Selasa, 28 April 2015

Execration - The Acceptance of Zero Existence CD 2012

Execration - The Acceptance of Zero Existence
Comatose Music 2012

01 Through the Portal 00:55    
02 Awake the Darkened 02:19    
03 The Acceptance of Zero Existence 05:56    
04 Infernal Rites of Exsanguination 03:37    
05 Serpentine Changeling 03:37    
06 The Stars Will Make Known My Rage 03:49    
07 Further Through the Portal 01:34    
08 Queen Amongst the Wolves 02:36    
09 The Great Fall 05:15    
10 Falling Through the Portal 01:56    
11 The First Death 05:56

Shawn - Bass
Kevin Elrod - Drums
Jerred Houseman - Guitars
Wyatt Houseman - Vocals
Brian Palmer - Guitars

MORE FASTEST AND FASTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... itu menjadi kesan pertama Gw begitu mendengar debutan Kedua Band Brutal Death Metal asal Colorado Springs, Amrik ini memadukan elemen Death Metal dengan Black Metal melalui Gempuran rapat Brutal Death Blaster !! band yang banyak memiliki kesamaan nama diseluruh Jagad metal termasuk 2 lagi dari Amrik, tidak menyulut hentakan selanjutnya mereka di album ke-2 ini. band bentukan mantan member Brutal Death Band Dismemberment memang ingin lebih menyajikan kemasan hingar bingarnya brutal death musik dengan intensitas permainan serba cepat dengan atmosfir penuh kegelapan. That said, there is a certain level of dynamic range to this album which prevents it from subsisting on the monotony that often permeates such a brutal, blast-driven record. Lots of grooves and chugs cavorting about its nihilistic landscape. pada materi album pertama " A Feast for the Wretched " tahun 2008 menampilkan bassis Mike Poggione yang sudah populer main diband terkenal seperti Capharnaum, Eulogy, Monstrosity, Vile, ex-Lecherous Nocturne, ex-Trivium, ex-The Autumn Offering, dan ex-Scab Maggot, pada Formasi album ke-2 ini posisinya tergantikan oleh Bassis Shawn. tetap dengan gaya Multiple Vokal enerjik, Execration semakin melaju Kencang dengan komposisi cadasnya. dimulai dengan sebuah Intro " Through the Portal " yang epic banget kemudian dibantai abis abisan dengan track " Awake the Darkened " selanjutnya hentakan Rapat Blastbeater drumming menyiksa dari Kevin Elrod yang mengerjakan proses Mixing album ini. duet Gitaris berdarah Jerred Houseman dan Brian Palmer beberapa kali menawarkan elemen Riffing Gitar hitam yang mengingatkan gw dengan gelapnya Riffing Morbid Angel era " Covenant " yang dipadukan dengan gaya Cannibal Corpse Tap Fast Riffing ! Acrobatic flights of tremolo picked guitars that create the claustrophobic sensation that you are being curb stomped by giant insects. I'd also commend the bassist, who is performing constant loops and lines that very often swerve around or step away from the central guitar progressions. Faster Blast Snare kadang mengingatkan dengan kekejaman Cryptopsy dan mengundang perhatian gw adalah penggunaan Multiple Vokal menjadi konsep variatif tersajikan dengan karakter Vokal dinamis mengisi setiap pattern yang ada secara teratur menjadi karakteristik tersendiri bagi band ini. hentakan Twin pedal Powerfully rapat drummer Kevin Elrod tetap memberikan sensasi kuat Execration. " The Acceptance of Zero Existence " kian melaju kencang dasyat begitu enerjik hempasan kuat Mega Brutal yang ditampilkan pada part ini. and the growls are deeper and more caustic than the front men of the aforementioned legends. Where The Acceptance of Zero Existence functions most for me is in its production, the low end of the guitars churning along in rabid old school ferocity while the double bass thuds out a syncopation, and the bass wanders off into the void. sepertinya Setiap Kocokan Gitarnya menuntut kecepatan tersendiri demi menciptakan karakter speed beat yang mereka inginkan. meskipun kadang terdengar simple, namun karakter Riffing band ini menuntut konsentrasi tinggi demi menyelaraskan ritme drumming dan musik aransemen. vivacious acceleration and lunatic riffing patterns !! so rasakan sendiri betapa Rapat dan padatnya konsepsional Musikal dalam album gress ini, selain itu bisa elo temukan upaya eksperimental tracking unik pada beberapa lagu terakhir. total ada 11 Track selama durasi 37:30 siap melumatkan Biji peler banget deh bawaannya hahahaha ... tapi sayang artworker populer Tony Koehl kurang memberikan Sayatan menarik untuk menghias Front Artwork CD ini dan kurang match dengan Theme Song-nya. entah apa yang terjadi dibalik keputusan menggunakan artwork sederhana ini, padahal buat kalian Fans musik serba ngebut perpaduan antara elemen death dan Black metal yang eksperimental akan banyak menimbulkan kesan sensasionalnya. The dense, palm muted chug patterns don't feel particularly distinct in a field of metal trampled on by so many players, and there are points where the record feels pretty muddy and the individual, heavier songs don't do much to distinguish themselves from one another. Then again, they don't burden the effort with tons of needless, noodling indulgence. When they spaz out, they do so meticulously, with every intention of reigning it back in to crush your vertebrae; and they never seem to lose control.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Fastest MORE AND FASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... it became the first impression when I heard debutant Second Gw Brutal Death Metal Band origin Colorado Springs, Amrik blends elements of Death Metal with Black Metal with Brutal Death Strikes meeting Blaster! many bands have the same name throughout the universe metal including 2 more of the United States, did not ignite the next beat them in this second album. band formed by former members of Brutal Death Dismemberment Band wanted more frenzied packaging presenting bingarnya brutal death music with the intensity of a fast-paced game with an atmosphere full of darkness. That said, there is a certain level of dynamic range to this album roomates prevents it from subsisting on the monotony that permeates Often such a brutal, blast-driven record. Lots of grooves and chugs cavorting about its nihilistic landscape. the material first album "A Feast for the Wretched" in 2008 featuring bassist Mike Poggione the already popular game known as Capharnaum diband, Eulogy, Monstrosity, Vile, ex-Lecherous Nocturne, ex-Trivium, ex-The Autumn Offering, and ex- Scab Maggot, the formation album-2 was replaced by bassist Shawn position. Multiple vocal style remains energetic, Execration increasingly drove Tighten cadasnya composition. begins with an intro "Through the Portal" a really epic then slaughtered abis abisan the track "Awake the Darkened" then beat Meeting Blastbeater drumming torment of Kevin Elrod working on the Mixing this album. Guitarist duet bloody Jerred Houseman and Brian Palmer offers several elements that remind black guitar riffing with dark riffing gw era Morbid Angel "Covenant" combined with the style of Cannibal Corpse Tap Fast riffing! Acrobatic flights of tremolo picked guitars that create the claustrophobic sensation that you are being curb stomped by giant insects. I'd also commend the bassist, who is performing constant loops and lines that very often swerve around or step away from the central guitar progressions. Faster Blast Snare sometimes reminiscent of the cruelty Cryptopsy and i invite attention is the use of Multiple Vowel be varied tersajikan concept with a dynamic vocal character fill each pattern are regularly being the band's own characteristics. Twin pedal powerfully pounding drummer Kevin Elrod meetings continue to provide a strong sensation of Execration. "The Zero Acceptance of Existence" increasingly speeding enormously powerful blows so energetic Mega Brutal displayed on this part. and the growls are deeper and more caustic than the front men of the aforementioned legends. Where The Zero Acceptance of Existence functions most for me is in its production, the low end of the guitars churning along in Rabid old school ferocity while the double bass thuds out a syncopation, and the bass wanders off into the void. Each seemed to shake His guitar requires its own pace in order to create the character they want to beat speed. though sometimes it sounds simple, but the characters riffing band requires a high concentration in order to align the rhythm drumming and music arranger. vivacious acceleration and lunatic riffing patterns! so feel for yourself how meetings and conceptually dense Musical gress in this album, but it could elo find unique tracking experimental efforts on a few songs last. total there are 11 track for the duration of squash seeds ready peler 37:30 deh luggage hahahaha ... but unfortunately popular artworker Tony Koehl provide less attractive to decorate Front Dissection CD Artwork and lacking match with his Theme Song. who knows what happened behind the decision to use this simple artwork, but you make music fans speeding paced blend elements of death and black metal that will cause a lot of experimental sensational impression. The dense, palm muted Chug do not feel particularly distinct patterns in a field of metal trampled on by so many players, and there are points where the record feels pretty muddy and the individual, Heavier songs do not do much to distinguish Themselves from one another. Then again, they do not burden the effort with tons of needless, noodling indulgence. When they spaz out, they do so meticulously, with every intention of Reigning it back in to crush your vertebrae; and they never seem to lose control.

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