkan beberapa Perkusi drum menarik diawal track " Baltimore Strangler ", Riffing Scott Hull lebih banyak mengajak kebeberapa attitude Modern Thrash Metal Elemen, menambah semakin kompleksitas musikalitas Pig Destroyer sendiri. Really, the album just works beyond any straightforward definitions or classification. There's something to be said for how the band manages to maintain a sense of urgency amidst the musical dynamics, allowing even groove riffs to feel like they're pushing the songs forward towards even greater heights of intensity. It's stormy and chaotic without ever really losing coherency, and the lack of tracks that feel like nothing more than noise probably does a great deal to increase the overall weight of the album; filler in grind albums tends to lighten the experience more than you'd expect. siksaan mengerikan blaster grinding snare drum rapat dan mantap " White Lady " memang Super Keren Cuy !! begitupun juga " The Bug ", lalu " Iron Drunk " semakin terdengar kembali beberapa sentuhan Progresi Musik yang Variatif plus terasa dinamis dengan beberapa sentuhan Modern Metal dibalik dasyatnya serangan Grinding Snare berikutnya ! " Burning Palm " semakin terasa Chaotic abis serangannya ! It's very well composed music, and it's sometimes amazing just how much creativity the band is able to pack into these short and violent songs ! Seperti ga bakalan kehabisan Power, Pig Destroyer melaju semakin cepat dan dinamis lewat " Dirty Knife " yang tersambung dasyat dengan Totally Powerfully Track " Totaled ", It's pretty bizarre how this alone manages to stand out as an island of brilliance amidst the band's otherwise rather It's precisely how modern grind should be pulled off: with conviction, intelligence, and clarity of vision. " Kamikaze Heart " awesome Track selanjutnya digeber dengan Harmonisasi Riffing Chaotic Brilian ! lebih terdengar Chaotic dan eksperimental track pada " King of Clubs ", Pig Destroyer masih menyisakan Siksaan menarik sebelum diakhiri oleh Track pamungkas " Permanent Funeral " yang menjadi Track dengan durasi terpanjang menelan 4:14 pada beberapa part awalnya gw sedikit merasakan sentuhan Riffing " Raining Blood "nya Slayer yang lalu dikamuflase dengan beberapa gerakan Binal Jemari Scott Hull. Only on rare occasions does a band actually make me feel dirty for enjoying their music. Pig Destroyer have left me feeling so filth-ridden that taking a shower after each listen has become a ritual of sorts. These guys have a grip on the element of shock that goes far beyond the mostly tedious imagery of today’s grind scene fully realize that their audience is desensitized to most forms of depravity. In response, they have identified a few hidden nerves and driven an ice pick into each. sajian menari dengan 19 lagu berdurasi total 32:44 cukup mengembalikan kepercayaan Grinder freak en Pig Destroyer Fan yang sempat menelan Pil Pahit lewat 2 rilisan sebelumnya. walau tidak menggunakan instrumen Bass, Scott Hull tetap yakin terus akan memberi Sound yang berat lewat Gaya Sounding Gitar dan Drum. sentuhan Noise dan Sampling Blake Harrison pun jarang terdengar mengiringi langkah sadis Pig Destroyer menanamkan Pukulan grinding mematikan. walau saat ini kurang memasang Artwork yang menarik, cukuplah bagi Fans Berat Death/grind yang semakin Dinamis ini merebut kembali Fans lawas-nya. grind-fucking-core can be pretty annoying, well not in this case my friend, the music is brutal, ultra-fast, and violent, but it flows in such a wonderful way you can easily play Book Burner in a row without any complaints. The songs are attached to each other and most of the times you can’t notice when a song ends and the other one starts and that in my opinion is great because it creates a stunning environment for the album. Just...fantastic! This song and the whole album is a great collage of weird images combined with ultra-fast and violent music. Grindcore doesn't get much better than this!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Post-released Ep "Natasha" in 2008, the band had not appeared in the metal scene and had dikhabarkan disband after drummer Brian Harvey left off in 2011, but was soon replaced by the energetic and talented drummer Adam Jarvis, who the hell yess ga Metalhead who knew the name Adam Jarvis were named after the famous Baltimore's line of Modern Death / grind sadistic, Misery Index formed by the Ex. Dying Fetus member, after his career has been trained in several bands such as All Will Fall, Asthma Castle, and Criminal Element is the reason Strong Frontman Scott Hull to use its energy on new material "grindcore should be" Pig Destroyer after a fair amount of time meditating to make new materials. many in the media may assess a shift in the concept of grinding Music band began seriously felt through the album "Phantom Limb" in 2007 which was followed Ep "Natasha" in 2008 that made the band's reputation fell slightly due to start many left Grinding sadistic character they call " grindcore should be ", since the concept of the band experimenting more difficult to digest. and through the first single "The Diplomat" on 25 September 2012 and then, the band showcased material grinding Fresh Attack for his pugnacity i bring back the era of their best Albums2 era such as Pig Destroyer "Explosions in Ward 6" of 1998 and "Prowler in the Yard "in 2001 coupled with the intensity of the terrible onslaught of Energetic Adam Jarvis as forced return frontman Scott Hull show again sadism bermusic Style Pig Destroyer true! a macrocosm composed of the frantic bursts of riffs and blasts that comprise it. More so than any grindcore albums before it, Prowler feels like a fully developed, Thematically coherent piece. though still with a few new touches some character last album, i believe the band has returned to the show logging and brutal dialbum's Fresh! the Grindcore genre that has the same potential as its more artistic metal complex brethren. To Achieve such a level of artistry while remaining as mercilessly heavy and aggressive as Pig Destroyer! Track Tumbal beginning "Sis" benar2 dasyatnya a surprise attack after a few seconds Intro, Smashing grinding snare Attacking fromthe Haters! In sharp contrast to the synthetic quality of the drums and guitar, JR Hayes vocals maintain a devastating naturalness. Scott Hull back Part2 Rocks era nostalgia with this band formed in 1997 in Washington DC, ga mere torture Fast beat, some modern Groovy Part catchy in the Vein Dying Fetus and Misery Index becomes an integral part of the entry of the influence brought Adam Jarvis!, Roar of hatred Vocalist JR Hayes still retaining the character of a wild hoarse throat. Pig Destroyer increasingly dangerous maneuver a perfectly kept by "The American's Head", a vision of World Politics social inequality becomes kata2 dishes to write about their hatred. It could be "The Underground Man" a track with a super short duration, 32 seconds on this album still gives powerfully grindcore Grinding! then "she" slipped some headbanger Part Cathcy very reminiscent in style of play Misery Index. It's not really any less grind, and there are numerous songs are little more than roomates configurations of blast beats and tremolo riffs frantic, but the package as a whole is more musical. There are memorable riffs and song structures; the band is willing to take more time to get from one place to another, build a little tension, smell the roses grinding. and "The Diplomat" is a serious track for the band to provide musical arrangements Rocks offerings are more appealing to the duration of the Standard, Scott Hull did Progression riffing more dynamic than just offering speeds. They're fiery and sometimes sawing and grooving, but always with a hint of frantic desperation to them, even in their most relaxed moments. A solid drum performance rounds out the pack, adding the ragged rhythmic base that the rest of the music is built on. and "All Seeing Eye" offers a return of deadly attacks lauched Grinding sadistic dominant Hyperblaster Adam Jarvis snare more stable ONLY! It's still fast and it's still overwhelmingly angry, but it seems more Able to articulate that anger than on any other Pig Destroyer Fuckin Song! but then, Pig Destroyer is varied and dynamic present arrangements are far from monotonous song most bands Grindcore, Pig Destroyer continues to be contaminated with heavy elements of Death Metal, the idea continues to pour fresh vibrant Lick every track sounds the Bite! and "Valley of the Geysers" starting with Noise effect, Samples Blake Harrison later still showing Death Metal Part Catchy musical structures that feel anthemic and compact alloy Backing Vocals Hardcore Attitude, a track which increasingly has excelled in the creation Weights Songs of Scott Hull . where all of Hayes' screeching finally manages to seem genuinely dangerous and Crazed and the riffs Convey the sort of malevolence they hint at so much but rarely manage to actually evoke. "Book Burner" which lauched just 41 seconds it still requires full concentration band to play Heavy Track as Intense Fuck with Blastbeater Fully awesome!! who do not feel connected to the next track Rocks "Machiavellian", drummer Adam Jarvis as rarely do the repetition pattern of playing drums, because Gw and skill if you believe it's already Drumming Adam can not doubt! especially when playing some percussion drums interesting early track "Baltimore Strangler", riffing Scott Hull more invites to several attitude Modern Thrash Metal Element, adds to the growing complexity of Pig Destroyer own musicality. Really, the album just works beyond any straightforward definitions or classification. There's something to be said for how the band manages to maintain a sense of urgency amidst the musical dynamics, allowing even groove riffs to feel like they're pushing the songs forward towards even greater heights of intensity. It's stormy and chaotic without ever really losing coherency, and the lack of tracks that feel like nothing more than noise probably does a great deal to increase of the overall weight of the album; filler in grind albums tends to lighten the experience more than you'd expect. terrible ordeal grinding blaster snare drum tight and steady "White Lady" is Super Cool Cuy!! as did also "The Bug" and "Iron Drunk" is increasingly heard back a few touches Progression Variatif music plus a dynamic feel with some modern touches Metal Grinding Snare behind dasyatnya next attack! "Burning Palm 'increasingly felt Chaotic abis attack! It's very well composed music, and it's sometimes amazing just how much creativity the band is Able to pack into these short and violent songs! As ga going to run out of power, Pig Destroyer drove faster and more dynamic through the "Dirty Knife" connected terrible with Totally powerfully Track "totaled" It's pretty bizarre how this alone manages to stand out as an island of brilliance amidst the band's otherwise rather It's precisely how modern grind should be pulled off: with conviction, intelligence, and clarity of vision. "Kamikaze Heart" Track awesome lauched next to Harmonizing riffing Chaotic Brilliant! Chaotic and sounded more experimental tracks on the "King of Clubs", Pig Destroyer still has interesting torture before terminated by final track "Permanent Funeral" is a track with the longest duration of swallowing 4:14 on some parts initially i felt a little riffing "Raining Blood "Her Slayer ago camouflaged with some movement Binal fingers Scott Hull. Only on rare occasions does a band actually make me feel dirty for enjoying their music. Pig Destroyer have left me feeling so filth-ridden that taking a shower after each listen has Become a ritual of sorts. These guys have a grip on the element of shock that goes far beyond the mostly tedious grind imagery of today's scene fully Realize that their audience is desensitized to most forms of depravity. In response, they have identified a few hidden nerves and an ice pick driven into each. dish dance with 19 tracks 32:44 total duration sufficient to restore confidence Grinder en Pig Destroyer Fan freak who could swallow the bitter pill by two previous releases. although not using instruments Bass, Scott Hull remains confident will continue to provide heavy Sound by Style Sounding Guitar and Drum. Noise and Sampling touch rarely heard Blake Harrison accompany sadistic step Pig Destroyer embed grinding deadly blow. although currently less attractive installing Artwork, enough for Fans Heavy Death / grind this increasingly dynamic recapture his old fans. grind-fucking-core can be pretty annoying, well not in this case my friend, the music is brutal, ultra-fast, and violent, but it flows in such a wonderful way you can play Book Burner Easily in a row without any complaints . The songs are attached to each other and most of the times you can not notice when a song ends and the other one starts and that in my opinion is great Because it creates the a stunning environment for the album. Just ... fantastic! This song and the whole album is a great collage of weird images combined with ultra-fast and violent music. Grindcore does not get much better than this!

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