Selasa, 28 April 2015

Unfathomable Ruination - Misshapen Congenital Entropy CD 2012

Unfathomable Ruination - Misshapen Congenital Entropy
Sevared Records 2012

01 Preface to the Forlorn Spectrum 01:34    
02 Pantheonic Synchroscheme 04:57    
03 Carved Inherent Delusion 05:16    
04 Extinction Algorithm in Procession 03:40      
05 Monochrome Obedience 02:34      
06 Consequential Failure 03:45      
07 Futile Colossus Decapitated 05:12    
08 Anti-Genesis 02:08      
09 Edges of Disfigured Atrocity 05:02      
10 Vacant Planets (Death cover) 04:20

Federico Benini - Bass
Doug Anderson - Drums
Daniel Herrera - Guitars
Daniel Neagoe - Vocals

Sejak Kemunculan band Brutal Death Metal dengan beberapa sentuhan technical Slicing Riffing keren asal London, England pada demo pertama tahun 2010 begitu band ini mulai terbentuk langsung mengundang perhatian Sevared Records dan Gw sendiri yang langsung gw Interview band ini Tahun lalu ( Silahkan Browsing di Interview Page .ed ), Perkembangan Scene Metal Inggris semakin pesat dengan Lahirnya banyak band killer berpotensi setiap waktunya. Unfathomable Ruination ini mungkin akan memberikan Sajian Musikalitas yang menarik bagi kalian penggemar Technical Riffing Blazer ! Gitaris Daniel Herrera lebih menemukan Style paling menantangnya disini ketimbang diband awalnya Fleshrot ! bersama dengan menggandeng Drummer Mengerikan seperti Doug Anderson yang skill dasyatnya udah gw kenal duluan lewat band utamanya Bloodshot Dawn, juga pernah aktif diband Progressive Death Metal UK, Cenotaph ( Bukan dari Turki lohh .ed ), Melodic Death Metal Karmyne dan Death Metal Viscera, rasanya udah cukup ngasih referensi kegilaannya bermain Drum dengan maksimal ! kemudian bassis Federico Benini juga udah malang melintang dibanyak band dengan jam terbang tinggi seperti di Gorebound, Trifixion, Viscera, Cerebral Bore (live), Hades Lab, Septic Tank (Gbr), ex-Ditchcreeper, dan ex-Eye of Solitude (live), namun sayang Vokalis Rob Newson yang menjadi formasi awal saat Penggarapan demo pertama sudah ga bersama band ini dan digantikan oleh Daniel Neagoe, sepertinya telah memberi sentuhan baru konsep Unfathomable Ruination lebih terasa gelap dan Brutal ! walau kenyataannya gw masih merindukan karakter Vokalis Rob yang bagi gw lebih cocok dengan Konsep Unfathomable Ruination sendiri. masih mengusung irama Brutal Death Metal Intensif dengan ledakan blastbeat sana sini, Unfathomable Ruination tetap mempertahan karakter sebelumnya menjadi lebih semakin matang ! a certain feel, some heart and soul, even . . . dare I say it . . . intelligence -- along with the ability to trigger the Brutal headbang reflex, of course ! jelas ini memang sebuah komposisi yang lebih dewasa dengan karakter bermusik tergali dalam perjalanan karir musik band. en begitu mendapatkan CD full pertama band ini buru buru aja gw play dan Tulis disini yang digebrak awal oleh " Preface to the Forlorn Spectrum ", rupanya sebuah Opening Track sebagai Warming Up penampilan awal mereka dengan middle down tempo lengkap sajian melodic Riffing pada beberap sentuhan part elegannya, cukuplah menjadi Pemanasan Konsep awal CD ini, kemudian " Pantheonic Synchroscheme " langsung menerjang Keras dan cepat. karakter Deep Guttural Gurgling Daniel seperti mendominasi Sounding band ini, mengingatkan perpaduan karakter Matti Ways dengan Chris Barnes banget, sayang pattern lirik vokal sama sekali tidak terdengar jelas. progresi Riffing Daniel Herrera semakin kian mantap dengan beberapa Sliding Tremolo riff serta Arphegio Style, tak lupa beberapa Melodic Part yang ciamik dan beberapa Solo Gitar Tajam hitam mengingatkan memang dengan karakter Suffocation hingga Morbid Angel. well semakin gw rasakan juga deh jika kehadiran Drummer Doug Anderson terasa banyak memberikan sentuhan Progres konsep bermainnya di Band Bloodshot Dawn ! When a band is able to marry that kind of guitar talent with song-writing ability, performance skill at the other positions, and a knack for fusing diverse musical styles, you get something special ! When you cut right down to the bone, the songs on the album really serve as platforms for them to strut their stuff. Permainan Doug banyak memberikan inspirasi Gaya skill yang cepat dan dinamis dijamin powerfully, cuman sayang diproyek kali ini Doug lebih banyak konsentrasi dengan Kecepatannya tanpa ikut bernyanyi seperti di Bloodshot Dawn. Nice Job Doug ! " Carved Inherent Delusion ", tambah semakin menyiksa lagi dengan sayatan Teknikal Riffing Daniel sangat memukau dengan Speed dan Pummeling Roll over beberapa Bar dengan sentuhan Chugging Mantap ! the song explodes in a flurry of pulverizing riffs and hard-hitting rhythms, punctuated by an explosive breakdown filled with a suitably diseased guitar lead. seperti menjadi Kerja keras penuh dengan tantangan, Daniel bersama Doug menjadi sebuah Partner mematikan bagi Musikalitas Band ini sendiri. walau sudah memutuskan tidak bersama band ini lagi, mantan Vokalis Rob Newson rupanya ikut membantu pula mengkomposisi Track " Pantheonic Synchroscheme, Carved Inherent Delusion, Preface to the Forlorn Spectrum serta Extinction Algorithm in Procession " menjadi sebuah bentuk support berarti banget. dan sekali lagi track " Carved Inherent Delusion " akan elo temukan beberapa Tapping Riffing yang bergaya cepat dan Sliding bar mengingatkan banget dengan sentuhan karakter Khas The Mighty Cannibal Corpse ! dan pada beberapa Part akhirnya, Daniel lebih banyak memberikan sentuhan Riffing yang Melodic banget. semakin lebih cepat tak terkendali " Extinction Algorithm in Procession " terus menyiksa kejam dengan gempuran Hyperblaster snare dan Downstroke Pummeling Fascinate Bar extreme-nya. a very strong song becomes an eye-popping experience when the guitarists take off in a tandem of soloing that extends for more than a minute and a half. While the rhythm section continues to hammer away relentlessly, the guitars spin out flaring arcs of fire, mixing tones, speeds, and atmospheres, culminating in a pile-driving finish. " Monochrome Obedience " Technical Part sudah menjajal pada bagian awal track ini tampil mengejutkan plus mengagumkan, ternyata Daniel dan Doug masih menyimpan Skill dasyatnya, gempuran Blastbeater agak sedikit menjadi lebih variatif dengan gaya Beberapa Slam Groovy Modern Style in the Vein Dying Fetus dan Misery Index lebih dimainkan dengan tempo cepat. semakin terasa parau dan powerfully vokalis Daniel Neagoe tetap mendominasi sounding Track, sekilas memang aroma Disgorge era " Consume the Forsaken " menjadi beberapa Tradisi Track ini, walau jelas Typical Unfathomable Ruination lebih terdengar manusiawi. delivering everything from smooth, swirling, echoing flights of winged notes to white-hot blasts of flamethrower shred that peel paint from the walls. incandescent passages that spin like tops on fire, and soulful explorations of prog-metal extravagance. dalam struktur musik yang cepat, gitaris Daniel tetap bisa menguasai Setiap progresi Drummer Doug, buktinya memang Klop terasakan, beberapa Sentuhan teknik Riffing mengejutkan dan elegan, Ekspresi Daniel tetap menjadi Tulang utama karakter style Unfathomable Ruination, memang ini adalah pertarungan seru konsep bermain Bloodshot Dawn dengan beberapa Typical progresi berdarah band lainnya telah menjadikan komposisi musik serba Dasyat ! agak sedikit meregangkan Suasana tanpa kebutan musik yang cepat " Futile Colossus Decapitated " lebih banyak memberikan sentuhan Modern Death Metal Dinamis dengan beberapa Breakdown Riffing mantap. beberapa Karakter Dying Fetus dan Misery Index cukup terasakan membius setiap aransemen beat-nya. " Anti-Genesis " dimulai dengan gaya Etnik Clean Riffing membuka part awal yang kemudian disambut dengan elemen Headbang art, track ini lebih menjadi komposisi Instrumental selama 2:09 cukuplah juga untuk mendinginkan suasana setelah gempuran beat cepat. dan ini dia Track Keren sepanjang gw mendengarkan dari Urutan awal " Edges of Disfigured Atrocity ", sangat terdengar banget Komposisi teknikal Part kental sejak track ini dimainkan, menjadi lebih mantap lagi kalo Vokalis Konstantin Lühring dari Defeated Sanity juga pernah main di Resection menyumbangkan Deep Growling dasyatnya bersama Daniel. The guitarists happen to be good at other things besides delivering memorable melodic leads and jaw-dropping solos. With drop-tuned brutality, they also execute the kind of hard-punching, ass-kicking, rapid-fire rhythm riffs that feel it's those technical, jabbing riffs combined with a tightly integrated rhythm section that provide the heavy-as-fuck foundation for all that exuberant soloing. sepertinya Daniel dan Doug mengerahkan semua Ide-nya untuk dituangkan dalam Track yang menguras Power ini, dan Nice Track menjadi Ending-nya, I very Surprise With This Amazing Track !! dan pada track akhir, Band ini membawakan kembali salah satu Track paling influentalis sepanjang karir bermusik mereka, " Vacant Planets " dari legendari DEATH dalam versi yang lebih ciamik lagi karya Mendiang Frontman Chuck Schuldiner ini dibawakan kembali dengan sangat Fantastis konsep asli Unfathomable Ruination. Sometimes, he's just keeping time, augmenting the music's powerfully heavy low end; sometimes he goes on the attack, which is a head-cleaving thing to behold; and sometimes he detonates an explosive bass drop at just the right moment. He seems to have a great feel for what patterns and progressions will best suit what's happening at any given moment in each song. Enjiner Stefano Morabito yang telah menggarap banyak band dengan hasil mengagumkan ini diputuskan dipake oleh band ini setelah sebelumnya proses penggarapan lebih diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada Gitaris Daniel. Stefano Morabito yang kita kenal sebagai gitaris Death/Thrash Metal Asal Italy, Eyeconoclast terhitung juga pernah memperkuat Barisan Hour Of Penance kini adalah menjadi enjiner handal di 16th cellar studio. dan yang menambah poin menarik lagi pada rilisan ini adalah karya artwok seniman asli Spanyol, Phlegeton dan namanya tentu kita kenal sebagai Drummer dan Vokalis di beberapa band seperti Human Mincer, Banished from Inferno, Godüs, The YTriple Corporation, Wormed, Unsane Crisis, dan masih banyak lagi, dan karyanya memang sudah banyak dipakai oleh beberapa band Death metal terkenal. sebuah album dengan komposisi musik yang serba luar biasa ini memang patut kalian koleksi apalagi yang mengaku demen mendengarkan komposisi Riff amazing dan Excellent Fascinate Drumming Freak, Rilisan ini memang benar benar dipersembahkan untuk kalian !! debut album is a shockingly strong explosion of fused Blastbeater and Technical Riffing, driven by a guitar duo who have bright days ahead of them. I'll be surprised if we see a stronger debut from anyone this year. you get big, slamming chords and an all-out drum attack as a way of launching the most eviscerating, death-metal oriented song on the album, one flavored with the buzzing and grinding of morbid tremolo riffs.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Since the emergence of Brutal Death Metal band with some cool riffing Slicing technical touches from London, England on the first demo in 2010 that the band began to take shape immediately invite the attention Sevared Records and own a direct gw Gw interview the band last year (please Browsing in Interview Page. ed), Development of British Metal Scene growing rapidly with the birth of many bands potentially killer every time. Unfathomable Ruination This may provide an interesting dish for you musically Technical riffing Blazer fans! Guitarist Daniel Herrera better find most challenging Style diband here than initially Fleshrot! along with holding Drummer Doug Anderson Terrible as the skill dasyatnya i already knew first through the main band bloodshot Dawn, has also been active diband Progressive Death Metal UK, Cenotaph (Not from Turkey lohh. ed), Melodic Death Metal and Death Metal Karmyne viscera, taste give references madness is enough to play drums with the maximum! then bassist Federico Benini also already in existence in many bands with such high flying hours in Gorebound, Trifixion, viscera, Cerebral Bore (live), Hades Lab, Septic Tank (Gbr), ex-Ditchcreeper, and ex-Eye of Solitude (live) , but unfortunately the vocalist Rob Newson initial formation as the first demo Cultivation already ga with the band and was replaced by Daniel Neagoe, seems to have given a new twist Unfathomable Ruination concept feels more dark and brutal! despite the fact that I still yearn for the character Vocalist Rob gw better match the concept of Unfathomable Ruination own. still carries the rhythm of Brutal Death Metal Intensive blastbeat blast here and there, Unfathomable Ruination to retain the previous character becomes more and more mature! a certain feel, some heart and soul, even. . . dare I say it. . . intelligence - along with the ability to trigger the Brutal headbang reflex, of course! obviously this is a more mature composition with musical character unearthed in the course of the band's music career. en so get the band's first full CD hurry hurry gw aja play and Write here the initial digebrak the "Preface to the Forlorn Spectrum", apparently an Opening Track as Warming Up to the middle of their initial appearance down tempo melodic riffing comprehensive presentation on the touch part be some elegant, it is enough to start warming concept of this CD, then "Pantheonic Synchroscheme" direct hit hard and fast. Deep Guttural gurgling character Daniel dominate Sounding like this band, reminiscent of a fusion character Matti Ways to Chris Barnes really, love lyrics vocal pattern is not at all clear sounded. progression riffing Daniel Herrera getting increasingly steady with some tremolo riffs and Arphegio Sliding Style, do not forget some Melodic Part ciamik and some black Sharp Guitar Solo is a character reminiscent of Morbid Angel Suffocation up. well the more i feel too deh if Drummer Doug Anderson feels the presence of many touch Progres concept bloodshot Band playing at Dawn! When a band is Able to marry that kind of guitar talent with song-writing ability, performance at the other skill positions, and a Knack for fusing diverse musical styles, you get something special! When you cut right down to the bone, the songs on the album really serve as platforms for them to strut their stuff. Doug many games inspired style skills quickly and powerfully dynamic guaranteed, cuman this dear Doug projected times more concentration with Velocity without singing along like bloodshot Dawn. Nice Job Doug! "Inherent Carved Delusion", added the torture again with Daniel incision Technical riffing very intriguing with Speed ??and pummeling Roll over several Bar with a touch Chugging Steady! the song explodes in a Flurry of pulverizing riffs and hard-hitting rhythms, punctuated by an explosive breakdown filled with a suitably diseased guitar leads. such a hard work filled with challenges, Daniel became a partner with Doug lethal to its own musical band. even though they had decided not with the band anymore, former vocalist Rob Newson also apparently helped compose Track "Pantheonic Synchroscheme, Carved Inherent Delusion, Preface to the Forlorn Spectrum and Extinction Algorithm in Procession" into a meaningful form of support really. and once again the track "Carved Inherent Delusion" elo will find some fast style riffing Tapping and Sliding bar with a touch of character very reminiscent of The Mighty Cannibal Corpse Typical! and in some Part end, Daniel gives a touch more Melodic riffing that really. growing faster uncontrollable "Extinction Algorithm in Procession" continued to torture cruel onslaught Hyperblaster snare and downstroke Fascinate Bar extreme pummeling him. a very strong song Becomes an eye-popping experience when the guitarists take off in a tandem of soloing that extends for more than a minute and a half. While the rhythm section continues to hammer away relentlessly, the guitars spin out flaring arcs of fire, mixing tones, speeds, and atmospheres, culminating in a pile-driving finish. "Monochrome Obedience" Technical Part has been tested at the beginning of this track plus awesome appear surprising, it turns out Daniel and Doug still save Skill dasyatnya, strikes Blastbeater little bit to be more varied in style Some Slam Groovy Modern Style in the Vein Dying Fetus and Misery Index more played with a fast tempo. more so raucous and powerfully vocalist Daniel Neagoe still dominate sounding track, at a glance it smell Disgorge era "consume the Forsaken" Tradition Track into this, although obviously Typical Unfathomable Ruination sound more human. delivering everything from smooth, swirling, echoing flights of winged notes to white-hot blasts of flamethrower that shred peel paint from the walls. incandescent passages that spin like tops on fire, and soulful Explorations of prog-metal extravagance. in the structure of the fast music, guitarist Daniel still can master each progression Drummer Doug, the proof is Klop felt, some surprising touches and elegant riffing techniques, Daniel expression remains a major bone style character Unfathomable Ruination, indeed this is a fun concept to play fight with bloodshot Dawn Typical progression of several bloody band has made all-round musical compositions terrible! a little bit of stretch Atmosphere without kebutan fast music "Futile Colossus Decapitated" more of a touch of Modern Death Metal Breakdown Dynamic with some solid riffing. some character Dying Fetus and Misery Index quite felt drugged every beat of his arrangements. "Anti-Genesis" starts with Clean Ethnic style riffing open early part then greeted by Headbang art elements, this track is more of a composition is also instrumental for 2:09 sufficient to calm things down after the onslaught of fast beat. and this he Keren Track all i hear from initial order "Edges of Disfigured Atrocity", it sounds very technical Composition Part viscous since this track is played, it becomes more stable again if vocalist Konstantin Lühring of Defeated Sanity also never played in Resection donate Deep Growling dasyatnya with Daniel. The guitarists happen to be good at other Things besides delivering memorable melodic leads and jaw-dropping solos. With drop-tuned Brutality, they also execute the kind of hard-punching, ass-kicking, rapid-fire rhythm riffs that feel it's those technical, jabbing riffs combined with a tightly integrated rhythm section that provide the heavy-as-fuck foundation for all that exuberant soloing. Daniel and Doug seem to exert all his ideas for poured in the drain Power Track, and Nice Track to Ending her, I very Surprise With This Amazing Track!! and at the end of the track, the band brought back one of the most influentalis Track throughout their musical careers, "Vacant Planets" from the legendary DEATH in a more beautiful version longer works late frontman Chuck Schuldiner is brought back to the very original concept Unfathomable Ruination Fantastic. Sometimes, he's just keeping time, augmenting the music's powerfully heavy low end; sometimes he goes on the attack, roomates is a head-cleaving thing to behold; and sometimes he detonates an explosive bass drop at just the right moment. He seems to have a great feel for what patterns and progressions will best suit what's happening at any given moment in each song. Stefano Morabito engineers who have worked on a lot of bands with amazing results using that was decided by the band after cultivation process more left entirely to guitarist Daniel. Stefano Morabito we know as the guitarist of Death / Thrash Metal Origin Italy, accounting Eyeconoclast also strengthen Barisan Hour Of Penance now is a reliable engineers in the 16th cellar studios. and that adds another interesting points on this release is the original work of Spanish artist artwok, Phlegeton and of course we know his name as drummer and vocalist in several bands such as Human Mincer, banished from Inferno, Godüs, The YTriple Corporation, wormed, Unsane Crisis, and still much more, and his work is already widely used by some famous metal band Death. an album with musical compositions that completely deserves this incredible collection you listen to what else is claiming Amendment amazing riffs and excellent composition Drumming Fascinate Freak, this release is truly dedicated to you guys! Shockingly debut album is a strong explosion of fused Blastbeater and Technical riffing, driven by a guitar duo who have bright days ahead of them. I'll be surprised if we see a Stronger debut from anyone this year. you get big, slamming chords and an all-out drum attack as a way of launching the most eviscerating, death-metal oriented song on the album, one flavored with the buzzing and grinding of morbid tremolo riffs.

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