Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

Radang - Konsorsium Intelegensi EP 2012

Radang - Konsorsium Intelegensi
Bahaya Productions EP 2012

01 Konsorsium Jahiliah        
02 Arogan Abdikasi        
03 Degradasi Ilahi        
04 Ordo        
05 Agresi Ostentansi        
06 Abaddon

Rahmat Ardiansyah - Bass
Andre Agasi Silaban - Drums
Hafiz Laiho - Guitars
Dedek Dermawan Siregar - Guitars
Roberto Audacious - Vocals

" Sebuah sekte pemuda liar dari utara sumatera yang berkutat pada distorsi, raungan, ide, pemikiran, dentuman yang cepat dan berat! yang mempercayakan kepada imajinasi bahwa hidup tidak harus diintimidasi hanya karena tidak berani mengepakkan sayap berpikir " adalah sebuah pernyataan dari 5 anak Muda belia ini untuk lebih total terjun dan tenggelam dalam pusaran Death Metal Movement dengan Kreasi Skill yang mereka miliki. Surprising Banget untuk Rilisan pertama mereka ini untuk mengusung Warna Teknikal Death Metal bertubi-tubi dalam Intensitas skill bermusik menjadi Hal yang utama dalam konsentrasi penuh genre ini. Radang bisa jadi menjadi bayang2 Ke-2 setelah nama DJIN lebih dulu sebelumnya mengusung konsep Liar da Njlimet seperti ini. sentuhan jahanam sinting dari Archspire, Origin, Brain Drill, dan Necrophagist dijadikan Pengaruh berat dari segi musikalitas mereka. there are some very cool turn arounds, and sporadic switches in the songs that are pretty nice, and the album contains mostly good riffs. Solid drumming, some pivot roll blast beats, And over abundance of sweeps ! Yup pada awal mula gw sempat ragu kalau band ini hanya memainkan gaya death metal yang sudah sudah, tapi begitu gw denger sendiri mulai track pertama " Konsorsium Jahiliah ", Mindset Gw tiba tiba langsung berubah untuk fokus dan konsen menikmati setiap lick permainan band ini. Amazing !! ternyata ada lagi nih band yang memainkan konsep fenomenal ini hehehe ... Gaya Sweep Picking yang Dominan dimainkan secara cepat dan Progressive menjadi Ciri khas tersendiri bagaimana mereka mengusung warna yang dimainkan oleh Origin maupun Archspire. Sweep-picking is also a constant fare present in almost every song, yet this is one of the main reasons that caused the experience to be less enjoyable personally, with the seeming over-usage of such techniques, at times almost sounding on what sounds like keyboards, especially on the section Arrangement. The duo also tend to overuse the different techniques once introduced. the excessive usage of pinch-harmonics the enjoyment to falter slightly as well. walo kadang memang masih terdengar sedikit dipaksakan karakternya, gw tetap salut atas kerja keras dengan segala ide kreasi mereka menciptakan aransemen musik yang luar biasa menguras konsentrasi pada setiap alat musik-nya. kenyataannya memang ga mudah untuk memproduksi typical Musik seperti ini, selain Intelejen Skill yang tinggi, Kegilaan memadukan Karakter menjadi Hal Fatal juga untuk menyatukan yang namanya persepsi bermusik, emphasising more on the atmosphere for once, yet not forgetting the technicality on the clean guitars. However, the band goes into hyper-blast mode once more, ending the album with a bang. The musicianship of the individual members are also apparent, from the ability to stay on track despite the schizophrenic time signatures, with the songs stopping at times least expected and then going into full-blown chaos again as suddenly as it stopped. Kerja Keras Gitaris Hafiz Laiho dan Dedek Dermawan Siregar memegang peranan terbesar terhadap warna musik yang Radang usung selain Drummer Andre Agasi Silaban harus mengimbangi segala kegilaan 2 gitarisnya tersebut. Sweep Picking As Fuck selalu yang paling Dominan disini, Aaargghhhh !!! beberapa sentuhan Rock n roll Riffing juga diselipkan pada Chorus Track " Konsorsium Jahiliah " sebagai Mode On Radang tidak terlalu keriting jemarinya terus terusan hehehe .... Nice Work Guys !!!... " Arogan Abdikasi " tetep menawarkan Serangan bertubi tubi Sweep Picking sadisnya dengan beberapa gaya Harmonisasi Riffing yang menawan In The Vein Necrophagist sebagai sentuhan ke-2 nya, beberapa part-nya sedikit mengingatkan dengan Origin banget ! also slow down a bit more and try to incorporate melodies that aren't disrupted with ridiculous amounts of snare blasts. Their shitty plastic guitar tone keeps the melodies and slow sections they exhibit on this release from having any real worth, even on the pretentiously long title track, but hell, I'd give points to the band for playing even faster and more annoying at this point simply of the band and to start playing unmemorable wank again. And then they had to add the ever-present shitty guitar tone and the flat, bassless production job on top of the shitty tech-death, as if to finally hammer the stake into the heart of technical death metal with actual merit. " Degradasi Ilahi ", yang eksplanasi Liriknya adalah seperti yang mereka tulis, sebuah lagu yang terdengar beraroma sedikit religi nan parau yang bercerita tentang pandangan kami dari segi kemanusiawian tentang kehidupan ber-ke-Tuhan-an pada roda kehidupan manusia di era globalisasi yang memaksa hidup untuk terus bereksplorasi atau mati. Frustasi. kira-kira begitulah keadaan yang terjadi yang berdampak buruk pada sisi keilahian yang maha esa karena mulai banyak persepsi yang salah dan terlihat menyudutkan kepribadian keilahian karena panafsiran yang salah dari keimanan pada lingkungan kehidupan.karena mungkin untuk berpikir jernih dalam kemurnian para hamba sudah tidak memungkinkan karena tersitanya waktu untuk memikirkan persaingan gengsi berkehidupan. tetap menjadi Amunisi kekecewaan dan kebencian pandangan mereka untuk terus menciptakaan kegilaannya dalam bermusik pula. pada Track ini terselip pula solo2 part yang melodius habis karakternya mengingatkan gaya Children Of Bodom hingga Cacophony. Agak sedikit Menurun Kegilaannya dibanding yang pertama, Lagu " Ordo " lebih banyak menekankan pada Gaya Rythym yang cepat dan teknikal tanpa banyak melepas gaya Sweep Pickingnya. masih bertaburan beberapa solo Melodius dan Neo Clasikal Gayanya memang menjadi dasar bermusik 2 gitarisnya sejak awal ditanamnkan dalam konsep Radang ini. begitu sama halnya dengan track " Agresi Ostentansi " tetap menuntut konsentrasi tersendiri pada setiap lick yang diciptakannya. Track Pamungkas " Abaddon " semakin menguras ekspresi Mereka terus mengulik Sweep Picking Style, pokoknya salut banget dengan eksistensi Radang untuk mengusung konsep dasyat seperti ini pada 6 lagunya. meskipun tidak ada yang baru ditawarkan pada karakter bermusiknya, gw tetap salut dengan segala ide dan skill yang mereka tuangkan total disini dan semoga akan bisa diteruskan oleh band2 yang lain, sehingga tidak harus berjibaku stagnatis dengan konsep yang " Umum " saja. memainkan musik selain bentuk sarana hobby penyaluran ekspresi bermusik juga mengasah Ketrampilan dengan tantangan demi menciptakan sesuatu Yang " Beda " dan " Dasyat ", iya ga seh hehehe .... Bagi Fans Musik Super Njlimet penuh adrenalin ala Archspire, Origin, Eradicated Enthrails hingga Brain Drill, bisa menjadi Referensi Koleksi Baru untuk kalian miliki segera. There are times when one thinks they've heard this before saving grace comes in the form of small moments of brilliance, slowing down the juggernaut to give the listener some chugging, heavy as hell riffs and occasionally even a discordant one for good measure. serving the sound of the music without disrupting the flow, even syncopating his vocal rhythm to match Longstreth's drumming every so often, adding a nice touch of meter to a "melody" instrument !!!

"A wild youth sect of northern Sumatra that dwell on the distortion, roar, ideas, thoughts, rapid and heavy pounding! Were entrusted to the imagination that life does not have to be intimidated just because they do not dare to think wings" is a declaration of five young children young The total to be drowning in a whirlpool plunge and Death Metal Movement Skill with their Creator. Surprising Banget for their first release to carry the Color Technical Death Metal in the intensity of the barrage of musical skill became the main thing in this genre full concentration. Inflammation can be a 2nd bayang2 after Djin name first before the concept of da Wild unfocused like this. a touch of crazy blasted Archspire, Origin, Brain Drill, Necrophagist and made heavy influence in terms of their musicality. there are some very cool turn arounds, and sporadic switches in the songs that are pretty nice, and the album contains mostly good riffs. Solid drumming, blast beats some pivot roll, And over abundance of sweeps! Yup at the beginning i was skeptical that this band just played death metal style that has been, but as soon as i hear myself started the first track "Jahilliyah Consortium", Mindset direct Gw suddenly changed focus and concentration to enjoy every lick this band game. Amazing!! turns out there is another band that played ya this phenomenal concept hehehe ... Dominant Style Sweep Picking played fast and Progressive to its own characteristic color how they carry are played by Origin and Archspire. Sweep-picking is also a constant fare present in almost every song, yet this is one of the games that could be better by the caused the experience to be less enjoyable personally, with the seeming over-usage of such techniques, at times almost sounding on what sounds like keyboards, especially on the section Arrangement. The duo also growing niche to overuse the different techniques once Introduced. the excessive usage of pinch-harmonics the enjoyment to falter slightly as well. walo sometimes it still sounds a bit forced his character, I still applaud the hard work by all the creative ideas they create musical arrangements tremendous drain on the concentration of each of his musical instruments. ga fact it is easy to produce typical music like this, in addition to a high Intelligence Skill, Insanity It combines a character Fatal whose name also to unify musical perception, emphasising more on the atmosphere for once, yet not forgetting the technicality on the clean guitars. However, the band goes into hyper-blast mode once more, ending the album with a bang. The musicianship of the individual members are also apparent, from the ability to stay on track despite the schizophrenic time signatures, with the songs stopping at times least expected and then going into full-blown chaos again as Suddenly as it stopped. Hard Work and Dedek Laiho Guitarist Hafiz Generous Siregar biggest role against inflammation stretcher musical colors besides Drummer Andre Agasi Silaban must compensate all those guitarists Madness 2. Sweep Picking Fuck As always the most dominant here, Aaargghhhh!!! a touch of Rock n roll dueling also inserted in the Chorus Track "Consortium Jahilliyah" as Mode On Inflammation is not too curly fingers continued canal hehehe .... Nice Work Guys!!! ... "Arrogant Abdication" tetep offer barrage attack with a barrage of sadistic Sweep Picking some charming style riffing Harmonization In The Vein Necrophagist as his 2nd touch, a little reminiscent of her part with Origin really! also slow down a bit more and try to incorporate melodies that are not disrupted with ridiculous amounts of snare blasts. Their shitty tone keeps the plastic guitar melodies and slow sections they exhibit on this release from having any real worth, even on the pretentiously long title track, but hell, I'd give points to the band for playing even faster and more annoying at this simply point of the band and to start playing again unmemorable wank. And then they had to add the ever-present shitty guitar tone and the flat, bassless production job on top of the shitty tech-death, as if to finally hammer the stake into the heart of technical death metal with actual merit. "Degradation of the Divine", the explanation of the lyrics are as they write, a song that sounds a bit religious flavored nan guttural talk about our view of humanity in terms of life-to-air divinity on human livelihoods in the era of globalization is forcing life to continue to explore or die. Frustrating. something like that circumstances occur that adversely affect one side of the mighty deity since started many wrong perceptions and personality seen cornering panafsiran wrong divinity because of faith in the environment kehidupan.karena possible to think clearly in the purity of the servants was not possible because sequestration of time to think about berkehidupan prestige competition. Ammunition remains a disappointment and hatred to continue their views menciptakaan madness in music anyway. This track also tucked in solo2 part melodic style reminiscent of his character out Children Of Bodom to Cacophony. Downhill Madness a little bit compared to the first, the song "Order" more emphasis on style and technical Rythym fast without much style off Pickingnya Sweep. still scattered some melodic solos and Neo Clasikal basic musical style is indeed a second guitarist since the beginning of the concept ditanamnkan This inflammation. so as well as the track "Aggression Ostentansi" still requires concentration separately in every lick he created. Track Pamungkas "Abaddon" They kept getting drained expression mengulik Sweep Picking Style, just really applaud the throat to the concept of the existence of such a terrible song at 6. though nothing new is offered on a musical character, I still salute with all the ideas and skills that they pour total here and hopefully will be forwarded by band2 else, so no stagnatis struggling with the concept of the "Public" course. play music hobby than a means of channeling shape musical expression also hone skills with challenges in order to create something The "Different" and "spectacular", yes ga seh hehehe .... For Music Fans adrenaline-filled Super unfocused style Archspire, Origin, Brain Drill eradicated Enthrails up, could be a reference for your own New Collection soon. There are times when one thinks they've heard this before saving grace comes in the form of small moments of brilliance, slowing down the juggernaut to give the listener some Chugging, heavy as hell riffs and occasionally even a discordant one for good measure. serving the sound of the music without Disrupting the flow, even syncopating his vocal rhythm to match Longstreth's drumming every so often, adding a nice touch of meters to a "melody" instrument!!!

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