Rabu, 08 April 2015

Trauma - Perennial CD 2012

Trauma - Perennial
Off the Records 2012

01 ...into Perennial (Intro)        
02 Dimana Kita Datang, Disitu Kita (Pasti!) - Menang        
03 Cermin Buruk Beribu Dosa        
04 My Destiny, My Victory        
05 Pendekar Mimpi        
06 Stench of Corpse        
07 Mengarungi Lautan Emosi        
08 Hidup Adalah Sebuah Kemenangan        
09 Kerajaan Jiwa Mati        
10 Propaganda Pembunuh Asa        
11 Tirani        
12 Jiwa Penghancur        
13 Kill Lou Guzzo (Bonus Track)

Nino Aspiranta - Vocals
Sutan Heila Tanissan - Guitars
Rusdi Hamid - Bass
Ramadhani Utomo - Drums

Bukan Perkara hal mudah untuk mempertahankan sebuah Eksistensi Band yang menginjak di usia yang Ke- 20 Tahun, karena memang banyak yang harus dilalui dalam masa tersebut, ibarat membina Rumah Tangga, Keutuhan sebuah band tidak jauh kalau boleh Gw gambarkan dalam hal ini, dan salah satu God Father Death Metal Indonesia, TRAUMA yang namanya tentu sudah tidak asing dikenal lama bertahan eksis dengan idealisme bermusiknya. terbentuk sejak tahun 1992, Trauma sudah banyak sekali mengalami Bongkar pasang formasi yang sepertinya adalah sebuah paradigma lumrah terjadi terhadap sebuah band, berangkat menjadi sebuah generasi ke-2 Formasi Trauma yang dimulai oleh Vokalis dan Frontma Benino Aspiranta yang lebih akrab disapa sebagai Nino ini adalah Mantan Vokalis Band Homicide sebagai awal kiprahnya di scene metal. seperti halnya biduk sebuah rumah tangga, kerikil dan pertentangan pasti akan selalu terjadi karena Perbedaan Konsep dan masalah lain, sejak materi sebelumnya " Dominasi Kemenangan " tahun 2008 yang menjadi album full ke-3 Trauma, band ini banyak mengalami Perkembangan yang pesat dan Signifikan sejak album ke-2 " Paradigma: Demi Hidup Tak Perlu Harus Mati " tahun 2003 dan tentu mempunyai Perbedaan Konsep dengan album pertama " Extinction of Mankind " tahu 1998 yang menjadi Masterpiece Klasik Trauma sepanjang karir-nya. dan memang sejak rilis album Ke-2, Musikalitas Konsep Trauma mengalami cukup banyak Pergeseran yang terasa frontal, Death Metal yang Catchy, Intense dan Dewasa, yang kemudian hal seperti ini semakin dipertahankan memasuki album penuh ke-4 Trauma " Perennial ", yang sepintas Gw dengerin keseluruhan tetap menawarkan Komposisi musik yang semakin dewasa dan matang, Harmonisasi yang serba melodius dengan kekuatan epic semakin memperkuat Karakter utamanya. dan masih begitu terasa sekali Konsep era album " Dominasi Kemenangan " masih begitu terbawa atmosfir dan feel-nya di album ini, bahkan album ini semakin menunjukkan sisi matang bagi Trauma. aransemen nada dan Ritme musik bagus secara keseluruhan terangkum dalam 12 lagu. kayaknya ga Menarik kalo ga gw kupas satu persatu lagunya, karena selain ingin berbagi Informasi tentang materi album gress ini, gw seperti semakin merasa penasaran dengan Progress musik Trauma bersama drummer Barunya, Ramadhani Utomo yang secara ga langsung telah memberi suntikan darah segar pada komposisi dan karakter-nya. .... dan untuk urutan awal terdapat sebuah Intro Clean Guitar Intrumental dari Sutan Heila Tanissan atau sapaan akrabnya sebagau Heila cukup memberikan nuansa Epic Tradisional dan etnis pada sentuhan String Gitarnya selama 2.23 menit, dan kemudian langsung disambung dengan Fantastis Track " Dimana Kita Datang, Disitu Kita (Pasti!) - Menang ", seperti menjadi sebuah Skuel lanjut dari Attitude Materi era " Dominasi Kemenangan ", Trauma masih kental sekali menawarkan epic Track yang kuat sekali elemen Melodius dan sentuhan Death Metal root-nya, dengan sentuhan Modern Sound lebih Perfect semakin menajamkan nuansa Musik yang tersajikan dengan sangat apik ! dan seperti yang Gw tahu, Seperti apapun, ada unsur dasar untuk komposisi  musik. Esensi material dari musik terletak pada melodi nya, harmoni, irama, dan dinamika. Melody memberikan musik sebuah soul, sedangkan irama/rhythm campuran ekspresi harmoni dan dinamika dengan tempo dari bagian itu. Semua itu diperlukan untuk menciptakan sebuah pola yang lebih kita kenal dengan sebutan "lagu." nah dari situlah Gw menangkap sebuah esensi matang dalam Trauma mengkonsep lagunya. sentuhan Kuat karakter Amon Amarth masih begitu terasakan pada beberapa part-nya. Rythym Beat yang mantap semakin memberi kekuatan dasyat beberapa Riffing Heila yang di imbangi dengan permainan Mantap Drummer Ramadhani Utomo memang terkesan simple namun cukup menaruh kekuatan dasyat hampir disemua Struktur lagu dengan lebih terkontrol dan Rapi. dan Indera dengar Gw masih begitu tersita sekali dengan setiap bentuk progres riffing Heila yang tampil semakin melodius dan terstruktur oleh panjangnya dan intensitas seperti sebuah frase dalam musik adalah satuan makna dalam struktur yang lebih besar dari lagu secara keseluruhan. irama dan klimaks adalah bagian musik sebagai titik tinggi intensitas, nah dari situlah bisa Gw gambarkan Bagaimana seorang Heila mulai seperti menemukan Jati dirinya untuk mengolah dan mengaransemen Riffing yang Yahud ! sementara Karakter Growling Nino pun masih tetap Powerfully untuk pattern Lirik lagunya yang tersuarakan begitu jelas setiap lafal kalimat yang diucapkannya, karena menurut gw, Nino tetap lebih bertanggung jawab dengan segala Lirik yang dia tulis dan ga asal Berkoar saja. Good Job Guys !! lalu Bassis Rusdi Hamid seperti tidak terlalu tampil menonjol, namun tetap memberikan Bobot sound Musik Trauma tetap perfect ! ... " Cermin Buruk Beribu Dosa ", sedikit bergeser dari Konsep lagu awal, Gaya Catchy Headbanger Riff lebih banyak ditawarkan disini tanpa melepas kekuatan Harmonisasi Melodius Riffing-nya, dan sentuhan Kuat Amon Amarth pun masih nempel pada beberapa lick dan struktur lagunya. Slicing dan Metallic Riffing ala Lamb Of God dan As I Lay Dying juga menjadi beberapa Bumbu menyengat-nya. Power track ini memang lebih enerjik dengan Ketukan hypersnare mantap surprize membangunkan Konsentrasi Gw saat headbang hehehehe ... " My Destiny, My Victory " pun semakin lebih Easy Listening dengan gaya Rythym yang modern dan sedikit bergaya Alternative pada Breakpartdown-nya, Typical Riff metallic hardcore pun semakin kental terpadu dengan beberapa sentuhan Thrash Riff Catchy. an Track that sadly remains much underappreciated among fans due to its admittedly simple, yet in my opinion, amazingly catchy compositions. When it came out I thought it was their strongest offering so far, well balanced and with zero point zero filler the nice tracks. " Pendekar Mimpi ", lirik yang lebih bergaya Kolosol yang Indonesia banget ini Nino ingin coba lebih memberikan Lirik Antemic untuk semakin membangkitkan semangat Kita dengan Lirik kuat seperti kalimat " Bangkitlah dari Mimpimu, Hidup ini adalah dirimu, raih asa setinggi Mimpimu, Hidup ini memang dirimu ", sebuah ungkapan Moral sederhana yang terlalu dianggap ringan oleh Remaja saat ini dengan segala pengaruh disekitarnya, terlalu mudah untuk disingkirkan kalimat bijaksana ini dan menyesali kemudian jika tidak dimengerti nantinya, well sudah saatnya lirik seperti ini harus lebih banyak memberi Pengaruh dan kemajuan dari pola berfikir remaja yang terlalu di perbudak dengan segala Modernisasi. dengan gaya bermain yang kembali menawarkan part2 melodius sedikit mengingatkan gw dengan gaya lama In Flames dan Amorphis nuansanya. lalu track lawas dari materi album pertama " Extinction of Mankind ", " Stench of Corpse " diaransemen kembali berikutnya menjadi lebih memiliki Karakter dari versi sebelumnya, selain menambahkan elemen2 yang Melodius, Track yang masih membawa pengaruh lama Trauma era Kejayaannya Avulsed, Gorefest, Crack Up hingga Fleshgrind ini semakin dinamis saja aransemennya. It also has a very powerful chorus, a trait it shares with most songs of this Hel of an album, It boasts stellar percussion AGAIN, memorable riffs and melodies AGAIN, thunderous vocals AGAIN and it kicks enormous amounts of ass, Again and again! A battle song that ranks amongst Amon Amarth most cherished tunes, it will always be a crowd pleaser and one my personal favorites, Yeahhh !! ... " Mengarungi Lautan Emosi ", Sutan Heila Tanissan semakin lebih menawarkan Komposisi Riffing yang catchy untuk memancing Adrenalin gw untuk Headbang and Headbang ! It lacks the dynamism of the preceding songs, but it does have its moments and it’s a fitting finale. " Hidup Adalah Sebuah Kemenangan ", tetap menawarkan Nuansa Kuat Amon Amarth sekali menjadi sebuah sajian yang nikmat tentunya sambil mengendurkan Otot2 yang kaku setelah rutinitas seharian, Trauma seperti sedang menawarkan Terapi rileksasi melalui Struktur musik Indah dengan balutan Kuat Harmonisasi Riffing melodius-nya. keintiman ekspresi musik Trauma disini bolehlah gw Gambarkan sebagai " melodi, harmoni, irama, dan dinamika " yang semua ini mutlak adalah bagian dari apa yang kita ketahui sebagai Kekuatan "lagu" matang. kemudian " Kerajaan Jiwa Mati " masih tiada bosan2nya Gaya Catchy Headbang Riffing menjadi Opening Part hampir disetiap lagu dialbum ini. " Propaganda Pembunuh Asa " sebuah Ungkapan Sarkas yang Keren bilamana Seorang Trauma mendapatkan Ide Kata2 bagus ini menjadi sebuah lirik lagu Provokatif Positif. dengan Break Opening awal lebih kesentuhan band2 Power Metal style banget. bahkan " Tirani " digeber dengan lebih Powerfully melalui beberapa hentakan Hypersnare mantap memberi kekuatan hidup yang lebih enerjik lagi pada komponen dan aransemen lagunya. " Jiwa Penghancur " tidak henti2nya Trauma semakin menawarkan Headbanger dan Melodius Part semata mata untuk memberi atmosfir ritual sing along dan Headbang party ! It has some capable leads, but some of the lowest growls I have ever seen are what actually holds the song together. It might be the most emotional song of the album, and its solo pretty much obligates the listener to picture the scene that is being described. dan Track akhir Trauma menambahkan 1 Bonus Track cover song " Kill Lou Guzzo " milik Band The Dehumanizer, Termasuk Legendaris Crust Punk asal Seattle, Washington yang eksis sejak 1982 dan sekarang memang banyak meninggalkan sejarah di aransemen kembali menjadi lebih kuat karakter Death metal dan beberapa sentuhan Trauma banget tentunya hehehehe, sekaligus menjadi Track dengan durasi terpanjang disini. tetap memberikan sentuhan tersendiri pada materi album yang dikerjakan di Jalak Studio dan dihandle semuanya oleh Drummer Ramadhani Utomo yang diketahui adalah pemilik Studio, Ramadhani Utomo adalah seorang Enjiner dengan SDM sounding music bagus yang terbukti memang pada album ke-4 Trauma ini memiliki Kualitas Rekaman Profesional dengan hasil maksimal yang pengerjaan materi ini dilakukan sejak Tahun 2010 hingga 2011, Goodwork Dhani !! dan yang menarik lagi disini adalah Kemasan Kover album CD Deluxe Digipack lengkap dengan Booklet Kover didalamnya yang semuanya dicetak Exclusive Full colour oleh Off The Records Plus nikmati Artwork Colosal Style banget karya seniman Sidjimbe Art lalu disempurnakan dengan sentuhan Warna oleh Adi Sudrajat sepertinya memang telah menjadi Imej Baru Trauma sebagai Band Asli Indonesia banget !, yang merupakan Sub label dari The Sound Of Legend musik2 Pop dan daerah, Bravo Musik, yang Off The Records ini memang khusus memberi support peluang bagi band2 genre metal Potensial dari Ibukota dan Off The Records bukan yang bermarkas di Miami, Florida amrik itu loh ! ga itu saja, Off The Records juga kembali merilis ulang 2 album Trauma sebelumnya, " Extinction Of Mankind/Torment defined' ep " dan album ke-2 " Paradigma: Demi Hidup Tak Perlu Harus Mati " yang ke-3 rilisan ini akhirnya bisa diperoleh sebagai Re-issued Digipack Boxset khusus untuk para Traumaniac ! Ingin merasakan sensasi yang berbeda ditengah jenuh-nya gempuran2 musik cepat dan Nuansa Berisik? Solusi-nya tetap pada Lagu2 Trauma yang Easy Listening Death Metal dengan balutan kental Melodius part disana sini, walau kadang terdengar seperti mengulang ulang Part, Komposisi Musiknya tetap Indah dikonsumsi. segera dapatkan di Toko2 kaset/CD terdekat Kota elo, tetap menjadi Rekomendasi khusus dari Gw buat Fans Die Hard Death Metal Still Alive !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Case it is not easy to maintain an existence Band stepped in to age-20 year, because there are many that must be passed in this period, like foster Household, a band not much integrity that should Gw described in this case, and one God Father of Death Metal Indonesia, TRAUMA whose name certainly is not foreign to survive long known to exist with musical ideals. established since 1992, been a lot of trauma experienced Unloading plug formation is a paradigm that seems common place for a band, go into a generation-2 Formation Trauma started by vocalist and Frontma Benino Aspiranta more familiarly called as Nino is ex Band Vocalist Homicide as the first round in the metal scene. Big Dipper as a household, gravel and conflict will always occur because of differences Concepts and other problems, since the previous material "Domination Victory" in 2008 which became the third full album Trauma, the band has undergone many rapid and significant developments since the album to-2 "paradigm: No Need For Life Must Die" in 2003 and of course have differences with the concept of the first album "Extinction of Mankind" know the 1998 Masterpiece Classic Trauma throughout his career. and indeed since the release of the album Into-2, Trauma Concept musicality had enough shift that feels frontal, Death Metal Catchy, Intense and Adults, and then things like this the more sustained into the fourth full album Trauma "Perennial", a cursory Gw listen to a whole still offers music composition is increasingly mature and mature, Harmonization paced melodic epic power reinforced by the main character. and still so pronounced once the era concept album "Domination Victory" was so carried away and feel the atmosphere on this album, this album even more shows mature side to Trauma. arranger good tone and rhythm of the music as a whole is summed up in 12 songs. Interesting ga ga I think if i peeled one by one song, because in addition to sharing information about the material gress this album, i like the feel curious about the Progress Trauma music with his New drummer, Ramadhani ga Utomo which directly has given an injection of fresh blood on the composition and character her. .... and for the initial order, there is a Clean Intro Guitar instrumental of Sutan Heila Tanissan sebagau Heila or greeting familiar enough to give the feel of Epic Traditional and ethnic touches His guitar strings for 2:23 minutes, and then directly connected to the Fantastic Track "Where We Come, There, we (must !) - Win, "as being a Skuel up of the Attitude era material" Domination Victory, "Trauma is still very thick offering epic track with strong melodic elements and a touch of Death Metal its root, with a touch of Modern Sound over the sharp shades Perfect Music which tersajikan very slick! and as Gw know, like anything, there is a basic element for musical composition. Material essence of music lies in its melody, harmony, rhythm, and dynamics. Melody gave the music a soul, while the rhythm / rhythm mixed with a dynamic expression of harmony and tempo of the passage. All that is needed to create a pattern that is more familiar with the term "song." nah that's where Gw captures an essence Trauma mature in conceptualizing the song. Strong character Amon Amarth touch is so felt in several parts of her. Beat a steady rythym growing enormously empowering Heila some riffing that in Balance with Steady Drummer Ramadhani Utomo game may seem simple, but enough to put almost all terrible power structure of the song with more controlled and neat. and the sense of hearing is so preoccupied Gw once with each form of progress Heila riffing that appear more melodic and structured by the length and intensity of such a phrase in music is a unit of meaning in a larger structure of the song as a whole. rhythm and climax are a part of music as a high point of intensity, well that's where Gw can describe How a Heila start like finding Teak himself to cultivate riffing and arranging the Yahud! Character Growling while Nino was still powerfully for song lyrics that tersuarakan pattern so clearly every sentence spoken pronunciation, because according to I, Nino still more responsible with all the lyrics that he wrote and ga home boasting only. Good Job Guys! and bassist Rusdi Hamid as not to stand out too, but still provide sound Yarn Music Trauma remains perfect! ... "Mirror Poor Thousands of Sin", slightly shifted from the concept of the song beginning, Style Riff Catchy Headbanger more offered here without removing power Harmonization his melodic riffing, and a touch of Amon Amarth Strong is still stuck on a few licks and song structures. Metallic riffing style slicing and Lamb Of God and As I Lay Dying are also being stung her some seasoning. Power is indeed more energetic track with a steady knock hypersnare surprize wake Gw concentration when headbang hehehehe ... "My Destiny, My Victory" was getting more Easy Listening Rythym a modern style and a little style Breakpartdown Alternative on her, Typical metallic hardcore riffs are increasingly integrated with some touches viscous Thrash Riff Catchy. Track's much that remains sadly underappreciated among fans due to its admittedly simple, yet in my opinion, amazingly catchy Compositions. When it came out I thought it was their strongest offering so far, well balanced and with zero point zero filler the nice tracks. "Dream Warrior", the lyrics are more stylish Kolosol that Indonesia's Nino really want to try to better provide for the lyrics Antemic We are encouraging with strong lyrics as in "Rise of your dreams, life is yourself, reach up as high as your dreams, Life is yourself ", a phrase that is too simple moral underestimated by teenagers today with all the influences around him, too easy to get rid of these wise words and regret later if you do not understand the future, well it's time to lyrics like these should give more influence and progress of thought patterns teens who are in bondage to any modernization. with a style of play that again offer part2 melodic style slightly reminiscent gw old In Flames and Amorphis nuances. last track of older material first album "Extinction of Mankind", "Stench of Corpse" arranged back next become more in character than the previous version, while adding a melodic elemen2, Track who still carry the old influences avulsed Trauma era heyday, Gorefest, Crack Up to be more dynamic this Fleshgrind aransemennya. It also has a very powerful chorus, a trait it shares with most songs of this Hel of an album, It boasts stellar percussion AGAIN, memorable riffs and melodies AGAIN, AGAIN thunderous vocals and it kicks enormous amounts of ass, Again and again! A battle song that ranks amongst Amon Amarth most cherished tunes, it will always be a crowd pleaser and one my personal favorites, Yeahhh!! ... "Navigating the Ocean Emotion", Sutan Heila Tanissan getting more offers compositions with catchy riffing for fishing Adrenalin gw to Headbang and Headbang! It lacks the Dynamism of the preceding songs, but it does have its moments and it's a fitting finale. "Life Is a Victory", nevertheless offers Nuance Strong Amon Amarth once into a scrumptious dish Otot2 course while loosening stiff after a routine day, trauma such as being offered relaxation therapy through music structure with a bandage Strong Beautiful Harmonization his melodic riffing. Trauma musical expression of intimacy so-so here i Describe as "melody, harmony, rhythm, and dynamics" that all of this is absolutely a part of what we know as Power "song" mature. then "Kingdom of the Soul is Dead" still no bosan2nya Headbang Catchy riffing style into Opening Part dialbum this almost every song. "Propaganda Killer Asa" a phrase that Keren Sarkas when A Trauma kata2 good idea to get this into a positive provocative lyrics. Opening Break beginning with more kesentuhan band2 Power Metal style really. even the "Tyranny" lauched by more powerfully through some steady beats Hypersnare gives a more energetic life force again on components and arrangements of his songs. "Soul Destroyer" Trauma henti2nya no further offers and melodic Part Headbanger merely to give the atmosphere of ritual Headbang sing along and party! It has some capable leads, but some of the Stop growls I have ever seen are what actually holds the song together. It might be the most emotional song of the album, and its solo pretty much obligates the listener to picture the scene that is being described. and the end of the Trauma Track 1 Bonus Track add cover song "Kill Lou Guzzo" belongs Band The Dehumanizer, Including Legendary Crust Punk from Seattle, Washington which existed since 1982 and now is a lot of history in the arrangement left back became stronger character death metal and some touch hehehehe really Trauma course, as well as a track with the longest duration here. still provide an individual touch to the material on the album is done and handled everything starling studio by drummer Ramadhani Utomo known is the owner of Studio, Ramadhani Utomo is an Engineer with good HR sounding music that proved to be the album-4 Trauma has a Professional Recording Quality the most that construction materials made from year 2010 to 2011, GoodWork Dhani! and here is another interesting Packaging Packaging CD's Coverage album, Jewel Cases Paper Booklet Coverage simple complete with everything inside the Exclusive Full color printed by Off The Records Plus Colosal Style Artwork really enjoy the work of artists Sidjimbe Art and enhanced with a touch of color by Adi Sudrajat The image looks like it has become a New Trauma as an Original Band Indonesia really!, which is a sub label of The Sound Of Pop Legend musik2 and regions, Bravo Music, the Off The Records is indeed a special opportunity to give support to the metal genre band2 Potential of capital and Off The Records not based in Miami, Florida that Americans are loh! ga alone, Off The Records also re-released 2 albums Trauma birthday ever, "Extinction Of Mankind / Torment defined 'ep' and the 2nd album" Paradigm: No Need For Life Must Die "is the third release could eventually be acquired as a special format for the Traumaniac Boxset! Want to feel different sensations amid gempuran2 saturated his music quickly and Feel Whoop? The solution remains on the Easy Listening lagu2 Trauma Death Metal with melodic heavy cast parts here and there, even though sometimes it sounds like repeating Part, music composition remained Beautiful consumed. immediately get in toko2 cassette / CD nearest elo City, remains a specific recommendation of Gw for Die Hard Fans Death Metal Still Alive!!!

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