Rabu, 04 November 2015

Chthonic - Bú-Tik CD 2013

Chthonic - Bú-Tik
Spinefarm Records CD 2013

01 Arising Armament (Intro) 02:27    
02 Supreme Pain for the Tyrant     04:45    
03 Sail into the Sunset's Fire 04:00    
04 Next Republic 04:12    
05 Rage of my Sword 04:38    
06 Between Silence and Death 04:39    
07 Resurrection Pyre 05:00    
08 Set Fire to the Island 03:47    
09 Defenders of Bú-Tik Palace 05:23      
10 Undying Rearmament (Outro) 01:49

Freddy Lim - Vocals, Erhu
Jesse Liu - Guitars, Back. Vocals
Doris Yeh - Bass, Back. Vocals
Dani Wang - Drums
CJ Kao - Keyboards

Chthonic ( Baca " thon-ick ) Adalah dewa, roh atau makhluk yang tinggal di dunia bawah. incorporates elements of traditional Taiwanese folk music, enka, and sorrowful melody from Taiwanese opera, accompanied by traditional Taiwanese musical instruments. Menjadi salah satu band Metal dari Taiwan Scene yang justru populer di Eropa, Asia dan Amerika terus melebarkan sayap mereka ketimbang di negaranya yang menjadi Pertumbuhan K-Pop serta Boys/Girl Band-nya hahaha... terbentuk sejak tahun 1995 band ini terkenal dengan Imej band dengan lirik tentang Legenda Taiwan lengkap dengan segala mitologinya, sehingga cukup mempengaruhi Struktur elemen musiknya dengan sentuhan yang begitu Tradisional via alat2 Tradisional Taiwan dan Asia pula, dan inilah menjadi Khas Folky mereka membooming di Daratan Internasional. reached places that most of their geographical partners have not, and in the process of their journey, they've acquired a steady following that reaches way beyond the Far East location. Chthonic's efforts during this album leave a trivial impression, like a paper mallet slamming against your head, or perhaps a toothless dog gumming your thigh in an attempt to devour some tasty meat. sementara di Scene Kita, Sosok Bassis Cantik dan Seksi Doris Yeh menjadi Trend Icon tersendiri untuk setiap kita Sebut nama Chthonic hehehe .... yang pasti kita sudah mendengar hampir semua album2 Chthonic sebelumnya, pasti akan kerap mendengar sentuhan etnis mereka pada part2 intro-nya dengan Tradisi yang berarkar pada Chinese ini, dipadu dengan Konsep Black/Death Metal intens dan Sophisticated, Konsep Chthonic tetap yang terdepan saat ini di blantika musik cadas dunia. uninterestingly makes an attempt to mirror melodic black metal that some would call Dissection-ish while utilizing a touch of folk/oriental music when applicable. Pretty tasty, right? Hate to say it, but no, not really. There's a lot of passion and vigor within Chthonic; it's something actually quite remarkable, but musically they lack a number of perks to truly electrify their gospel. tidak banyak yang berubah dari sejak awal konsep yang ditawarkan, track pertama " Supreme Pain for the Tyrant " setelah dimulai dengan Intro Etnik Taiwan yang begitu Heroic Atmosfirnya. " Supreme Pain for the Tyrant " masih membawa angin segar dengan sentuhan musikal yang mengingatkan Gw dengan Kedasyatan Cradle Of Filth ! Every anthem runs in the same direction, and it's nothing out of the ordinary considering Chthonic's reference point. You know the drill: lots of melodic riffing and tremolo picking, sequential grooves, harsh vocals...pretty much melodic black metal in a can. Progresi Musikal aransemen yang semakin dewasa menjadi cermin nyata Band ini memang memiliki Potensi mengagumkan pada setiap gubahan karya cadasnya dengan sentuhan Tradisional yang khas semakin menambah elemen Atmospheric-nya menjadi Hidup dan Hidup lagi. prime cuts are pretty much absent; some tracks are better than others, but each tune moves on in the same wavelength despite these little differences in content, and it really isn't that impressive overall. And as I said, Chthonic can make a measurable performance, but the music itself is at the polar opposite of the group’s libido. karakter Growl, Scream hingga Clean Female Vokal semakin terus menambah kompleks-nya style Band hingga permainan Variatif riffing Gitaris Jesse Liu yang awesome licking-nya. complete with synths, flutes and an epic orchestral arrangement in the background, giving listeners a preview of what to expect next and also setting down the mood for the rest of the album. As the album begins proper with Legacy of the Seediq, one instantly notices the increased prominence of the guitars on the album. Track Anthemic dan Heroic " Sail into the Sunset's Fire " tetap tegas dan Lugas mereka lancarkan berikutnya. perpaduan tajam Thrash dengan Metallic Riffing Intense menjadi kekuatan dasyat pada setiap aransemen skill musisi band ini tetap pada kelas-nya tersendiri yang asli keren abis lengkap dengan solo Gitar ciamik ! The sounds it can produce brings the band’s sound to another level and we're reminded that oriental instruments can be accompanied with pretty much any musical genre, it only requires skillful artists and that's not a problem in Chthonic's case! " Rage of my Sword ", permainan Orhu begitu yang Etnis banget menjadi sajian awal sebelum sajian panas berikutnya menyiksa. selanjutnya Sophisticated Track Awesome di album ini " Between Silence and Death ", seperti mulai menguras segala kemampuan Skill Musisinya menampilkan The Real Improvisation-nya. That's Chthonic's most substantial difference from Dissected right there: songs that are actually memorable. Sure, you can throw as many chanting folk parts and great, heavy riffs as you want on a song, but they won't mean a damn thing if there's nothing to tie them all together. Sounding yang terdengar Modern dan tajam semakin menampilkan Kedewasaan perjalanan karir musikalitas band yang sebenarnya, sehingga ini akan memanjakan Fans Kegelapan dengan Deru Atmospheric Synthesizer pembakar Adrenalin. hingga Track Akhir " Defenders of Bú-Tik Palace ", Chthonic tetap menampilkan kedasyatannya mengolah skill kemampuan mereka menciptakan komposisi Track berkualitas sebelum akhirnya ditutup dengan sebuah Outro yang sinkron dengan Intro-nya. Kompleksitas Dark Genre Chthonic masih ampuh terjaga pokoknya pada materi gress menawan kali ini. As is oft the case, the band has changed things up a bit in response. Not that I'd have them hand out copies of old albums with the album titles altered in felt-tip pen you understand, but there's a couple of problems. The first is that instead of sounding like an Asian band with cleverly incorporated historical and cultural musical influences, Chthonic now sound like they could be from anywhere, and have simply laid hands on Asian instruments and a couple of Chinese films for reference have a Middle Eastern sound. The second is not, I have to stress, that there is really nothing blackened whatsoever about this record, but that it's too mid-paced, with too much reliance on chugging and ultra-heavy-brutal-beastliness. sounding as if it was extracted from the Kung Fu Hustle soundtrack (awesome movie by the way) pisses me off a bit. It's ridiculously generic. For a band with an erstwhile boner for ancient Mandarin and the nuances of olden-days Taiwanese culture, you're not really integrating this into your sonic political campaign with much panache. Yet more chugging with almost the same zither sounds begins 'Takao', and really track number three is a bad place to be getting this repetitive.

Chthonic (Read "thon-ick) is a deity, spirit or creatures that live in the underworld. Incorporates elements of traditional Taiwanese folk music, enka, and sorrowful melody from Taiwanese opera, accompanied by traditional Taiwanese musical instruments. Becoming a Metal band from Scene Taiwan are actually popular in Europe, Asia and America continues to spread their wings in the country rather than being growth as well as K-Pop Boys / Girl Band her hahaha ... formed in 1995 the band was famous for The image band with lyrics about Legend Taiwan complete with all the mythology, so it is affecting the structure of the musical elements that touch via alat2 Traditional Traditional Taiwan and Asia as well, and this became their folky Typical Boom in Mainland International. reached places that most of their geographical partners have not, and in the process of their journey, they've acquired a steady following way beyond that Reaches the Far East location. chthonic's Efforts during this album leave a trivial impression, like a paper mallet slamming against your head, or perhaps a toothless dog gumming your thigh in an attempt to devour some tasty meat. while in Scene We, Beautiful and Sexy figure Bassist Doris Yeh became a separate icon for each trend we mention the name of chthonic hehehe .... that certainly we've heard almost all chthonic album2 earlier, would often hear a touch of ethnic them in his intro part2 with the Chinese tradition berarkar this, combined with the concept of Black / Death Metal intense and Sophisticated, chthonic concept remains at the forefront of the world music arena rock. uninterestingly makes an attempt to mirror some melodic black metal that would call Dissection-ish while utilizing a touch of folk / oriental music when applicable. Pretty tasty, right? Hate to say it, but no, not really. There's a lot of passion and vigor within chthonic; it's something actually quite remarkable, but musically they lack a number of perks to truly Electrify their gospel. did not much has changed since the beginning of the concepts, the first track "Supreme Pain for the Tyrant" after starting with Intro Ethnic Taiwan The atmosphere is so heroic. "Supreme Pain for the Tyrant" still brings a fresh breeze with a touch of musical that reminds Gw with Kedasyatan Cradle Of Filth! Every anthem runs in the same direction, and it's nothing out of the ordinary considering the chthonic's reference point. You know the drill: lots of melodic riffing and tremolo picking, sequential grooves, harsh vocals ... pretty much melodic black metal in a can. Progression Musical arranger who matured into a real mirror this band does have amazing potential on every spin cadasnya work with typical traditional touch adds to its Atmospheric elements into Life and live again. prime cuts are pretty much absent; some tracks are better than others, but each tune moves on in the same wavelength despite these little differences in content, and it really is not that impressive overall. And as I said, can chthonic make a measurable performance, but the music itself is at the polar opposite of the group's libido. character Growl, Scream to Clean Female Vocal increasingly continue to add complex his style band to play Variatif riffing guitarist Jesse Liu is awesome licking her. complete with synths, flutes and an epic orchestral arrangement in the background, giving listeners a preview of what to expect next and also setting down the mood for the rest of the album. As the album begins proper with Legacy of the Seediq, one instantly notices the Increased prominence of the guitars on the album. Track anthemic and heroic "Sail into the Sunset's Fire" remain firm and Straightforward they embarked the next. blend sharp Thrash with Metallic riffing Intense into force terrible in every arrangement skills of musicians the band was still in his class alone the original complete with a very cool guitar solo ciamik! The sounds it can produce brings the band's sound to another level and we're Reminded oriental instruments that can be accompanied with pretty much any musical genre, it only requires skillful artists and that's not a problem in chthonic's case! "Rage of my Sword", the game Orhu so that Ethnic really be serving early before serving the next hot torture. further Sophisticated Track Awesome in the album "Between Silence and Death", such as start draining all abilities Skill musicians featuring The Real Improvisation her. That's chthonic's most substantial difference from dissected right there: songs that are actually memorable. Sure, you can throw as many folk chanting and great parts, heavy riffs as you want on a song, but they will not mean a damn thing if there's nothing to tie them all together. Sounding the sounds of Modern and sharp the display Maturity career musicality actual band, so it will spoil Fans Darkness with the roar of Atmospheric Synthesizer burner Adrenalin. till Track End "Defenders of BU-Tik Palace" , chthonic still showing kedasyatannya cultivate their ability to create a composite skill Track quality before it finally closed with an Intro Outro which is synchronous with her. Complexity Dark Genre powerful chthonic still awake gress charming essence to the material this time. As is oft the case, the band has changed things up a bit in response. Not that I'd have them hand out copies of old albums with the album titles altered in felt-tip pen you understand, but there's a couple of problems. The first is that instead of sounding like an Asian band with cleverly incorporated historical and cultural musical Influences, chthonic now sound like they could be from anywhere, and have simply laid hands on Asian instruments and a couple of Chinese films have a reference for Middle Eastern sound. The second is not, I have to stress, that there is really nothing blackened whatsoever about this record, but that it's too mid-paced, with too much reliance on Chugging and ultra-heavy-brutal-beastliness. sounding as if it was extracted from the Kung Fu Hustle soundtrack ( awesome movie by the way) pisses me off a bit. It's ridiculously generic. For a band with an erstwhile boner for ancient Chinese and the nuances of Taiwanese culture olden-days, you're not really integrating this into your political campaign with much sonic panache. Yet more Chugging with almost the same zither sounds Begins 'Takao', and really track number three is a bad place to be getting this repetitive.

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