Rabu, 04 November 2015

Children Of Bodom - Halo of Blood CD 2013

Children Of Bodom - Halo of Blood
Nuclear Blast Records CD 2013

01 Waste of Skin 04:17    
02 Halo of Blood 03:13    
03 Scream for Silence 04:10    
04 Transference 03:58      
05 Bodom Blue Moon (The Second Coming) 04:14    
06 Your Days Are Numbered 03:41    
07 Dead Man’s Hand on You 04:58    
08 Damage Beyond Repair 04:21    
09 All Twisted 04:52    
10 One Bottle and a Knee Deep 04:02

Henkka T. Blacksmith - Bass
Jaska W. Raatikainen - Drums
Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho - Vocals, Guitars
Janne Warman - Keyboards
Roope Latvala - Guitars

I’m actually not a big COB fan. I’m also not a huge fan of painted fingernails, mascara, pinstriped Rhoads guitars, the bratty punk faux-attitude, the keyboard orchestra hit, or most of the other little annoying things that COB is known for. What I do enjoy is the world-class musicianship (the guitars and keyboards in particular), the infectiously catchy songwriting, and the sheer unbridled energy that the Bodomites showed on this. Obviously, Children of Bodom, for some reason, doesn’t hold as much credibility and reverence today as they once did. I don’t think that COB ever really jumped the shark or changed what they do to the point that people started either loving or hating a polarizing new image. In fact, Alexi Laiho is still an amazing and ever-improving guitarist, and their albums still sound like COB, but I feel like I have personally just “grown out of them”, so to speak. Or something. COB Now Back Again to the energy completely blew me away the first time I heard it, and it honestly still does today. The band is in a mode of relentless and aggressive attack, and they never let up for Eight Masterpiece !!!! ... Sebagai Salah satu Fans Berat Band Melodic Death/Power Metal dengan gaya Sophisticated lewat cabikan Melodius Dawai Mematikannya, Jawara Metal Populer Finland scene yang eksis sejak Tahun 1993 dengan nama Inearthed yang kemudian tahun 1997 barulah menjadi Children Of Bodom, memang disebut sebut sebagai Pengusung Warna Melodic Death Metal dengan Sentuhan Power Metal element fantastis yang mempengaruhi sangat kuat Generasi selanjutnya. While In Flames, Dark Tranquility, and At the Gates pioneered the genre, Children of Bodom took it to a whole new level, mixing it with power, neo-classical, and black metal influences that fascinated the heavy metal world and inspired countless bands to follow in their footsteps, While some good acts like Norther and Imperanon came out of the Finnish melodeath/power metal scene soon after ! sebut saja ledakan Album Pertama mereka " Something Wild " tahun 1997 sangat begitu memukau Mata Dunia dengan Konsep Brilian yang mereka ciptakan dari perpaduan nama Besar Band Melodic Death Metal Daratan Swedia dengan Gaya Power Metal enerjik Finland Scene. tetap perkasa dikomandani oleh frontman Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho, COB sukses mengguncang Industri Musik Metal sepanjang masa. Tanpa banyak Panjang cerita, Band ini mesti menunggu 2 tahun menyelesaikan Materi album baru ini agar tetap terjaga nilai Fantastisnya pasca Album Terakhir " Relentless Reckless Forever " tahun 2011, Reputasi COB sangat dipertaruhkan kembali di Album Gress yang digarap ditempat Rahasia bernama Danger Johnny Studios yang berlokasi di Helsinki ini menjadi Keunikan tersendiri bersama enjiner Mikko Karmila yang sukses sebelumnya menggarap materinya Amorphis, Avantasia, Charon, Edguy, Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, Kotiteollisuus dan masih segudang lainnya terhitung sukses juga melejitkan materi album COB era " Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper, Hate Crew Deathroll, Are You Dead Yet? dan Blooddrunk ", Era " Relentless Reckless Forever ", Garapan Enjiner Chris Rakestraw dirasa kurang membawa Sukses bagi COB sendiri, sehingga diputuskan kembali menggunakan Mikko Karmila dengan Produser Peter Tangren-nya Hypocrisy yang turun langsung kali ini pernah 2 kali kerja bareng COB era " Follow the Reaper " dan " Blooddrunk ". well inilah Mahakarya Gress mereka ditahun 2013. get it just right and perfect the concept of fusing technicality, with excellent songwriting for an outcome of just pure delicious, refreshing melodic death metal. Sudah begitu penasaran dengan Single " Transference " yang lebih dulu dikenalkan pada 26 April 2013 kemaren oleh Pihak Nuclear Blast Records dan secara Exclusive ditampilkan dalam Advance CD kompilasi Legacy Magazine Edisi # 84 rupanya membawa Feedback sukses COB menyakinkan kembali kalo Materi kali ini COB siap memberikan Yang terbaik Pasca Gagalnya " Relentless Reckless Forever ", dengan Menampilkan Kembali Konsep Era " Hatebreeder " dengan " Follow the Reaper ", COB menampilkan komposisi Elegan Khas-nya. The musical format is considerably more straightforward than its two predecessors, as it focuses less on the shredding and more on the songwriting. That's not to say that this isn't one hell of an impressive guitar album, but the band drops the 15 riffs a song format and instead develops a formula for using less, but more heavy and tighter riffs. The classical influence is still here, although less prevalent, and honestly, that works much better here like Hatebreeder, when it was used just a little too excessively. langsung saja Track Awal dikenalkan dengan " Waste of Skin ", COB menyuguhkan esensi Musikalitas yang menjadi Tradisi awal mereka sejak " Follow The Reaper " material banget !! While the impressive guitar work is obviously a main staple here, the keyboards are what really make the album if you ask me. Take them away and all of a sudden "Follow the Reaper" loses that icy feeling and half of the melodic juice it contains. Bagaimana Perpaduan Kompak Frontman Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho masih begitu menyatu dengan permainan Folkish Keyboardis Janne Warman sebagai elemen penting dasar musikalitas COB yang sophisticated itu. dengan struktur musik yang lebih Terasa " Ringan " namun tetep begitu Easycatchy banget setiap sentuhannya, kita ga terlalu disuguhkan dengan gaya Eksperimen bertubi tubi membosankan era " Relentless Reckless Forever " kayaknya, yeah COB is comeback Style Again ! sentuhan Beat yang cepat dan Brutal membuka Part awal " Halo of Blood " jadikan track ini memiliki Power tersendiri untuk Kedewasaan Style band yang extreme ! menggunakan ketukan Hypersnare yang cepat, Alexi tetap bisa mengkomposisi lick Thrash Riffing serta melodic Part secara ciamik. Kibasan Epic Melodius " Scream for Silence " sedikit mengingatkan gaya Amorphis sekarang, bagaimana COB lebih terasa meliuk liuk permainan Melodic-nya, Catchy Headbang Banget Track ini, dan Sentuhan Keyboard part mengingatkan juga dengan " Only For The Weak " nya In Flames era " Clayman " sekali. Permainan Melodius Riffing yang lebih menuntut konsentrasiTinggi bagi Alexi untuk membagi Mindset pattern Harsh Vokill-nya. hmmmm... Nice Track !!!! " Transference " sudah kita dengar sebelumnya jika COB mencoba membawa kembali nuansa " Hate Me " Song pada Track ini dengan Sayatan Arphegio Sweep Picking Melodic-nya. the formula is to simply follow Alexi’s lead as he spirals out like a lightning storm covering the earth, each guitar line a razorblade, slicing along with its comrades to create a veritable hurricane of cutlery, moving with precision and skill wrought in the fires of pure, beautiful melody. leads, solos, harmonies, and epic guitar/keyboard battles, I feel they are no less than twice as strong here. Suffice to say, this is perhaps the most immediately infectious album I have ever heard, and its bright, celeritous bombast is endlessly invigorating, having only grown in my heart within the past dozen years. lalu " Bodom Blue Moon (The Second Coming) " meski dengan tempo standard, COB mampu menanamkan sentuhan bermusik yang cool abis, sehingga memang gw tetap bisa menikmati setiap aransemen melodius dasyatnya ! Salut banget untuk Frontman Alexi untuk bisa membagi konsentrasi Full-nya menciptakan Komposisi yang fantastis seperti ini. It’s a testament to the power of the almighty riff that an album can be absolutely dynamic, fulfilling, and even groundbreaking without purveying a real amount of depth. In this case, the swirling clouds of guitar and keyboard notation dance in pissed-off harmony to create one of the most special listening experiences that the metal world has ever had to offer ! " Your Days Are Numbered " terdengar lebih cepat letupan energi Struktur lagunya dengan dominasi Thrash Riffing. kita memang seperti dibawa kembali ke era " Hatebreeder " sekali. This is not a record of complexity or depth, beyond the astounding skill of its two main melodic monsters as they playfully battle, and it doesn’t need to be, not at all. The pure strength of the songwriting is still perhaps the catchiest thing I’ve ever heard, always unceasingly creative in its natural flow, with memorable choruses abound. Most of all though, and a point I must reiterate from the Hatebreeder Style ! Clean Gitar " Dead Man’s Hand on You " memberikan penyegaran tersendiri setelah digempur dengan Track yang cepat melalui sajian yang cukup Epic dan Mellow seperti ini hehehe .... sentuhan Modern Sound style " Damage Beyond Repair ", karakter Riffing-nya begitu metallic banget ! It combines neoclassical and melodic licks with a more death metal oriented aspect. You will find the same atmospheric quotes preceding the songs, the same flair as on the other albums, but Follow the Reaper is a definite blend of the old Bodom style and more straightforward heaviness. It is a middle of the road album, and has excellent variation between songs. " All Twisted " gaya Heavy Metal yang begitu kental sentuhan Thrashing Riff tetap mengajak gw terus menikmati sajian Melodic Riffing Fantastis-nya. The guitar work is technical, melodic, very catchy, and overall quite interesting to listen to. " One Bottle and a Knee Deep " menyudahi Pada Rilisan edisi Standard Regular Internasional-nya, sedangkan pada bagian Bonus Track-nya, COB menggarap kembali Track lawas Loudness " Crazy Night " menjadi komposisi yang lebih gahar dengan setiap gubahan ulang-nya. dan secara keseluruhan gw merasa cukup puas sekali dengan sajian baru COB kali ini jika gw bandingkan dengan sebelumnya, seperti kembali menemukan jatidirinya yang tak terpisahkan dengan segala tuntutan Pasar Musik, COB lebih mantap idealis memainkan yang terbaik bagi Fans tentunya. Malaikat Pencabut Nyawa sebagai " Grim Reaper " tetap menjadi Icon Trade Mark disemua Album2 COB, kali ini karya Seniman Sami Saramäki yang menggarap artwork era " Follow the Reaper, Hate Crew Deathroll, Are You Dead Yet? serta DVD Chaos Ridden Years - Stockholm Knockout Live " kembali menghias Rilisan Fenomenal ini. Of all of the musical genius of this album, the most prominent to my ears was the incredible guitar work. Alexi Laiho is notorious for his axemanship, being rated with the top 50 fasted guitar players in Guitar World magazine, and you can really tell where this fame comes from. Solos are intertwined within several of the songs, often laced with keyboards, and the result is just awe inspiring. Speaking of the keyboards, WOW! They don't overpower the songs, have catchy melodies and just generally fit in perfectly within this melodic death metal gem. I find myself humming along with their speedy licks. Its hard for me to say anything bad about Children of Bodom, as I have liked all of their albums, but this one stands out to me as one of the best melodic death metal albums I have ever heard. Hell, it would probably make my top ten list of metal albums I've ever heard. To wrap this up, if you are a Bodom fan, make this album a must-have.

I'm actually not a big fan of COB. I'm also not a huge fan of painted fingernails, mascara, pinstriped Rhoads guitars, the bratty punk faux-attitude, the keyboard orchestra hit, or most of the other little annoying things that COB is known for. What I do enjoy is the world-class musicianship (the guitars and keyboards in particular), the infectiously catchy songwriting, and the sheer energy that the Bodomites Unbridled Showed on this. Obviously, Children of Bodom, for some reason, does not hold as much credibility and reverence today as they once did. I do not think that ever really COB Jumped the shark or changed what they do to the point that people started either loving or hating a polarizing new image. In fact, Alexi Laiho is still an amazing and ever-improving guitarist, and their albums still sound like COB, but I personally feel like I have just "grown out of them", so to speak. Or something. COB Now Back Again to the energy completely blew me away the first time I heard it, and honestly it still does today. The band is in a mode of Relentless and aggressive attack, and they never let up for Eight Masterpiece!!!! ... As One Fan Band Heavy Melodic Death / Power Metal with melodic shred style passing Sophisticated Strings Turn it off, Finland Champion of Popular Metal scene that existed since 1993 with the name Inearthed then 1997 then became Children Of Bodom, it is described as the color bearer Melodic Death Metal with Power Metal Touch fantastic element that affects a very powerful next generation. While In Flames, Dark Tranquility, and At the Gates pioneered the genre, Children of Bodom took it to a whole new level, mixing it with power, neo-classical, and black metal Influences of heavy metal that fascinated the world and inspired countless bands to follow in their footsteps, While some good acts like Norther and Imperanon came out of the Finnish melodeath / power metal scene soon after! call it blast their First Album "Something Wild" so so stunning 1997 World Eye with Brilliant concept they created from a combination of the name Big Band Mainland Swedish Melodic Death Metal with Power Metal Style Scene energetic Finland. remained strong led by frontman Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho, rocked successful COB Metal Music Industry of all time. Without Long story, this band had to wait 2 years of completing a new album this material in order to maintain the value of the post Fantastisnya Last album "Relentless Reckless Forever" in 2011, Reputation COB is at stake back in place that worked Gress Album Secret named Johnny Danger Studios located Helsinki became its own uniqueness with Mikko Karmila Engineer who previously worked on material success Amorphis, Avantasia, Charon, Edguy, Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, and still a myriad of other Kotiteollisuus starting material success also catapulted era COB album "Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper, Hate Crew Deathroll, Are You Dead Yet?, and Blooddrunk ", Era of" Relentless Reckless Forever ", Garapan Engineer Chris Rakestraw is less to bring success to the COB itself, so it was decided to re-use with producer Mikko Karmila Peter Hypocrisy Tangren her to go straight this time ever 2 time working together COB era "Follow the Reaper" and "Blooddrunk". well this is their masterpiece Gress in 2013. get it just right and perfect the concept of fusing technicality, with excellent songwriting for an outcome of just pure delicious, refreshing melodic death metal. It's been so curious about the single "Transference" which first introduced on 26 April 2013 yesterday by Nuclear Blast Records Party and the Exclusive shown in Advance Magazine compilation CD Legacy Edition # 84 seems to bring success COB Feedback convincing if material back this time ready to give Yang COB Best Post-Failure of "Relentless Reckless Forever", the Concept Displays Back Era "Hatebreeder" with "Follow the Reaper", COB Typical displays his elegant compositions. The musical format is considerably more straightforward than its two predecessors, as it focuses less on the shredding and more on the songwriting. That's not to say that this is not one hell of an impressive guitar album, but the band drops the 15 riffs a song format and instead develops a formula for using less, but more heavy riffs and tighter. The classical influence is still here, although less prevalent, and honestly, that works much better here like Hatebreeder, when it was used just a little too excessively. Track Beginning just introduced the "Waste of Skin", COB presenting the essence of musicality that a tradition since the beginning of their "Follow The Reaper" material really!! While the impressive guitar work is obviously a staple around here, the keyboards are what really make the album if you ask me. Take them away and all of a sudden "Follow the Reaper" loses that icy feeling and melodic half of the juice it contains. How to mix Compact Frontman Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho is so fused with keyboardist Janne Warman Folkish game as an important element of the basis of the sophisticated musicality COB. with higher Feels musical structure "Light" but tetep so Easycatchy really every touch, we are presented with style ga too insistent insistently Experiments boring era "Relentless Reckless Forever" I think, yeah COB is comeback Style Again! touch Brutally Beat a fast and early opening Part "Halo of Blood" make this track has its own power for extreme maturity band Style! using Hypersnare beats fast, Alexi can still composing lick Thrash riffing and melodic Part is beautiful. Epic melodic flick "Scream for Silence" style slightly reminiscent of Amorphis now, how much was twisted contortion COB Melodic his game, Catchy Track Headbang Banget this, and the touch of the keyboard part is also reminiscent of "Only For The Weak" of his era In Flames "Clayman "once. Games are more demanding melodic riffing konsentrasiTinggi for Alexi to divide Mindset Harsh Vokill his pattern. hmmmm ... Nice Track!!!! "Transference" we've heard before if COB trying to bring back the feel of "Hate Me" Song on Track with Sweep Picking Arphegio Dissection Melodic her. The formula is to simply follow Alexi's lead as he spirals out like a lightning storm covering the earth, each guitar line a razorblade, slicing along with its comrades to create a veritable hurricane of cutlery, moving with precision and skill wrought in the fires of pure , beautiful melody. leads, solos, harmonies, and epic guitar / keyboard battles, I feel they are no less than twice as strong here. Suffice to say, this is perhaps the most immediately infectious album I have ever heard, and its bright, celeritous Bombast is endlessly invigorating, having only grown in my heart within the past dozen years. and "Bodom Blue Moon (The Second Coming)" although the tempo standard, COB able to instill a touch of cool abis music, so i can still enjoy it every melodic arrangements dasyatnya! Salute to Frontman Alexi to be able to share her full concentration creates a fantastic composition like this. It's a testament to the power of the almighty riff that an album can be absolutely dynamic, fulfilling, and even groundbreaking without purveying a real amount of depth. In this case, the swirling clouds of guitar and keyboard notation pissed-off dance in harmony to create one of the most special metal listening experiences that the world has ever had to offer! "Your Days Are Numbered" sounds more quickly pop song structure with the dominant energy thrash riffing. we did like was brought back to the era of "Hatebreeder" once. This is not a record of complexity or depth, beyond the astounding skill of its two games as they playfully melodic monsters battle, and it does not need to be, not at all. The pure strength of the songwriting is still perhaps the catchiest thing I've ever heard, always unceasingly creative in its natural flow, with memorable choruses abound. Most of all though, and I must reiterate a point from the Hatebreeder Style! Clean Guitar "Dead Man's Hand on You" gives its own refreshment after pounded with a fast track through the dish quite like the Epic and Mellow hehehe .... Modern touches Sound style "Damage Beyond Repair", his character is so metallic riffing really! It combines neoclassical and melodic licks with a more death metal oriented aspect. You will find the same atmospheric quotes preceding the songs, the same flair as on the other albums, but Follow the Reaper is a definite blend of the old and more straightforward Bodom style heaviness. It is a middle of the road album, and has excellent variation between songs. "All Twisted" Heavy Metal style is so thick touch thrashing riffs still continue to enjoy a dish invite gw Fantastic Melodic riffing her. The guitar work is technical, melodic, very catchy, and overall quite interesting to listen to. "One Bottle and a Knee Deep" In the end the release edition of its International Standard Regular, while the portion of his Bonus Track, Track back to work on the old COB Loudness "Crazy Night" became more gahar composition with each re-spin it. and overall i felt quite satisfied with the new COB dish this time if i compare it with the previous, such as re-discover his identity is integral to all market demands Music, COB more idealistic steady play my best for the fans of course. Angel Reaper as the "Grim Reaper" Icon remains a Trade Mark in all Albums2 COB, this time the work of artists who worked on the Sami Saramäki era artwork "Follow the Reaper, Hate Crew Deathroll, Are You Dead Yet? Well as DVD Chaos Ridden Years - Stockholm Knockout Live "Phenomenal re-decorate this release. Of all of the musical genius of this album, the most prominent to my ears was the incredible guitar work. Alexi Laiho is notorious for his axemanship, being rated with the top 50 fasted guitar players in Guitar World magazine, and you can really tell where this fame comes from. Solos are intertwined within several of the songs, Often laced with keyboards, and the result is just awe inspiring. Speaking of the keyboard, the WOW! They do not overpower the songs, have catchy melodies and just generally fit in perfectly within this melodic death metal gem. I find myself humming along with their speedy licks. Its hard for me to say anything bad about Children of Bodom, as I have liked all of their albums, but this one stands out to me as one of the best melodic death metal albums I have ever heard. Hell, it would probably make my top ten list of metal albums I've ever heard. To wrap this up, if you are a Bodom fan, make this album a must-have.

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