Selasa, 28 April 2015

Arkaik - Metamorphignition CD 2012

Arkaik - Metamorphignition
Unique Leader Records 2012

01 Skin Graft Hieroglyphics 04:03    
02 Metamorphignition 05:04      
03 Sirens in Electric Veils Part 1 03:57    
04 Sirens in Electric Veils Part 2 04:50    
05 Blade Grasp Priesthood 04:41    
06 Soliloquies of the War Machine 05:26    
07 The Laughing Prophet of Doom 05:38    
08 The Withered Hands of Mortality 03:41    
09 The Omnipus 10:07    
10 Opus Brahmanic 06:17  

Ivan Munguia - Bass
Craig Peters - Guitars
Chance Strickland - Guitars
Jared Christianson - Vocals
Alex Bent - Drums

Ini dia Brutal Technical Death Metal Keren asal Riverside County, California yang eksis sejak 2004 lalu masih menjadi icon Death Metal bergaya Modern Dinamis era Millenium ini dengan segala permainan Mengejutkannya ! menjadi album ke-3 " Metamorphignition " semakin menampilkan permainan Death metal yang brilian dengan segala sentuhan skill diatas rata rata, Arkaik ini tetap melakukan Manajemen Aransemen Lagu serius untuk menjadikan sebuah Masterpiece ! Frontman Gitaris Chance Strickland dan Vokalis Jared Christianson memang masih mempertahankan Konseptual Sophomore Arkaik Style apalagi ditambah dengan masuknya member berbakat berikutnya telah banyak memberi Finishing Style yang mengerikan untuk Konsep Arkaik sendiri ! with the intention of creating innovative and creative death metal to take extreme music to the next level. dan tampaknya ini tetap akan menjadi pukulan Telak nyata Band2 yang ngakunya memainkan Konsep teknikal ataupun progresive, namun pada kenyataannya mereka adalah band2 " pecundang " yang ingin menaikkan Rating-nya sendiri dengan Statement Paling bodoh yang dibuatnya hahahaha, warning banget buat yang ngerasa aja kata2 Gw ini bukan sindiran melainkan bentuk kenyataan bagaimana kita harus lebih bisa obyektif dengan segala perkataan kita sendiri, ibarat melihat bagian belakang kepala kita sendiri, tak akan bisa terwujud jika tidak menggunakan sebuah kaca, dan kaca itu adalah orang lain, sehingga dalam berkarya, biarlah orang yang akan menilainya sendiri bukan hanya Bualan mulut kalian sendiri hahahaha ...balik ke Arkaik ! mungkin untuk kesekian kalinya, Label Brutal Internasional paling dikenal diseluruh jagad metal dengan rilisan berkualitas dan dasyatnya, Unique Leader masih mempertahankan Band berbakat muda ini sejak album ke-2 mereka " Reflections Within Dissonance " tahun 2010, Arkaik semakin matang dan rapi mengusung konsep Technical Death Metal dengan beberapa Dentuman Brutal Blastbeat pada semua komposisinya. brimming with young, energetic, technical death metal acts, they also had to spawn forth the brash and dazzling Arkaik, who, with their sophomore outing assist in confirming that state's claim to the throne of the modern US death. sekilas memang ini adalah pertemuan dasyat berkualitas antara Decrepit Birth, Deeds Of Flesh, Brain Drill, Gorod dan Obscura dengan beberapa sentuhan kental Florida Death metal sepopuler Monstrosity dan Malevolent Creation. album yang menampilkan susunan Track lagu sebagai 3 Chapter ini, " Tapasiatic Exodus, Sirens in Electric Veils dan Paths of Recognition " adalah sebagai Bentuk Tentang Cara Pandang Tentang Penciptaan Kehidupan tergambar dengan begitu ilmiah dalam penulisan Tema lagu Arkaik sendiri. Track pertama " Skin Graft Hieroglyphics " into a writhing mass of mile-a-minute riffs and just enough showmanship to prove their technical ability without completely indulging themselves and destroying the songs. sajian Teknikal Riffing Fantantis memang sudah mereka pamerkan disini, dengan struktur musik yang kian matang dan Rapi, permainan Duet Riffing Craig Peters dan Chance Strickland melakukan Sinergi kerjasama luar biasa dengan drummer Alex Hernandez-Bent yang bergabung sejak tahun 2011 menggantikan posisi Keith Roylance. Alex sendiri kepiawaiannya sudah sangat terbukti diband utamanya Monumental Torment dan pernah membantu penampilan beberapa panggung Decrepit Birth, rasanya cukup memberikan sentuhan Teknikal dinamis struktur musik Arkaik yang lebih meledak2 di materi sebelumnya, kendati begitu, album baru ini meski kental memainkan elemen teknikal, namun beberapa Partisi cepatnya tidak hilang begitu saja. well seperti mendengarkan era albumnya " Polarity " nya Decrepit Banget untuk materi kali ini. With an often overbearing focus on complex, yet soundalike riffs, and blatantly mechanical production, tech death has rarely appealed to me outside of its classic context. That's where Arkaik Keep come in; although they indeed fall in line with the 'tech death' scene, the quality of their work here on " Metamorphignition " has me look past the weaker aspects, and take it for what it is. Suitable to my tastes it isn't, but " Metamorphignition " is one of the best modern tech death albums I've heard. lalu kemudian " Metamorphignition " masih menjadi Chapter " Tapasiatic Exodus " ini semakin menampilkan progresi Musik dengan struktur luar biasa mencengangkan ! sophisticated sophomore Fantastic Tromolo Riffing has Begin a Tapasiatic Exodus  ! struktur Bar riffing yang hampir jarang melakukan Pengulangan ini dikuatkan karakternya dengan Progresif Solo Riffing ciamik pula. The guitar is the central aspect of almost all metal, but the presence and importance of the guitars in Arkaik cannot be underestimated. For better or worse, the songwriting almost entirely revolves around the wizardry of guitarist Craig Peters as lead Guitar Possession ! pertarungan skill dasyat memang memberikan ruang tantangan tersendiri bagi Vokalis Jared Christianson untuk bisa menanamkan Tepat beberapa Pattern Vokal-nya. memasuki Chapter selanjutnya " Sirens in Electric Veils ", 2 track " Sirens in Electric Veils Part 1 dan Sirens in Electric Veils Part 2 " tetap secara mengejutkan menawarkan komposisi serba dinamis dengan harmonisasi kompleks, lagi lagi sinergi Kompak bagi drummer Alex untuk mengejar skill duo Gitarisnya, a mastery of making the double kick sound intense and aggressive, although he covers some more subtle ground with the brilliant interlude track. The complexity of composition is executed proudly, and there is a general sense of musicianship that justifies Arkaik attempting such a degree of activity within their music. This band may be a stronger act than many tech death bands I have heard ! its an Other Decrepit Birth on " polarity " in The veins !! meski ga seliar dan sekompleks Decrepit Birth Banget, namun musikalitas Arkaik dialbum ini memang pantas mulai disejajarkan dengan materi tersebut. Lalu Chapter " Paths of Recognition " mulai memasuki Track " Blade Grasp Priesthood " tetap terus menyuguhkan Komposisi yang Semakin menarik. sepertinya Arkaik ingin lebih menunjukkan bagaimana bermain Technical Death Metal sebenarnya untuk para Band Loser yang ngaku teknikal. technical death metal--the brutality and shred-tastic goodness--but none of the negatives commonly associated with the genre. In other words, they've successfully married technicality with songcraft in a way few have managed before. dan memang beberapa Komponen Riffing tercipta disini adalah Perpaduan antara gaya bermain Chuck Schuldiner nya Death, Muhammed Suiçmez nya Necrophagist dan Matt Sotelo-nya Decrepit Birrth, sungguh sebuah pertarungan Talenta luar biasa untuk diblend menjadi 1 karakter Arkaik. The songs are complex and everything gets changed up often. But the guitar leads have that emotional quality of latter-day Death, and the songs sound like real songs, with a logical progression from one riff to the next instead of random parts thrown in a blender. Really, it's everything you could possibly want. An album this expertly constructed and emotionally impactful doesn't need much else said about it. mengagumkan pula berikutnya adalah penampilan lagu " The Omnipus " yang dimainkan dengan durasi 10:07 ini rasanya semakin menguras Kemampuan dan kreasi mereka, dengar sendiri beberapa sentuhan Arphegio, Shredd dan Pummeling Riffing semakin ditebar begitu fantastis disetiap Lick-nya, Don't let the proficiency of all concerned here decide the songs within, on occasion feeling barely in control of their direction such is the speed it is hurtling towards it's conclusion, Arkaik radar for directing their skill into meaningful songs has gotten lost across moments, leaving a feeling that a lesson in instrumental virtuosity has been taught and not the lesson in death metal artistry I had been truly hoping for. rasanya bener bener selama Hampir 1 jam gw dimanjakan dengan permainan Dasyat Riffing Dinamis yang menyuguhkan sensasi dan kejutan luar biasanya, jelas ini bisa menjadi referensi tersendiri untuk bagaimana dasyatnya mengulik Riff dalam Intensitas Death Metal. keputusan untuk menggandeng Enjiner handal Zack Ohren yang sudah terbukti sukses menciptakan masterpiece dari Decrepit Birth, Brain Drill, Carnifex, All Shall Perish, Cattle Decapitation, Inanimate Existence, Suffocation dan masih buanyak lagi ini diputuskan saat akan merekam materi baru ini meski harus merogoh Kantong lebih dalam, Bukti telah membuktikannya kalo album " Metamorphignition " ini adalah masterpiece Technical Death Metal terbaik Tahun 2012 ! artwork karya seniman terkenal Tony Koehl bagi mereka cukup mewakili Karakter Lirik yang diusung di CD ini. amazingly coherent and tight with their instruments, capable of writing damn near limitless volley of riffs, and brutal enough in the breakdown department to please the less demanding, violent element of death metal showgoers. Metamorphignition sees the band expand upon their prior effort slightly, with a touch more musical aptitude and willingness to expand and incorporate extra classical and progressive influence to their compositions. BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Here it Brutal Technical Death Metal origin Keren Riverside County, California that existed since 2004 and is still a style icon Death Metal Modern Dynamic Millenium era Surprisingly this with all games! a third album "Metamorphignition" the game show genre were brilliant with all touch above average skill, keep doing this archaic Management Arrangement serious song to make a Masterpiece! Guitarist frontman Chance Strickland and vocalist Jared Christianson indeed still retain archaic Style Conceptual Sophomore especially coupled with the subsequent influx of talented members have a lot to give Finishing Style terrible for archaic concept itself! with the intention of creating innovative and creative to take extreme death metal music to the next level. and it seems this will remain a real landslide hit a ngakunya Band2 play or progressive technical concept, but in reality they are band2 "losers" who wants to raise his own Rating Most stupid statement he made hahahaha, warning really feel for who wrote kata2 Gw This is not satire but a form of reality of how we can be more objective with all the words of our own, like to see the back of our own head, will not come true if you do not use a glass, and the glass it is someone else, so that the work, let the will vote themselves not only boast of your own mouth ... hahahaha back to archaic! probably for the umpteenth time, Label International Brutal most known throughout the universe with the release quality metal and dasyatnya, Unique Leader band still retain young talent from their 2nd album "Reflections Within dissonance" in 2010, has matured and neat archaic brought the concept of Technical Death Bang Brutal Metal with some Blastbeat at all compositions. brimming with young, energetic, technical death metal acts, they also had to spawn forth the brash and dazzling archaic, who, with their sophomore outing assists in confirming that the state's claim to the throne of the modern U.S. death. glance it is terrible quality meetings between Decrepit Birth, Deeds Of Flesh, Brain Drill, Gorod and Obscura with a few touches as popular condensed Florida Death Metal Monstrosity and Malevolent Creation. Track album featuring the arrangement of this song as the third chapter, "Tapasiatic Exodus, Sirens in Electric Veils and Paths of Recognition" is a Shape About Perspective On Life Creation science is reflected in the writing so archaic own theme song. The first track "Skin Graft Hieroglyphics" into a writhing mass of mile-a-minute riffs and just enough showmanship to PROVE their technical abilities completely without indulging Themselves and destroying the songs. Technical presentation riffing Fantantis indeed they show off here, the musical structure is increasingly mature and neat, the game dueling duo Craig Peters and Chance Strickland did Synergy extraordinary collaboration with drummer Alex Hernandez-Bent who joined since the year 2011 in place of Keith Roylance. Alex himself was very evident kepiawaiannya main diband Monumental Torment and had helped several stage performances Decrepit Birth, it's enough to give a touch of dynamic Technical archaic musical structure more meledak2 on previous material, even so, this new album despite strong play technical elements, but some of Partition do not go away quickly. well as listening to the era of the album "Polarity" her Decrepit Banget to matter this time. With an often overbearing focus on complex, yet soundalike riffs, and blatantly mechanical production, tech death has rarely appealed to me outside of its classic context. That's where archaic Keep come in; although they indeed fall in line with the 'tech death' scene, the quality of their work here on "Metamorphignition" has to look past the weaker aspects, and take it for what it is. Suitable to my tastes it is not, but "Metamorphignition" is one of the best modern tech death albums I've heard. and then "Metamorphignition" is still a Chapter "Tapasiatic Exodus" This further displays the progression of music with the structure of astounding! Fantastic sophomore Tromolo sophisticated riffing has a Tapasiatic Exodus Begin! Bar riffing structures are almost rarely do Repetition is corroborated by Progressive Solo character riffing ciamik anyway. The guitar is the central aspect of almost all metal, but the presence and importance of the guitars in archaic can not be underestimated. For better or worse, the songwriting revolves almost entirely around the Wizardry of guitarist Craig Peters as lead Guitar Possession! terrible battle skill does give space challenges for Vocalist Jared Christianson to be able to embed Pattern Just a few of his vocals. entering the next chapter "Sirens in Electric Veils", 2 track "Sirens in Electric Sirens Veils Part 1 and Part 2 in Electric Veils" remains surprisingly offers all-round dynamic composition with complex harmonization, again more synergy Compact for drummer Alex to pursue skill duo guitarists , a mastery of making the double kick sound intense and aggressive, although he covers some more subtle ground with the brilliant interlude track. The complexity of composition is proudly executed, and there is a general sense of musicianship that justifies archaic Attempting such a degree of activity within their music. This band may be a Stronger act than many tech death bands I have heard! its an Other Decrepit Birth on "polarity" in the veins! though wild and complex ga Banget Decrepit Birth, but this dialbum archaic musicality deserved to be aligned with the starting material. Then Chapter "Paths of Recognition" began to enter the Track "Blade Grasp Priesthood" continue to present a more interesting composition. seem archaic to further demonstrate how the playing Technical Death Metal Band in fact to the Loser who admit technical. technical death metal - the Brutality and shred-tastic goodness - but none of the negatives commonly associated with the genre. In other words, they've successfully married technicality with songcraft in a way few have managed before. and indeed some riffing component created here is a combination of his style of play Chuck Schuldiner Death, Necrophagist Muhammed her Suiçmez Matt Sotelo and his Decrepit Birrth, it is an incredible talent to fight diblend be 1 archaic character. The songs are complex and everything gets changed up often. But the guitar leads that have emotional quality of latter-day Death, and the songs sound like real songs, with a logical progression from one riff to the next instead of random parts thrown in a blender. Really, it's everything you could possibly want. An album this expertly constructed and emotionally impactful does not need much else said about it. Also admirable is his next song "The Omnipus" performed with a duration of 10:07 this feels more draining ability and their creations, heard him a few touches Arphegio, Shredd riffing and pummeling the stocked so fantastic in every Lick it, Do not let the proficiency of all concerned here decide the songs within, on occasion feeling barely in control of their direction such is the speed it is Hurtling towards it's conclusion, archaic radar for directing their skills into meaningful songs has gotten lost across moments, leaving a feeling that a in instrumental virtuosity lesson has been taught and not the lesson in death metal artistry I had been truly hoping for. Ko Ko taste for almost 1 hour i spoiled with dynamic riffing terrible game that presents an incredible thrill and surprise, obviously this could be a reference to how dasyatnya mengulik distinctive riffs in the intensity of Death Metal. Engineer's decision to hold a reliable Zack Ohren a proven success creating masterpieces of Decrepit Birth, Brain Drill, Carnifex, All Shall Perish, Cattle decapitation, Inanimate Existence, Suffocation and still buanyak again this time decided it would record new material must reach the bag even more Inside, evidence has proved that if the album "Metamorphignition" This is the best masterpiece Technical Death Metal Year 2012! artwork by artist Tony Koehl known for their fairly represent the character of lyrics that carried on this CD. amazingly coherent and tight with their instruments, capable of writing damn near limitless volley of riffs, and brutal enough in the breakdown department to please the less demanding, violent elements of death metal showgoers. Metamorphignition sees the band expand upon their prior effort slightly, with a touch more musical aptitude and willingness to expand and incorporate extra classical and progressive influence to their Compositions. BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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