Selasa, 28 April 2015

Iniquitous - Returns To Deeds Of Old EP 2010

Iniquitous - Returns To Deeds Of Old ' Ep
Subgenre Records EP 2010

01 Christened in Carnage 04:02    
02 Reprisal of the Ravaged 03:03    
03 I... Abomination 03:26

Mark Denton - Bass
Mike Smith - Drums
Dennis Munoz - Guitar
Jeff Wirth - Guitar
Kenny Garcia - Vocals

Mungkin pada ga banyak yang tau Jika band Brutal Death Metal sangar asal San Antonio, Texas yang eksis sejak 2002, INIQUITOUS ini adalah band yang memiliki Komposisi musik yang mengerikan !, dan lebih mengerikan lagi kalau band ini dihuni oleh 2 Manusia yang namanya sudah sangat dikenal di Kancah Metal Internasional, Yup Drummer Berkulit Hitam Mike Smith yang namanya sangat kita kenal banget sebagai salah satu drummer fantastis sepanjang karir-nya di Suffocation !! yup, sepertinya Drummer berkulit gelap dasyat ini sedang sibuk membuka Mood-nya bergabung dibeberapa band ketimbang fokusnya dulu cuman hanya di Suffocation, catat aja band mike saat ini setelah cabut dari Suffocation, Mike pernah dan eksis di band Synesis Absorption, Grimm Real, dan ex-Psychometry, bersama Gitaris Dennis Munoz yang pernah memperkuat barisan Death metal Kugiran Demolition Hammer dan Solstice, Dennis Munoz pun ikut memperkuat barisan Iniquitous menjadi semakin mantap !! walau Konsep band ini masih begitu ga jauh dengan Suffocation era " Soul To Deny " dan album seterusnya, Iniquitous memang tampil menyakinkan di Ep pertama ini !! jadi elo mesti harus denger sendiri kedasyatannya ! bersama dengan bassis Mark Denton dari Band Brutal Images of Violence dan Sarcolytic, kemudian ada Gitaris Jeff Wirth dan Vokalis Kenny Garcia. surprise memang debutan 3 lagu ini membuat Subgenre Records tertarik untuk merilisnya dalam format vinyl dan Kemudian Pathologically Explicit Recordings pun tertarik untuk merilisnya dalam format  CD. Estetika Suffocation In The Vein memang paling Kuat Gw tangkap disini walau Band ini mencoba menggabungkan dengan beberapa Catchy Part yang unik sekalipun. However great song structures, a staple of every Suffocation release thus far, is still present and their still are plenty of brutal breakdowns. The drumming of Mike Smith is great as usual, as he bashes the hell out of his kit. He actually had a pretty long absence from extreme metal, which makes his performance all the more awesome! Track pertama " Christened in Carnage " cukup tampil mengagumkan dengan hentakan Middle Down Faster Twin Pedal rapat Mike Smith tentu masih memorable dengan karakter kuatnya. The instruments are mixed well, and everything can be heard real well including both guitars, as one needs to make the separation through each speaker to get the proper feel for the music. Gitaris Dennis Munoz dan Jeff Wirth lebih coba memainkan beberapa Gaya Riffing in The Vein Monstrosity dan New Malevolent Creation, I really feel this Track is underrated, though at the same time it’s not even close to their best. memang komposisi dan struktur musik dinamis masih menjadi Unggulan 2 jawara death metal ini. tempo sedang, cepat dan lambat adalah beberapa bagian mutlak yang terus band ini kembangkan. dengan karakter sounding Drummer Modern, Skill Mike Smith agak sedikit kurang dominan dikenali Karakternya. The riffing is done at varying paces and is extremely technical. The tone produced by the guitars couldn’t be more appropriate. The solos are very enjoyable as well. lalu Lagu " Reprisal of the Ravaged " yang Booklet Sleeve Cover CD ditulis menjadi " My Enemy " semakin menampilkan permainan yang mantap lagi, gempuran twin pedal rapat dengan sayatan Tremolo Headbanger riffin part Fantastis seperti kebanyakan diusung oleh Pioner Death Metal Florida seperti Malevolent Creation serta Solstice lumayan terasakan. I get some slightly odd time signatures, the title track being a good example. Everything is nicely layered and gives a very brutally textured, percussive sound. sementara karakter Vokalis Kenny Garcia lumayan tampil powerfully walau belum memiliki banyak pengalaman diband sebelumnya, Kenny Garcia telah melakukan tugas berkoarnya secara baik. dan Track terakhir " I... Abomination ", lebih memainkan beberapa harmonisasi Riffing lumayan memorable, track ini lebih mencoba lagi eksplorasi Dimensi Musik yang semakin dinamis dengan beberapa sentuhan menjadikan lagunya semakin variatif tanpa mengandalkan kecepatan saja. rasanya 3 lagu kurang cukup bagi gw untuk menikmati komposisi musik keren debutan band yang mulai menarik perhatian kancah metal ini, semoga album full mereka segera keluar dengan progresi musik semakin mengerikan lagi menjadi harapan terbesar gw ! It keeps you interested, and you want to keep coming back to it. I know I've listened to it a good number of times, and am proud to have purchased it. Slap on some incredible artwork by the great Dan Seagrave, you've got yourself an album. This was a nessecary record for both Suffocation and death metal genre in a broad sense. It challenges a past legacy without even attempting to rewrite it. The vibe, the musicianship and the intelligent construction that existed in the early years is alive and well on this release.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Perhaps the ga many know If Brutal Death Metal band from San Antonio frightening, Texas that existed since 2002, it is the band INIQUITOUS have terrible music composition!, And much worse if the band is populated by 2 man whose name is well known International Metal in the arena, Yup skinned Black Drummer Mike Smith whose name so we know really as one fantastic drummer throughout his career in Suffocation!! yup, it looks like this terrible dark Drummer was busy opening his moods joined several bands rather than focus only on the first cuman Suffocation, the band recorded mike wrote today after the pull of Suffocation, Mike never existed in the band and Synesis Absorption, Grimm Real, and the ex -psychometry, along with guitarist Dennis Munoz's line ever death metal and Solstice Kugiran Demolition Hammer, Dennis Munoz had come to strengthen the ranks Iniquitous becomes more stable! The concept of the band while still so far with Suffocation ga era "Soul To Deny" and album onwards, Iniquitous did appear convincing at first Ep! so elo should have heard yourself kedasyatannya! along with bassist Mark Denton of Band Brutal Images of Violence and Sarcolytic, then there is a guitarist and vocalist Jeff Wirth Kenny Garcia. indeed surprise debutant 3 this song makes subgenre interested Records to release the vinyl format Pathologically Explicit Recordings and then was interested to release it in CD format. Aesthetics Suffocation In The Vein is the most Powerful Gw catch here though band is trying to merge with some unique Part Catchy though. However great song structures, a staple of every Suffocation release thus far, is still present and their are still plenty of brutal breakdowns. The drumming of Mike Smith is great as usual, as he bashes the hell out of his kit. He actually had a pretty long absence from extreme metal, roomates makes his performance all the more awesome! The first track "Christened in Carnage" appears quite awesome with the beat of Middle Down Twin Pedal Faster meeting Mike Smith would still be memorable with strong character. The instruments are mixed well, and everything can be heard real well Including both guitars, as one needs to make the separation through each speaker to get the proper feel for the music. Guitarist Dennis Munoz and Jeff Wirth tried to play a few more style riffing in The New Vein Monstrosity and Malevolent Creation, I really feel this track is underrated, though at the same time it's not even close to their best. composition and structure of the musical is still a dynamic second seed's death metal champions. moderate tempo, fast and slow are some parts that hold absolute band develop. Modern Drummer sounding character, Skill Mike Smith is a bit less dominant character recognition. The riffing is done at varying Paces and is extremely technical. The tone produced by the guitars could not be more appropriate. The solos are very enjoyable as well. last song "Reprisal of the ravaged" the Booklet CD Cover Sleeve written to "My Enemy" is increasingly showing a steady game again, the twin onslaught of a meeting with the incision Tremolo pedal Headbanger riffin Fantastic unlike most part carried by pioneers such as Florida Death Metal Malevolent Creation and Solstice passable felt. I get some slightly odd time signatures, the title track being a good example. Everything is nicely layered and textured gives a very brutally, percussive sound. while the character of Kenny Garcia Vocalist performing powerfully passable though not yet had much experience diband before, Kenny Garcia has done a good job berkoarnya. Track and last "I. .. Abomination", harmonized riffing over play some pretty memorable, this track is more exploratory dimension retry an increasingly dynamic music with a few touches to make the song more varied without relying on speed alone. 3 songs feels less enough for gw to enjoy cool music composition debutant band began to attract the attention of this metal scene, their full album hopefully soon come out with the awful music progressions again become the greatest hope gw! It keeps you interested, and you want to keep coming back to it. I know I've Listened to it a good number of times, and am proud to have purchased it. Slap on some incredible artwork by the great Dan Seagrave, you've got yourself an album. This was a record for both nessecary Suffocation and death metal genre in a broad sense. It challenges a past legacy without even Attempting to rewrite it. The vibe, the musicianship and the intelligent construction that Existed in the early years is alive and well on this release.

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