Selasa, 28 April 2015

Bombs Of Hades - The Serpent’s Redemption CD 2012

Bombs Of Hades - The Serpent’s Redemption
Pulverised Records 2012

01 Crawl Away and Bleed Forever 04:25    
02 Darkness, My Soul 03:36    
03 Burn 03:30    
04 The Serpent's Redemption 06:39    
05 Forgotten in Graves 04:22    
06 Incubus Descending 03:34    
07 Skull Collector 02:37    
08 Scorched Earth 10:10

Butch Ekman - Bass
Magnus Forsberg - Drums
P-O "Wolfie" Söderback - Guitars
Jonas Stålhammar - Guitars, Vocals

Mungkin terlalu jenuh dengan kemasan Musik bergaya Modern, memutuskan band Death Metal asal Västerås, Swedia yang eksis sejak tahun 2002 mengusung konsep crust punk untuk pertama kalinya membuat Bombs Of Hades menjadi semakin fokus dengan karakteristik Back to Root style ! alias mengusung kembali Old School Death Metal lengkap dengan Sounding-nya yang Raw as Fuck ! dengan sentuhan style lawas in the vein nya Entombed, Dismember, dan Grave dibeberapa demo awal, band ini memang sedikit berhasil membawa nuansa tersebut di era millenium ini yang tersajikan dengan raw Sound di full album ke-2 ini setelah sebelumnya sudah merilis 1 full album, 1 demo, 2 Ep dan 3 Split, rasanya cukuplah bagi band mengalami perjalanan karir yang matang di materi baru ini. is all about filthy death metal riding on the remnants of primitive guitar licks and totally old-school processes with fantastic growls are layered over the distorted pounding of death metal madness heaving itself over holy soil and blessing it with its blackened curses. Yea, this kind of thing has been done before by many bands, but Bombs of Hades has the riffs and the attitude to justify their work. The sound quality thankfully steers away from the fake, processed gunk often considered appropriate for extreme metal, instead opting for a savagely rare and undercooked demonstration of razor-sharp riffs coiling in front of a forceful bass and explosive percussion. track pertama " Crawl Away and Bleed Forever " cukup membawa Gw kembali Nostalgia dengan Old School Death metal with Swedish Sound era Entombed, Dismember dan Grave banget, komposisi dan struktur yang simple dengan balutan beberapa elemen Crusty Punk masih cukup terasa di materi kali ini, dengan karakter dan pattern vokal Gitaris vokalis Jonas Stålhammar agak sedikit mengingatkan gw dengan karakter Bernyanyi awal Max Cavalera era album klasik Sepultura " Bestial Devastation ", dan sounding Drum yang dibentuk Raw dan Rapuh banget, drummer Magnus Forsberg lebih menempati Tugas ringan dengan Skill standard Old School Death Metal yang terasa lebih ditekankan pada komposisi lagu dan Riffing-nya menjadi kesulitan tersendiri bagi band menjaga elemen Klasik metal ini. which incorporates a variety of fiery samples and the same slaughtering death metal showcased throughout the album with Tradition Strikes again and again ! " Darkness, My Soul " tetap menampilkan permainan standard Death Metal klasik dengan beberapa Crusty Punk Beat ala Anti Cimex, Discharge dan Autopsy style sebagai senjata utama terkadang mengingatkan dengan beberapa Gayanya Death Strike serta Master. Estetika Bonecrushing Death metal Inspiratif seperti tetap menjadi filter pembatas Kreasi bermusik mereka mengembalikan era kejayaan death metal memasuki era 90-an. kemudian Track " Burn " lebih bergaya Klasik Thrash Metal era Slayer Klasik banget. sekali lagi Good Work aja untuk vokalis gitaris Jonas Stålhammar untuk mempertahankan karakter Death metal Klasik Vokal era 90-annya. memang mendengar komposisi album bermaterikan 8 lagu berdurasi 38:53, kita benar memang akan merasakan kembali reinkarnasi Era Kejayaan death Metal diera awal banget, komposisi musik yang simple dan Catchy tetap menjadi salah satu karakter Kuat yang menjadi sebuah kesulitan dipertahankan bagi Band ini diera sekarang, sungguh perjuangan keras mereka hampir berhasil di album penuh ke-2 ini. it's very easy and fluent, but the joy it gives can rival the one when you dig up the grave and start playing with that old rotten corpse you find in there. The music is extremely simple. All riffs are primitive and basic, there's no technical show off, no guitar masturbation or blasts with 320 bpm. You won't find things like that on that album. Instead you'll find music, which is based on the Swedish death metal cult, with the classic production and general feeling ! Back To Root keep for Movement !!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Maybe too saturated with the packaging style Modern Music, decided Death Metal band origin Vasteras, Sweden which existed since 2002 brought the concept of crust punk for the first time made Bombs Of Hades became increasingly focused on the characteristics of the Back to Root style! alias brings back Old School Death Metal Sounding complete with its Raw as Fuck! with a touch of style in the vein of his old Entombed, Dismember, and Grave in some early demos, the band was able to bring a little shades are in this millennium era tersajikan with raw sound on the second full album after previously released one full album, 1 demo, 2 and 3 Split Ep, it suffices for the band's career having a mature in this new material. is all about filthy death metal riding on the remnants of primitive guitar licks and totally old-school processes with fantastic growls are layered over the distorted pounding of death metal madness holy soil heaving itself over and blessing it with its blackened curses. Yea, this kind of thing has been done before by many bands, but Bombs of Hades has the riffs and the attitude to justify their work. The sound quality thankfully steers away from the fake, processed gunk Often Considered appropriate for extreme metal, instead opting for a savagely rare and undercooked demonstration of razor-sharp riffs coiling in front of a Forceful bass and explosive percussion. The first track "Crawl Away and Bleed Forever" enough to bring back Nostalgia Gw by Old School Death Metal with Swedish Sound era Entombed, Dismember and Grave really, a simple composition and structure by wrapping some elements Crusty Punk is still felt in the matter this time, with character and vocal pattern Guitarist vocalist is a bit reminiscent of Jonas Stålhammar i start singing character Max Cavalera era Sepultura classic album "Bestial Devastation", and sounding Drum formed Fragile Raw and really, drummer Magnus Forsberg more occupied with the lightweight Task Skill standard Old School Death metal that feels more emphasis on the composition of his songs and riffing becomes its own difficulties for classic metal bands keep these elements. roomates incorporates a variety of samples and the same fiery death metal Slaughtering showcased throughout the album with Tradition Strikes again and again! "Darkness, My Soul" remains a standard game show classic Death Metal with some crusty punk ala Beat Anti Cimex, Discharge and Autopsy style as the main weapon with some style is sometimes reminiscent of Death Strike and Master. Aesthetics Bonecrushing Inspirational Death metal like remains a barrier filter Creator musicianship they bring back the glory era of death metal entering the era of the 90s. then Track "Burn" is more Classical style Thrash Metal Slayer Classical era really. once again Good Work wrote for guitarist vocalist Jonas Stålhammar to maintain the character of Death Metal Vocal Classical era of 90-his. was heard album compositions duration 38:53 bermaterikan 8 tracks, we are really going to feel the back reincarnated Glory Era of Death Metal diera very early, simple compositions and a Catchy music remains one of the Strong character who becomes a difficulty for the band maintained diera now, really struggle hard they almost succeeded in a full album to-2. it's very easy and fluent, but the joy it gives can rival the one when you dig up the grave and start playing with that old rotten corpse you find in there. The music is extremely simple. All riffs are primitive and basic, there's no technical show off, no guitar masturbation or blasts with 320 bpm. You will not find Things like that on that album. Instead you'll find music, roomates is based on the Swedish death metal cult, with the classic production and general feeling! Back To Root keep for Movement!!

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