Rabu, 29 April 2015

Scenery - Mental Confusion CD 2012

Scenery - Mental Confusion
Parat Magazine 2012

01 Mist of reality        
02 Malleus Maleficarum        
03 Abyss of awaken        
04 Mental confusion        
05 Armful of eternity        
06 Apostate        
07 Hallucination          
08 Sieve of infinity

Masih tetap mempesona dengan gaya Technical Death/Thrash Metal, salah satu band veteran yang bermain dinamis asal Mohelnice, Czech eksis sejak tahun 1994 untuk terus melahirkan karya2 fantastis dan idealis ! meskipun masih menyisakan 1 Member orisinil, Gitaris Lerry tetap dapat membawa konsep utama Band ini hingga sekarang dengan masih menciptakan karya2 dinamis. dan meskipun juga gw ga tau banyak tentang perjalanan karir band ini, gw sudah mengenal band ini sejak album Ke-3 " Continuity " tahun 2006 dengan progres Musik Progresif dengan bumbu keras Death metal dan beberapa sentuhan Thrash Metal Riffing masih bergaya Old School dan kemudian dipadukan lagi dengan sentuhan Drumming dan art musik yang begitu Jazzy banget ! bersama salah satu Magazine terkenal Dari Scene Czech Parat Magazine yang sebelumnya juga sudah merilis beberapa CD, akhirnya berminat sekali dengan karya terbaru full album Scenery ke-4 ini untuk dilepaskannya. dan kalau gw rasakan sendiri konsep album ini beberapa gaya Riffing dan Sounding-nya sangat mengingatkan sekali dengan Godless Truth Era " Selfrealization ", apakah karena Mantan gitaris Godless Truth, Micak ikut memperkuat formasi ini sejak tahun 2003 lalu ? karena yang gw kenal memang beberapa gaya Progres Lick riffing-nya begitu memorable dengan album " Selfrealization " tersebut. menikmati 8 lagu variatif dan dinamis disini memang banyak menyisakan ruang rilex dalam diri Gw saat pas pikiran lagi kacau dan galau hahahaha, asli komposisi musik yang menarik ingin ditampilkan secara utuh disini dengan sentuhan elemen2 unik didalamnya. lebih menghibur dengan gaya permainan Konvensional dan Struktur musik yang kerap berubah2 walau kerap melakukan beberapa kali Pengulangan rasanya tidak menyebabkan aroma yang boring. jadi coba gw rekomendasikan kepada kalian fans Teknikal Part metal.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Still dazzle with style Technical Death / Thrash Metal, one of the veteran band playing original dynamic Mohelnice, Czech existed since 1994 to continue to bear karya2 fantastic and idealistic! although it still leaves the original 1 Member, Guitarist Lerry can still carry the main concept of this band until now with it still creates a dynamic karya2. and although i do not know too much about this band's career, i already know this band since the 3rd album "Continuity" in 2006 with the progress of Music Progressive Death metal hardware with herbs and some touch of thrash metal riffing style is Old School and then combined Drumming again with a touch of art and music so very Jazzy! with one known from Scene Magazine Czech Parat Magazine previously also has released several CDs, ultimately interested in all the recent work full album Scenery for-4 for the release. and if i feel alone concept album Sounding some style riffing and it very much reminded once with Godless Truth Era "Selfrealization", is because former guitarist Godless Truth, Micak help to strengthen this line since 2003? because i know it does some riffing style Lick her progress so memorable with the album "Selfrealization" is. enjoy 8 songs varied and dynamic here is a lot of space left inside Gw Rilex when fitting chaotic and troubled mind again hahahaha, original compositions that draw musical to be shown in full here with a touch of unique elemen2 therein. more entertaining playing style Conventional and musical structure that often berubah2 though often perform several times it did not lead to repetition boring flavor. so try i recommend to you guys Technical Part metal fans.

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Rings of Saturn - Dingir CD 2012

Rings of Saturn - Dingir
Unique Leader Records 2012

01 Objective to Harvest 04:06    
02 Galactic Cleansing 03:28    
03 Shards of Scorched Flesh 03:08    
04 Dingir 03:35      
05 Faces Imploding 05:51    
06 Peeling Arteries 04:05    
07 Hyperforms 03:50    
08 Fruitless Existence 03:13    
09 Immaculate Order 04:37    
10 Utopia 05:25

Sean Martinez - Bass
Joel Omans - Guitars
Lucas Mann - Guitars
Ian Baker - Drums
Ian Bearer - Vocals

Unique Leader records memang ditahun 2012 banyak melakukan Invasi Rilisan2 Baru berbahayanya, datang tidak hanya dari nama2 lama namun juga beberapa nama baru berbahaya, seperti masuknya band dengan konsep yang mereka sendiri Klaim sebagai " Aliencore " ini adalah sebuah Morpologi tesis mereka tentang Tema UFO, Angkasa Luar, ilmu Pengetahuan Modern dan Kehancuran Dunia. Unique Leader Records sendiri pertama kali mengenal band ini lewat album pertama mereka Secara independen " Embryonic Anomaly " tahun 2010 yang dipasarkan melalui Sistem Digital di Bigcartel dan kemudian Unique Leader tertarik untuk merilis ulang album pertama ini pada tahun 2011 sekaligus merekrut mereka dalam Keluarga roster barunya untuk merilis " Dingir " ( baca : din-jeer .ed ) yang informasi sebelumnya beredar tentang album ini adalah beredarnya lebih awal sebagai Download Track di Blog Total Deathcore pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2012 dan Pihak Unique Leader sendiri ingin merilisnya pada tanggal 20 November 2012, namun karena kendala Hukum yang terjadi dari ini, sehingga versi CD fisik baru akan tersedia pada 5 Pebruari 2013 nanti, well masalah Baru dalam Dunia Digital memang kerap terjadi menghancurkan harapan para Records label dan akankah masalah seperti ini akan bisa terselesaikan ? jawabannya tentu tetap ada dalam naluri manusia masing2, dan Balik ke materi Band, mungkin bagi band bentukan tahun 2009 adalah lebih sebagai Proyek rekaman studio saja antara Gitaris Lucas Mann, Mantan Drummer Lord Of War, Brent Silletto dan Vokalis Peter Pawlak sebelum akhirnya Ring Of Saturn melengkapi formasinya setelah bergabung dengan Roster Unique Leader records. dengan gaya bermusik yang memang " Unik " dan Dasyat !! band yang digawangi oleh 5 anak muda bertalenta ini kembali berulah lagi dialbum gress ini dengan mencoba memadukan attitude     Deadspace video game series, other space themed video games, dan Outer space gore Films sebagai Konsep bermain musiknya yang memang " Matematika " dan Chaotic Abis ini ! yang jelas setelah Drummer Brent Silletto dan vokalis Peter Pawlak mengundurkan diri dari band ini, Menyisakan Frontman dan Mastermind Sinting Lucas Mann untuk mencari kembali Partner sintingnya dengan mengajak serta Gitaris ke-2 Joel Omans, kemudian akhirnya bergabung Drummer Ian Baker, Vokalis Sinting Ian Bearer dan Bassis berbakat Sean Martinez yang pernah membantu beberapa penampilan panggung Decrepit Birth pasca Derek Boyer mengundurkan diri sebelum akhirnya kembali lagi. dan formasi baru ini semakin lebih membuat " PARAH " konsep sinting band yang membawa Analogi tentang Cincin Planet Saturnus sebagai Rings Of Saturn menjadi Hal sains untuk sedikit merubah paradigma dan attitude bermusik mereka dengan sentuhan teknologi modern dan hasilnya adalah album Edan " Dingir " ini, gimana ga edan kalau gw selama 35:07 menit disuguhi dengan 9 track sinting ini. Most bands, when trying to combine metal and deathcore, manage a homogenous mixture of the two. Somehow this band is able to separate the two into two thick layers of oil (metal) and water (deathcore). One section will be only palm-muted open chords and the next will be only technical dissonance, with other riffs rarely in between. As for the "other riffs" I described earlier, they are few and far in-between. Some of them are a few foreboding picks of the strings and some are just good ol' fashioned tremolo picking. The vocals are very good in my opinion. They range from low and gurgly to high-pitched shrieks, and are executed very well. He doesn't babble so much as to clutter the music. The drums are played at varying tempos and throw in a little more creativity to the otherwise dull areas. terus mencipkakan komposisi yang dasyat mengejutkan, Ring Of Saturn memang tetap menunjukkan talenta berbahaya mereka untuk memainkan konsep musik Matematika dalam setiap aransemennya ! Ok gw mulai dengan Track pertama " Objective to Harvest " kegilaan telah dimulai dengan hentakan Hypersnare standard Death metal dengan aroma Deathcore yang kental, dan masih belum terasa banget kegilaannya pada detik 47, dan kemudian setelah itu, Lucas Mann dan Joel Omans pun secara kompak menampilkan sayatan Teknikal math riffing sinting dengan harmonisasi yang berbau Neoklasikal dan Teknikal abis ! arpheggio Riffing bertemu dengan Pentatonik klasik yang kemudian dipadukan dengan Mathcore style sehingga terasa lebih pusing dan sulit untuk dicerna bagi fans Death Metal teknikal standar sekalipun, belum lagi gaya vokalis enerjik Ian Bearer yang harus extra mengatur pernafasannya untuk melakukan Multiple Vokal sekaligus, Growl, Deep Guttural dan Screaming hampir dalam pattern Bar yang dekat rapat, dan terus mengusik Indera gw adalah beberapa Progresi Matematika Riff Gitarnya dan permainan Drumming intensif tetap terus memberikan Nuansa Chaotic hampir disetiap strukturnya, sekilas gw seperti merasakan kembali gaya Omnium Gatherum ( Australia ) bertemu dengan The Faceless hingga Gaya meraung sinting Almarhum Vokalis Mitch-nya Suicide Silence, dan masih banyak lagi Komponen2 penting yang mempengaruhi hampir pada struktur musiknya. " Galactic Cleansing " semakin menjadi lebih bengis dan sinting lagi setelah melakukan Foreplay dengan Track pertama tadi, band ini semakin terus menciptakan Partisi musik yang Cepat, Matematika dan teknikal abis !! Good Job aja deh untuk kerja keras mereka semua untuk materi Fantastis ini. As can be ascertained by being in my physical presence for three seconds, I don't like my deathcore to try to be intelligent. Bands like The Faceless disgust me, actually: we're talking about a genre that not only revels in its own stupidity, but actually thrives on it. You know when the stuff The Faceless is playing will become acceptable behavior for the deathcore genre? Around the same moment Jungle Rot starts incorporating alternating time signatures in their measures. Imagine a band like, say, Carnifex being stripped of their thugged-out slam/breakdowns - you'd have yourself a melodic death metal band, not a deathcore one. So yeah, I don't like the formula for deathcore being tampered with, because it seldom ends well. This, however, would have to be an exception - Rings of Saturn have actually managed to do something intelligent ! dan sebagai Musisi Metal juga, gw merasa sangat terkagum kagum dengan Pola pikir penciptaan musik mereka ini, sangat Fantastis untuk harus bisa dimainkan semua band, karena konsentrasi tinggi dan Talenta Brilian memang menjadi Modal utama karakter musik seperti ini. terkesan Gado gado banget Nuansanya, namun Komposisi mengerikan dapat mereka ciptakan gila gilaan kali ini, dan denger saja sendiri permainan Riffing Joel Omans dan Lucas Mann adalah Faktor utama ketidak warasan bermusik ini. The riffs often weedle up and down with a sort of melody that could best be described as a mix of typical sci-fi outer-space bleep-bloop ambience and a combination of noise coming from a pinball-themed lottery machine. This style of riffing certainly gives the music its fair share of insanity!!! masuk " Shards of Scorched Flesh ", duet Gitaris ini pun semakin menampilkan permainan yang Kontroversial dengan Lick dan Style Unik dan mungkin familiar banget untuk Fans Mathcore. Kalo Origin boleh memainkan musik yang cepat dan Rumit, Ring Of Saturn bahkan dapat menguraikan kembali komposisi yang terdengar manusiawi tapi tetap mengejutkan dengan lick2 Style unik tanpa adanya teknik pengulangan yang signifikan, bener2 luar biasa Konsep band ini coy !! apalagi dalam 9 lagu ini memang banyak suprise yang mereka hadirkan sehingga memang gw harus kekurangan kata2 untuk dapat menggambarkan secara jelas karakter band ini, sebuah pembelajaran penting lagi untuk all musisi metalhead untuk jangan terlalu berbangga dengan skill yang kalian miliki, walau memainkan karakter yang berbeda, belum tentu skill band ini bisa dimainkan oleh semua orang, karena seperti pepatah bilang " diatas langit masih ada langit " sehingga kita tidak harus merasa cukup puas dengan apa yang kita bisa mainkan saat ini, jika ingin lebih maju dengan talentamu, galilah terus bakatmu untuk yang terbaik ! cieeeee !!! well Berani menerima tantangan ??? sangat Gw rekomendasikan buat kalian yang ingin maju dan menggali skill luar biasa, materi ini sangat patut menjadi refrensi adrenalin kalian. It’s safe to say that Cryptopsy created a monster in the mid 90s when they assaulted the outer fringes of death metal with their first two studio releases with Lord Worm at the helm. Although they didn’t get beyond the typical clichés of gore and irreverent apostasy, the framework for most of the highly varied progressive and technical bands, and also the grindcore infused variety, was pretty well set on their watch. Among the weirder bands to come out of this tradition is a quartet of highly ambitious musicians from Northern California with a peculiar fetish for extraterrestrial monstrosities in Rings Of Saturn. While perhaps not quite living up to the strongly esoteric character of Wormed, they could be likened to a fancier yet slightly more intelligible and easily digested version of them, alongside a greater presence of more traditional influences. dan bisa kalian bayangkan jika ini adalah pertarungan seru antara Cryptopsy, Origin, The Faceless, Dillinger Escape Plan, Ion dissonance, Necrophagist, Decrepit Birth, Periphery,etc ! This band had a lot of potential, but all the cool areas got buried in non-creativity and repetition. Maybe their sophomore effort will surprise us.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Unique Leader Records in 2012 many did commit invasion of New Rilisan2 dangerous, coming not only from the old nama2 but also some dangerous new name, such as the inclusion of the band with their own concept of the claim as "Aliencore" this is a theme of their thesis morphology UFO, Space Foreign, Modern science and the destruction of the World Knowledge. Unique Leader Records was first known band through their first album Independently "Embryonic Anomaly" in 2010, which is marketed through Digital Systems in Bigcartel and then Unique Leader interested in re-releasing the first album in 2011 as well as to recruit their family for his new roster released "Dingir" (read: din-jeer. ed) the previous information circulating about this album is the circulation early as Download Track Total deathcore Blog on October 28, 2012 and the party itself Unique Leader to release on 20 November 2012, but due to constraints arising from this law, so that the physical CD version will be available on February 5, 2013, issue of the New World well indeed often happens Digital destroy the hopes of the Records label and would like this problem will be resolved? the answer is of course still exist in a human instinct masing2, and Back to Band material, perhaps the band formed in 2009 is better as a recording studio only project between guitarist Lucas Mann, Former Drummer Lord Of War, Brent Silletto and vocalist Peter Pawlak before Ring Of Saturn complete formation after joining the Roster Unique Leader Records. the musical style that is "unique" and terrible! band fronted by 5 young talented back is acting up again dialbum gress deadspace attitude by trying to integrate video game series, and other space themed video games, and gore Films Outer space as a concept playing music that is "Mathematics" and Chaotic Abis this! clear after Brent Silletto Drummer and vocalist Peter Pawlak resigned from the band, and Mastermind Leaving Frontman Mad Lucas Mann to seek re-engage and partner crazy with the second guitarist Joel Omans, then finally joined Ian Baker Drummer, Vocalist Insane Ian Bearer and gifted bassist Sean Martinez, who had helped several stage performances Decrepit Birth after Derek Boyer resigned before returning. and the new lineup is getting more makes "SEVERE" crazy concept that brought bands analogy of Saturn's Rings Rings Of Saturn as a little thing to change the paradigm of science and their musical attitude with a touch of modern technology and the result is an album Edan "Dingir" is, how ga crazy if i for 35:07 minutes with 9 tracks offered this crazy. Most bands, when trying to combine metal and deathcore, manage a homogenous mixture of the two. Somehow this band is Able to separate the two into two thick layers of oil (metal) and water (deathcore). One section will be open only palm-muted chords and the next will be only technical dissonance, rarely with other riffs in between. As for the "other riffs" Earlier I described, they are few and far in-between. Some of them are a few picks of the foreboding strings and some are just good ol 'fashioned tremolo picking. The vocals are very good in my opinion. They range from low and gurgly to high-pitched shrieks, and are executed very well. He does so much Babble as to clutter the music. The drums are played at varying tempos and throw in a little more creativity to the otherwise dull areas. continue mencipkakan composition terrible shock, Ring Of Saturn is still dangerous talent shows them to play musical concepts in any aransemennya Math! Ok I started with the first track "Objective to Harvest" madness has begun with the beat Hypersnare standard deathcore death metal with a strong aroma, and yet still feels very madness on the second 47, and then after that, Lucas Mann and Joel had a compact display Omans Technical incision math riffing crazy with the smell Neoclassical harmonization and Technical abis! arpheggio riffing met with the classic pentatonic then combined with mathcore style that feels more dizzy and difficult to digest for standard technical Death Metal fans though, not to mention the energetic style of vocalist Ian Bearer to be an extra set to carry Multiple Vocal breathing at the same time, Growl, Deep Guttural Screaming about the pattern and Bars are close together, and continued to harass sense gw are some Math Progression His guitar riffs and intense Drumming game still continues to provide Nuance Chaotic almost every structure, at first glance i like the feel back style Omnium Gatherum (Australia) met with The Faceless to roared crazy style of his late vocalist Mitch Suicide Silence, and more importantly komponen2 affecting almost musical structure. "Galactic Cleansing" is increasingly becoming more violent and crazy again after Track Foreplay with the first, the band continues to create music that Fast Partitions, Mathematics and Technical abis! Good Job aja deh for all their hard work for this fantastic material. As can be ascertained by being in my physical presence for three seconds, I do not like my deathcore to try to be intelligent. Bands like The Faceless disgust me, actually: we're talking about a genre that not only revels in its own stupidity, but actually thrives on it. You know when the stuff The Faceless is playing will Become acceptable behavior for the deathcore genre? Around the same moment Jungle Rot starts incorporating alternating time signatures in their measures. Imagine a band like, say, Carnifex being stripped of their thugged-out slam / breakdowns - you'd have yourself a melodic death metal band, not a deathcore one. So yeah, I do not like the formula for deathcore being tampered with, Because It seldom ends well. This, however, would have to be an exception - Rings of Saturn have actually managed to do something intelligent! Metal Musicians and as well, i feel so amazed amazed by their music creation mindset, it is fantastic to be able to play all the band, due to the high concentration and Brilliant Talent Capital is a major character like this music. Gado gado seem very nuanced, but horrible composition can they create crazy frenzy this time, and heard only the game Joel Omans riffing and Lucas Mann is the main factor is lack of musical sanity. The riffs Often weedle up and down with a the sort of melody that could best be described as a mix of typical sci-fi outer-space bleep-bloop ambience and a combination of noise coming from a lottery-themed pinball machine. This style of riffing certainly gives the music its fair share of insanity!!! enter "Shards of Scorched Flesh", a duet featuring guitarist is even more controversial game with Lick and Unique Style and possibly very familiar to fans mathcore. If Origin may play music fast and complicated, Ring Of Saturn return can even decipher the composition that sounded human but still surprised by the unique style lick2 without significant repetition technique, bener2 extraordinary concept band coy!! especially in the 9 songs is a lot of suprise they present so did i have to lack kata2 to clearly describe the band's character, an important lesson for all musicians to not be too proud metalhead with a skill that you have, even though playing different characters, This band is not necessarily skill can be played by everyone, because as the proverb says "the sky is still there the sky" so we do not have to feel quite satisfied with what we can play at this time, if you want more advanced with talents, dig continued talent for the best! cieeeee!!! well dare to accept the challenge??? very Gw recommended for you who want to progress and explore extraordinary skill, the material is highly deserves your adrenaline references. It's safe to say that Cryptopsy created a monster in the mid 90s when they assaulted the outer fringes of death metal with their first two studio releases with Lord Worm at the helm. Although they did not get beyond the typical clichés of gore and irreverent apostasy, the framework for most of the highly varied and technical prog bands, and also the variety infused grindcore, was pretty well set on their watch. Among the weirder bands to come out of this tradition is a highly ambitious quartet of musicians from Northern California with a peculiar fetish for extraterrestrial monstrosities in Rings Of Saturn. While perhaps not quite living up to the esoteric character of wormed strongly, they could be likened to a fancier yet slightly more intelligible and easily digested version of them, alongside a greater presence of more traditional Influences. and can you imagine if this was the exciting battle between Cryptopsy, Origin, The Faceless, Dillinger Escape Plan, Ion dissonance, Necrophagist, Decrepit Birth, periphery, etc! This band had a lot of potential, but all the cool areas got buried in non-creativity and repetition. Maybe their sophomore effort will surprise us.

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Beheaded - Never to Dawn CD 2012

Beheaded - Never to Dawn
Unique Leader Records 2012

01 Elapsed in the Vortex of Extinction 05:14    
02 Lament of a Sordid God 04:00    
03 Where Hours Etch Their Name 05:47    
04 Perished into Inexistence 04:18    
05 Never to Dawn 05:50    
06 Dead Silence 02:38    
07 Towards an Abducted Sun 03:00    
08 Descent into Sanguinary Seas 05:11    
09 The Ancient Acumen 07:38

David "Cejca" Cachia - Bass
Chris Brincat - Drums
Robert Agius - Guitars
Omar Grech - Guitars
Frank Calleja - Vocals

Malta. Is this the last place you’re likely to look when searching for a decent slab of brutal death metal? Probably. However, you’d be a fool to overlook the obvious brutality in the form of Beheaded, Malta’s leading death metal act and perhaps one of the most inspired death metal acts in the industry today. As one can see, that’s no small feat to both rule the nation and the industry that has inspired you to do what you‘re doing. Beheaded have done just that to the heads of the musicians they‘re in competition with. Used their fast and slowing sounds to slice through the necks of all who stand opposed to their ideologies and diversity. Beheaded have been a source of inspiration for me. On a personal level, it was Beheaded’s ‘Recounts Of Disembodiment’ that was the sole inspiration behind my checking out the best that brutal death metal had to offer and to be honest, I’ve not come across a band as appealing as Beheaded, which might say a lot, depending on your knowledge of the popular genre. In comparison to the last effort, ‘Recounts Of Disembodiment’, this just about equals what it’s predecessor achieved. This fact isn’t disappointing in the slightest and does not detract from the value of the content Beheaded have placed on the record. There are some who were probably crying out for progression, but why change a winning method? This is where the notion of a sell out would probably come into play if that had been the case. As one of the samples suggests during the album, this is the personification of evil, which cannot be destroyed. BEHEADED IS BACK YEAHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... sejak rilisan terakhir "Ominous Bloodline " tahun 2005 menjadi penantian paling panjang karir bermusik bagi band Brutal Death Metal berbahaya ini setelah sempat tahun 2007 dikhabarkan kalo band ini membubarkan diri namun hal tersebut sama sekali ga terbukti, Beheaded masih aktif ! cuman hanya konsentrasi penuh dengan Konsep materi album baru setelah melalui Masa Penyesuaian panjang dengan beberapa Member barunya. band yang sejak materi Demo pertama " Souldead " tahun 1995 sudah mulai menjadi bahan perbincangan publik Internasional ini yang kemudian disusul dengan full album pertama " Perpetual Mockery " tahun 1998 dan dikejutkan lagi dengan dasyatnya Ep " Resurgence of Oblivion " 2 tahun kemudian, reputasi Beheaded semakin menjulang tinggi ! This is a masterpiece of modern technical death metal in every aspect of the word. This is pretty much non-stop constant attack on the aural senses, it is deafening. The double bas sis basically constant, other than when there is some serious riffage. The drums follow the guitar work like a shadow, the precision is simply astonishing. I can link it to bands like Suffocation and Pyrexia in terms of technicality, but this band raises the bar on the old masters by playing faster then them. saat ini masih menyisakan 3 anggota dari materi Album terakhir " Ominous Bloodline ", Drummer dasyat Chris Brincat, Gitaris Omar Grech dan bassis David "Cejca" Cachia tetap membawa Beheaded ke titik panas Brutal Death metal mengerikan sejak materi2 sebelumnya. kini mencoba kualitas Member baru dari Vokalis Frank Calleja serta Gitaris Robert Agius dari band Archaean Harmony, Beheaded masih terus menerjang kejam dengan permainan mega dasyat-nya yang terinfluence berat oleh Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse hingga Pyrexia. " Never to Dawn " memang album full gress yang paling Gw tunggu juga metalhead lainnya ! sajian bakalan menjadi menarik saat pertama kali gw mendapatkan Album Gress ini dan buru2 aja gw ga sabar untuk Play di Player dan menulis tentang ini hehehe .... kali ini Beheaded Menggandeng Enjiner Stefano Morabito-nya Eyeconoclast dan pernah maen di Hour Of Penance di 16th cellar studio untuk mengerjakan materi masterpiece Beheaded Tahun 2012 ini, mungkin bakalan ngasih sedikit perubahan terhadap Sound Beheaded sendiri yang sebelumnya ditangani oleh Enjiner Langganan Band sejak awal, David Vella, well menjawab rasa penasaran ini ada baiknya langsung gw mulai Review materi ini yang diawali dengan Track " Elapsed in the Vortex of Extinction " dengan sebuah konspirasi Intro selama 30 detik yang langsung digempur dengan Terjangan maut Beheaded yang tetap sadis !! dan memang tepat seperti dugaan gw sebelumnya kalau Progresi Sound Beheaded kali ini lebih menjadi Eropa Death Metal Brutal Style seperti Hour Of Penance, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Hideous Divinity, hingga Vomit The Soul, Stefano Morabito memang telah banyak mengubah sound style beheaded cukup signifikan dan mungkin ini juga telah menjadi rekomendasi Pihak Unique Leader records sendiri yang banyak kerja sama dengan Sosok Berbakat baru yang banyak dipake Bakat Mastermind-nya saat ini. gaya Dark Riffing Omar Grech dan Robert Agius lebih menawarkan gaya Harmonisasi hitam yang sedikit banyak mengingatkan gw dengan Gaya Monstrosity era " In Dark Purity " banget ! the one element of brutal death metal that has been overriding, and often overpowering, in my search for bands that can equal or even better the sound laid that by these Maltese masochists is the fact that the chaotic sound that brutal death metal inhabits is not controlled, dan tentunya masih ada yang menanyakan khabar drummer mantap Chris Brincat ? tetep Powerfully dengan pukulan mantapnya !! Chris Brincat lebih banyak membuat progress lick drum yang serba mengejutkan dengan Pukulan serba dinamis selain masih mengandalkan  Pukulan yang mantap deh ! sebuah sinergi " Hidup " dan Menarik bagi spirit Beheaded sejak awal. mendengar secara cermat agresi musik dan aransemen Beheaded kali ini bagi gw lebih menawarkan komposisi musik yang cepat dan harmonius dengan beberapa sentuhan Monstrosity era " In Dark Purity " serta Morbid Angel in the vein dan beberapa Aroma Aborted dan Hour Of Penance, namun masih tidak melepaskan Pengaruh Kuat The Mighty Suffocation ! Instead, there are many bands who seem to think the idea of chaos alone will increase the popularity of their music. This is note the case. The idea of perfection when it comes to a genre such as this, which is fast and furious, is when one can find oneself a band that manages to bridge the gap between chaos and control, a paradox that many fail to achieve in a musical sense. Beheaded do this by slicing and dicing their way up and down the neck of the guitar and producing top notch riffs that seem completely incomparable to any current or previous death metal band. sementara raungan Growling Vocalis Frank Calleja tetap memberikan sentuhan karakter baru dengan Powerfully Growling yang sedikit bergaya Old School Death Metal Type dan Backing Scream Vokal Bassis David "Cejca" Cachia semakin melengkapi Gemuruh Yang ada.  dan mungkin track pertama ini bakalan mewakili karakter " baru " dalam progres Musikal Beheaded setelah lama Mematangkan materi ini sejak debut album " Ominous Bloodline ". kemudian " Lament of a Sordid God " secara sadis terus menawarkan gempuran maha dasyat mematikan. Sophomore Dark Riffing US Style dan European Style sedang bertarung sengit diantara Lick dinamis sehingga asli menciptakan komposisi musik yang luar biasa. contained several elements that made it a success and those have been carried over on to this record. As previously stated, the lack of progression isn’t disappointing in the slightest. Beheaded have a certain way about them and that suits me just fine. Whilst one can sense certain influences, like Dying Fetus or Suffocation, Beheaded have their own distinctive sound, which is primarily created by heavy guitars, focused intently on creating a brutal sense of melody. dan memang sangat terasa mungkin perbedaan karakter Vokal growl Frank Calleja yang lebih emosional ketimbang gaya Grunting dan Guttural seperti era vokalis Melchior Borg, sehingga memang Karakter Frank Lebih cocok untuk konsepsional Musik Beheaded saat ini. " Where Hours Etch Their Name " mencoba terus memadukan karakter US Style Suffocation dan Cannibal Corpse Style dengan beberapa sentuhan eropa style, aroma hitam kelam Dark Riffing-nya pun masih terus gw rasakan sendiri Karakter Morbid Angel. dan ada banyak sentuhan progresif dan teknikal banget pada track ini selain hanya mengumbar Fast part aja. The general framework of the music has a somewhat minimalistic feel to it. The guitars are watered down and play out with high precision. The drumming tends to be a little more complex, but instead of playing out like a wall of sound, they deliver a hectic and thin performance that seem to follow the lead of the guitars. The bass guitar is pretty drowned in the middle of it all, and when heard, it does what it is supposed to do. The vocals are also of a less impressive nature, sounding like a continuous grunt that is cut up into pieces, but the delivery is one of force. lalu " Perished into Inexistence " masih menyambung Part Dinamis track " Where .. " sepertinya disini Beheaded ingin lebih bereksplorasi dengan beberapa sentuhan yang melodius dengan hadirnya solo Gitar Cantik melodik-nya diantara deru padat Rapat Himpitan twin pedal Bombastis Chris Brincat. Kemudian " Never To Dawn " semakin Gw cium aroma Kental Morbid Angel dipart awal-nya lebih terus menawarkan Riffing Hitam dan gelap pada setiap Pergeseran Bar-nya. kemudian gempuran Snare cepat diiringi dengan Dark Harmonization, well pertemuan jahat antara Monstrosity " Rise To Power " dengan Suffocation " Despise The Sun " terus menciptakan karakter musik cepat yang Hitam ! There is only technical ass whooping, and a whole hell of a lot of it. This seems to be a concept album, about some sort of invasion of our planet, by some obscure and weird creatures, and I like concept albums, so I was glad to hear that there is cohesiveness behind the album, and it is not just a collection of songs about butchery and rape, etc, but something that actually has a point to it. So that was actually refreshing. setelah itu " Dead Silence " terus meledak2 menyuguhkan Intensitas Brutality Part yang semakin enerjik pembawaannya berbeda dengan " Towards an Abducted Sun " yang lebih menawarkan Epic Part Hitam pada Part2 awalnya dengan sayatan Distorsi Harmoni kelam sekali ! mungkin struktur Riffing seperti ini ga banyak elo temuin di materi2 Beheaded sebelumnya dan untuk kali ini Beheaded lebih menawarkan dalam porsi banyaknya. sebuah album Beheaded yang lebih mulai Tampil " Melodic " bisa menjadi Klaim baru disini. tapi tenang aja, " Descent into Sanguinary Seas " masih menawarkan aroma Kental Suffocation seperti pada beberapa materi Beheaded sebelumnya. There is no doubt that Beheaded have done it again. Breaking away from the traditional Suffocation feel and opting for something more thier own, the songs are powerful and pissed off, the perfect soundtrack for when you're angry enough to beat the ever-living shit out of that man/woman that keeps eating away at your nerves. The slower groovy breakdowns are perfect pit material. dan pada bagian Pamungkas " The Ancient Acumen " mengakhirinya dengan durasi Track yang panjang, 7:38 Menit ! Beheaded seperti memuntahkan Talenta Ultimatumnya untuk menguras segala enerji dan Pikiran mereka menciptakan komposisi musik yang semakin dasyat ! dan yang pasti ada pengalaman baru yang belum pernah elo rasakan sendiri dibeberapa materi beheaded sebelumnya. meskipun banyak menggeser elemen bermusik awal, Beheaded tetap menampilkan struktur permainan yang prima, sehingga wajib banget elo rasakan sendiri siksaan mematikannya ! This fact isn’t disappointing in the slightest and does not detract from the value of the content Beheaded have placed on the record. There are some who were probably crying out for progression, but why change a winning method? This is where the notion of a sell out would probably come into play if that had been the case. As one of the samples suggests during the album, this is the personification of evil, which cannot be destroyed. I cannot say anything more, if you feel like being driven into dementia, BUY OR DIE !!!!.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Malta. Is this the last place you're Likely to look when searching for a decent slab of brutal death metal? Probably. However, you'd be a fool to overlook the obvious Brutality in the form of Beheaded, Malta's leading death metal act and perhaps one of the most inspired death metal acts in the industry today. As one can see, that's no small feat to both rule the nation and the industry that has inspired you to do what you're doing. Beheaded have done just that to the heads of the musicians they're in competition with. Used fast and slowing their sounds to slice through the necks of all who stand opposed to their ideologies and diversity. Beheaded have been a source of inspiration for me. On a personal level, it was Beheaded's 'recounts Of Disembodiment' that was the sole inspiration behind my checking out the best that brutal death metal had to offer and to be honest, I've not come across a band as appealing as Beheaded, roomates might say a lot, Depending on your knowledge of the popular genre. In comparison to the last effort, 'recounts Of Disembodiment', this just about equals what it's predecessor Achieved. This fact is not disappointing in the slightest and does not detract from the value of the content Beheaded have placed on the record. There are probably some who were crying out for progression, but why change a winning method? This is where the notion of a sell out would probably come into play if that had been the case. As one of the samples during the album suggests, this is the personification of evil, roomates can not be destroyed. Beheaded IS BACK Yeahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... since the release of the last "Ominous Bloodline" in 2005 to the long wait for the band's music career Brutal Death Metal dangerous after a year 2007 dikhabarkan if the band broke up, but it did prove ga, Beheaded still active! cuman only full concentration concept album of new material after a long adjustment period with some new Member. band since the first demo material "Souldead" in 1995 have started to become the subject of conversation this international public which was followed by the first full length album "Perpetual Mockery" in 1998 and struck again with dasyatnya Ep "Resurgence of Oblivion" 2 years later, the reputation Beheaded soaring! This is a masterpiece of modern technical death metal in every aspect of the word. This is pretty much non-stop constant attack on the aural senses, it is deafening. The double bass sis basically constant, other than when there is some serious riffage. The drums follow the guitar work like a shadow, the precision is simply astonishing. I can link it to bands like Suffocation and Pyrexia in terms of technicality, but this band raises the bar on the old masters by playing faster then them. currently still leaves three members of the material last album "Ominous Bloodline" terrible Drummer Chris Brincat, guitarist Omar Grech and bassist David "Cejca" Cachia keep bringing the heat to the point Beheaded Brutal Death Metal terrible since materi2 before. quality is now trying a new Member of vocalist and guitarist Robert Frank Calleja Agius of band Archaean Harmony, Beheaded still keeps crashing terrible cruel game of his mega heavy terinfluence by Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse to Pyrexia. "Never to Dawn" is the album's most Gw full gress also waiting for other metalhead! dish going to be interesting the first time i get this album and buru2 Gress gw aja ga wait to play on the player and wrote about it hehehe .... Took this time Beheaded Engineer Stefano Morabito and his Eyeconoclast never Hour Of Penance maen in 16th cellar studios to work on the material Beheaded In this 2012 masterpiece, probably going to give a few changes to the Sound itself Beheaded previously handled by the Engineer Subscriptions Band since its inception, David Vella, well answer the curiosity is a good idea I started immediately review these materials beginning with Track "elapsed in the Vortex of Extinction" by a conspiracy Intro for 30 seconds immediately battered by Brunt death remains sadistic Beheaded! and i did exactly as assumed previously that Sound Progression Beheaded time is more a European style like Brutal Death Metal Hour Of Penance, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Hideous Divinity, to Vomit The Soul, Stefano Morabito has indeed been a lot of change is significant beheaded sound style and this may The recommendation also has a Unique Leader records themselves a lot of cooperation with the new Gifted figure using that much of his talent Mastermind today. Dark style riffing Omar Grech and Robert Agius more offers stylish black Harmonization somewhat reminiscent gw with style era Monstrosity "In Dark Purity" really! The one element of brutal death metal that has been overriding, and overpowering Often, in my search for bands that can equal or even better the sound laid by these Maltese Masochists that is the fact that the chaotic sound Inhabits brutal death metal that is not controlled , and of course there are those who ask khabar steady drummer Chris Brincat? tetep powerfully with a solid punch! Chris Brincat make more progress-paced drum lick surprising with blow-paced dynamic while still relying on a steady blow deh! a synergy "Life" and Highlights for Beheaded spirit from the start. listen carefully aggression and musical arranger for gw Beheaded this time offering more musical compositions quick and with a few touches Harmonius era Monstrosity "In Dark Purity" and Morbid Angel in the vein and some aroma and Hour Of Penance Aborted, yet still did not release the Influence The Mighty Strong Suffocation! Instead, there are many bands who seem to think the idea of ??chaos alone will increase of the popularity of their music. This is note the case. The idea of ??perfection when it comes to a genre such as this, roomates is fast and furious, is when one can find oneself a band that manages to bridge the gap between chaos and control, a paradox that many fail to Achieve in a musical sense . Beheaded do this by slicing and dicing their way up and down the neck of the guitar and producing top notch riffs that seem completely incomparable to any current or previous death metal band. Growling roar Vocalis while still providing a touch of Frank Calleja new character with a little style powerfully Growling Old School Death Metal Type and Backing Vocals Scream bassist David "Cejca" Cachia more complete Thunderous There. and probably the first track is going to represent the character of the "new" phones Beheaded in progress after a long time the capacity, this material since their debut album "Ominous Bloodline". then "Lament of a Sordid God" sadistically continue to offer all-terrible deadly onslaught. Sophomore Dark riffing U.S. Style and European Style Lick is fighting fiercely among dynamic that creates original musical compositions were outstanding. contained several elements that made it a success and those have been Carried over on to this record. As previously stated, the lack of progression is not disappointing in the slightest. Beheaded have a certain way about them and that suits me just fine. Whilst one can sense certain Influences, like Dying Fetus or Suffocation, Beheaded have their own distinctive sound, roomates is primarily created by heavy guitars, focused intently on creating a brutal sense of melody. and it is felt may be differences in the character of Frank Calleja growl vocals are more emotional than Grunting and Guttural style as vocalist Melchior Borg era, making it more suitable for the character of Frank Beheaded current conceptual music. "Where Hours Etch Their Name" trying to continue to integrate character U.S. Style Suffocation and Cannibal Corpse Style with some touch of European style, aroma blackened his Dark riffing still continues i feel alone Character Morbid Angel. and there are a lot of very technical and progressive touch on this track than just spit Fast wrote part. The general framework of the music has a somewhat minimalistic feel to it. The guitars are watered down and play out with high precision. The drumming tends to be a little more complex, but instead of playing out like a wall of sound, they deliver a hectic and thin performance that seem to follow the lead of the guitars. The bass guitar is pretty Drowned in the middle of it all, and when heard, it does what it is supposed to do. The vocals are also of a less impressive nature, sounding like a continuous grunt that is cut up into pieces, but the delivery is one of force. and "perished into Inexistence" still connect Part Dynamic track "Where .." seems like more to explore here Beheaded with some melodic touches with gorgeous melodic guitar solos presence of her crush Meetings between the roar of the twin solid pedal bombastic Chris Brincat. Then "Never To Dawn" the smell Gw Condensed dipart early Morbid Angel continues to offer more of his black and dark riffing on every shift of his bar. Snare then strikes quickly followed by Dark Harmonization, well nasty encounter between Monstrosity "Rise To Power" with Suffocation "despise The Sun" continues to create a black character fast music! There is only technical ass whooping, and a whole hell of a lot of it. This seems to be a concept album, about some sort of invasion of our planet, by some obscure and weird creatures, and I like concept albums, so I was glad to hear that there is cohesiveness behind the album, and it is not just a collection of songs about butchery and rape, etc, but something that actually has a point to it. So that was actually refreshing. after that "Dead Silence" continues meledak2 intensity Brutality Part presenting an increasingly energetic demeanor in contrast to "Towards an abducted Sun" offers a more Part Epic Black on Part2 Harmony Distortion incision initially with dark once! This structure may be riffing like a lot of elo ga materi2 temuin in previous Beheaded Beheaded and for this time many more offers in portions. an album Beheaded more from Perform "Melodic" could be a new claim here. but just calm, "Descent into Sanguinary Seas" still offers aromas Condensed Suffocation as in some previous Beheaded material. There is no doubt that Beheaded have done it again. Breaking away from the traditional Suffocation feel and opting for something more thier own, the songs are powerful and pissed off, the perfect soundtrack for when you're angry enough to beat the ever-living shit out of that man / woman that keeps eating away at your nerves. The slower groovy breakdowns are perfect pit material. and on the Pamungkas "The Ancient Acumen" Track ended with a long duration, 7:38 Minutes! Beheaded like spewing Talents ultimatum to drain all the energy and thoughts they create musical compositions that increasingly terrible! and that there must be a new experience that has never felt himself in some material elo beheaded before. although a lot of shifting early musical elements, Beheaded still showing the structure of the game are excellent, thus feel themselves obliged to torment elo really turn it off! This fact is not disappointing in the slightest and does not detract from the value of the content Beheaded have placed on the record. There are probably some who were crying out for progression, but why change a winning method? This is where the notion of a sell out would probably come into play if that had been the case. As one of the samples during the album suggests, this is the personification of evil, roomates can not be destroyed. I can not say anything more, if you feel like being driven into dementia, BUY OR DIE!!!!.

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Siksa Kubur - St. Kristo CD 2012

Siksa Kubur - St. Kristo
Rottrevore Records 2012

01 Burung Bangkai 10:18       
02 Merah Hitam Hijau 05:25       
03 Surga Temaram 08:09
04 420 05:09
05 Industri Monster Distorsi 07:23       
06 Bersama Bermuatan Bencana 06:22       
07 Kelelawar Hijau 06:18

Andre Tiranda - Guitars, Bass, Backing Vocals
Septian - Vocals
Adhitya Perkasa - Drums
Baken Nainggolan - Guitars

Perubahan Konsep Signifikan dibandingkan dengan beberapa Typical awal perjalanan Karir Band Death Metal brutal paling Ibukota di kenal di Scene Indonesia sejak terbentuk tahun 1999 yang sebelumnya sudah melahirkan 5 buah album populer “The Carnage” (2001), “Back To Vengeance” (2002), “Eye Cry” (2003), “Podium” (2007) dan “Tentara Merah Darah” (2010). perjalanan panjang band ini memang tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan permainan yang dinamis dan bertalenta sehingga kemudian banyak menjadi Inspirator beberapa band Indonesia scene. memang sangat panjang jika Gw ceritakan kembali perjalanan fenomenal bagi Karir Bermusik SK sendiri yang saat sekarang hanya menyisakan Andre ' Bacot ' Tiranda sebagai Frontman tersisa dari generasi Ke-2 sejak Member Orisinil Terakhir SK, Vocalis Japra Mengundurkan diri ga lama setelah album " Tentara Merah Darah " dilepas. sementara SK sendiri mulai kehilangan Konsepsional Utama gaya bermusik memang sejak Drummer Berbakat Andyan Gorust Memutuskan untuk cabut selepas menggarap materi album " Podium ", karena memang diketahui Struktur dan Konsep SK sendiri banyak di Gagas Oleh Andyan Gorust yang kini lebih membawa konsep SK " Khas " tersebut dalam band barunya, Deadsquad ! memang menjadi pekerjaan paling berat bagi Gitaris Andre harus bisa menyelamatkan karakteristik SK sejak kepergian Andyan. dan membawa Konsep dan Imej Baru, SK dibawah Komando Andre harus memulai karakter Ulang yang begitu terasakan memasuki penggarapan album " Tentara Merah Darah ", kendati membuat Surprise bagi para Fans SK, Andre lebih tertantang dan berani menawarkan Progresi Signifikan Pengaruh dari dirinya serta harus melangkah jauh dari karakteristik SK sendiri. dan Pro dan Kontra seperti biasa terjadi ditengah pergeseran ini, banyak yang mengatakan jika " Roh " utama SK telah berpindah ke Deadsquad, dan ga sedikit yang bilang SK menjadi Behemoth-nya Indonesia ! Yup memang Gw rasakan banget Struktur dan karakter bermusik SK kali ini lebih banyak memasukkan elemen Death Metal Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Deicide serta Morbid Angel yang begitu kuat ! yang bagi gw pribadi adalah sebuah terobosan yang tergolong " Berhasil " ketimbang kalo Gw bandingkan dengan beberapa band yang " Mengaku " lebih terinfluence oleh nama2 bule diatas tadi, Andre Tiranda memang Seorang Musisi yang cerdas untuk mengulik Lick Struktur Band2 seperti itu di SK kali ini. gw ngomong begini memang apa adanya coy hehehe ... mungkin gw masih terpesona dengan Konsep materi " Tentara Merah Darah " harus tertampar kembali dengan dasyatnya materi " St. Kristo " ini, sebuah Aransemen Brilian banyak tertanam dan menyerang secara musikal disini pokoknya ! sebuah debut album yang secara penuh didedikasikan untuk Almarhum Scenester Death Metal Indonesia atas jasa2 dan Pemikiran Briliannya untuk membangun Scene Death Metal Indonesia menjadi Awesome dimata Internasional dengan membangun label Rottrevore Records ! “St. Kristo” yang diambil dari nama Alm. Kristoforus Dwinanda Satrio memang menjadi bentuk nyata " Arti Perjuangan Besar " ! banyak memberi Movement yang penting, telah Membangun Attitude SK sendiri menjadi Besar hingga sekarang. “St. Kristo” sendiri direkam di Studio EC3 Jakarta yang merupakan studio rekaman milik drummer EDANE, Fajar Satritama dengan operator ditanggungjawabi Mas Bebi serta Rudi Dian (ex Disinfected, Injected) bertindak sebagai produser rekaman, seperti membawa bentuk karakter Sound baru bagi SK sejak " Tentara Merah Darah ", Raw dan Fastest menjadi salah satu kekuatan Ganas Brutal Death Metal cepat untuk album ini. " Burung Bangkai " mengawali pertemuan pertama dengan sebuah Intro Spoken yang menjadi sebuah Implementasi nyata sebuah Perjuangan dan tertanam pada artwork Front Kover-nya, selama 01:33 yang lalu disusul dengan hentakan tajam dan ganas Musikalitas SK yang banyak membawa Atmosfir Harmonisasi gelap dari beberapa elemen gaya Band2 Black Metal Norwegia telah menjadi Inspirator pendukung aransemen lagu2 SK saat ini. Struggling Dark Riffing mantap Perpaduan antara gaya Deicide, Morbid Angel dan Behemoth memang adalah downstroke Roll'in hitam yang lebih banyak menghipnotis gaya Riffing Andre ! belum lagi ditambah dengan beberapa solo Melodius Gitaris Baken Nainggolan-nya Betrayer yang kini juga menyuguhkan sayatan melodius in The Vein Morbid Angel menambah kekuatan Kelam hampir disetiap Progresi Kejamnya. sementara Pukulan tajam Drummer  Adhitya Perkasa juga melakukan pekerjaannya secara Total dan Powerfully ! Karakter Vokalis Gendut Septian lebih mengarah kepada karakter Glen Benton dan Adam-nya Behemoth banget. dan menambah mengagumkan lagi kalau Track ini memiliki Durasi permainan yang panjang dan matang ! sebuah Tamparan keras untuk band2 lain untuk lebih bisa menciptakan kualitas nyata bagaimana membuat lagu yang bagus hehehe. membaca progresi Struktur SK Dekade Andre memang lebih menitik beratkan pada Kecepatan Ritme dan Powerfully Beat yang sophisticated ! employs an extremely crunchy, buzzy and distorted guitar tone that envelopes all the riffs, chords and harmonies. The riffs are not all fast and technical though – for every face melting, finger-burning section there is one that demonstrates the harmonic brilliance of the band. Fills are fast and well placed but never overdone or overabundant. perfectly toes the line of technicality, mixing in just enough to impress and amaze without sacrificing the identity or functionality of any song. kemudian " Merah Hitam Hijau " yang sebelumnya lebih dulu dikenalkan dan menjadi track unggulan disini tetap menawarkan nuansa yang cepat yang pada awalnya dimulai dengan sebuah Intro Soraian penonton digelanggang arena Gladiator Romawi. Andre seakan tiada Capek dan lelah untuk menciptakan Dark Harmonization sadis yang diikuti dengan permainan Drumming yang cepat dan mantap. selain mengandalkan speed, SK tetap tidak melupakan segi Dinamis pada Transform Beat yang ciamik ! It encompasses the whole range of mortal existence, from the depth of evil to the domain of the gods and through it courses imminent, absolute power. digeber dengan durasi 5 menitan cukuplah untuk memecahkan dan mematahkan leher kita jika terbawa suasana untuk headbang ! " Surga Temaram " kembali membuat Gempuran Panjang seperti halnya " Burung Bangkai " yang harus menguras enerji extra mereka selama 8 menit ! komposisi musik yang semakin matang tetap menjadi Tantangan tersendiri bagi SK, sentuhan in the Vein Morbid Angel era " Covenat " nampak begitu terasa pada beberapa Breaking Beat konvesional selain Andre tetap konsentrasi penuh dengan Lick Riffing fantastis-nya. there are a handful of metallic tracks here with interesting components, and seemed to set himself some new records for manic, inhuman blasting !! bisa gw bayangkan sendiri bagaimana harus menguras otak untuk membuat aransemen lagu cepat dan dinamis dalam durasi yang panjang begini. berani menerima tantangan ?? lalu " 420 " pun semakin ngebut dan liar gempuran blastbeat-nya. Nice Over Riffing Chuggin Andre disini dan good Work banget untuk stamina drummer Adhitya Perkasa, yang sesuai dengan nama belakangnya selalu tampil fit hehehehe.... A time when their guitars oozed menace, their lyrics dripped with venom, and their overall effect was one of paradoxically elegant savagery. menambah kesan lain antara lagunya, pada track " Industri Monster Distorsi ", dimulai dengan solo bass dan kemudian tarian atraktif cepat semakin tetap menjadi Unggulan SK melahirkan karya2 yang fenomenal untuk Scene Indonesia terdengar semakin berbahaya !! masuknya Baken Nainggolan sebagai gitaris ke-2 semakin menambah Bobot tersendiri dari segi riffing SK tampak terdengar Harmonius dan Melodius. memang ada banyak elemen Morbid Angel yang tertanam kuat di Riffing SK kali ini dibanding dengan materi sebelumnya. Riffing tone is immediately recognizable, it is a muddier incarnation that adds only to the overall wall of noise. There are glimmers of past brilliance ! total waktu 49 menit adalah durasi total waktu yang fantastis untuk band2 Scene Indonesia untuk melaluinya, karena masih kebanyakan durasi dibawah 1/2 jam yang lebih familiar, apalagi " St.Kristo " ini malah menjadi album SK yang paling ngebut dengan durasi fantastis seperti itu. ada banyak pembelajaran baru yang mungkin ingin ditorehkan Andre Tiranda Cs untuk band2 Metal di Indonesia Scene untuk lebih menjaga kualitas Permainan ketimbang Imej saja, karena gw percaya all metalhead tanah air kita semakin lebih cerdas untuk menentukan dan menilai sebuah karya yang bagus. tetap menggunakan jasa seniman Riandy Karuniawan untuk kembali menghiasi Masterpiece fenomenal SK ini setelah " tentara Merah Darah ". tentunya SK fans ingin lebih merasakan lagi Perkembangan dasyat musikalitas band Death Metal brutal paling berbahaya ini dengan sentuhan hitam dan kelam In The Vein Morbid Angel, Deicide, behemoth dan sadisnya Cannibal Corpse? gw sarankan untuk mencoba sendiri debutan Fresh ini. features some of the most bizarre and unique riffs, solos, structures, and lyrics in all of metal. Pete Sandoval's drumming at times seems to defy human ability in terms of speed and complexity. Of course, it always did, but even more so on this CD. The overall impression is one of awe at how well the music and concepts meld to create an imposing monolith of an album. so damn generic, and if the songwriting were just a bit more focused. Worth getting, but you'll be listening to this much less than the earlier albums !!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

The concept of Significant changes compared with some earlier trips Typical Career brutal Death Metal Band at the Capital in the know on the Scene Indonesia since the establishment in 1999 of previously spawned 5 pieces popular album "The Carnage" (2001), "Back To Vengeance" (2002), "Cry Eye" (2003), "Podium" (2007) and "Blood Red Army" (2010). long journey this band can not be separated with the game's dynamic and talented so then many become Inspirator some Indonesian band scene. very long indeed if Gw retell the journey phenomenal music career for a while now SK itself leaving only Andre 'snout' Frontman Tiranda the left of second generation The Last Original Member since SK, Vocalis ga Japra Resigned shortly after the album "Blood Red Army "removable. while SK itself began to lose Main conceptual musical style is from Talented Drummer Andyan Gorust Decided to pull the material after working on the album "Podium", because it is known to its own structure and concept SK many Gagas By Andyan Gorust more now brought the concept of SK "Typical" is in his new band, Deadsquad! indeed be the hardest jobs for Guitarist Andre should be able to save the characteristics of the SK since the departure Andyan. The image and bring new concepts and, under the command of Andre SK must start character birthday so felt into the cultivation of the album "Blood Red Army", despite making Surprise for Fans SK, Andre more challenging and daring offer Significant Influence Progression of himself and should go far of the characteristics of SK alone. Pros and Cons and as always happens in the middle of this shift, many say if the "Spirit" has been moved to the main SK Deadsquad and ga little is said SK into his Behemoth Indonesia! Yup indeed Gw really feel and character of the musical structure SK this time putting more elements of Death Metal Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Deicide and Morbid Angel are so strong! are for personal gw is a breakthrough that is "Successful" than if Gw compared with some of the bands "Confessing" more terinfluence by Caucasians nama2 above was, indeed Andre Tiranda A smart musician mengulik Lick Band2 structure like that in SK this time. i say this is what they are coy hehehe ... maybe I'm still fascinated with the concept of matter "Blood Red Army" should be slapped back with dasyatnya material "St.. Kristo", a lot of embedded and Arrangement Brilliant musical attack here anyway! a debut album that is fully dedicated to the late Scenester Indonesia Death Metal on jasa2 and brilliant idea to build the Death Metal Scene Indonesia into the eyes of the International Awesome build Rottrevore Records label! "St. Kristo "taken from the name of Alm. Christopher Dwinanda Satrio is a form of real "meaning of the Great Struggle"! Movement is important to give a lot, has build himself a Great Attitude SK until now. "St. Kristo "itself was recorded at Studio EC3 Jakarta which is a recording studio owned by drummer Edane, Dawn Satritama ditanggungjawabi operator Mas Bebi and Rudi Dian (ex Disinfected, Injected) acts as a record producer, such as a new take on the character of Sound for SK since" Blood Red Army "Raw and Fastest be one of the strengths of Malignant Brutal Death Metal fast for this album. "Bird Carcass' first meeting started with an intro Spoken being a real implementation of a struggle and embedded in his artwork Front Coverage, for 01:33 which then followed with a sharp snap and savage musicality decree bring much darker atmosphere Harmonisation of several elements Band2 style Black Metal Norway has been a supporter Inspirator lagu2 SK current arrangements. Struggling Dark riffing steady mix of styles Deicide, Morbid Angel and Behemoth is indeed a black Roll'in downstroke more hypnotic riffing style of Andre! not to mention coupled with some melodic solo guitarist Baken Nainggolan his Betrayer is now also present in The Vein incision melodic Morbid Angel Dark adding strength almost every Progression Cruelly. while a sharp blow Drummer Adhitya Perkasa conducted its work in Total and powerfully! Character Vocalist Fat Septian more directed to the character of Glen Benton and his Adam Behemoth really. and adding another awesome track that has a long duration of the game and mature! a hard slap to the other band2 to better be able to create real quality how to make a great song hehehe. read progressions SK Decade Andre structure is more focused on the Speed ??Beat rhythms and powerfully sophisticated! employs an extremely crunchy, buzzy and distorted guitar tone that envelopes all the riffs, chords and harmonies. The riffs are not all fast and technical though - for every face melting, finger-burning section there is one that demonstrates the harmonic brilliance of the band. Fills are fast and well placed but never overdone or overabundant. perfectly toes the line of technicality, mixing in just enough to impress and amaze without sacrificing the identity or functionality of any song. then "Red Black Green" previously introduced first and a track featured here offers the feel of a fast fixed that initially started with an intro Soraian audience digelanggang Roman Gladiator arena. Andre seemed no Tired and weary to create Dark Harmonization sadistic Drumming game followed by a rapid and steady. than relying on speed, SK still have not forgotten the terms Dynamic Transform ciamik Beat! It encompasses the whole range of mortal existence, from the depth of evil to the domain of the gods and through it courses imminent, absolute power. lauched with a duration of 5 menitan suffice it to crack and break our necks if carried away to headbang! "Heaven Temaram" Long strikes again made like "Bird Carcass" to be their extra energy drain for 8 minutes! more mature musical composition remains a distinct challenge for SK, touch in the Vein era Morbid Angel "Covenat" appear so pronounced in some than Andre Breaking Beat conventional fixed concentration with fantastic riffing Lick it. there are a handful of tracks here with interesting metallic components, and seemed to set himself some new records for manic, Inhuman blasting! i can imagine for yourself how to drain the brain to make arrangements quickly and dynamically track the duration of a long way. dare to accept the challenge?? and "420" are increasingly speeding and wild blastbeat his onslaught. Over Chuggin Andre Nice riffing here and very good for stamina drummer Work Adhitya Perkasa, which according to the last name always appeared fit hehehehe .... A time when their guitars oozed menace, their lyrics dripped with venom, and their overall effect was one of paradoxically elegant savagery. Another adds the song, the track "Monster Industries Distortion", beginning with a solo bass and then dances remain an attractive fast growing seed SK spawned a phenomenal karya2 for Indonesia Scene sounded more dangerous! Baken entry Nainggolan as a 2nd guitarist to further increase its own weight in terms of riffing SK seemed sound Harmonius and melodic. indeed there are many elements of Morbid Angel are firmly planted in the riffing SK this time compared with the previous material. Riffing tone is immediately recognizable, it is a muddier incarnation that only adds to the overall wall of noise. There are glimmers of past brilliance! total time of 49 minutes is the total duration of a fantastic time for band2 Scene Indonesia through them, because most of the time still under 1/2 hour more familiar, let alone "St.Kristo" is in fact a most speeding SK album with such a fantastic time. there are a lot of new learning that may want inscribed Andre Tiranda Cs for band2 Metal Scene in Indonesia for more than a game preserve The image quality alone, because I believe all our land increasingly metalhead smarter to define and assess the good work. continue to use the services of artists to re-decorate Riandy Karuniawan Masterpiece phenomenal decree after "Blood Red Army". SK certainly feel the fans want more catastrophic developments musically brutal Death Metal band's most dangerous with a touch of black and dark In The Vein Morbid Angel, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse behemoth and sadistic? i suggest to try Fresh's own debutant. features some of the most bizarre and unique riffs, solos, structures, and lyrics in all of metal. Pete Sandoval's drumming at times seems to Defy the human ability in terms of speed and complexity. Of course, it always did, but even more so on this CD. The overall impression is one of awe at how well the music and concepts melded to create an imposing monolith of an album. so damn generic, and if the songwriting were just a bit more focused. Worth getting, but you'll be listening to this much less than the Earlier albums!

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Kreator - Civilization Collapse ' Single 2012

Kreator - Civilization Collapse ' Single
Nuclear Blast Records 2012

01 Civilization Collapse 04:13    
02 Wolfchild 03:32

Ventor - Drums, Vocals
Mille Petrozza - Vocals, Guitars
Christian "Speesy" Giesler - Bass
Sami Yli-Sirniö - Guitars

Nuclear Blast Records memang sedang semakin gencar mempromosikan debutan terbaru Band Melodic Thrash Metal Terbaik jerman Scene lewat album Gress-nya " Phantom Antichrist " sejak resmi dirilis pada 1 Juni 2012 dikawasan Eropa dan tanggal 5 nya di Amerika lalu dengan berbagai Versi dan format seperti CD, LP, Vynil, etc yang menampilkan beberapa artwork berbeda pula. masih mengagumi Kembalinya Kreator konsep bermusik sejak masa keemasan mereka tahun 90-an, Mille Petrozza Cs ini masih terus melanjutkan Invasi-nya untuk merilis sebuah Single " Civilization Collapse ", meski track " Civilization Collapse " masih diambil dari materi album " Phantom " namun 1 lagu selanjutnya yang masih dalam proses sama dalam pengerjaan materinya, Kreator ternyata masih menyisakan 1 lagu " Wolfchild " yang memang sengaja tidak dimasukkan dalam versi CD karena 1 lagu " Wolfchild " ini dihadirkan secara spesial oleh pihak label dalam versi Digital Release-nya. well sekedar Informasi aja kalau track " Wolfchild " ini memang adalah sebuah persembahan Spesial Kreator untuk "Dark Symphonies - A Tribute To John Sinclair" album yang dirilis di jerman pada 8 September 2012 lalu oleh Lübbe-Audio. nama Jon Sinclair, adalah seorang Penulis Cerita Detektif Horor Fiksi asal Jerman, seorang Inspektur kepala Kepolisian di Scotland yang memerangi setan dan zombie. sebuah tribute album yang menampilkan 20 lagu sebagai dedikasi pemburu hantu untuk sebuah film drama baru berjudul "Anxiety About London". masih memiliki konsep musik yang sama dengan materi " Phantom .. ", Karakter Thrash metal Melodius tetap dihadirkan pada track " Wolfchild ". While most of the thrash bands lost sight of the game in the 90s, it really seems Kreator bounced back out of their odd phase quite quickly and set into a comfortable niche soon after. I guess the question most bands have to ask themselves then is: “Do we bother trying to do something different ever again or just cut and paste over and over?”. And while it kind of seemed like the band was trying different variances of their 80s style since 2001, I think Phantom Antichrist really sees the band recovering from the fan lash back that experimental, yet clearly flawed records like Cause for Conflict and Outcast caused on their creative limits. It’s a bit more upbeat than your usual Kreator effort, it still aggressive and heavy, and there’s enough good, memorable tracks on this record to make it a fun ride. Phantom Antichrist definitely shows that Kreator are still competent song writers. hadir dengan Kemasan terbatas dan berbeda White, red dan yellow vinyl limited hanya 250 Kopi tersedia secara fisik ( Bukan Digital Release ) hanya di Nuclear Blast records Shop. It’s a rare pleasure to obtain an Material with absolutely no filler, where every track is lovingly crafted into a dynamic progression that builds its energy perfectly. Kreator choose just the right moments to build or ease tension, which makes every single song exude strength and heroism without ever feeling showy through unneeded technicality. This is not to take away from the musicians, as everyone is in force here as absolute demons, particularly Mille, who has never sounded better, and belts out all the apocalyptic screams you would expect, again with an impeccable sense of timing. Nothing is wasted, no element outweighing the rest; this is a perfect alchemical formula for a new ruling race of atomic, melodic thrash supermen, and sets the bar astoundingly high for the mid-point of 2012.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Nuclear Blast Records is currently heavily promoting the latest debutant Melodic Thrash Metal Band Best Gress german scene through his album "Phantom Antichrist" since officially released on June 1, 2012 the European region and its 5 th in the U.S. and the various versions and formats such as CD, LP, vynil, etc are showing some different artwork. still admire return Creators musical concept since their golden era in the 90's, Mille Petrozza Cs is still continuing its invasion to release a single "Civilization Collapse", though track "Civilization Collapse" is taken from the album material "Phantom" but 1 The next song is still in the process of working together on the material, it still leaves Creators 1 song "Wolfchild" that are deliberately not included in the version of the CD for one song "Wolfchild" is presented by special by the label in its version of the Digital Release. well just wrote that track information "Wolfchild" This is indeed a tribute to Special Education "Dark Symphonies - A Tribute To John Sinclair" album was released in Germany on 8 September 2012 and by Lubbe-Audio. name Jon Sinclair, is a Detective Story Horror Fiction Writers of Germany, a police chief inspector in Scotland who are fighting demons and zombies. a tribute album featuring 20 songs as a dedication ghost hunters for a new drama titled "Anxiety About London". still have the same musical concept presenting "Phantom ..", Character melodic thrash metal remains on track presented "Wolfchild". While most of the thrash bands lost sight of the game in the 90s, it really seems Creators bounced back out of their quite odd phase Quickly and set into a comfortable niche soon after. I guess the question most bands Themselves have to ask then is: "Do we bother trying to do something different ever again or just cut and paste over and over?". And while it kind of seemed like the band was trying different variances of their 80s style since 2001, I think Phantom Antichrist really sees the band recovering from the fan back lash that experimental, yet flawed Clearly records like Cause for Conflict and Outcast Caused on their creative limits. It's a bit more upbeat than your usual Creators effort, it still aggressive and heavy, and there's enough good, memorable tracks on this record to make it a fun ride. Phantom Education Antichrist definitely shows that are still competent song writers. Packaging comes with limited and different White, red and yellow vinyl limited only 250 Coffee available physically (not Digital Release) only on Nuclear Blast Records Shop. It's a rare pleasure to OBTAIN an Material with absolutely no filler, where every track is lovingly crafted into a dynamic progression that builds its energy perfectly. Creators choose just the right moments to build or ease tension, roomates makes every single song exude strength and Heroism without ever feeling showy through unneeded technicality. This is not to take away from the musicians, as everyone is in force here as absolute demons, particularly Mille, who has never sounded better, and belts out all the apocalyptic screams you would expect, again with an impeccable sense of timing. Nothing is wasted, no element outweighing the rest; this is a perfect alchemical formula for a new ruling race of atomic, melodic thrash supermen, and sets the bar astoundingly high for the mid-point of 2012.

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Cradle Of Filth - The Manticore and Other Horrors CD 2012

Cradle Of Filth - The Manticore and Other Horrors
Nuclear Blast Records 2012

01 The Unveiling of O 02:07    
02 The Abhorrent 05:53    
03 For Your Vulgar Delectation 04:46    
04 Illicitus 05:24    
05 Manticore 05:53
06 Frost on Her Pillow 04:12    
07 Huge Onyx Wings Behind Despair 04:23    
08 Pallid Reflection 05:34    
09 Siding with the Titans 05:17    
10 Succumb to This 04:43    
11 Sinfonia 03:23

Dani Filth - Vocals
Paul Allender - Guitars
Marthus - Drums, keyboards

Cradle of Filth have always received an unwarranted amount of loathing from the metal underground, in particular the black metal scene. Yet they have never swerved from their direction of creating interesting, often conceptual albums in a hybrid of black and goth, with a death metal undercurrent and thoughtful lyrics rooted deeply in classic British poetry and prose. The problem is of course they've made some money doing it and scored a lot of the goth chicks, and we all know that's not acceptable. This has never nulled my enjoyment of several of their albums: The Principle of Evil Made Flesh, Cruelty and the Beast, and Midian all come to mind as noteworthy efforts. meski masih menyisakan 3 member saja, Frontman Dani Filth tetap mempertahankan eksistensi Bandmath-nya sejak dia bentuk tahun 1991 di Ipswich, Suffolk, ditambah dengan Gitaris Paul Allender rekan lamanya yang sempat cabut dari band tahun 1995 kemudian memutuskan kembali lagi tahun 2000 hingga sekarang tetap setia mempertahankan citra eksklusif COF sebagai Band Extreme Gothic Metal Sukses secara komersial ini bersama drummer Berkepala Plontos Marthus tetap melanjutkan Agresi Kegelapannya dengan menyuguhkan sajian Hitam Kelam Musikal dengan Aroma Eksotisme Dunia Vampir dan satanis, COF tetap menjadi Band Metal Sukses dengan Karya2 Fenomenal dan Dasyat ! Like Cruelty and the Beast or Midian before it, this is a concept album focusing on a fascinating historical figure, in this case the French noble Gilles de Rais. Rais fought with Joan of Arc but became controversial later in life as a occultist, prolific serial killer and all-around pervert. So, in other words, the perfect subject for Dani Filth's lyrical adventures. And he is once again up to the task. dan tentunya elo masih merasakan aroma album2 terakhir COF yang sebenarnya sempat menjadi jauh dari harapan COF bisa memainkan lagi Kejayaan album pertama mereka " The Principle of Evil Made Flesh " tahun 1994 yang menjadi Album terbaik COF sepanjang Karir band. seperti kita ketahui COF kali ini memang lebih membangun kesan dengan progresi musikal yang lebih terdengar cepat dan Gelap dengan beberapa sentuhan Gothic element ditengah Chaotic-nya Harmonisasi kegelapan disempurnakan dengan Karakter Choir Vokal yang lebih menghidupkan Nuansa Occultisme dan Erotika-nya. dan Menjadi angin segar bagi COF dapat bergabung kembali dalam Roster Label Metal Terbesar saat ini, Nuclear Blast records untuk melepas invasi terbarunya ini, dan label sebelumnya, Peaceville Records dan Edel Music AG mendapat lisensi untuk rilisan kawasan Eropa-nya, dan untuk materi album ini sendiri COF mengerahkan Penyanyi Paduan Suara / Choir 11 Orang yang dikomandani oleh Konduktor Will Graney, Guitars, Orchestration, Backing Vocals band Damnation Angels yang untuk pertama kalinya menggarap untuk COF. penampilan Female Vokal Lucy Atkins tentunya masih begitu Familiar dengan Materi Album " Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa " tahun 2010. dan untuk penggarapan materi ini COF menggunakan Daniel Firth untuk mengisi posisi Bass-nya. walau kurang menampilkan artwork cover yang menarik seperti pada sebelumnya, karya seniman Matt Vickerstaff ini dipercaya untuk menghiasi Artwork Cover utama ini. Yuk kita mulai cerita untuk materi Gress ini, diawali dengan sebuah Intro Horror khas COF sendiri seperti pada album2 sebelumnya " The Unveiling of O " mengawali Jumpa Kekelaman hitam aroma Kegelapan COF yang langsung di Gempur Dasyat dengan Track " The Abhorrent ", Virile, symphonic, yet rooted in black and thrash metal, the tracks heave and writhe with tangible sense of vengeful sexuality befitting of Lilith. And of course Dani Filth is in a fine form, reveling in the subject matter’s innate carnality with his croaks, screeching, hissing, rasping and overly dramatic prose and delivery “A stunning woman, summoned, coming scimitar-curved, Statuesque, but living flesh, Draping nakedness about their pagan saviours, She came Lilith, a perfect myth, The scarlet whore, Skinned in magnificence !, Kejutan Hyperblasting beat dan Dark Harmonization adalah Spirit kuat COF dengan beberapa sentuhan Synthesizer atmospheric ! masih memang ga begitu jauh serangan mematikan ala COF seperti 2 Album sebelumnya. permainan Riffing Paul Allender tetap yang terbaik melahirkan harmonisasi Hitam yang kental elemen melodius-nya, Multiple Vokal Dani Filth memang tetap No Comment dengan Talenta Luar Biasa-nya. meskipun menawarkan komponen musik yang liar dan cepat, beberapa Bagian masih begitu menawarkan ekstotik-nya Thrashy riffing untuk Ritual Headbang ! selain lebih powerfully menghajar perangkat drum-nya drummer Marthus masih tetap memberikan sentuhan Hitam membius dengan permainan Dark Horror Keyboard-nya. keyboard lines that couple the now-fully Gothic beauty and barbaric brutality that’s been the Filthy way of life lo these many years into fists of metallic aggression that more than satisfies. The general feel of the music has a very eerie and gloomy appeal, which definitely fits the concept rather nicely. For the first time in years, it sounds as though most of the central arrangements are based on the keyboards lines versus the riffs, which has always worked best for the band, the way I see it; Marthus key fingerings are quite impressive, giving the music more depth than one has heard from the group in some time now, and the performance is again energetic, lively, and filled to the brim with symphonic goodness. lalu " For Your Vulgar Delectation " dengan sentuhan Crusty Punk Riffing mengawali Part awal-nya dengan masih tetap enerjik. cabikan jemari Hitam riffing Gitaris Paul Allender masih menampilkan permainan melodius, memang mengingatkan sekali dengan karakternya era album pertama " The Principle of Evil Made Flesh " juga. " Illicitus " semakin terus memantapkan Intensitas aroma Musik hitam eksotik In The Vein COF. The drummer does his best, but he cannot save this album from falling into mediocrity, the guitarists seem to be stuck in a standstill, as they barely shine on this album. Had it not been for the keyboards and Dani Filth’s voice, I would have regarded the album as a bad Slayer imitation. Speaking of Dani’s voice, it’s obvious he’s getting older and his once high-pitched screams are nowadays some bells at the gates of oblivion. He tries to grunt his ass off as much as he can and from time to time he keeps the listener’s attention with his high-pitched screams, but even his grunts reek of fatigue. Track andalan " Manticore " berikutnya menampilkan Komponen Part yang terasa sangat megah khas banget COF yang seperti telah menjadi Trademark Memorability Part ! struktur musik yang dinamis memang akan memberi jaminan mutu ga akan boring memang menikmati sajian spesial band yang selalu memiliki Komposisi Musik Hitam Brilian ini. hingga Hitungan menit ke 51:35 lagi2 COF telah memanjakan COF fans freak-nya dengan sajian hangat-nya, dan bagi yang sudah familiar dengan konsep mereka sebelumnya, gw berani jamin aja kalau album ini tetap menjadi debut yang kagak mengecewakan sedikitpun. sajian yang semakin matang tertawarkan dalam 9 Track lengkap dengan intro dan outro-nya, COF tetap tidak kehilangan Trademark dan sophomore musikalitas kuatnya. the atmosphere created by the keyboards and the neverending drumming. Apart for several solos, the guitars don’t draw any attention, they are used strictly for the rhythm section which is pretty much buried below the aforementioned instruments. tetap tidak menyisakan Bad comment for this release, COF fans, This Keep Special for You consume ! Hasil kerja keras tangan dingin enjiner Scott Atkins, yang kita kenal sebagai gitaris band Stampin' Ground mulai kerja bareng COF sejak album " Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa " juga duduk sebagai Produser telah melahirkan kembali The Freak COF masterpiece again and again ! This album is a bit of a ressurection - the Cradle sound is still there - it's the same style, but it's just much better than anything they've done in the past. It's like the band started in one direction, changed course to see what else is out there, and finally decided that the original direction that they were going was the best for them. You should not really hate musicians for wanting to try new things - I myself am always exploring new ways to grow. This album is very similar to their last albums but it's not an absolute return. Dani has, in my opinion, finally perfected his vocal style. His shrieks, love them or hate them, could not be better and he does not overuse them as he has done so in the past, which used to get on my nerves at times. 

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Cradle of Filth have always received an unwarranted amount of Loathing from the metal underground, in particular the black metal scene. Yet they have never swerved from their direction of creating interesting, conceptual albums Often in a hybrid of black and goth, with a death metal undercurrent and thoughtful lyrics deeply rooted in classic British poetry and prose. The problem is of course they've made some money doing it and scored a lot of the goth chicks, and we all know that's not acceptable. This has never nulled my enjoyment of several of their albums: The Principle of Evil Made Flesh, Cruelty and the Beast, Midian and all come to mind as noteworthy efforts. while still leaving three members only, Frontman Dani Filth Bandmath retaining his existence since he formed in 1991 in Ipswich, Suffolk, plus guitarist Paul Allender old colleague who was plucked out of the band in 1995 and then decided to come back again in 2000 until now remained loyal retain the exclusive image of COF as Extreme Gothic Metal Band commercial success along the bullet-headed drummer Marthus darkness continued aggression by presenting offerings to the Aroma Black Dark Love Vampire World exoticism and satanic, COF remains a Metal Band Phenomenal Success with Karya2 and terrible! Like Cruelty and the Beast or Midian before it, this is a concept album focusing on a fascinating historical figure, in this case the French noble Gilles de Rais. Rais Fought with Joan of Arc Became controversial but later in life as a occultist, prolific serial killer and all-around pervert. So, in other words, the perfect subject for Dani Filth's lyrical adventures. And he is once again up to the task. and certainly still feel the aroma Albums2 elo last actual COF could be a lot of expectations COF could play again triumph of their first album "The Principle of Evil Made Flesh" in 1994 which became the best album the band COF long career. COF time as we know it is more constructive impression with a more musical sounding progressions quickly and Dark with some Gothic touches Chaotic his element amid the darkness Harmonization Enhanced Character Vocal Choir is more nuance turn his Occultisme and Erotica. and fresh air for COF Being able to rejoin the Greatest Metal Label Roster today, Nuclear Blast Records for the release of this new invasion, and the previous label, Peaceville Records and Edel Music AG licensed to release its European region, and for this album material COF exert himself Singers Choral / Choir 11 people, which was led by Conductor Will Graney, Guitars, orchestration, Backing Vocals the band Damnation Angels for the first time working for the COF. Lucy Atkins Female Vocal performances are so familiar with the course material album "Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa" in 2010. and for the cultivation of COF materials used to fill the Firth Daniel Bass. though less attractive cover featuring artwork as the previous artist Matt Vickerstaff is believed to decorate this main Cover Artwork. Let us start the story for this Gress material, begins with a typical Horror Intro COF itself as in the previous Albums2 "The Unveiling of O" started the dark gloom Meet scent directly in the Dark COF terrible with Track Attack "The Abhorrent", Virile, symphonic, yet rooted in black and thrash metal, the tracks heave and writhe with tangible sense of vengeful sexuality befitting of Lilith. And of course Dani Filth is in a fine form, reveling in the subject matter's innate carnality with his croaks, screeching, hissing, rasping and overly dramatic prose and delivery "A stunning woman, summoned, coming Scimitar-curved, Statuesque, but living flesh , Draping nakedness about their pagan saviors, She came Lilith, a perfect myth, the scarlet whore, Skinned in magnificence!, surprise Hyperblasting beats and powerful Dark Spirit COF Harmonization is with some atmospheric touches Synthesizer! so far it is still deadly ga ala COF as 2 previous album. Paul Allender dueling game remains the best black bear strong harmonizing its melodic elements, Multiple Vocals Dani Filth is still No Comment to his extraordinary talent. despite offering a wild musical components and fast, so some parts are still offering its thrashy riffing ekstotik for Ritual Headbang! more powerfully than the beat of his drum drummer Marthus still remains a touch of black to the game Dark Horror drugged her keyboard. keyboard lines that couple the now-fully Barbaric Brutality Gothic beauty and that's been the way of life Filthy lo these many years into fists of metallic aggression that more than satisfies. The general feel of the music has a very eerie and gloomy appeal, roomates definitely fits the concept rather nicely. For the first time in years, it sounds as though most of the central arrangements are based on the keyboards lines versus the riffs, roomates has always worked best for the band, the way I see it; Marthus key fingerings are quite impressive, giving the music more depth than one has heard from the group in some time now, and again the performance is energetic, lively, and filled to the brim with symphonic goodness. and "For Your Vulgar Delectation" with a touch of Crusty Punk Part riffing started early with his still energetic. Black fingers shred guitarist Paul Allender was riffing game featuring melodic, is reminiscent of the era once the character's first album "The Principle of Evil Made Flesh" as well. "Illicitus" continue to strengthen the intensity of the aroma of exotic black Music In The Vein COF. The drummer does his best, but he can not save this album from falling into mediocrity, the guitarists seem to be stuck in a standstill, as they barely shine on this album. Had it not been for the keyboards and Dani Filth's voice, I would have regarded the album as a bad imitation Slayer. Speaking of Dani's voice, it's obvious he's getting older and his once high-pitched screams are nowadays some bells at the gates of Oblivion. He tries to grunt his ass off as much as he can and from time to time he keeps the listener's attention with his high-pitched screams, but even his grunts reek of fatigue. Track mainstay "Manticore" Component Part next show that feels very pretentious typical COF really like have become Trademark memorability Part! dynamic structure of the music is going to give assurance it will not enjoy the dish special indeed boring band that always has this Brilliant Black Music Composition. Counts up to 51:35 minutes lagi2 COF COF has spoiled his fans freak with his warm dish, and for those who are familiar with the concept of them before, i can assure you wrote that the album is still a bit disappointing debut nope. serving an increasingly mature in 9 Track tertawarkan complete with intro and outro her, COF still not lose Trademark and sophomore strong musicality. The atmosphere created by the keyboards and the neverending drumming. Apart for several solos, the guitars do not draw any attention, they are used strictly for the rhythm section is pretty much roomates buried below the aforementioned instruments. still not leaving Bad comment for this release, COF fans, Keep This consume Special for You! The results of the hard work of engineers Scott Atkins cold hands, which we know as the guitarist of the band Stampin 'Ground COF began working together since the album "Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa" is also sitting as a producer has delivered back The Freak COF masterpiece again and again! This album is a bit of a Ressurection - the Cradle sound is still there - it's the same style, but it's just much better than anything they've done in the past. It's like the band started in one direction, changed course to see what else is out there, and finally Decided that the original direction they were going that was the best for them. You should not really hate musicians for wanting to try new things - I myself am always exploring new ways to grow. This album is very Similar to their last albums but it's not an absolute return. Dani has, in my opinion, finally Perfected his vocal style. His shrieks, love them or hate them, could not be better and he does not overuse them as he has done so in the past, roomates used to get on my nerves at times.

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