Rabu, 08 April 2015

Lucretia - Lucretia CD 2012

Lucretia - Lucretia
Off the Records 2012

01 A Minor Etude
02 Melawan Waktu
03 Kayamath
04 Karma
05 Revolusi
06 Stigma
07 Hitam
08 Serial Killer
09 Queen Of Sorrow

Nino Aditya - Guitar/Vocal
Oki Pribadi - Guitar
Pima Aditya - Bass
Imam Ikhsan - Drums

Neoclassic Anthem Thrash Harder !!!!, Surprise banget dengan Full album pertama milik band Thrash metal Asal jakarta ini, LUCRETIA beberapa waktu lalu sempat Gw denger namanya lewat Ep 2010 nya yang khabarnya cuman dirilis 500 kopi cukup membuka Referensi perkembangan Genre Thrash Metal tanah air semakin berkembang dekade ini dengan banyak bermunculannya Genre Thrash Metal !! berbeda dengan kebanyakan band2 Thrash Metal yang ada, Lucretia ini mungkin lebih banyak memberi sentuhan dinamis dengan elemen Neoclasic Mantap pada struktur lagunya. dan bagaimana kalau gw sebut sebagai " Neoclassic Anthem Thrash Harder " ? hahaha coz memang beberapa Kekuatan yang cukup frontal dari elemen Neoclassic metal pengaruh kuat dari Speed/Shred/Neoclassical Metal, Cacophony sangat terasa sekali pada sentuhan lagunya selain pengaruh kuat konsep Megadeth, Slayer, Iron Maiden juga Kreator. dengan pertimbangan yang kian matang, Lucretia coba mematangkan kembali beberapa lagu sebelumnya dari Ep 2010 untuk ditampilkan kembali di full album perdana yang dirilis secara nasional oleh Off the Records jakarta ini. sebuah debutan Album keren Thrash Metal enerjik dan Bertalenta yang sayang untuk dilewatkan begitu saja. mungkin Thrash Metal lain sibuk dengan Gaya Old dan New School-nya, Lucretia tetap eksis dengan gayanya sendiri, makanya deh buru2 gw ingin menulis sesuatu tentang album bagus ini begitu mendapatkannya hehehehe ... digarap di 2 studio, Z-Three Studio dan Bona yang kemudian Finalnya diselesaikan di WD studio ini telah menciptakan masterpiece penting bagi karir bermusik Lucretia yang eksis sejak 2009 lalu dengan skillful thrash metal band and definitely a Shredder neoclassic vs fusion thingy guitar !! langsung dibuka oleh Instrumental Track " A Minor Etude ", seketika langsung mengingatkan Gw dengan Permainan Fenomenal duo Speed/Shred/Neoclassical Metal, Jason Becker dan Marty Friedman dalam Cacophony era " Speed Metal Symphony " banget !! terdengar sekali The fine art of shredding up a hurricane while still managing to pass as a songwriter is a difficult one, merupakan perpaduan yang lebih sinting lagi gayanya Joe Satriani, Great Kat hingga Yngwie Malmsteen ! walau sayang cuman dimainkan dengan durasi 1:35, namun Gw sangat cukup menikmati talenta Duo Gitaris Lucretia yang diatas rata2 memainkan beberapa bagian dari Track Cacophony tersebut hehehe ! disusul kemudian dengan " Melawan waktu " nya, Lucretia mulai menampilkan Kualitas bermusik mereka yang sebenarnya, gempuran Thrash Metal cadas kompak saling mengisi beberapa Ritme Beat Riffing Guitar fantastis-nya pada part awal, kemudian karakter Kreator Beat terasa begitu memasuki Vokal lagunya, Terlalu Konsentrasi dengan Posisi Gitar ke-2, ga menyiutkan Semangat Frontman Nino Aditya untuk fokus dengan jemarinya menemani permainan Lead Guitaris Oki Pribadi, Harsh Thrash Metal Vokal yang begitu khas untuk band2 indonesia dengan pattern vokal terdengar jelas menyuarakan lirik2 lagunya yang begitu frontal menyuarakan kebencian dan ketidakpuasan apa yang mereka lihat sepertinya menjadi soul enerjik pembawaan karakter lagunya. pada Refrain lagu, berulang kali Gitaris Oki memainkan gaya Neoclasikal Riffing secara Clean effect seakan menjadi tradisi unjuk nyata Talenta band sebagai pengusung gaya Neoklasikal serta beberapa solo cantik ditebarkan dengan sangat manis dan anggun, nice track ! The rhythms and riffs on the album are solid as well. That's not to say that they are ground breaking or overly original, but they always fit the direction of the songs, and transition smoothly from one to another. " Kayamath ", masih begitu mengingatkan dengan beberapa gaya melodius Thrash Metal seperti yang di usung oleh Betrayer dan Sarkastic, namun sentuhan beberapa Metallic Riffing ala Lamb Of God coba dipadukan dengan karakteristik Harmonisasi Megadeth dan In Flames terasa di Track ini. membaca setiap Progres lagu Lucretia memang membutuhkan kejelian tersendiri untuk menikmati gaya Melodiusnya yang kental. selain harsh Thrash Vokal, Aji dari band Flag Of Hate menambahkan Karakter Clean emo Vokal di sini, lagi2 beberapa Solo Gitar Cantik kembali ditebar sebagai Ornamen Melodius gaya Lucretia, eh Gw rasa beberapa sentuhan melodic part pada menit akhir track nuansanya lebih membawa ke Karakter Iron Maiden sekali hehehe ... selanjutnya " Karma " tetap menawarkan sayatan Thrash Riffing Modern ciamik! aransemen Melodic Riffing masih kerap menjadi andalan struktur lagunya terdengar semakin Indah. " Revolusi " terus mengajak gw menikmati hentakan2 struktur Thrash metal yang semakin cadas, dentuman twin pedal Imam Ikhsan kian rapat menghantam, disini kekuatan elemen Thrash Metal-nya terasa begitu lebih kental lagi dari sebelumnya. mungkin pembawaan attitude mereka yang terus diselimuti segala kebencian dari Refleksi Pandangan mereka dengan Keadaan sekitar menjadi sebuah Soul tersendiri pada Karakter musik yang mereka usung. feature aggressive vocals that fit the mood of the respective songs perfectly. lalu " Stigma " terus menampilkan Feel Thrash Metal yang kian garang dengan struktur beat yang menendang dan mengajak gw untuk Headbang semakin enerjik ! Style Megadeth, Metallica, Kreator, Iron Maiden hingga Slayer coba terus Lucretia kemas menjadi komponen kejam masih dengan sentuhan part2 yang melodius menjadi sebuah harga mati, Btw koq Gaya Neoclasic-nya Cacophony sudah jarang terdengar sejak Track pertama ya? hehehehe ... dan sebuah lagu keren dan fenomenal tentang Reformasi Tahun 1998 tentu masih terkenang dalam benak kita bagaimana Insiden yang meminta Korban Jiwa menjadi Spirit mereka menulis lagu " Hitam " yang pattern Vokal Musiknya mengingatkan dengan lagunya Megadeth era " Countdown to Extinction " pada karakter bernyanyi " Sweating Bullets " hehehe, tapi komposisi musiknya killer abis track ini, lebih Anthemic banget untuk dinyanyikan bersama sama dengan audience diatas panggung ! tetap dibawakan dengan balutan kental melodius riffing yang semakin terasa menyatu dengan karakter musiknya, lebih Anthemic dengan refrain part-nya yang berbunyi " Lawan !! Lawan !! Lawan !! Aroma breakdown dengan sounding Yang mantap seakan menghanyutkan suasana sekali, apalagi Track ini ditutup dengan Lagu " Gugur Bunga ", benar2 menggambarkan kerusuhan berdarah yang menodai reformasi tahun 1998 dimana Penguasa memang menunjukkan Arogansi-nya. " Serial Killer ", Komposisi lagu ini pun semakin bertambah liar dengan beberapa sentuhan Hypersnare mantap dan Slice Riffing yang Memang Kental sentuhan Megadeth-nya, And not just harmonized scales, but Solo harmonized arpeggios, harmonized tapping, Melodic even the rhythm parts complement each other sometimes. And even the simple power chord sections are being played, they're still pretty catching and they leave you in anticipation for Headbang compostioned ! dan Track penutup ditempati oleh lagu " Queen Of Sorrow ", frontman Nino Aditya tetap tidak kehabisan Ide untuk terus menampilkan Thrash Metal Riffing mantap dan melodiusnya. sebuah lagu yang lebih banyak bagi Nino Aditya menawarkan Style Clean Vokal dan bukan Harsh membuat lagu ini terdengar emotional banget atmosfir-nya, tapi tetap gw nikmati aransemen melodius mantapnya ! dan pada lagu ini juga, Bassis Pima Aditya yang satu2nya member Cewek di Lucretia menyerahkan sepenuhnya diisi oleh Hendra Karunia. sebuah lagu yang dibuat oleh Bassis Pima Aditya tentang seorang cewek bernama Astrid Amelia kalau ga salah hehehe ... sepertinya Irama metal yang serba melodius tetap menjadi sebuah pilihan dikala kita semakin mulai bosan dengan irama2 cepat dan Brutal, CD Full pertama ini akan menjadi suguhan Paling " Manis " dalam kepenatan itu. tersaji dengan sound Produksi yang Balancing dan kemasan Digipack Deluxe CD Lucretia memang disajikan cukup menarik perhatian walau kurang gw dapat informasi tentang band ini karena memang tidak tersedia Booklet Cover selain Lyric dan Thanxs list band. hmmm ... Nevertheless, the primary target audience of this literal onslaught of note flurries doesn't get a full dose of this band's capabilities is more of a straightforward to Thrash Metal Riffing with too much distortion and a Melodic Part backdrop only just for Keep headbang Party !! " skillful is an adjective, not to be mistaken as a part of genre like that miss 'cyberworld celebrity' misunderstood and say stupid idiotic things..:D "

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Neoclassic Anthem Thrash Harder!!!!, Surprise really a full album's first band's Thrash metal Origin jakarta, Lucretia Gw some time ago had heard his name through his Ep 2010 khabarnya cuman released 500 copies simply open References development Thrash Metal genre homeland growing this decade with the emergence of many thrash metal genre! in contrast to most existing band2 Thrash Metal, Lucretia is probably a touch more dynamic with steady Neoclasic element in the structure of the song. and what if i call the "Neoclassic Thrash Harder Anthem"? hahaha coz indeed some considerable strength of the element Neoclassic metal frontal impact of Speed ??/ Shred / Neoclassical Metal, Cacophony are felt at the touch of a strong influence of the concept of the song other than Megadeth, Slayer, Iron Maiden also Education. with an increasingly mature consideration, Lucretia try ripen back some of the previous song Ep 2010 to appear back in full debut album is released nationally by Off the Records jakarta this. a cool debut album Thrash Metal energetic and Talented pity to pass up. may be busy with other Thrash Metal Old Style and the New School, Lucretia still exist with its own style, so deh buru2 i want to write something about this great album so get it hehehehe ... worked in two studios, Z-Three Studio and Bona who later settled in WD The final studio has created a masterpiece important for music career Lucretia exists since 2009 and with skillful thrash metal band and definitely a neoclassic Shredder vs fusion guitar thingy! directly opened by Instrumental Track "A Minor Etude", immediately the game instantly reminded Gw duo Phenomenal Speed ??/ Shred / Neoclassical Metal, Jason Becker and Marty Friedman in Cacophony era "Speed ??Metal Symphony" really!! The sounds all fine art of shredding up a hurricane while still managing to pass as a songwriter is a difficult one, is a blend of style over another crazy Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen Great Kat up! although unfortunately cuman played with a duration of 1:35, but Gw really quite enjoyed the talents of the above Lucretia Duo Guitarist rata2 play some part of the Track Cacophony hehehe! followed by the "Against Time" her, Lucretia began to show their true musical quality, compact rock thrash metal onslaught complement some fantastic Rhythm Beat Guitar riffing his part early on, then the characters Education Beat was so into the song vocals, Too Concentration with The position of the 2nd guitar, ga menyiutkan Frontman Nino Aditya spirit to focus on her fingers play Lead guitarists accompany Personal Oki, Harsh Vocals Thrash Metal that is so typical for band2 Indonesia with a clear voice vocal pattern lirik2 frontal songs such hate and discontent voiced what they look like a soul song energetic character traits. on Refrain song, repeatedly Guitarist Oki playing style riffing in Clean Neoclasikal effect seemed to be a real talent show tradition bearers band as well as several solo Neoclassical style gorgeous cast with a very sweet and graceful, nice track! The rhythms and riffs on the album are solid as well. That's not to say that they are not overly original or ground breaking, but they always fit the direction of the songs, and transition smoothly from one to another. "Kayamath" is so reminiscent of the several styles of melodic thrash metal as in stretcher by Betrayer and Sarkastic, but touch some metallic riffing ala Lamb Of God try combined with the characteristics of Harmonization Megadeth and In Flames felt in this Track. Progress reading every song Lucretia does require its own flair for style Melodiusnya enjoy strong. besides harsh Thrash Vocals, Aji band Flag Of Hate adds Character Vocal Clean emo here, lagi2 some re-stocked Beautiful Solo Guitar Ornament melodic style as Lucretia, eh Gw think some melodic touches part in the final minute track brings more nuance to the character of Iron Maiden once hehehe ... hereinafter "Karma" still offers incisions ciamik Modern Thrash riffing! Melodic riffing arrangements are often a mainstay of the structure of the song sounded more beautiful. "Revolution" continues to bring i enjoy hentakan2 structure of the rock thrash metal, twin boom Imam Ikhsan increasingly tight pedal hit, here the power of thrash metal elements so it feels thicker than before. probably innate attitude that kept them covered all the hatred of Reflection view their situation around into a separate Soul music on their stretcher character. feature aggressive vocals that fit the mood of the respective songs perfectly. and "Stigma" continues to show Thrash Metal Feel the increasingly fierce with a kicking beat structures and invite gw to Headbang more energetic! Style Megadeth, Metallica, Kreator, Iron Maiden to Slayer Boxed Lucretia try to continue to be ruthless components still with a melodic touch part2 into a fixed price, style koq Btw Neoclasic her Cacophony've rarely heard since the first Track huh? hehehehe ... and a cool song and phenomenal Reform of 1998 would linger in our minds how the incident became Spirit Death Toll ask them to write the song "Black" a pattern Vocal music is reminiscent of the era Megadeth song "Countdown to Extinction" in character singing "Sweating Bullets "hehehe, but abis killer track musical compositions, more anthemic really to sing along with the audience on the stage! still sung with melodic riffing creamy dressing that blends with the character felt more music, more anthemic with its chorus part that says "Fight! Fight! Fight!! Aroma The steady breakdown by sounding as if swept ambience all, let alone track was closed with The song "Autumn Flowers", benar2 describing riots that marred the 1998 reform which the Lord did show his arrogance. "Serial Killer", this song composition and the real wild with a few touches Hypersnare steady and Thick Slice It riffing that his touch Megadeth , And not just harmonized scales, but Solo harmonized arpeggios, harmonized tapping, Melodic even the rhythm parts complement each other sometimes. And even the simple power chord sections are being played, they're still pretty catching and they leave you in anticipation for Headbang compostioned! Track cover and occupied by the song "Queen Of Sorrow", frontman Nino Aditya still not run out of ideas to continue to show steady thrash metal riffing and melodiusnya. a song more for Nino Aditya offers Clean Style Harsh Vocals and not make this song sound its very emotional atmosphere, but still i enjoy solid melodic arrangements!, and on this song as well, which satu2nya Aditya Pima Bassist member Lucretia girl handed in fully completed by Hendra gift. a song created by bassist Pima Aditya about a girl named Astrid Amelia if not wrong hehehe ... seems paced melodic metal rhythm remains an option when our increasingly getting bored with irama2 fast and brutal, this first full CD will be a treat Most "sweet" in the fatigue it. presented with the Balancing and sound production Jewel Case packaging Exsclusive Cover Paper presented simple Lucretia was enough to attract attention even less i can get on this band because it's not available except Lyric Booklet Cover and thanxs band list. hmmm ... Nevertheless, the primary target audience of this literal onslaught of note flurries does not get a full dose of this band's capabilities is more of a straightforward to thrash metal riffing with too much distortion and a Melodic Part backdrop only just for Keep headbang Party! "skillful is an adjective, not to be mistaken as a part of the genre like that miss 'Cyberworld celebrity' misunderstood and say stupid idiotic Things ..: D "

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